Understanding how to insulate frame house for winter accommodation, allows you to use it all year round. On how technology will be observed correctly it depends insulation in the home, comfort and durability.
options insulation
Before you carry out work, determine insulation is inside or outside buildings. To do this, you should know the features of each option.
Exterior insulation:
- It does not violate the interior of the house.
- Located inside the room wooden wall can save heating, as it stores heat.
- Insulation protects the facade from the adverse effects of the environment (humidity, high or low temperatures, etc.).

Internal insulation:
- It has a good sound insulation.
- No strict requirements.
- It does not require vapor barrier and waterproofing materials.

Read on - how to strengthen, and to lay the glue penofol.
However, this method has several disadvantages, such as:
- dismantling of interior decoration where the insulation will be installed;
- accumulation of moisture in the room, which shortens the construction services;
- insulation inside the building does not preserve the facade of the building from negative influence of external factors.
Features warming
The preparatory phase of warming of buildings for winter and summer does not differ depending on the selected material. The difference only concerns the process of its laying. Each of the materials used has its own characteristics.
The use of foam and Epps
The foam is considered to be the warmest material, but it is not the best option for insulation of wooden buildings.

Features of the use of these materials:
- Before stack foam using foam, it is necessary to remove all cracks and irregularities, since this material does not fit tightly.
- Styrofoam must not be positioned near the combustion source, since the combustible material.
- The foam is not breathable, so you need to take care of the room ventilation, otherwise the walls of the room are covered with mold.
- Expanded polystyrene should be used together with the waterproofing and vapor barrier, since it does not transmit moisture.
Using Cellulose Fiber
This material is not used for a long time, however, it can be used in the process of insulation frame and other types of buildings. The main features of this material are as follows:
- Placement of the material can be made both with a special tool, and without it. Use of the tool greatly improves the insulating characteristics of the room.
- Ecowool perfectly absorbs moisture, so for the installation of waterproofing and vapor barrier should be treated with greater responsibility.
- Ecowool shrink, so it should be applied to the stock.
- When it is applied should be used with personal protective equipment.

Important! Ecowool wall insulation should be carried out by qualified personnel.
Main article - how to insulate foam frame house.
The use of expanded clay
LECA is used much less frequently, since it has inferior performance when compared with similar materials. Its main features are:
- Most commonly used for insulation of ceilings and floors, and floor decks.
- Basically it is combined with sawdust, ashes and similar materials.
- Expanded clay better use of fines, so there will be less empty spaces.

How to choose a heater
Before you start building work, you need to decide what is best to insulate frame house. Insulation for premises must have the following characteristics:
- Environmentally friendly - does not release hazardous to human life and health agents.
- Fire Resistance - the material used should not give the fire to spread, and not devote a lot of smoke.
- Low thermal conductivity.
- Durability - insulation should fit snugly and easily stowed and not change shape over time.
- Inexpensive.
Important! These characteristics are more suitable for polystyrene and mineral wool.
To choose the right material for thermal insulation, you should know what the ins and outs of each vested.
Expanded polystyrene
It has a low weight, which is very important in the insulation of a frame house. This material is resistant to temperature changes, and are not afraid of water and does not freeze. That is why the construction of its use are durable and low cost.

Among the shortcomings can be identified:
- fire hazard - flammable;
- sensitive to mechanical and chemical damage;
- do not miss the air, because of what the room is constantly raised humidity.
Often the foam installed on the outside of the house.

This material can be replaced by a similar, namely, penoplex, which is more resistant to a variety of injuries, but has a high cost.
Mineral wool
The most popular in the building material, which may be in the form of rolls, mats, and plates. Mineral wool has a high performance in ecology, lightness, thermal insulation and sound insulation. Buildings with its use are characterized by a duration of operation.
Important! Wool in the form of plates (basalt) is off.
When insulation is important to pay special attention to waterproofing, as eventually sag and wool caking, also when wet it loses its properties and becomes a great environment for mold.
How is thermal insulation
To finally get a warm frame house, its walls must be warmed from the inside and outside. The process works practically the same, with a few exceptions.
Insulation of the outside
For insulation of walls from outside better to choose a crossover method.
Insulation is always laid with Extension seams to avoid blown slots.
- frame of the building is sheathed with OSB-plate, which should have a clearance of 2-3 mm. Subsequently, they should zapenit.

- Next stretched waterproofing that protects both the wall of the house, as well as insulation from moisture and other adverse environmental effects. Usually, waterproofing is the self-adhesive strips, if there are no knock between them should seal with tape.

- Each layer of insulation must be laid so as to overlap the previous 15-20 cm.
- Insulation thickness approximately of 15 cm.
- After laying the insulation, all the voids are filled with foam.
Wall insulation inside the house
After the frame house is fully insulated for winter use, you can proceed to the interior decoration. For this:
- Stacked first insulation layer whose thickness is 5 cm.
- Then the heater is placed in the frame building, the thickness of which is 10 cm. It fill the entire frame between the uprights.
- Then, steam is attached, which prevents the steam inside the insulation. They laid out the rough side and a smooth - thermal insulation.
- Heat-set bars.
Important! Insulation can not push force and ram, as the heat in the room depends on the emptiness inside him.
The partitions between the rooms is also installed insulation. For the most part it is required for sound insulation. For this set plate layer 10 mm. It does not require a vapor barrier, as the temperature in the room is separated by the same.
Instead, a vapor barrier is used vellum here. It prevents the entry of dust from the insulation in the room.
Do not forget about the insulation in the frame corners of the house. This can be done in various ways. Thus, warm angle can be done by erecting a structure of two boards, with a special support of the blocks, and the space between these structures insulate mineral wool.
Thermal insulation of ceiling
The work is best done before the roof is fully assembled, so it will not interfere with stacking density.
The whole process of heat insulation consists of the following steps:
- Inside the house, on the ceiling beams, stretched, steam, and her stuffed board in 25 mm thickness.

