- Why is it necessary to filter well water?
- Filtration materials - what are they?
- Filter from a plastic bottle
- Homemade three-leaved filter for a water pipe
- Manufacture of a filter for water purification in an aquarium
- Pool filters
- Manufacture of a water purifying device in field conditions
- Features of maintenance
The issue of drinking water purification is relevant not only for the city, but also for ruralterrain. To make the water from the well or well become suitable for drinking, it must be passed through the filter. The topic of this article is how to make a water filter at home.
to content ↑Why is it necessary to filter well water?
We are used to the fact that well water is considered a model of purity and has almost miraculous useful properties. Enough to refresh the memory of folk tales and bylinas. Unfortunately, modern reality is far from a fairy tale. Well water can be contaminated with a wide variety of substances:
- Impurities from which the taste of water becomes worse.
- Disease-causing microorganisms.
- Nitrates.
Important! The fact that the well water is "enriched" with nitrates is the direct fault of the agrarians, who widely and sometimes thoughtlessly use pesticides and mineral fertilizers in the cultivation of agricultural products. Nitric acid salts percolate into the soil, partially penetrating the aquifer.
Penetration into pathogenic water of pathogenic bacteria is explained by the fact that sanitary and hygienic norms are not always observed when settling manure and cesspools, street toilets. The breakdown of equipment, which is used to extract water, leads to the fact that it has mechanical impurities( sand, rust).To water from the well was suitable for drinking, it must be passed through the filter. Cleaning the water with your own hands will solve this problem.
to the contents ↑Filtration materials - what are they?
The principle of the filter is quite simple. Water passes through a layer of filtration material, leaving impurities on it. As a filtration material, you can use:
- Vatu.
- Textiles, gauze.
- Paper napkins.
- Grass.
- Sand.
- Coal.
- Lutraxil.
What is the difference between these materials?- It must be understood in order to make a water filter at home that is suitable for your needs and requests:
- Paper, gauze, textile filters are quite reliable, but their service life is not long. They need to be changed quite often, but as a temporary option they are quite suitable.
- Filters made from charcoal, in combination with gravel, sand, grass, laid layers, last longer.
- Filtration material Lutraxil is a fibrous material based on polypropylene, which is distinguished by its durability and optimum quality.
Important! Charcoal can also be produced independently, by calcining pieces of wood in a container of metal. At the same time, it must be remembered that coniferous wood for this purpose is not suitable. Charcoal is also sold in supermarkets - in the department of goods for barbecues and picnics.
to the table of contents ↑Filter from a plastic bottle
It is very seldom convenient to use usual domestic filters in a dacha, since water must be supplied under a certain pressure. Not every holiday home is equipped with such a water pipe. Using a jug filter has its drawbacks: the water is cleared too slowly.
In addition, the use of household filters involves frequent replacement of cartridges. For this reason, the best option may be a homemade filter made of a bottle and a bucket with a plastic lid.
This self-cleaning filter is manufactured in the following order:
- Cut the bottom of the plastic bottle.
- Cut a suitable size hole in the plastic bucket cover.
- Insert the bottle with the neck down into the hole.
- Fill the filter with filler.
Important! To the bottle fit snugly against the edges of the hole made in the lid of the bucket. You can use a rubber gasket or sandpaper the edge of the hole.
Using the same principle, you can create a more convenient filtering device:
- As a receiving container, you can use a plastic canister or a 20 liter tank.
- At the bottom of the tank, make a hole and install a small water tap.
- A polypropylene pipe with a diameter of 40 mm is used as a filter.
- The pipe from above and from below is closed with perforated plastic.
- To make the plastic stick better, it is fixed with a hot-melt adhesive.
- The pipe is filled with charcoal.
- The received design will freely enter the neck of the bottle for 10 liters.
- Now it only remains to connect the filter, the bottle and the receiving capacitance.
Important! Such an installation can immediately take a ten-liter bucket of water from a well. Within a few hours the water will be filtered completely. Using such a simple model, you can always have a supply of drinking water in the house.
to the contents ↑Homemade three-leaved filter for the
water pipe How to make a water filter in your home that cleans the tap water? In this case, you can make a three-leaved filter. The procedure is as follows:
- Buy 3 identical flasks.
- Connect the flasks in series using two 1/4 "nipple adapters. Pay attention to the in / out notations so that the direction of water movement is observed. Use a FSM tape to strengthen the thread of the nipples.
- Connect the outermost openings of the flasks to the ¼ "tube using straight adapters.
- Connect the filtration system to the water pipe with a tee, which cuts into the water pipe using a connector half an inch.
- At the output, connect a tap for drinking water to the filter system.
