Mineral wool or polystyrene foam

Some believe that the expanded polystyrene - the best material for insulation. Others say the same words, but on the mineral wool. How can the right choice? Which is better - mineral wool or polystyrene foam yet? That where I use? First you need to consider each material separately and understand what he is is, what are its advantages and disadvantages. Well compare.

Expanded polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene is the material obtained by foaming. It consists of 98% air, and 2% polystyrene with various additives. In fact, a lot of air bubbles enclosed in a shell of polystyrene. Since static sealed air gap is an excellent insulator, a material widely popular heaters.

Here are some of the characteristics of polystyrene:

  • Coefficient of thermal insulation is from 0.028 to 0.036 W / (m · K).
  • Permeability - 0.015-0.05 Mg / (m · h · Pa).
  • It has a resistance to alcohol and ether.
  • Mechanical Tensile strength - at least 20 MPa.
  • Soundproofing effect. Styrofoam sheet 3 cm in thickness, is capable of reducing noise level of penetration by 25 dB.
  • Low water absorption - no more than 6%.

Produced polystyrene sheets, a size of 1 m * 1 m. The thickness of the sheet may be different, depending on the needs of the buyer. The most commonly used thickness of the sheets 5 and 10 cm are also available in a thickness of 2 or 3 cm.

The foam of different sizes

Related Content - mineral wool insulation roofing technology.

However, in order sheets can be made of greater thickness or of a different size. foam 12 cm can be used to enhance the insulating qualities.

types of material

In addition to differences in size and thickness of the material, it is also distinguished by density. One particular species is extruded polystyrene. It has a very fine structure and is manufactured by extrusion. Such material has a high compressive strength. It is more durable.

extruded polystyrene

One characteristic is the density of the styrofoam. It varies from 15 to 35 kg / m3.


Here are some reasons why, in certain cases prefer polystyrene mineral wool:

  • If the foam need to grout (it concerns the finishing of the facade), it is much easier to work with them rather than with mineral wool. foam sheets much easier to exactly pokleit due to their flat surface, and the adhesive mixture when applied, it will not slide.
  • The foam is safe for health. Working is not necessary to use a respirator with it, long-sleeved clothing and sunglasses, as it should be done when working with mineral wool.
  • The foam has a low water absorption coefficient.
  • Low price.
  • Low weight.


Besides the advantages polystyrene also has disadvantages:

  • It is susceptible to rodents and other animals. If the material is not protected from external impacts (e.g., plastered), it can nibble mouse. Still other pests are geese, which can seriously damage the facade is not plastered.
  • Combustibility. In the event of a fire it will contribute to the spread of fire smoldering slowly. A substance which are released during combustion polystyrene, very harmful to health.
  • He is a vapor-proof, so to maintain a comfortable indoor climate will need frequent airing.
  • On foam adversely affected by the sun's rays - it begins to break down. Not plastered facade in a few years may become thinner at 0.5 cm.

Therefore, the choice of foam is necessary to weigh the pros and cons.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool has a fibrous structure. The fiber thickness - from 4 to 15 microns in length - from 15 to 50 mm. The fibrous structure copes with cancel sound waves.


  • Glass wool.
  • Stone.
  • Slag.
Mineral wool in plates

The thermal conductivity of wool is 0.040 W / m * ° C. Therefore, the question that warmer - mineral wool or foam, the foam can be answered. Although of course, much depends on the thickness and density of the material.

Types of mineral wool

Mineral wool is used in various fields of insulation material for which is available in different forms:

  • Round. It is spread over the horizontal surfaces are insulated, or brackets attached to vertical surfaces in order to avoid rolling.
  • Slab. It is more rigid and heavy and is not subject to pilling. The most common form of plates - 60 * 120 cm.
Mineral wool rolls


Among the benefits of mineral wool is worth noting the following points:

  • It does not burn. Therefore, in case of fire, it will not contribute to its spread.
  • Mineral wool is not affected by pests like mice or other animals.
  • It does not emit toxic substances at temperatures up to 650 ° C.


Here are some disadvantages of mineral wool:

  • It is not safe, so it is necessary to work with a respirator, gloves and long-sleeved clothing.
  • Mineral wool is hygroscopic. If, before the material to be protected it will rain, its insulating properties significantly reduced. Therefore insulated facade by means of mineral wool it is desirable to protect it immediately.

What material to choose

Through comparison of EPS and mineral wool sheets, it may be noted that in the various fields will have the advantage of a particular material.

For thermal insulation of the facade

For thermal insulation from the outside is applicable to both one and the other material. However, much easier to work yet with polystyrene foam. In addition, if time does not protect the mineral wool, its thermal insulation properties are greatly reduced. Properly protecting the facade against rodents, as well as sunlight, can not be afraid of the material.

Winterizing facade foam

For thermal insulation from inside

Since the occurrence of fire often takes place inside the building, there is better to use mineral wool, so to speak, not to add fuel to the fire.

Recently, very popular for the construction of interior walls of steel plasterboard partitions, screwed to the metal frame. In the frame of the profiles very convenient to mount the mineral wool slabs.

for the foundation

It uses extruded polystyrene. It has almost zero absorbability. Therefore, with his help often insulated basement and foundation.

Sometimes he does not even need plastering.

Thermal insulation of roofs

What better insulation for the roof? Here are the advantages of using rock wool:

  • It can not be protected from rodents.
  • It is convenient to be laid between the crate.
  • It is fireproof.

Of course, it is hygroscopic, but properly designed roof, and the presence of Gidrobarer protect the insulation.

Thermal insulation of attic floor

For the attic floor is also possible to use mineral wool. Unlike foam, it does not need to be protected from pests.

The time spent on the installation will be small, since the issue of flatness of the walls, which causes long fiddling with the material on the facade work, here, on the roof is not necessary. Although the course will have to work in all forms of personal protective equipment.

The use of protective equipment when working with mineral wool

As can be seen, and expanded polystyrene, mineral wool and have their own sphere of use. So if you think about the insulation in their homes, you can select the appropriate material and later see the result of this warming.