Decorative appearance of foamirana Rose will not leave anyone indifferent. the queen of flowers, you can make the hands of every kind and size. Excellent See more interior decoration, tiny buds on the stems in a pot. These exclusive crafts will take a worthy place in the house or apartment. Due to the special properties of the foam sheet products last a long time without losing the pristine beauty.
- About the material
- Properties and Applications
- Tools required for working with foamiranom
- Easy way to create roses for beginners
- How to make a hairpin with a rose from foamirana
- Creating interior Rose on the stalk
- Master-class on making a rose bud
- Peony- Rose: step by step guide
- Rose in the Japanese style
- Wreath of tiny roses
- How and what tint of rose petals foamirana
- How to care for products from foamirana
- conclusion
About the material
Foamiran - velvety in appearance and to the touch material with a foamed structure. The composition includes vinyl acetate polymer and ethylene. Because these substances suede plastic sheets have pungent smell, they are still in a packed form.
foamirana production started in Iran. Gradually, it was taken up entrepreneurs from China and other countries. Due to the ease of handling, the variety of use cases revelyur quickly became popular. Its main advantage - compliance. The material is softened, it is ready to use under the influence of low temperatures, for example, heat of human hands.

Buy foam rubber can be in any shop with goods for needlework. Increasingly found Foam sheet, the standard size - 40 x 60 cm. The plate thickness is different, depending on the manufacturer, no more than 3 mm. It is also possible, and roll release form. Thin sheets are sold in the form of a twisted without packaging.
Indicators of flexibility and plasticity of the material increases due to the degree of foaming. Quality defines the user experience. The more air bubbles in it, the easier it is to roll out of it and pulling different pieces after heating.
Properties and Applications
Foamiran quickly became so popular thanks to the convenient form of release, color variety, low price and its unique properties. It is much superior to the fabric or paper is suitable for flat crafts, three-dimensional shapes, colors. Decorative material has the following features:
- It becomes soft under the influence of heat, hands, candle flame. Greater ductility can be achieved by applying to the battery element, iron;
- Good holds its shape after cooling. Crafts become strong, do not deform when touched or fall;
- The foamed rubber can make a strong or stretch, affecting different heat sources;
- Products from foamirana can tint in different ways. To impart natural color petals used pastels, acrylics;
- Suede plastic can be cut with scissors, stationery knife;
- To connect multiple parts using strong fixing glue, hot glue gun to the rod.

Foam is used to create a variety of crafts, both flat and three-dimensional, simple decoration objects, interior decoration. Small flowers, you can paste over the edge of the clock on the wall, picture frame. If you collect rubber petals in the shape of a dome, you get a great shade for a lamp. From foamirana also make fashionable jewelry, decorative dolls, Gift vases, baskets with stunning bouquets of roses, peonies and flower assortment.
Tools required for working with foamiranom
Work with decorative foam sheets easier with special tools. It will also need to comply with certain rules, stock up stencils and templates. To create the various elements in the form of legs flowers, petals, leaves required the following materials and devices:
- Crayons, paints. Used for coloring and giving naturalness of various modular elements. Most often use dry, oil pastels;
- Teip tape. The main purpose - treatment stems, twigs decorating, legs. Through Adhesive, when stretching is perfectly fixed on the wire rods wood, plastics;
- Flock powder. Using a special powder creates velvety effect. It will be useful in the manufacture of velvety leaves, anthers from the stamens;
- Heating elements. To prepare material for work, his thinning using iron, fire candles, burners, their own hands;
- Scissors. Fit normal office tailoring or cutting. To cut small parts handy little nail scissors. Sometimes the treatment is carried out edges shaped products;
- Molds. With such devices attach workpiece natural texture of living plants. Realistic molds cast from plastic, confer deep rough, rough surface;
- Figured punchers. Will be invaluable when working with small details. They help make the little flowers, leaves, different decor;
- Bulka. Help create deep lobes, like Peony- plant, shrub roses. Balls perfectly smooth, come in different sizes;
- Floral wire. This is a special wire winding in the paper. It varies in thickness, color and length;
- Glue. To collect volumetric bouquets or construct articles made from multiple parts require strong fixation adhesive, hot gun.
See also:Woodcarving for Beginners

Easy way to create roses for beginners
Charming flower can be created in different ways. Beginning wizard may form rosettes of several individual petals or prepared flap parts. The second method is more simple. The next workshop will be devoted to this method of collecting flower.
To work need foamiran pink or red color, a little bit of green for leaves. Also need a set of standard tools and more suitable paper template. Cooking recipes for petals - cut three different circle of paper, divide them into five parts, forming of each sector of the rounded lobe.

We apply the template to foamiranu outlining the edges with toothpicks. Cut one piece for each size. If desired, the edges of petals can tint. Heat the iron and applying the blank one, stretching movements attach bulge edge curls in the opposite direction.
Bud doing multiple petals. Of food foil rolls off the ball, put it on a toothpick and stick the petals begin. The smallest detail of the petal dress on a stick, glue at the base. Now fix the pitch to the central bud staggered. When a number is issued, we proceed to the next part and act similar to the previous petals.
How to make a hairpin with a rose from foamirana
hair ornaments can be made small, barely noticeable, or cumbersome, accent. hairpins often made specifically for a particular celebration. You need to prepare a foam scarlet, golden braid and two nylon tape and green salad color, scrunchy, the necessary tools.

