Wigwam - dwelling Indians, indigenous groups in the Americas. This is one of the symbols of a bygone era of the continents, and life in the wild. Indian tent is often found in movies, cartoons and animated series as a beautiful decoration. There is nothing strange in the interest of children to such facilities. In the tent you can relax, play and put toys. teepee fabrication technology, however, is used with more serious targets. For Indian tent - a proven method of protection from the cold. For the same reason, they will be useful in the long hikes across the expanses of forests and mountain ranges. The basis is an ordinary lodge strong skeleton of tree trunks and warm roof. Design for children is easy to do with their hands. However, if you do not want to spend time on it - you can choose from ready-made store options.
- About the lodge - history of the origin and characteristics
- Advantages and disadvantages of manufacturing their own hands
- Design options
What to do - a variety of materials
- Materials for the frame
- The choice of fabrics for wall
Wigwam made of wooden beams and fabric with your hands
- Materials and tools
- Assembly and installation frame
- Cutting fabric for the canopy
- Cording wigwam and ways to "buckle"
- decorating ideas
What lay on the floor of the house
- How to sew a mat / mattress Bombon - step by step guide
- conclusion
About the lodge - history of the origin and characteristics
The history of the lodge begins long before the arrival of Europeans on the American continent, and before the advent of powerful empires of the Maya, Inca and Aztec. The technology of construction of dwellings vary depending on climate: Indians inhabited the whole of America, both North and South - from the polar regions to the equator. There are also other varieties of traditional Indian housing, such as vikiap and tipi. Based on the performance of the procedure can be described as lodge dome shaped tent. They reach a large size and designed for up to 30 people. The basis of the home going of thin flexible branches. She was covered with large or small fragments of wood bark. To this end, the Indians used elm and birch. The construct also covered with reeds, grass, leaves of the corn. The upper layer is sometimes pressed another frame, outer.

Advantages and disadvantages of manufacturing their own hands
The process of making the lodge - interesting and educational process, which can involve children. An important part of the process is to search for relevant supports - the boards of a certain thickness and cross section. To achieve the desired shape in the home is almost impossible, so stick better to look at the store. However, the rest - an advantage it is for makeshift tents. To make the coating, enough to possess basic skills of sewing. The process of fixing is essentially similar to the assembly parts of the finished product. This part of the interest of children. At different sites, there are many variants of the original lodges ready. The same ideas can be combined with their own idea and do something unusual and unlike the rest of the product. Only need to find quality materials with interesting colors.

Design options
Wigwam can be done both in the field and at home for the children. In the first case the structure must withstand the wind. In the second possible variety of geometric design options. Children lodges come with one or two peaks, at least - with three or four. In the embodiment with double top, one pair of sidewalls would be rectangular, and the other - triangular. One of the triangle sides need to make an input. Bottom rectangular released. If the tent one vertex, the base is carried out with 3-8 or more parties, but it is possible and a round version. Entrance to the lodge made mostly in the form of curtains. They are fixed strings or Velcro. The upper part of the front of the tent can be made hollow, leaving the entrance to the level of 5-year-old child's growth. Tents sometimes make out the windows. The configuration of the lodge is also wide and high.
See also:radiators decor with their own hands 50 photo

What to do - a variety of materials
House-lodge collected using the following materials:
- sticks;
- fabrics for plating;
- decorative fabrics for decoration;
- oilcloth;
- pillow (on the mat).
In the first place it is going to stud frame. At the top of the stick fixed ropes at the bottom of the need to use fasteners (if no special holes). Pipes for lodge made of wood or polymers. Tent for children's tent should be bright and interesting. The choice of material is virtually unlimited, but will not do too thick. For wigwams useful for various purposes, including materials such as Teflon with cotton plaschevka, tafetta and Oxford. The first is a fabric with a lower layer of Teflon. Plaschevka repels moisture - the perfect solution for children's tents. For tafetty characterized waterproofness, abrasion resistance and resistance to potozhirovyh traces. Oxford material has a hydrophobic coating of polyurethane or PVC, there is a variant with nylon - it is more elastic and more durable.

