Modern construction technologies offer a huge selection of materials used for thermal insulation of buildings and structures. It is possible to get lost, because you want to do efficiently, especially when it comes to your own home. In the comparative example, consider the characteristics that better ecowool or basalt insulation.

Ecowool is lightweight and loose insulation material.
For its production using waste and remnants of paper and board industry:
- marriage in the production of raw paperboard;
- paper and cardboard left over from the production of corrugated container;
- marriage, which is the issuance of publications;
- paper and newsprint.

If we consider the percentage of Cellulose Fiber, it is as follows:
- 80% - cellulose recycling;
- 12% - antiseptic as boric acid, whose main function is to protect the material against the action of fungal and bacterial microorganisms;
- 8% - strong insecticidal properties with fire retardant (most often sodium tetraborate, borax, borax) it reduces the flammability and combustibility.
Main Specifications:
- Coefficient of thermal conductivity - 0,032-0,041 W / MS. Ecowool - a good thermal insulator with a capillary structure capable to retain air. This layer of air perfectly retains heat.
- Any cracks, seams and holes filled completely pictures.
- Permeability - 0.3 mg / mchPa.
- High sound insulation properties, a layer of only 15 mm absorbs up to 9 dB.
- By using the insulation paper material is environmentally friendly.

- Flammability - Class TG (difficultly material).
- Increased fire safety due to flame retardants in the composition.
- Insulation able to breathe as a log or cant, as the cellulosic fibers are made from wood.
cost of
Price for 1 kg Cellulose Fiber - from 28 rubles. It is produced and marketed in the briquettes.
rules laying
Ecowool placed in three ways:
- Dry. The material is fed on a special hose and master it gradually fills the recess.
- Wet. With this method the starting material is added in water, formed a dense layer during drying.
- Adhesive. Due to the excellent adhesiveness with the surface of a solid layer is obtained, requiring no further outer cladding.

Application area
Application ecowool as insulated material wide enough - in both private and multi-storey buildings, education, shopping, entertainment, sports and recreational and industrial establishments, institutions Catering.
Dry laying method is used for internal roof slopes, ceilings, walls, floors, attics in summer cottages.
The wet method is used, when subsequently wall insulation sheathing plan.
Adhesive method is used for metal and concrete structures (wall surfaces and ceilings hangars).
Advantages and disadvantages
Positive and negative qualities of the materials present in the form of tables. With their help, and it will be clearly understood that the same is still better to use: ecowool or basalt insulation.
Benefits | disadvantages |
Good insulation properties. | Since the thermal conductivity is increased over time, the insulating properties are reduced. |
It has a high level of sound insulation. | In operation, there is a significant reduction in the bulk material (ecowool loses up to 20% of the original mass). |
Warming of the room requires a bit of material (1 m3 from 28 to 65 kg). | Ecowool recommended to lay with a margin of 20-25%. |
Without toxic and poisonous substances that can cause human allergies or skin diseases. | Absorbs enough moisture (from 9 to 15%), increased humidity leads to an increase in the thermal conductivity. |
It is easy to install in difficult locations. | The heat insulation layer must be ventilated. |
The perfect combination of high quality with cost. | Mounting ekovaty performed using special equipment (pneumatic inflatable device). It can only do highly skilled professionals with extensive experience. |
Good protects humans against harmful substances which emit foam, glass fibers, asbestos. | In the wet process ecowool mounting long dry (need 48 to 72 hours), which creates some inconvenience, especially if you need to perform the work as quickly as possible. However, this method is more qualitative than dry installation, it provides excellent thermal and acoustic insulation of the building. |
Long service life. | Not suitable for self frameless floor screed insulation due to the low rigidity. |
Ecowool well kept on all materials. | We do not recommend the use of ecowool near chimneys, open fires, chimneys. By high temperature, it will gradually smolder require any additional protection in the form of a fireproof foil mat surface or asbestos cement slabs. |
basalt heat insulation material
Practical and eco-friendly heating material, called rock wool.

The basis insulation - basalt rock formation, it is crushed and melted at 1500 degrees. Obtained kind of the liquid form of stone, which is placed on a rotating drum and subjected to a powerful air jet. Short and thin fibers are blown. Remaining fiber link using Arbolit-urea resin, after which the material fed to the press.
Main Specifications:
- Coefficient of thermal conductivity - 0,032-0,0045 W / MS.
- Density - from 40 to 200 kg per 1 m3.
- Permeability - 0.3 mg / mchPa.
- Flammability - Class NG (non-combustible).
- High water repellency (moisture practically not absorbed into the material). Moisture absorption - no more than 5%.
- Excellent sound absorption ability.

cost of
Basalt heat insulation material is available in three variations:
- Mats. They have the highest density are used for thermal insulation of facades and baths. Price from 800 rubles. for mat 50h610h1170 mm size (thickness, width, length).
- Rolls. The most popular type of basalt insulation. Price from 1200 RUB. per roll size 50h1200h4000 mm.
- Little bulk. It is used for thermal insulation of floors, attics. Price from 400 rubles. 1 m3.
rules laying
Technology laying basalt insulation is as follows:
- Mount vapor barrier layer of polyethylene film or foil.
- Then make a metal or wooden eaves purlin (attached to surfaces using dowels).
- Using insulating adhesive attached basalt. Glue evenly applied to the plates and then firmly pressed against the wall of their surface.
Important! For economy of material it is recommended to mount the first large fragments of whole plates, and then cut into the material and cover small areas.

Application area
It is used for thermal insulation of all kinds of structures: the facades and sloping roofs, shelves, floors and spaces between walls.
Such insulation is ideal for baths and saunas.
Due to non-flammability is widely used for insulation of high and frame structures.
Advantages and disadvantages
Basalt material exclusively positive from every point of view. You may want to find fault with any of insulation, but in this case they will not be as significant.
Benefits | disadvantages |
Retains its shape, it does not fall down and sags. | Material harder polystyrene and other mineral wools. For installation required durable frame. |
Even aggressive media do not change the density and structure of the material. | Binder resins slightly degrade the material environmental indicators. But with the right installation and the exterior is almost palpable impact. |
Since it is easy to work, excellent material is cut or sawed ordinary saw. | More expensive than other heaters. |
It does not have mold and mildew formation. On the insulation does not bred micro-organisms, as its composition is not organic. | |
Virtually no interest to rodents. | |
In case of fire does not burn, because the temperature of basalt melting above 1000 degrees. Can only melts the binder, but it is also combustible. | |
Insulation is not dusty. | |
Produced from natural material. | |
It has a complete chemical inertness. | |
When you work with him there is no allergic reactions and skin irritation. | |
A huge plus - water vapor permeability. Due to the structure of the building material out excess moisture, condensation does not accumulate on the constructions. Moisture will not, wooden building elements do not rot, and metal are not exposed to corrosive processes. | |
Long life, virtually, as well as at the major structural elements of the building. | |
With proper installation does not require replacement. |
After careful consideration of all the characteristics and tables with positive and negative two properties the materials in question, to choose between basalt insulation or cheaper ecowool answer obvious. For the comfort and safety is not worth saving, basalt is much better in all respects. According to the results of sales is a favorite material of the population - a reliable and durable, does not break and does not burn.