House warming can be produced using a variety of materials, but always in compliance with the technology, each of which occupies an important place, steam, without which the effectiveness of insulation is reduced substantially, to zero.
Why you need to lay a vapor barrier
If the ambient temperature is always constant throughout the year and did not change during the day and at night, the need for such the process would be completely eliminated, as would the formation of dew on the surfaces of building envelopes buildings. That vapor barrier materials prevent the penetration of moisture condensate in the insulation structure and further into the wall, floors, roof system components made of wood, which greatly extends the service life, and not only. Even metalwork buildings significantly affected by the condensate water, covered under its influence the rust layer that gradually reduces the structural load-bearing properties.
If during insulation use different kinds of mineral wools, ranked in their moisture can reduce insulating characteristics of the insulation. This is especially true slag wool and glass wool. Stone types of mineral insulation is not so much affected by moisture, but it is not recommended for a long time in contact with her.
Soaked insulation is no longer able to maintain their properties, and this leads to excess energy carrier through which heated the building. In the premises as a result of temperature changes on the structural elements of the building there is a mold fungus, the air becomes humid and threatening the health of residents. Truss roof system comes quickly deteriorating due to the destruction of wood and requires major repairs.
However, during the insulation work on their own do not know everything, which side to put a vapor barrier and what material is best to choose. On this and other points related to thermal insulation will be discussed below.
Classification of vapor barrier material
Products designed to perform the function of preserving the building and other structures from moisture divided in several ways:
- functionality;
- form;
- manufacturing material;
- installation method.
The functionality of the vapor barrier
For this indicator, vapor sealing materials have the following functions:
Universal products protect elements of buildings and structures from moisture of all kinds - dirt, sediment, condensate.
Materials specially coated with the protection of structural elements against moisture at the same time are able to reflect the heat flow from the walling, thereby keeping the house warm. In the same way do not pass inside the buildings flows of cold air.
Products with the effect paropropuskaniya do not give the possibility of condensate moisture to settle on of insulation materials, bringing it out of the insulated constructions.
The shape and materials
Materials for vapor barriers are made in the following forms:
- sheet;
- roll;
- liquid.
The vapor barrier can be used as sheets of plasterboard, chipboard or wood fiber product. Stacked such steam in a specially mounted frame structure of wooden beams or metal profiles. Secure sheets is possible by means of screws. Obligatory sealing of joints. When the device under the floor vapor barrier can be used a backing material which is cut into sheets and mounted without overlap, butt. Seams in this method are glued or special tape with adhesive tape.
The rolls produced most vapor barrier materials. It:
- Polyethylene and polypropylene films with combined functionality - wind and moisture protection, hydro and parozaschitoy:
- Materials on the basis of oil bituminous - roofing felt, asphalt, roofing felt.
- The membranes of nonwoven fabric, a so-called diffuse or "breathing", which are able to pass air but retain moisture vapor. While maintaining a high degree of vapor barriers, without the presence of the greenhouse effect. In contrast to all other types of film materials, stacking films diffuse performed without forming ventilation space between the insulated layer and a water vapor retarder.
In turn, the vapor barrier membrane produced in several forms:
- with a perforated surface:
- porous;
- bilayer;
- three-layer.
Perforated material produced from reinforced film, or in combination with a nonwoven web. The surface of such products has the smallest openings, capable of transmitting moisture vapor. Mainly used for a vapor barrier devices are not insulated building envelope components.
The membrane with the presence of pores in its structure contains a large amount of air voids between the fibers of the material. This structure does not allow to use the material in a high ambient dust because dust clogs the pores, which reduces the degree of water vapor permeability of the membrane.
Three-layer material, dubbed - superdiffuzionnaya membrane is produced by combining several different layers of the film or nonwoven web in which there are no holes or pores.
The material does not pass any dust or water, it acts as a windshield. These properties are the dignity of such a membrane.
The bilayer parozaschita represents a simplified version of a three-layer material. The elimination of one layer is significantly weaken the mechanical strength and reduces the reliability of such membranes.
