In this article, we'll show you how to create crafts for the house with his own hands. Decor from scrap materials gives the shelter a unique appearance, it helps to find old things new life.
Hack starts with an idea. It manifests the individuality. Crafts for the house you can make yourself. Optionally have a designer education. In the work it is important to comply with accuracy. Only in this way receive high-quality handicrafts and beautiful.
- What to use for crafts?
practical crafts
- Rack from the old stairs
- Table of the boxes
- Shelf for spices from the pallet
- framing mirrors
- Lampshade made of plastic
- Decoration of fabric
- Candlestick from old beads
- Festive garland at the window
- Hanger for jewelry
- Canvas Bag from
- braided rug
- Pots of packages
- Hanger made of cloth
Frame for a mirror
- Decoupage
- The decor of plastic spoons
- The decor of the rings
- The decor of the rope
- Decoration on glass
- framing beads
Decorate the walls with simple materials
- stencil decor
- Pictures of fabric
- paper decorations
- Plates on the wall
- Stickers vinyl
- unusual shelf
- Shelf boards on the ropes
- decoration mirrors
- Wall Plant
What to use for crafts?
Decor for the house with their hands out of scrap materials enriching the interior. Kitchen - a place that brings together the whole family. In this room, you can paint the walls, hang pictures, decorate furniture, kitchen apron, etc. In the absence of design education, you can use stencils. Empty walls make out with the help of a panel or a picture on a kitchen theme.
The living room is better to decorate the whole family. bring together ideas. We offer as an option to cut out of cardboard first letter of the family name and decorate it with paper flowers, pom-poms, beads. The letter is inserted into the frame as a photo and hang on the wall. Of these letters were collected by different words: love, family, home.
Decoration in the form of vases helps to achieve an interior transformation. For decorative use old bottles. Elements wrapped with twine and decorated with flowers. To create the decor of the room using the sofa cushions, covers that you can do yourself. Things like that give comfort.

Bedroom - a place of relaxation. No need to overload it with decorations. Several elements will be enough. The wall of the room is decorated with family photos, and on the bed lay covered in homemade patchwork technique. Making bedside rugs should be done in the same style. The original solution is to use the tissue of birds, which hung over the bed of satin ribbons.
Bathroom - the place of cleanliness and care. You can decorate it with shells, pebbles. In this room is kept a lot of things and accessories, so you can make homemade panels-organizers. As shelves for storage, you can use a wicker basket, bolted bottom of the wall. The original hooks for towels can be made of different materials: wood knots, wrenches. The main thing is not distracting from the overall design of the room.

Design of children due to its size. To create the interior of a child's room should be applied bright things. It is decorated with homemade toys, photos, quilts, paintings on the walls, unusual lamps.
On the Internet you can find a variety of ideas for the interior with their hands out of scrap materials. For inspiration, you just need to look around. Crafts for the interior with their hands out of scrap materials can be created from:
- paper and cardboard;
- shotguns tissues;
- colored threads and beads;
- unnecessary CD-ROM drive;
- coins;
- satin or nylon tapes;
- corks from bottles;
- all elements made of plastic, wood, glass, etc.
Tip: You can use and larger things, like tables, wall mirrors, dressers, tables for crafts.

practical crafts
If you do not like the different gadgets, it is possible to do practical things of the interior with their hands out of scrap materials.
Rack from the old stairs
Sometimes the house is not enough shelf. So why not make it yourself? It will be really practical hack. The rack is made of unnecessary ladder. In addition to the stairs need boards, paint, jig saw, brush, sandpaper and glue.
Stages of work:
- Prepare carcass structure: Saw ladder into equal parts, and seal them in the form of two pyramids;
- shelf boards from cut;
- attach the shelves to the frame with adhesive;
- abrade construct and its elements;
- color rack.
On a rack put books, original baskets, planters with flowers, pictures A4 size and other beautiful things with their hands for the house and interior improvised.
See also:Decor butterflies with their own hands 60 photo

Table of the boxes
We suggest you create another practical crafts for the house - a table of unwanted wooden boxes. Such boxes are often stored vegetables and fruits. For the crafts needed 4 of the box, nails and a hammer.
Put crates on the side surface of the open side outwards and connect them together in a square. Elements fasten nails. Perhaps the design of open space drawers additional shelves. At the end of the need to color table.

Shelf for spices from the pallet
We offer you to create unique shelf for spices from the old pan. For this purpose tray cleaned with sandpaper. Fret saw off unnecessary elements. You can make additional shelves. It turns out panels with a pocket that is suitable for any interior. In the pocket put containers with butter, wine bottles, spices. Shelf paint in interior color.
Crafts for home decor
House - a reflection of its owner. It's nice to come to visit the creative person and treat embodied ideas and unique style. Here are some tips for the interior decor and create crafts.

framing mirrors
The subject of the interior decor of scrap materials may be wall mirror decorated with an unusual frame. It's easy to do from the usual newspaper or magazine. Colored Sheets are cut into squares of equal size 10x10 cm and rolled up into tubes of equal thickness. These tubes are glued on the perimeter of the frame parallel to each other. The result is a beautiful design mirrors. Ducts must be secured not only adhesive, but varnish.

