Calm, only calm: how to open a new plastic bag in a few seconds

There are little things that are not just annoying, but can actually infuriate. One of them is a new plastic bag, which is insanely difficult to open, or it is with food - casually, but tightly tied by the seller. So, we save our nerves and solve the problem elegantly.

Read in the article

  • 1 How to open a T-shirt bag even with gloves
  • 2 How to deal with a knot on a plastic bag
  • 3 There is an alternative!

How to open a T-shirt bag even with gloves

Now, for their own safety, everyone wears disposable gloves. Before going to the store, we put on and then just throw them in the trash can. The cheapest are plastic gloves, but it is with them that the problem arises in the store. It is almost impossible to open a plastic bag with such gloves. Everything slips, and you will waste your nerves and time on unsuccessful attempts or asking the seller for help. And if there is also a queue for you, then you can run into a scandal from impatient buyers.

These packages have a hidden secret that sellers know. That is why they manage to complete the task in a second. But they do it so quickly that it is quite difficult to understand the manipulation. So let's see what this secret is.

How to open a new plastic bag in a few seconds
You need to take the bag with one hand by the middle between the handles, and with the other, pull the loop of the handle
As soon as you start pulling the handle, this corner of the inner fold will appear, which was previously hidden inside
As soon as you start pulling the handle, this corner of the inner fold will appear, which was previously hidden inside
This corner is a kind of key that will open the package. Pull on it and you can easily detach the tightly pressed pieces of polyethylene.PHOTO:
This corner is a kind of key that will open the package. Pull on it and you can easily detach the tightly pressed pieces of polyethylene.

This way, you can quickly and easily open the bag without the unaesthetic (and today dangerous) wetting of your fingers with saliva. Try it and be surprised.

How to deal with a knot on a plastic bag

Oh, those nodes on the packages. Very little effort when tightening the knot - and it is easier to tear the bag than to open it. Most do so. The most unpleasant thing is when a bag with bulk products: sugar or cereals is closed with such a knot, double or single. Breaking such a bag is exactly like spilling the contents. What to do?

Take the " tail" of the polyethylene knot and straighten itPHOTO:
Take the "tail" of the polyethylene knot and straighten it
Twist the ponytail clockwise into a tight tourniquetPHOTO:
Twist the ponytail clockwise into a tight tourniquet
Without unwrapping the tourniquet, start pushing it into the knot. The twisted polyethylene will easily pass into the maze of the knot, and you can untie itPHOTO:
Without unwrapping the tourniquet, start pushing it into the knot. The twisted polyethylene will easily pass into the maze of the knot, and you can untie it

And it’s true: who would have thought that it’s so simple!

There is an alternative!

But it is even better to think about avoiding the use of such packages as much as possible. Does the thought of a string bag evoke memories of grandmothers in Soviet stores? For your information, the shopping bags are not the same.

You can easily find on sale cute compact handbags made of thin and durable fabric, which folds into tiny packaging and takes up almost no space in a briefcase, car glove compartment or even a pocket jacketsPHOTO:
You can easily find on sale cute compact handbags made of thin and durable fabric, which folds into tiny packaging and takes up almost no space in a briefcase, car glove compartment or even a pocket jackets

And such bags can withstand much more weight than the same bags. You can freely carry a fifteen-kilogram watermelon home. And, what is more important, you will not suffer from squeezing your fingers and palms with the stretched handles of the plastic bag. The handles of the fabric bag do not put pressure on your fingers. In addition, you will definitely be warmed by the thought that you are making a small but real contribution to the protection of the environment.

So it is worth remembering that everything ingenious is very simple. And as a supplement to this material, we offer you a visual solution to another urgent problem for many: opening a sewn-in bag-packing:

How do you solve the problem of opening packages? If you have your own techniques, share them in the comments!