- Fill the flasks with filter media. This can be a cartridge made of polypropylene, charcoal and a filler, which is used from scaling.
Important! Cartridges for filters are very diverse and can eliminate a wide variety of water pollution.
to the contents ↑Manufacture of a filter for water purification in the aquarium
Water can be cleaned by hand for aquariums. As a basis for the design, you can use:
- Two plastic syringes of 10 ml each.
- Pipe with a diameter of up to 30 mm. A piece of flexible corrugated hose.
Important! In addition to the tubes, you need a piece of thick sponge and a sprayer equipped with a sprayer.
The filter in the aquarium is fixed with the help of a sucker:
- Connect the syringes to each other so that they form a single tube, cut the "nozzles".
- Use the usual forks to make holes throughout the length of the tube.
- Place the spray gun with the hose inside the tube.
- Now it remains to wind the design around the sponge and try it out.
Important! If you did everything correctly, then such a filter would be enough to purify the water in a small aquarium. If zeolite is placed inside the filter housing, the cleaning will be better. In addition, water will be freed from nitrates( nitric acid salts).
to the contents ↑Pool Filters
If you have a swimming pool in your dacha or in the courtyard of the house, you are probably familiar with the problem of water purification. To successfully solve this issue without extra costs, you can make a filter for water treatment with your own hands.
It is possible to clean the water from surface contaminants( for example, from leaves) mechanically. It is much more difficult to get rid of water-soluble contaminants. If the treatment is neglected:
- Microorganisms begin to multiply rapidly.
- At the same time, the water gets a greenish tint and an unpleasant smell.
- Part of the algae sinks to the bottom, forming bottom contamination.
- At the bottom, too, are heavy particles of insoluble debris.
Use of a special vacuum cleaner helps to get rid of bottom contamination. Impurities that are in the water column can only be removed with a filter.
Important! A costly filtration plant is beneficial only if the pool is operated throughout the year. If we are talking about a small inflatable pool, which is used 2-3 months throughout the year, it is not profitable to acquire a cheap industrial filter.
You can solve the problem in different ways: change the water more often, admire the emerald shade of water or try to make the filter yourself.
For the manufacture of a floating filter unit, you will need:
- Replacement cartridge with an internal diameter of 50 mm.
- Polypropylene pipe - 2,0 m, with a diameter of 50 mm. If the size of the pool is small, you can take a pipe of a shorter length.
- Corner for the pipe. Thread of the threaded stud. If you attach a few long cartridges to the length of the stud, the installation capacity will increase.
How to act to make a water filter at home:
- Make a hole for the hairpin in the turn of the pipe and the filter plug.
- Pass the hairpin through the filter and turn, secure with a nut.
- To the other side of the pipe, connect an aquarium pump with a capacity of 20 W and a capacity of 2 thousand liters per hour. For a small pool, this will be more than enough.
- To keep the filter on the water, put pieces of polystyrene on the ends of the pipe.
Important! The pump draws water from a depth of 0.5 m. The water passes through the pipe, from where it enters the cartridge. Then, already peeled, she goes back to the pool.
Practice shows that, despite the simplicity of construction and apparent low productivity, this design significantly improves the quality of water in the pool. Its advantage is that it does not require any hoses, or systems to connect to the release of water and water intake. Periodically, as far as contamination, the cartridge needs to be changed.
Filter for water treatment with their own hands will cost several times cheaper than an industrial installation. Compressors are sold in pet stores, pipes - in sanitary ware shops, and filter cartridges can be found in any store of household goods or a supermarket.
Important! In order for the design to look beautiful and original, it can be designed as an island or a boat.
to content ↑Manufacture of water purifying device in field conditions
In order to make this simple device, you will need a conventional plastic bottle. Here's the action algorithm:
- Cut the bottom of the bottle.
- Place a layer of gauze or textile in the funnel.
- Pour a layer of carboline tablets( activated charcoal) on top.
- Pour water on the charcoal, which, after passing through the filter layer, is cleaned.
Important! One tablet of activated charcoal can purify a liter of water. To clean up was better, activated charcoal is better not to regret.
You can use cotton wool and paper napkins as a filter material in the field. The more polluted the water, the more filter media you will need. Of course, this is a temporary version of the filter, you can not always use this design.
to the contents ↑Features of maintenance
How to make a water filter at home, figured out. Now a few words about the maintenance of the device:
- Care of the filter involves a periodic replacement of the filter material. This applies to both industrial and self-made structures.
- Cleaning the self-made device is as follows: the filler is removed and the walls are washed with running water.
- The filter must then be dried and refilled with filter media.
Now you have in service several variants of self-made water purifiers. Hence - to choose the more convenient you will be much easier and under any conditions you will be able to use clean, safe water for health.