Materials for the frame
In the children's tepee basis for the platform and walls often made of wooden poles. With material excellent role cope linden (smooth, polished). You can also use other classic options - pine or oak, and an interesting alternative solution considered bamboo sticks. To create a frame will fit, and other raw materials, such as plastic, PVC. Pipes from these materials must be hollow. This is a very good option, as the safety of the structure for the children will be several times higher. With the same purpose can be used a stick of circular cross section. If the house has a wide beam with square profile, it is possible to give a rounded shape on a lathe - so get cheaper than buying a ready-made sticks. If we are talking about a tent in the campaign, it will be useful thick rough branches. They are best purchased at specialty stores, as gather a sufficient number of trunks on their own will not work.

The choice of fabrics for wall
Material for awnings and carpet are selected at its discretion. If the child is not yet 5 years old, it is better to sew the canopy of translucent materials. Tents have not only in the Indian style. "Housing" in oriental style make out the thin silk and transparent organza. If the lodge is designed for a little girl - a wall is better to perform lightweight "air" chiffon. Thanks to a canvas tent of dense material environment as close as possible to the conditions of the Wild West. Boys can play cowboys and Indians. To erect lodge can use such fabric as velvet, satin, canvas, flannel, batik muslin and knitted fabrics and materials imitating the skin of animals. Application for sewing the old curtains, tyuley and capes - it is also a good way to save money. Preference is given to the variegated colors:
- striped;
- with small repetitive patterns;
- dotted;
- combined;
- patchwork.
Buy should tissue are well breathable.

Wigwam made of wooden beams and fabric with your hands
To make a wigwam with his hands, to do the following steps:
- Select materials and assemble the necessary tools.
- Collect and securely install the frame.
- Engaged in cutting fabric and choose stitched.
- Hang on the tent frame.
- Contents input portion.
The first step is to acquire tools. To do this, you must also choose the material for the frame and the fabric for the lining. Fit almost any matter, the main thing - a beautiful and distinctive color. The basis of the same can be made from lime, pine or bamboo poles or plastic pipes. You will also need a rope, scissors, and in some cases - a drill or glue. The frame can be mounted in several ways. It is going to top and via holes only by a rope or a cord. In this case frame may be fixed to the lower portion of bonded strips repeating outline tent bottom. Next is preparing the canvas. Required cut shape, ideally suited to the particular configuration lodge. Then you need to decide to leave rough edges or stitch them. After that, the tent is put on the base and set the desired accessories.
See also:Wallpaper on the wall in a frame: the ways and the idea of a mural

Materials and tools
For the carcass structure need wooden poles 2-4 cm thick and 2 m long. It should, however, consider the option of bamboo reyami - they are durable and pleasing to the eye. The second component - a strong rope, twine desirable. Of the tools needed roulette and drill, but instead of fasteners can use strong thick elastic band. To make the awning, should take a piece of fabric the length of at least 3 m and a width of about 1.2-1.5 m. Thick selects the best natural fabrics. It will take some number of lanes of 30 cm each (belts, bands, cords). Also need a needle and thread in the color of the fabric. For edging fabric material required iron with special tape or sewing machine. And you can do without facing edges. To create a "door" is used eyelets, laces, studs, buttons and so on. Also need the pin and pencil.

Assembly and installation frame
Top bases installed in several ways. In the first case, the ends of the poles come together and are tied tightly with string or other strong rope. Thus from the top to the site of attachment should be 10-25 cm. Then we arrange sticks in different directions with a large amplitude and the same spacing between the lower ends of the different strips. One of the spans do wider. After that check the reliability of the design - it must independently maintain an upright position on the ground and the top of the form. The top of the frame is recommended to be attached to the "foundation" of the bases of. There is another method of the top assembly. For this drill through holes 10-25 cm below the top edge sticks. Then threaded them in twine and after every bar. Then stick tightly bound with rope, and this is widely bred in the side.