Lampshade made of plastic
The ceiling for the manufacture of plastic you need several sets of plastic spoons, empty 5-liter plastic containers, glue. We cut the neck of the container. We handle spoons cut so as to obtain the petals. Using glue original pitch is fixed on the surface of the container in the form of scales. Diffuser plastic ready.

Decoration of fabric
The interior for the house from scrap materials will be more alive, if you use the remains of bright cloth. Of them can make different crafts, such as fabric flowers. Using a stencil cut circles d = 20 cm. On the circles draw a spiral, which is incised along the entire length. Spiral twist from the bottom, prokleivaya to bud dissolves. After drying straighten pitch. Unusual decor with their hands out of scrap funds for the apartment is ready. Several colors are combined in tissue composition, make mural, paintings, decorate their shelves, walls, etc.

Candlestick from old beads
If you have an old beads, do not rush to throw them. They dismantled on beads to make a candlestick hand-made. At the base of the candlestick is necessary to fix the unwanted CD-ROM. On the edge of its circumference rows of glue beads so as to form a cup. If this cup put SHAPED candle, it will turn into a beautiful candle. This element of the decor is a big plus. Thanks to the beads it beautifully shimmers with a lit candle.

Festive garland at the window
On New Year or any other holiday windows of the house are decorated with garlands. Optional hang bright lights, we recommend that you make an unusual shade of scrap materials. To create a garland you will need a dense colored cardboard, thick thread, needle, scissors. Using a stencil cut circles d = 10 cm. Followed strung on thread length required. The yarns interconnected in a blind and fixed to the window frame.

Hanger for jewelry
You can not have a lot of crafts with their hands. Female dressing table can be decorated with homemade hanger for jewelry from scrap materials. Make it easy. For the realization of the idea of ββthe need to frame the picture, a small piece of plywood, paint, small hooks, jig saw. Cut the plywood on a baguette the size, color it with paint. Mark the hook attachment points, fix them. With this element of decor you can keep their original decoration.
Canvas Bag from
We suggest you make a box out of plastic canvas. Canvas is the material for embroidery and crafts. It has the dimensions of A4 paper. In the canvas there is a different number of perforations. To work required the harvesting, sewing, needle, scissors and a piece of fabric. On the canvas, you can cross stitching or embroidery. Out of the canvas make the details of future box and decorate their favorite method of embroidery. Details connect thread with a needle. Bag of canvas is ready, it should be stored on the shelf. No doubt it will be the main decoration of the interior of your home.
See also:How to decorate a mirror with your hands

braided rug
Tapestry technique allows you to create a rug at home with their own hands of any means at hand. For example, cut into strips of old clothes. This variant is called "granny" mat. Diy should choose durable material, and broach the thread to do with his hands.
Prepare cardboard 500x500 mm. Sew his thread. Fixing the first thread, begin to weave a tapestry. After finishing the last lap, turn inside out and sew the mat rope around the perimeter, to close the ends of the thread.

Pots of packages
From scrap materials, which sometimes piling up at home, make pots for indoor flower. To craft your own hands, you will need paper bags, wooden swords, scissors, string, glue gun, packaging (for example, you can use a jar of mayonnaise).
Because paper packages do workpiece in the form of ribbons size 70h300 mm. With shpazhek fashioned from tube blanks. Corners fix glue. Wrap the sides of the container in a paper bag. Turn it upside down. On the basis of secure 8 tubes. Return the future of pots in the normal position. Fold the tube upward, densely pressing them to the walls of the pots. Oplesti left main tube remaining in a checkerboard pattern. At the top of the pot is pierced, threaded through holes rope and hung pots on the wall of the room.

Hanger made of cloth
always in need of hangers in the farm. We offer you to make a few of them. Diy you will need:
- wire hangers;
- satin ribbons of contrasting colors;
- piece of fabric;
- scissors;
- needle and thread;
- glue;
- sintepon.
Outline hanger loop at tissue cutting. Leaving a small gap, cut the workpiece 2. Sew blank together to get cover. Hook hanger wrap satin ribbon, securing it with glue. Fabric cover put on a hanger. The interior space hammer synthetic padding. Sew the opening. From contrasting satin ribbon make a bow and secure it at the bottom of the hook. Hanger fabric ready. You can hang it on the delicate clothing.

Frame for a mirror
In the house there is always a mirror. Most often it is a hallway, bathroom or bedroom. decorating ideas are endless. The mirror can be beautifully decorated tubes from newspapers, with broken shards of porcelain or tile, stained glass, shells, buttons, beads, hemp, etc. To fix the elements necessary to use transparent silicone glue.
Design of the room with their hands out of scrap materials can be made in decoupage technique. We offer you to decorate a small mirror in a wooden frame:
- Strip frame sandpaper.
- Prepared surface decoration element coat of acrylic paint in white.
- After drying the paint coat the surface of the adhesive layer Decoupage.
- By the size of the frame cut decoupage card and glue it to the surface.
- Apply the next layer Decoupage varnish.
- The edges of the frame sandpaper and cover cracelures. The paint is dry and cracked.
- On the cracked surface, apply a contrasting shade of paint.
- You can select the frame border and put on it blots the surface.
- Cover frame glossy varnish.