- Stacked on top of the heater, between which there should be no voids, closely overlapping each layer.
Important! Putting insulation on the ceiling, you should do a small ledge on the wall.
- If the insulation is not required in the attic, the membrane film should not pull. On the attic floor is nailed boards or plywood.
- If you insulate the ceiling outside is not possible, then it is done inside, while it should tie up, so it does not come loose. After this, sew waterproofing, and then - a board or plywood.

Thermal insulation of roofs
Often, in frame house is insulated and the roof and the ceiling. This happens in cases where the attic space is used as a second floor for housing and heated.
The process of working virtually identical to the insulation of the ceiling. The only exception is the time that the insulation of the roof, over the waterproofing material is necessarily tensioned, which protects it from environmental influences.
Features roof insulation:
- Better insulate the outside, so how to do it in uncomfortable and unsafe. Many materials have properties to be showered on the person.
- Once installed truss system, bottom steam sutured to which the material is stuffed sheathing board or plywood.
- Exterior insulation sheets are placed. This is done in the same way as in the insulation of walls, ceilings, etc.
- Top is placed insulation, which is set kontrobreshetka, purlins and roof.
Warming of the roof inside is made only if it is fully assembled.

floor Warming
Warming of the floor should begin with the preparatory work. This should be done before installing the house frame.
If the land where the building is located, clay with high water levels, it is necessary to make the system of water diversion.
Thereafter, within the foundation, 40-50 cm soil is removed and installed drainage system. After her fall asleep sand-gravel cushion. You can then set the frame.

If this step is skipped, you can use the expanded clay. For this, the surface is leveled first, and then poured the above material. It preferably has in its composition fraction from 10-40 mm. After that, you can equip the floor.
How to choose a filler
The best insulation for the floor is considered to be mineral wool, polyester, steel wool, etc.. They are easy to installation, use, environmentally friendly and fire-safe. However, they have high requirements for vapor barrier and waterproofing.
You can use materials such as:
- Polystyrene - it is lightweight, resistant to adverse effects and has a long service life. He is normal (less durable, fireproof) and extruded - it has low thermal conductivity and moisture absorption.
Fit a heater easy: the sheets are placed right next to each other, the edge band is set around the perimeter of the floor.
- Expanded clay and slag - has a low thermal conductivity and light weight.
- penofol - this insulating foil, which is rarely used as an independent heater.
- Edge band - it is used for edging the entire perimeter of the house, before the insulation is placed.
Warming of the floor in stages
Warming of the floor in the frame house is made between profiles. It is therefore better to choose a dry screed, with her work easier.
Process of heat insulation on the ground:
- Sand and gravel should be well compacted, then install brick columns. It will be no basis for profiles.
- Laying of waterproofing. This may be bitumen paper or plastic film. Its height depends on the level of the floor, it is necessary to take into account that the waterproofing should protrude slightly on the walls.
- In places where the floor and wall connections must leave a small gap, it would be to lay a bead isolation.

The simplest technology floor insulation is made of loose materials. Such insulation is carried out perpendicular to the joists around the perimeter of the room, while tightly clutching.
Thermal insulation of the floor boards via
the basis of sex does not play any role in technology laying of insulation, but it should be considered when choosing the material for these purposes. So, if on the basis of the floor joists are then as a heater is best suited slab of mineral wool and concrete floor - hard materials. In any case the process of laying insulation of the following:
- After laying the lag on both sides towards the bottom, packed bars and collect flooring antiseptified grooved boards.
- On top of this unfolds glassine - a roofing cardboard impregnated with bitumen.
- Placed on top of the heater.
- Then put vapor barrier film which protects the insulation from condensation.
What work is carried out after the house warming
After the insulation is installed, the turn build-ventilated carrier system for cladding and a plane for finishing. As for the finish, here wind and hydro-protection insulation can be provided by a layer of plaster.
As for the exterior finish, here in advance should take care of installing the panels. The lath was strong enough skeleton racks should be installed frequently. After fixing the waterproof membrane stapled to the frame, its inciting strips having a thickness of about 25-30 mm. This allows draining water from getting inside, and ventilation.
Wall frame house is as follows: inner lining - steam - insulation - wooden frame - the membrane - kontrobreshetka - exterior decoration.

At arrangement of walls under plaster works using sheet materials, which are excellent output steam and prevent condensation. Sheets exclude blowing insulation.
The inner wall is as follows: the inner lining - steam - wood frame - insulation - diaphragm - kontrobreshetka - outer sheathing - base plaster - plaster mesh - plaster.
Recently, frame houses are increasingly gaining popularity. Therefore, you should know how to insulate frame house that he was fit to stay in winter and summer. However, it should be noted that the heater must be protected from the adverse effects of the environment, because moisture gets into it leads to the formation of condensate, as it has a detrimental effect on the active material. Therefore, it is imperative to use high-quality waterproofing.