The roof helps to reliably protect the house from the weather. To reduce energy expenditure and prevent premature destruction of the building you need to take care of the roof insulation. One of the most efficient thermal insulation materials is a polyurethane foam.
1. What is polyurethane?
Polyurethane is obtained by reacting two chemical products - of a polyol and a polyisocyanate. These constituent components have a low boiling point and a chemical reaction is foamed, and then hardening the composition.
Polyurethane foam is a synthetic insulation
In polyurethane foam has open cell size of less than 1 mm. Most of the fine-mesh structure of the filling mixture of carbon dioxide with air, and the remainder falls on polymerized plastic.
PPU may have a different density, which allows you to select several types:
- Hard
- semirigid
- Liquid
- Elastic
Embodiments material density
Rigid polyurethane foam for insulation of foundations and roof, as its density is 30-86 kg / m3. The structure of such a solid material with closed cells. Due to the closed cell structure of polyurethane foam prevents the passage of cold air into the room.
Use of a semi-rigid polyurethane foam involves the use of an additional waterproofing, since the material has the ability to absorb moisture. its density is less than 30 kg / m3.
Liquid foam is expedient to use for insulation cavities and recesses, its density is less than 20 kg / m3.
The density of a flexible polyurethane foam is 8-20 kg / m3. This type well bent with subsequent restoration of the original shape and its use is only recommended for warming inside of the roof.
1.1 Advantages and disadvantages of foam insulation roof
Polyurethane foam is well established in the construction market and is used for thermal insulation is not only the roof, but the walls, floor, etc. The main advantages of polyurethane:
- Safety and harmlessness
- It features high chemical and biological stability
- High adhesion properties
- low thermal conductivity
- Good sound insulation performance
- waterproof Material
- high steam
- Low weight
- Durability
Roof Insulation material such as polyurethane foam, can be performed without disassembling the structure. The material has a low degree of combustibility. In operation, the material is not subjected to deformation and does not crumble.
Polyurethane foam does not rot and does not decompose. Rodents will not build their nests and gnawing insulation material, as will not be able to live there because of the lack of air. However, chew and walk, for example, to the pantry can.
The advantage of polyurethane foam roofing insulation
For foam spraying does not need special fasteners, as well as the configuration is not important to insulate the structure. All this contributes to the rapid application of the material, in contrast to other technologies and materials.
Thermal insulation material being prepared directly on site. Components in cylinders mixed with each other in equal proportions at high pressure. Then the foam is supplied through the hose to the atomizer and spraying the surface occurs. The polyurethane foam by reacting with carbon dioxide foams and increases in volume. The result is a strong stseplivanie surface filling all cracks and voids. Subsequently the material solidifies and turns hard and dense coating.

The only downside to the polyurethane foam include:
- Destruction when exposed to sunlight
- The high cost of material and equipment for spraying
- The need to use special protective suit
Protective Gear
It should be noted, numerous advantages polyurethane overlap its minor disadvantages.
2. Technology and application options penopouliretana
Polyurethane foam roof insulation, depending on the application material may be performed by two methods: spraying, and pouring.
Process of heat insulation inside of the roof
sputtering method can be used for insulation of different surface configurations. Such a method is robust and reliable and the material can penetrate in different remote places. In this case, polyurethane foam spraying is necessary to purchase special equipment, which is very expensive.
Density of foam application, spraying method is about 30-60 kg / m3. For maximum protection against possible weathering influences can be coated with an additional layer of greater density.
Fill method is also widely used for thermal insulation of the roof. Such a method involves pouring the grout in the roof space.
casting method Material
Regardless of the selection method of insulation material after solidification has high performance. However, most often at warming the house chosen deposition method. This technology is so simple that insulate the roof with their hands can even inexperienced in construction people.
2.1 Tools for roof insulation
special installation, which includes the following elements required for the installation of insulation:
- Bottled liquids, which are under pressure
- connecting hoses
- Pistol for spraying polyurethane
- interchangeable nozzles
- special grease
- Keys to build
Device for spraying a polyurethane foam
Before you start, be sure to read the instruction manual equipment. It is important to know that after mixing, the container can only be used within 30 days.
3. Step by step instructions on warming roofing polyurethane foam
Polyurethane can be used as thermal insulation in the form of a spray mixture prepared or plates. They are obtained by extrusion, molding and pressing. Thermal insulation of the roof is better to produce polyurethane foam by spraying. If there is no special equipment, it is possible to insulate the roof with the use of polyurethane foam plates.
3.1 Preparing for installation
Before carrying out major works on the thermal insulation is necessary to clean the surface. Dirt, dust, projecting parts to be removed. If produce sputtering on unprepared surfaces, dusty and dirty, with peeling layers of old finish, then eventually fall behind insulation material from the surface.
Recommended wooden crate covered with antiseptic. In the future, this will prevent the rotting material and prolong its service life.
It is also important to check the efficiency of the equipment to spray foam. Typically, the composition instruction manual.
3.2 Stages and sequence of work
Milestones for roof insulation:
- Insulation is applied starting from the bottom corner of the roof. Spray gun must be kept at a distance of 25 cm from the surface. It is important to control the pressure and the jet from the spray gun and perform insulation smoothly. The resulting mixture will be evenly distributed.
The process of spraying a polyurethane foam
- Applying a second layer of insulation. Spraying successive layers on the surface of the roof must be carried out only after complete solidification. The thickness of the insulation layer should be approximately 25-30 mm. It is important that the polyurethane foam has not played for the crate.
Application of the second layer is performed after the drying of the previous
- At this stage it is necessary to trim the insulation in the joints, in order to achieve a flat surface with the crate.
- Using a special surface reinforcement grid is held. This protects the insulating layer from possible deformation.
- In the final step, you finish.
Insulation can produce on their own or by resorting to the help of experts.
3.3 Tips and tricks
In carrying out insulation works must adhere to some of the recommendations, namely:
- During operation, be sure to use a respirator to protect the respiratory tract from small particles mixture;
- Be sure to wear safety glasses, gloves and costume;
- Drawing is performed from the bottom up;
- It is impossible for assembling at a temperature below 0 degrees;
- The thickness of the first layer should not exceed 20 mm;
- Do not use a variety of chemicals (alcohol, acetone, hydrochloric acid, ethyl acetate, etc.), Since they have a devastating effect on the foam;
- Never use polyurethane and other polyethylene based materials because they have a low adhesion;
- Incorrect ratio of the components, or the lack of pressure, or low-quality operation of the equipment will affect the useful life of insulation. It is important to comply with the requirements to extend the life of the foam.
Polyurethane foam is very practical and easy to use, but requires competent installation. From quality work efficiency depends insulating layer and its durability.
Roof insulation polyurethane foam with your hands is an effective and reliable way to eliminate heat loss and reduce to a minimum. However, it is recommended to entrust the job to professionals at small building skills.