Fire resistance sandwich panels of mineral wool, the thermal conductivity coefficient

Picture 1. Sandwich panels with mineral wool.

Sandwich panel - a modern building material. It consists of three layers: two sheets of hard metal and a layer of insulation disposed in the middle. Glued to it by pressing (under the influence of high and low temperatures). In the role of insulation acts mineral wool or other materials. Of particular popularity and recognition received 10-15 years ago for its ease of use, excellent quality. In this article we like to acquaint you with the necessary information: characteristics, especially in the use, advantages and disadvantages.

Figure 2. Types of mineral wool insulation.

Minvata- filler of natural origin. It consists of 98% mineral fibers and only 2% of addenda that are amenable to degradation at high temperatures. This insulation is manufactured from different insulation rock, silica sand, cullet, and others. The structure of thin filaments, is soft, has high strength, holds its shape, durable in operation, but heavier than others. This product - a real discovery, as is completely safe for humans. Therefore, it is often used in the casing of buildings (walls and roof), piping, ventilation systems, and others. Besides, he has a number of advantages, including noise insulation, safety, thermal insulation, and others.

To date, there are three types of filler on the basis of raw material included in its composition.

Fiberglass - perhaps the most soft and prickly fiber. It is made from sand, cullet and others. Worth fiberglass cheap, has high sound insulation and low heat conductivity.

Figure 3. Glass wool.

Stone (basalt) -negoryuchy material does not absorb moisture, it is considered universal since it is possible to change parameters of flexibility and firmness, depending upon the application.

Figure 4. Basalt wool.

Slag - made from construction waste. To date, not used, as is losing on all counts other heaters.

Main characteristics

Depending on what requires the developer used in building panels of different thickness. The thickness of the filler ranges from 50 to 200 mm. Based on the climatic conditions and the need to reduce noise, the degree of exposure to temperatures selected desired value. Also, the panels can be roof and wall, and the first is always thicker. Rockwool superior in terms of flame resistance other excipients. Therefore widely used in construction. Building materials with cotton inside used for quick repairs in the buildings are not complex structures, in areas subject to temperature fluctuations.

Building materials with basalt filler used in the construction of buildings with increased fire safety requirements: industrial areas, gas stations, shopping mall, stadiums and others. The main advantages of this insulation are:

  1. Prevention of mold (fungi do not live in the fiber of the stone and rocks glass);
  2. Environmentally safe (does not contain any harmful substances in the composition, does not emit harmful vapors);
  3. Thermal insulation (Excellent keeps the heat in the building and prevents overheating);
  4. Noise (Mineral fiber absorbs noise and sounds);
  5. Flame resistance (completely non-flammable material);
  6. Durability (service life of the sandwich panels 50 years);
  7. Resistance to deformation (retains its shape and density regardless of the temperature conditions, external factors);
  8. The low weight of the panel (This is required by fire safety);
  9. Water vapor permeability (ability of a heater to "breathe", to pass moisture, air);
  10. Resistance to the processes of decay (through fiber origin are resistant to destructive processes).

For fiber disadvantages include: the possibility of damage to the surface, the need for good ventilation in the building, degree of allowable load (considered in the design), must operate in special protective costumes.

Fire safety and fire

Sandwich-panels of mineral wool are valued because they have excellent characteristics, and satisfy the fire resistance characteristics, provide an adequate level of fire safety. Materials are tested in experimental conditions for strength and resistance to burning.
Figure 5, 6. Testing of mineral wool on fire exposure.

Absolutely all fillers tested, subjected to numerous tests. For use in construction is allowed only relevant GOST 32603, GOST 30402, GOST 30244. Purchasing construction materials are always interested in having state standards, they are an indicator of the quality of products. Give preference to certified tovaram- ensure your safety for years to come.

The mineral layer at its origin can withstand extremely high temperatures (above 1000 degrees Celsius). Among the main indicators of fire include:

  1. The degree of resistance to burning;
  2. Evaporation rate and the formation of toxic substances;
  3. Weight must comply with the safety requirements to be easy;
  4. Durability, mineral wool must retain its shape when exposed to fire, have a resistance to deformation and so on;
  5. The amount of smoke formed during combustion.

According to the construction norms SNiP 21-01-97 Materials are divided into NG (non-combustible) and:

  • G1 - slightly flammable
  • G2 - moderately flammable
  • G3 - normally flammable
  • G4 is a strongly flammable

Table flammability classification

Given the fact that the building material consists of three layers, the several kinds of raw materials, standard provided use-term fire resistance for sandwich panels with insulation from mineral wool. To determine this insulation is exposed to fire at specific time intervals, then analyzed by studying the degree of damage, deformation and so on. Systematize and assigned the symbol. Calculate thermal conductivity. Such tests have mandatory. Denotes the following: "E" - a violation of integrity, I- heat loss and insulation capabilities, figure - the period of time for which the state sets a limit of production. The example in the table below

Table fire with metal cladding thickness of 7 mm

The thickness of the sandwich in mm Classification




resistance to heat Limit


50 NG 20,61 1,11 EI15
75 NG 25,02 1,78 EI45
100 NG 27,69 2,22 EI90
120 NG 30,9 2,67 EI120
150 NG 35,31 3,33 EI150
200 NG 48,13 4,19 EI180

What is important to know when working with minvoloknom?

In addition to these characteristics, when working with basalt wool, glass fiber is necessary to pay attention to the joints, locks, and other items during the installation which may disrupt the seal. When installed correctly, all indicators and figures actually correspond fixed. Of course the data changes depending on the thickness of the lining material, the layer of mineral wool, the destination (wall, roof). We talked about the general provisions, which everyone should know the developer and owner of the house, to protect themselves and others from the consequences of a possible fire.