Wooden house from timber or logs - heavy structure. Therefore, laying a solid foundation under it, often tape. In this foundation structure has another positive side - it is easier to hold the floor insulation. But it should be noted that the warming process, but rather his way depends on how the foundation was built. That is present in the house basement or not. Thus, we consider the question of how to properly insulate the floor of the wooden house.

If the house has no basement
Firstly, it is necessary to immediately indicate that in this case uses two technologies arrangement of the floor base.
- On the ground.
- According to the joists.
Warming of the floor on the ground
In fact, it turns out that the floor will be a concrete floor, which is poured from a prepared base at the upper plane of the basement. It is in the ground under the screed and laid insulation.
Here is the sequence of construction operations carried out:
- Ground leveled, remove debris and vegetation.
- The inner walls of the foundation plinth treated bitumen mastic, creating waterproofing.
- Poured layer of gravel or coarse fraction of average thickness of at least 10 cm.
- Poured sand layer thickness of at least 30 cm. This figure is chosen specifically because the sand up through itself may hold capillary moisture is at this height (30 cm). Then the moisture rise. This kind waterproofing layer.
- Produced ram sand aligned horizontally.
- Stacked rolled waterproofing material in two layers: one across the room, along the other (the opposite is possible). For this purpose, suitable roofing material. Note that the material is closed and the remaining foundation wall plane to the upper plane. In fact, the inside of the base should have a trough formed by strips of roofing material. Incidentally, the latter should be overlapped with a shift of 10-12 cm. It is better if the edges for strength lubricate mastic asphalt, which in this case will serve as an adhesive composition.
- Next layer - insulation. About him more.

It's interesting - how to make Heated floor above the basement.
Insulation for floors on the ground
You can use the bulk materials: expanded clay aggregate or perlite, or slab - polystyrene and mineral wool. About the latter it must be said that the mineral wool on the market are of different density. And the higher the figure, the stronger stacking one layer. For warming the floor is better to use products weighing not less than 100 kg / m³.
All materials vysheoboznachennyh its rate of thermal conductivity. The smaller, the better the insulating quality of the products, the lower layer can be laid. Here is a comparison chart.
insulation | mineral wool | Expanded polystyrene | expanded clay aggregate | perlite |
Thermal conductivity, W / m K | 0,032-0,05 | 0,03-0,035 | 0,31 | 0,043-0,9 |
We perlite (Mountain of expanded rock of volcanic origin) index spread is wide. It depends on the density of the bulk material, which varies in the range of 700-2300 kg / m³. The denser it is, the higher the conductivity.

insulation technology on the ground
Expanded clay and perlite backfilled roofing laid on a thickness of 10-15 cm. If space allows, it is better to increase the thickness of the filling. Material aligned horizontally. Ramming impossible.
Top shrouded another layer of waterproofing. It is recommended to use a polymer film is not less than 0.2 mm thick. And on top of the screed is poured concrete, which after drying floor finishing material is covered.
Expanded clay can be used in a different way. To this solution was prepared concrete, in which instead of expanded clay crushed stone laying. Proportions solution cement-sand concrete block - 1: 2: 4. Such a solution is called keramsit. Its thermal conductivity - 0,18-0,28 W / m K. That is compared with itself expanded clay, he is the owner of a high thermal insulation qualities. Pouring solution produced by standard techniques, as conventional concrete: the rammer and vibrating or proshtykovyvaniem.
insulation technology using mineral wool and expanded polystyrene characterized by bulk material only in that the plates have to be laid close to each other and the planes of the foundation. The main task - not to leave gaps and crevices. In the northern regions, lay two layers of insulation. It is necessary to make the stacking so that the seams between the plates or mats of the lower layer do not coincide with seams in the top layer.

Main article: how to insulate the floor with sawdust.
Warming of the floor joists
This technology is more complex in terms of manufacturing jobs, but it is easier in terms of the scope of the operations. Here is completely absent concrete, there is no need to carry out leveling operations or earthworks. But there are a few subtleties, from which the quality of the final result depends.
Insulate wooden floor on joists - is to create on their basis of thermal insulation cake, which must be installed on a specially designed base (subfloor). base assembly difficulty is that there is no overlap in the design of horizontal planes. Them and have to do:
- By overlapping the beams at their lower edges (along) the so-called stuffed cranial rail section 50x50 mm. They will be a support for the horizontally stacked elements. Fixing screws made in increments of 20-30 cm. Fasteners length should be two times greater than the thickness of the cranial bars, i.e. 100 mm.
- Above the cranial bars (cross) cut stacked boards or any solid sheet or board materials. For example, plywood, OSB, particle board and so on. Ultimately floor base will be a long structure in the form of longitudinal cells arranged between the joists.

