How to clean the carpet at home with the help of folk and professional tools?


  • Folk remedies that can be used to clean carpets
  • Professional approaches to carpets and carpets processing
  • The specifics of carpeting depending on the type of material

The use of soft carpets as a floor cover has not only undeniable advantages, but also disadvantages, the mostthe obvious of which is the complexity of cleaning. Many housewives do not even think about how to clean the carpet at home properly, in accordance with its features. They simply use the means that are generally considered universal.

This allows you to clean the product, but often negatively affects its appearance, texture and even functional features. To constantly enjoy the cleanliness of the carpet and safely walk on it barefoot, you need to learn how to use the available folk remedies, specialized drugs, technological devices correctly.

Folk remedies that can be used when cleaning carpets

When cleaning carpets, you need to remember two basic rules. First, cleaning should be regular, even if it seems that the product does not need to be processed yet. The frequency of manipulation is selected individually and can be from once a month to once a season. Second - fresh spots are better to be exposed immediately, without waiting until they dry up. Neglect of this recommendation often leads to the appearance of faded areas on the surface of products.

To quickly and efficiently wash the carpet with your own hands, you should turn to the available household chemical products that can be easily found in any kitchen:

  • Soda. This component collects dirt better than others, while absorbing odors and weighting the dust. To wash the carpet dry by using soda, you can simply sprinkle the powder with a copious amount of contamination, wait half an hour and collect the product that has bound the dirt with a vacuum cleaner.

Tip: An even more effective analogue of this dry carpet cleaning option is the method with the addition of fine table salt or starch to the main component. If the stain has dried up and is a dense crust, then it is better to dissolve the soda with raw potatoes, grated on a fine grater.

  • Olimith. Ideal stain remover when you need to clean the carpet without a vacuum cleaner. A teaspoon of the active ingredient is mixed with a teaspoon of any detergent. The resulting mass is bred in two glasses of lukewarm water. We put the finished product on the stain and, without waiting, start rubbing it with a soft brush. Then wipe the area with a dry cloth and leave the material to dry. If necessary, repeat the approach.
  • Lemon juice. Best of all copes with withered dirt and bright spots( wine, ink).On the problem site, we apply a concentrated strained formulation without any additives and leave for a couple of hours. Then take a lukewarm water, add soft cleaning products to it and wash the resulting composition with a sticky formation along with the dirt. Flush the area with clean water and dry at room temperature.
  • Household soap. It is not recommended to use for the treatment of long pile carpets.just one manipulation can give the product a "washed-out" look. But with its help you can clean the carpet at home, and the composition is equally effective in processing coffee, wine and tea spots. A tablespoon of soapy sawdust is bred in half a liter of warm water. The resulting composition is distributed over the contaminated zone, gently with three materials, washed off. Repeat once more and dry with a natural method.

  • Vinegar. Recommended to use to clean the carpet of the house from minor surface contaminants. Two tablespoons of 9% vinegar is bred in three glasses of cool water, applied to the product and begin to process it with a soft sponge. It is not necessary to wash off, the pungent aroma will quickly erode itself. This method also allows you to get rid of unpleasant odors in the apartment.
  • Snow or very cold water. To wash the carpet on which there are traces of blood or fresh dirt, it is not necessary to resort to the use of chemistry. We take a soft brush and ice water, we carry out an intensive cleaning of the object with our own hands, refreshing the bristles in the liquid every few seconds. With the help of snow, you can quickly and efficiently clean the white carpet. We take the product out onto the street, knock it out, sprinkle it with snow, clean it off, sprinkle it again and clean it off. Repeat this several times until you can refresh the color to the desired level.

It is recommended to freeze carpets in the winter months. Dry and clean product hang out in the cold( for example, an open balcony) for a day. After this, it is recommended to clean the carpet at home using one of the suggested methods. This method of treatment will get rid of dust mites and fleas.

Professional approaches to carpets and carpets processing

To owners who prefer not to use folk remedies for carpet cleaning, one can resort to one of the following methods:

  1. Vanish. Suitable option for those who want to wash the carpet quickly and efficiently, minimally touching with their own hands with the reagent. The product is sprayed on the surface of the product, forming a strong foam. After a certain time, it must be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Steam cleaner. Can be used to soften the stains and facilitate the process of their elimination. It is highly not recommended to use on woolen surfaces. It is necessary to combine with other exposure options.
  3. Washing systems. Compact and efficient devices are better than any other means to cope with work, while requiring a minimum of physical expenses from the hostess. True, they are not cheap and take up a lot of storage space.

When using technically advanced devices and specialized preparations, you should carefully read the instructions. Neglect of recommendations can turn a bright palace into a spotty, and soft and fluffy carpet - into a dense shapeless mat.

Specificity of carpeting depending on the type of material

None of the folk or industrial methods for cleaning carpets can not be considered universal. Before you wash a particular product, you need to familiarize yourself with the following points:

  • To clean the carpet with a long nap and not spoil its appearance, you need to use the mildest detergent, and the surface of the product can only be applied with foam. After the composition penetrates the structure of the pile, it must be removed with a vacuum cleaner. Aggressive components are used only to remove local spots.
  • Woolen carpets, products made of fur and sheepskin love to clean soda. Wet effect in this case is extremely undesirable. When dampness appears in the fur and wool layers, there is a risk of formation of mold and fungal colonies.
  • Synthetics is very unpretentious and staunchly tolerates all experiments. The main thing is to vacuum it at least twice a week, and use aggressive processing options only if necessary.
  • White pile can turn yellow with lemon juice, and dark pile will acquire a light coating when exposed to soda, potatoes and starch.

Cleaning the carpet at home is not easy, but grateful. With careful attitude to the object, it will retain its functional and decorative properties for many years to come.