Avito noticed a record growth in demand for repair services

Forced quarantine has affected the market for household services, among those who stayed afloat are specialists in finishing materials and craftsmen in assembling furniture and installing doors. You can find a good master with a delay of 2 or even three weeks. The demand for these services during the period of self-isolation has reached a maximum in the last five years!

During the self-isolation regime, residents of large Russian cities made repairs in apartments, equipped houses and summer cottages, worked on personal plots, analysts of the service note. Over the past two months of the self-isolation regime on the Avito Real Estate platform, requests in this category have increased by 44%, twice compared to the beginning of the year, in an annual ratio, the demand for repair and construction services increased by 36%.

Among the most popular services are the construction of country houses and cottages. The share of requests in this category on the Avito website was 38.6%. In the Moscow region, they were interested in renting suburban real estate, and the request for "improvement" has grown 5 times since the beginning of the year.

Most often, Russians were looking for repair and construction services in second place in terms of the frequency of requests on the Avito website were “finishing works” (22.1%), in third place - “apartment renovation” (10%). Less than 10% were used by requests for “repair of plumbing” (9.4%), as well as “assembly and repair of furniture” (5.4%).

Most Russians showed interest in repair and construction services in the Leningrad Region (81.9%) and the Krasnoyarsk Territory (70.5%). Arkhangelsk (62.3%), Tomsk (61%), Tyumen (60.3%) and Chelyabinsk regions (60.2%) are also among the leaders among the regions according to this indicator, analysts of the Avito service calculated.

Source: RBC Real Estate
