Lately it has become urgent to insulate the building foam, this material is easy to use, is different low cost and practicality when properly processed. In order to increase the strength of the material and increase its service life, using several options, among which the painting foam.
Expanded polystyrene is different ductility and ease. It is often used for thermal insulation of buildings, as well as for decoration. The material was originally made in white, but the plate is easy to paint, most importantly choose the right color.

The material can be painted? Gouache paint, or other? There are several aspects that are worth paying attention to when choosing the material. Before you begin, it is important to determine the coloring material, namely by its composition and properties.
What used to paint the foam?
Selection of a suitable ink for the foam is in the correct selection of the composition. for foam paint must meet the following requirements:
- Water resistance.
- Density.
- Resistance to external factors.
- Elasticity.
- Adhesion.

different coloring agents are used to process the material. The most used dye materials include acrylic or water based slurry. Other types of paint do not cover the foam due to their member corrosive substances: alcohol, acetone or white spirit - they are a destructive effect on the styrofoam. Painting panels of foam need special paints that are not afraid temperature extremes and water.
It should be noted that before the paint spray foam must first apply a protective layer on the surface. "Water glass" is most often used in the role of the protective layer. Before applying the "liquid glass" should be diluted to use this primer and less water. The first embodiment gives a better effect - the surface is covered by qualitative and pores of the material are eliminated. Also, as the protective layer using liquid filler.
The foam, which is coated with several layers, forms a special protective crust, and the product itself acquires a glossy finish. After complete drying of the material is ready for painting.
How to handle the foam before painting?
For the qualitative performance of works on painting necessary to hold a series of preparatory activities. There are three stages required, without which the surface is not painted well:
- The first step is a complete cleaning of the material, that is, from the surface of the foam boards must be completely removed dust and pollution are available. To this end, the material should be rinsed under running water or, if not possible, carefully wipe clean with a damp cloth. Do not rush right away and cover it with paint. Plates must be completely dry otherwise even waterproof paint "do not take" on the surface.
- The second important point being the component of the coating material quality special coloring agents - is the direction of ink application. For a uniform and beautiful coating layer resulting paint should be applied special brush and adhere to a deposition direction. Thus, after the layer has dried on the surface will not remain streaks.
- To paint lay down evenly and the surface was presentable, and the material for a long time maintained its quality characteristics, it is necessary to apply the paint twice, allowing each layer to fully dry.

Technology of work
acrylic based paints are used for outdoor decoration. Technologists work has the following steps:
- Measures are taken to cleaning the surface from dirt or dust.
- Designated plates glued joints special tape (reinforcement).
- product surface is leveled.
- Next, acrylic primed surface composition.
- After that you need to paint otkolerovat.
- Next, prepared the necessary tools.
Next, each item is considered in more detail:
- Once the foam sheets are securely fastened, it is necessary to thoroughly clean them from existing dust or dirt. After that, the cleaned surface to leave for some time to dry completely. Next, on the surface should walk primer (acrylic). It is very important after drying proshpaklevat sheets to remove stains primer. Not to be missed this point, since otherwise the surface after painting is uneven and keep all the inclusions or droplets.
- After the preparatory work can begin to paint, to do this you need a brush, roller and tray for paint.
- Coloring material is placed in a tray for convenience.
- Using a roller, paint is applied to the foam sheets. It is advisable to stick to one direction in order to avoid divorce.
- After applying the first layer to leave it until dry and the next step a second coat. If the color after drying is not as intense as it was planned, it is possible to paint over one more time.
The use of acrylic paints makes the material stronger and more durable. Thus, the insulation of the building process easier, besides, it is beneficial and convenient.