The decor of plastic spoons
Diy better to use circular mirror. Cut the plastic spoon handle, leaving the scoops. Glue them in several rows around the perimeter of the mirror. Paint the decor of the balloon. Instead spoons can take the buttons, beads, shells, clothespins.

The decor of the rings
Decor with their hands out of scrap tools can be expensive. From plastic pipes cut into rings of equal width. Treat them the edge. Take the nylon cover. This will be the base of the structure. Attach the first series of rings to the cover. The second and subsequent rows attach to the already glued rings. At the end of the decor we encourage you to decorate with sequins. Secure the mirror in the center.

The decor of the rope
To implement the ideas need hemp rope. Cut out a cardboard basis. It must be more than the mirror itself. The center bases fix the mirror. Apply a transparent silicone adhesive. Capture hemp turn after turn. The result is a mirror that can be used to create an interior room in a nautical theme.
See also:Articles made of plastic bottles: the ideas and master classes

Decoration on glass
Home decor with their hands out of scrap materials and includes painting. For work you need the stained glass paint, outline glass, glitter, alcohol, cotton swabs, toothpicks, and a silicone adhesive. Before starting work, decide on the design. Put it on the mirror using carbon paper. Highlight drawing contour on the glass. Irregularities remove the alcohol. After drying paint the circuit pattern stained paints, distributing them with a toothpick. Paint must dry for about 3 days. After that complement the decor with glass beads or glitter.

framing beads
To decorate the mirrors used beads. Schedule future frame using masking tape. On the resulting rim, apply a silicone adhesive. Beads pour onto paper and distribute it on an adhesive strip. Carefully remove the tape and let the dry well.

Decorate the walls with simple materials
the interior atmosphere can change, focusing on decorating the walls. To do this you only need the rollers, paint and color. Optionally, the painted surface of the wall. Sometimes it is enough to allocate a portion thereof. Adorn the walls in different ways: painted, with the help of a panel, photo, natural materials, baguettes, butterflies out of paper, interesting hooks and other materials at hand.
stencil decor
This method of wall decor is the most simple. Stencils made by hand out of construction paper, drawing paper or plastic. Patterns can be found on the Internet. Stencil tightly pressed against the wall and paint spraying from the spray is applied.
Tip: Apply a thin layer of paint, so as not to smudge pattern and avoid the appearance of stains!

Pictures of fabric
For the original wall decor needed a piece of fabric, a stapler, a picture frame. Fabric pull on the frame and fix it stapler. It is possible to further decorate work by beads, buttons, woolen threads, beads and other materials.

paper decorations
To decorate the walls of corrugated paper made flowers. Such paper elements should be mounted on a double sided tape. Corrugated paper is folded in several layers in a small band 10 cm long. Scissors rounded edge of the blank. Unfold the paper and collected in a flower. It turns out nice and original.

Plates on the wall
To decorate the kitchen walls make the composition of the colored plates. Plates should be different from each other in size and style. So get interesting composition. If you do not have color plates, you can make some crafts in the decoupage technique. Pick patterns in accordance with the general premises stylist.

Stickers vinyl
You can use different interior decoration with their hands out of scrap materials. As an option - to decorate the walls of the room of the vinyl stickers. Original stickers to decorate the walls expand the space, giving it an individual appearance and to help implement the ideas. Often glued stickers in the shape of a window overlooking the sea or choose an interesting inscription.
Tip: vinyl stickers are only suitable for smooth surfaces! If the walls of your apartment rough, prefer a different decor.

unusual shelf
Kitchen walls are decorated with unusual shelves. They are made from the material at hand: the old boxes or crates. Boxes Wallpapers and bolted to the wall down. The composition looked beautifully, using a series of boxes. Shelves suitable for the storage of cereals, spices, oil, vinegar, cutlery.

Shelf boards on the ropes
For wall decor looks original combination of shelves on the ropes. Make it simple. Along the edges of the boards (shelves) drilled holes, threaded therethrough thick rope or rope. The resulting structure is fixed to the wall.

decoration mirrors
Interior of the room with their hands out of scrap materials acquired individuality, if the wall hang pictures, stickers or tiles of the mirrors. Option selected individually. Mirrors of different sizes and shapes may be combined with each other.

Wall Plant
This option will appeal to fans of nature. For its implementation need to create a special system for watering flowers. A simpler option - Wall decoration with flowers in pots. They are arranged on open shelves or standard shelves.

As you can see, the idea to decorate the house with his own hands using improvised materials are endless. Choose the one that you like and put it into practice. Make a unique interior of his house improvised!