Cutting fabric for the canopy
The next step is to prepare the shed. Place a cloth on the floor and fold in half. Should get a square approximately 1.5 × 1.5 m. Next, make sure that the fold is located on the left edge of a square. Then we add it diagonally, overlapped two opposite corners. Now a triangle. Then proceed to the cutting of. The first step is drawn markings: conduct an arc from the base of the figure (in his role is played by the fold line) to one of its sides. Held 5-centimeter distance from the end of the web. After that we draw another arc, 8 cm from the corner. Then the fabric is cut along the lines and put on the floor. Should get a figure, vaguely reminiscent of a rainbow. To a greater extent it will be like a protractor. After that we impose on the awning frame facing inward and connect pins edge. Note the point where the web contacts the slats at 20 cm from the floor. Then remove the fabric structure and to sew the tape marks or segments have used rope (30 cm).
Next steps:
- Double buckle edge.
- Scribbling them.
- Alternatively okleit edge using iron and special belt.
If the tent needs to be done in a careless style, the tissue sections are not processed.

Cording wigwam and ways to "buckle"
It now remains only to connect the edges of the tent. One way involves the installation of eyelets, which will need to lace up. Also use different buttons with loops, buttons or ribbon. After installing the cover with fixing elements lodge awning and fastens the upper part of the "input". Free wrap floors, so that they retain this position. "Doors" can be fixed tape or Velcro. Another way stitched requires no sewing. You will need to turn in to the width of the fabric, where it hangs to the floor at the sides of the wigwam, and the top 10-15 cm does not reach the place where the crossed sticks. Then put the cloth on the rack. The upper edge of the fit note in pencil (on the bar, not on the fabric), and then remove the fabric. Oil the glue on the poles marking and down 15-20 cm. Putting a cloth, pressed down and wait until the glue dries. After forming a convenient input, for example via cords or tapes.
See also:Decor doors with their hands

decorating ideas
It is necessary to organically fit into the interior of the lodge rooms, and at the same time take into consideration the child's preferences regarding the decor. The most common variant decoration - decoration flags upper ends of the strips. Apart from these, you can also decorate the upper perimeter of the tent. As an alternative, check boxes are used feathers. A tent sewn various figures, paint the horns, arrows and other elements of the Indian subjects. If the tent is designed for the little girl, then used as decoration frill. Another worthy solution - a garland, and the relevance of such an option would be not only for the New Year, but also at any time as a decorative illumination. Inside the lodge is decorated with pillows of various shapes and colors. The interior of the room will be fun to watch a tent in the form of a tent.

What lay on the floor of the house
Child lodge should be located in any position, lying or sitting, and for a long time. The floor of the house must be covered with a soft mattress, blanket and pillow toddler will sometimes fall asleep there. If the tent frame has a bottom portion, it is necessary to sheathe its soft material. In any case, the top is placed carpet or mattress. It can also be done by hand, for example, tissue residues or various patches. The tents are most commonly used options from one segment or several flat squares. Baby to be soft and comfortable, it is better to make a mat of many small cubes. This product is also called Bombon. Outwardly, it resembles a quilt. The mattress-pad Bombon is made of several different colors of fabrics. For custom configuration of tents better sew more convenient, appropriate to their form mats.

How to sew a mat / mattress Bombon - step by step guide
The first step is to get a few fabrics of different colors. Then cut out a square size. From figure 17 × 17 cm to obtain a final cell is 10 × 10 cm. So, from several different fabrics cut the number of squares, you need to create a single line. Fragments sew striped seams iron out right. The following line do the most different color from the previous one. At this time, the seams are smoothed left. Further rows of squares are connected. The lower parts are made with square elements parameters 11 × 11 cm. Between each row need to 1 cm seam allowance, and on the sides - 4-5 to make an edge for the subsequent dressing pad. When it is ready, each square filled with packing moiety through bottom left cuts. Recent then carefully sutured. This mat can simultaneously serve as a mattress.

In the modern sense of the lodge - is not only a house of Indians and lodging option in the campaign, but also a full part of the interior of the nursery. For children under the age of 5-6 years old tent - a place to have fun, play and rest. Decorative wigwams made to draw in the classical Indian style or spirit of the Wild West. The tent can be done independently. To do this, collect materials for the frame and buy a beautiful fabric for the lining. Attaching sticks made with the help of ropes, but for greater reliability is better to further drill the holes. Then the construction is wound fragment cut out from the web. Fixation is made opposite sexes laces compound or with an adhesive. Inside the lodge for the child need to install soft mat-mattress. Decorating the house is best in traditional style, using interesting decor for children.