In liquid form, steam is carried out using various solutions manufactured based on bitumen, liquid rubber, paints and mastics which are placed with a brush, roller or sprayed by special devices over insulation. This kind capable of transmitting air vapor barrier pair, but delay the moisture.
How to lay a vapor barrier
Depending on the material used and the purpose of the component, placing a vapor barrier technology can differ.
How to fix the vapor barrier on the wall
When using two or diffuse membrane trehsloynynye foil or insulation, must first define the outer and the wrong side of the fabric.
Often problems arise after the insulation of walls when the master does not know which way you need to lay a vapor barrier. In the case of films having a different texture side to a heater placed side, rough to the touch. Foil material must go shiny side inside the premises, but provided that form an air layer between the foil and the topcoat walls. To do this, on top of the vapor barrier is installed counter-on which is mounted topcoat walls.
The membrane is placed on the surface of the walls with vertical stripes overlap at the junction of adjacent strips by an amount 10 cm. In this seal the joints need special adhesive tape or metallized tape. Where the membrane is laid directly to the wall of brick or concrete it should be well attached to the adhesive to create an absolute airtight covering. A tree to fix vapor barrier can be galvanized nails or a staple gun.
Thermal insulation of external walls of the building is made with the laying of a vapor barrier on the insulation. The insulated wall section is a multilayered "pie", consisting of frame elements (wood or metal) between which is laid mineral wool or styrofoam slab. Thereafter, insulation film is spread, retention rail kontrobreshetki. And final layer of such a "cake" is finishing walls - siding (metallic or vinyl) boards, ceramic tiles and so forth. Between paproizolyatsiey and finishing material must remain air gap, through which condensate moisture will not penetrate into the insulation structure, and the roll-down or evaporate.
Sometimes directly on the wall prior to installation of a heater placed windproof film which protects the wall from the condensate water.
Installation of a vapor barrier for insulation of roofs
Roof insulation made from the attic. Placed a vapor barrier to the smooth side of a heater. The film itself is fastened to the rafter elements of the roof system by means of a stapler so as to avoid forming its sagging. Compound separate vapor barrier strips which overlap by an amount of 10-15 cm horizontal or vertical rows, and double-sided tape made of adhesive tape. When this double-sided tape used for sealing the bands from the roof, and one-sided adhesive tape from the attic.
Around all structures extending through the roof (furnace and chimneys, ventilation shafts, roof windows or lights) is necessarily arranged vapor sealing aprons.
Proper stacking vapor barrier material on wooden floor
Vapor barrier, if it is double-sided tape, is spread on the subfloor with the smooth side down. Heat-expanded insulation, which is closed by a second layer of vapor barrier material and stuffed finishing floor.
Foil tape is placed shiny side up, that is, to the room. Exceptions are Izospan vapor barrier, which is mounted with the smooth side up, rough to the heater.
It is wise to first study the manufacturer's instructions, and only then begin to layout a vapor barrier. All kinds of products vapor barrier attached to the walls by means of a damper tape. The air gap between the vapor barrier and the finished floor can be arranged, and this step can be skipped. Definite opinion on this point.
floor device made of concrete with a vapor barrier
concrete flooring technology is somewhat different from the timber so that the vapor barrier on the ground is not decomposed. It is better to use a waterproofing to prevent hydration of the concrete designs of soil moisture. For this purpose, materials based on bitumen - several layers of roofing material, which is connected to the same type of mastic. Concrete constructions insulated styrofoam plates that are coated with a vapor barrier and further reinforced with metal mesh. After that, pour the cement-sand mortar. This "cake" is possible to replace the vapor barrier membranes simple plastic wrap, but it should be selected to 200 microns thick, so that it does not break under the weight of concrete or cement solution.
The main essence of the article
Using a vapor barrier material in the insulation of buildings and structures helps to significantly extend the life of building structures. If a vapor barrier placement process is performed in accordance with the technology, when the material is placed in the proper direction to a heater, you can expect a good effect of heat insulation. A variety of vapor barrier material sometimes confuses domestic artisans, in this case, you need to carefully read the manufacturer's instructions.