- The whole top floor structure must be closed waterproof film. Laying is performed so as to cover and floor joists, and the plane of the cells. If the width of the roll is not enough to cover all the floor stand, the film is placed in a few bands. In this case, the last feature overlap with respect to its edges with a shift of 15-20 cm and the obligatory sealing of joints self-adhesive film.
- The next step - laying and backfilling of insulation. In this case the bulk of materials used only expanded clay fines (up to 5 mm pellets). But it is better to hold a bookmark mineral wool, glass wool or polystyrene foam plates. The main requirement - that the insulation material lay flush on the upper edges of the joists (not acted and has not been below).
- On the beams fit, slightly stretched and attached metal clamps using a stapler waterproofing film. Much stretch can not be done, a little slack must be present - it is the case of thermal expansion.
On this thermal insulation on the floor joists can be considered completed. We can only form himself floor. It may be a plank made of grooved boards. If the beams are exposed to each other in one plane, then additional measures are not carried out. If there is a need to align the beam, it is carried out before the thermal insulation measures. If this is not possible, then the top of the thermal insulation on the beams cake stuffed lath elements which exhibit the same plane. In essence, the crate - it set the joists.

If the formation of the sex chosen by the latest technology (with the installation of the lag), the insulating process is best done after their installation. The photo above shows that the logs produce cellular floor structure. Therefore therebetween on joists can be laid and anchored to the last sheet or slab material. And on it to lay a waterproof film, and the insulation itself. In principle, the technique is repeated with only one deviation - no need to carry out installation cranial bars. Basis for insulation is formed on the carrier beams themselves.
If the home has a basement
Here, two situations may arise:
- The basement is used as a technical room with the installation of heating boilers. Then it is not necessary to carry out the floor insulation. It established a task to make it airtight, so that the smells from the basement did not penetrate into the rooms on the ground floor.
- The basement is used as storage space for various items and utensils. In this case, it is necessary to make insulation.
The wooden house with a basement floor between the last and the first floor is formed by the joists. Therefore, insulation technology will greatly repeat the above. But there is in it and its features. And one of them - it's easy floor maintenance from the basement without dismounting the floor structure from the premises of the first floor.
To begin the process of warming the floor in a wooden house with a basement is necessary from within the last:
- At the lower ends of the beams (bottom transverse) stuffed waterproofing membrane. Its band laid overlapped with each other with an offset of 15-20 cm. The abutting edges of closed self-adhesive film.
- At the lower ends are installed and secured with screws slab or sheet materials: plywood, OSB, chipboard, corrugated board, board (or boards unedged), iron sheets or slate. All fields marked with materials can be second-hand.
- After that all the work is transferred in the first floor room.
- Produced laying insulation between joists. The main requirement - dense adjacency to the first plane of the second.
- On beams laid waterproofing film without a strong tension. It is attached to wooden beams using metal staples staple gun. Neighboring strips are placed with overlap splice closure adhesive film.
- It remains only to make the installation of the floor.

Wooden house on a slab foundation
Raft foundation design - this range, the poured concrete from the reinforcing steel cage reinforcement. It is usually used, if the ground is on the movable section, loose, with low bearing capacity.
Conduct insulation floor foundation in such a house should be on the technology of forming a floor on the ground. In this case, you can save a good idea if you do not use a bedding of sand and rubble. In this situation, they are superfluous. The main task - well spent waterproofing. Therefore, the plate surface was treated with hot bitumen or bitumen mastic, and it is placed in the top two layers of a waterproof film or roofing felt. Everything else is held on the floor insulation technology on the ground.

The formation of the floor covering
So, with the questions, the better to insulate their own floor in a wooden house in what ways it is better to make clear. It remains to give some information on how to form a floor covering.
If the floor construction - a concrete screed, then, for its coverage required materials and technologies used for the finishing of concrete floors. Especially, the floor itself is already insulated, so that additional measures would be required.
What can be offered. Here are a few traditional options: linoleum, laminate substrate, with the laying of wooden floor under it lag, ceramic tile, stone and so on.
Construction of the floor joists at a little more complicated. If going to the wooden floor, it is carried out without additional operations and investments, that is standard technology. In order to put on the beams laminate or linoleum, require additional investments in the form of sheets of plywood or OSB. It is they who first laid on the beams are aligned in the same plane, and then they can be mounted in the floor finish. When this layer was carefully treated with epigastric protective compounds, usually with varnish.

Before making insulated floor in a wooden house, you should be careful about what kind of technology and make better use of insulation material. But note that in the event of thermal insulation is not worth saving. The initial investment will pay off quickly by reducing the energy consumption for heating of the wooden house.