First of all cut the petals on a template. Prepare 6-Th large, 12 medium-Th, 10 Th small. Now, a piece of foil 9h10 cm glue braid length of 14 cm, and rolls rustling material in the bulb. Fasten the base of the petals one by one - the smallest first, then the middle, setting the stage for a little one after another. Green foamirana do leaves and sepals. Pierce the workpiece in the center and we put on tape. Of the tapes collect two bow, apply to them flowers and tie using tape. On the reverse side fasten hairpin or gum.
See also:Decor Chandeliers - 18 ways to decorate their own hands

Creating interior Rose on the stalk
Clearly fulfilling step by step instructions, you can make a stunning rose of any size and complexity. Steady flower on the stem will make of foamirana, floral wire, tape. Also need glue "Moment", hot gun, a set of paint, iron to shape the leaves and petals.
Work must begin with the production of templates. On paper, draw a blank right size - big - 5 pieces, Medium - 11 pieces, small - 9 pieces. Each heated on natural iron and form recesses and convexes. Foil rolls off the ball, skewer it on a toothpick. At the core of such alternately glue petals. When the flower is fully assembled, it is possible to make an arbitrary pattern through artistic crayons.

In the next step we cut the leaves, to shape, if necessary, painted in tone teip feeds. Separated from the wire coil sections 6 to 10 cm, fasten them to the leaflets. For a piece of thick wire primatyvaem leaves thicken the trunk teip-tape stained with paint. Finally fix the flower to the stem.
Interior rose will look spectacular, if you make it out of bright foamirana. It looks beautiful yellow, red, blue, burgundy decor.
Master-class on making a rose bud
Simple and beautiful flower buds can be made from a minimum of materials. Will work with a foam ball by building on its petals. According to the pattern in the form of drops of cut 8-NIL details, prepare a star of the green piece of foam rubber for the sepals.

On a small piece of wire anchoring balloon. All carved petals and sepal heat the iron. We give them the desired shape, scrolling between the toes. One petal curl up the middle and attached to the base. The next item is sticking expanded, covering the twisted petals. The remaining elements fix the overlapping, moving along the circumference. Sepal and glue wooden skewers-stalk.

Peony- Rose: step by step guide
Fulfilling all the action stages, step by step description of the proposed master class, you can achieve full compliance with this rose to its live counterpart. To work need foamiran pink or white, a piece of wire, cotton, oil pastel, crepe paper, PVA glue.
On a sheet of office paper to create a scheme of future petals. Required to draw 15 parts be in the form of droplets of different sizes. Cut the required amount of petals, from 3 to 15 pieces of each kind, thins when desired.

We do core of twisted wire. Swathes of it with cotton wool soaked in glue, sprinkle semolina. Midst can be tinted yellow acrylic paint. Prepare petals, spread by segment and proceed to the collection - from large to small. Glue 4 and the workpiece to the middle, forming the foundation.
Merge 5-Th lobe at the base of the fan type, edge bends the two end elements and applies to the base by two segments. Such details would need two. Now we proceed to the creation of the main series. Arranging the petals of 3-5 pieces and glue to the bud. Fluffiness Peony- roses will depend on the number of rows.
To create better rose Peony- select foamirana thin sheets. Should give preference to materials from the Iranian, Chinese manufacturers.
Rose in the Japanese style
Such rosette easier to make marshmallow foamirana. You need to stock more blue or violet leaves, 1 mm thick. For the decorations will need oil pastel blue, a piece of fleece or a sponge. Making any flower foam rubber begins with the pattern. Japanese rose petals will collect from 3 types. Blanks better to do with the stock as marshmallow Foam porous and easily torn.
See also:Furniture for doll house with their hands

The main difference between a flower in oriental style - unusual colors. The brightness of the color of gaining from the middle to the edges of the petals. When all the blanks are cut out, their identical toning pencils shaded sponge. Now we proceed to the heat and the formation of structures. Leans each element to the iron for 2-3 seconds, folding bellows, twist.
At the core of the first foil pasted small petals, then the middle, at the end of the biggest. Cut off the excess at the bottom. The last element close the base.
Wreath of tiny roses
Miniature roses can be assembled in track and put in a vase or pot, is located on the rim of the original wreath. Work expected is simple but laborious. Foamiran need to prepare a suitable color for the flower buds and leaves, thin wire, tape, adhesives, or nail clippers shaped hole punch.

Cutout blank petals, toning, if desired. After cooking, give them the desired shape realistic, leaves for use mold. We divide the wire into equal parts at the end of each foil fasten base and collect in the closed petals roses, crepe leaves. In this way, we do 10-15 pieces on wire legs. The amount depends on the rim of collection schemes. By putting a thick wire preform primatyvaem teip-tape.
How and what tint of rose petals foamirana
Due to the special structure of the paint in Foam perfectly absorbed, filling the pores. Colored product does not stain your hands or clothes, may be subjected to dry cleaning and washing. Tinting paints petals foamirana the following type:
- Dry pastel. On a damp cloth is carried out small-scale, is transferred to the product. For persistent and vivid coloring movement make a slight pressure. In mild tushevanii - moving traffic.
- Oil pastel. Color can carry through a napkin or just drawing the necessary circuits. For the early penetration of paints foamiran can be wet.
- Acrylic paint. It is applied to the workpiece diy brush or cotton swab. Rib petals and leaves to get wet toned movements.

How to care for products from foamirana
Roses from foam rubber, as well as other crafts, are not afraid of sunlight and moisture. Products from foamirana can be placed on a window sill in the bathroom, in the kitchen. But, in spite of the resistance to heat and humidity, crafts require careful treatment and some care.
Flowers of several layers and a plurality of petals better protect against dust, stored in a plastic or cardboard box suitable for the growth of hand-made article. Contamination in inaccessible places it is necessary to carefully remove a small brush. With a large composition dust blown off using a hair dryer.

Each artist who works with foamiranom, did at least one rosette of the proposed workshops or even all. Flowers get realistic, with delicate petals and delicate buds. Rose on legs, collected in a bouquet, a composition in the original pots - will be a great gift to fans of decoration, created by the hands.