In cold weather, any home loses heat due to leaks in the field of building construction joints, slots in windows and doors, and also because of the thermal radiation of the walls, floors and ceilings in the surrounding space. The share of the ceiling and the roof have from 15 to 45% of all heat losses. Therefore, it is necessary to insulate the ceiling, eliminating heat loss due to release hot air and by heat transfer. Most of the methods of insulation does not require expensive equipment or special skills of employees. They are quite on the shoulder to perform work on warming the house with his own hands.
But the most important task - to save heat - insulation works and decide another - to maintain optimum moisture. To this end, in addition to materials, insulation, apply vapor barrier and waterproofing membrane to prevent the accumulation of condensation on ceilings and walls. Semipermeable membrane film is passed through it in one of water vapor and moisture do not pass in the opposite direction.

Schemes insulation of the ceiling and roof
From the point of view of insulation all the roofs are divided into two types:
- Warm. Under the roofing material has several layers: the vapor barrier, insulation and waterproofing for the ceiling. They hold the battens - spatial structure, attached to the rafters. Ceiling insulated attic space under such scheme.
- It's cold. They have a layer of roofing material and the supporting structure and the padded layer parogidroizolyatsii under them. The air gap in the attic is a further barrier to heat loss. The ceiling located under the so-called cold roof must be insulated and waterproofed.
Features ceiling insulation
The main feature of warming the flat ceiling - the inability to arrange the condensate drain, as is done for pitched roofs. Therefore, almost all decisions on warming aimed at, to take up water vapor, providing them with seamless transition through all the layers.
cold floor
How to insulate ceilings in the cold attic? Above the cold or heat conducting overlapping (e.g., concrete) leave air gaps. First, the auxiliary vapor barrier between the insulation film and comes into effect at high temperature and abundant drops of condensation. It should be well ventilated. The main gap between the insulation and waterproofing layer is easier to make a ventilated - enough to leave a small gap on the perimeter. Cold overlap preferably insulate both above and below. Insulation used for a ceiling located under the cold loft should be moisture resistant.
warm floor
Warm called overlap, made of materials with low thermal conductivity, such as wood. Such overlap themselves servants insulator, enough to insulate only the top. Even if the condensate is formed and at Villeneuve temperature differences, it is absorbed into the wooden structures, without altering their properties, and subsequently evaporated. Typically, this process is invisible to the occupants.
Vapor barrier is placed on the floor without a gap, then lay insulation. The air gap between the insulation layer and gidrobarernoy membrane should also leave and to allow ventilation.
Materials for thermal insulation
The question of which is better insulation, simple answer is no. Selection is determined by several factors, such as:
- insulating properties;
- features ceiling structure;
- price;
- requirements for qualification and equipment
- availability of materials.
for thermal insulation materials are divided into major and minor. Auxiliary include barrier and membrane.
Barriers and membranes
Vapor barriers are needed in order to not pass through them water vapor. For the manufacture of polypropylene film are applied more than 55 microns thick.
Polyethylene as paroizolyatora unsuitable - with time from temperature fluctuations it cracks and starts to pass the pair. However, if the solder layer and a layer of polyethylene foil - is obtained high-quality steam.
Foil insulating layer is also provided with a fibrous nonwoven fabric padding polyester type. This layer collects moisture from the heater through the capillaries and assigns it to one side. If any additional air gap above the cold overlap can not do.
Multilayer reinforced membrane materials passed pair in one direction and in the reverse delay moisture. The reinforcing mesh layer provides the film strength, prevents it from sagging and ensures constancy of the main air gap.

See also - how to insulate the ceiling in the garage with his own hands.
Membrane for installation under the roof have a metallized external side. It improves weatherability - high humidity, wind loads and temperature variations.
The better to warm radiant cooling? Basic insulation materials used for thermal insulation of ceilings, can be divided into the following categories:
- Solid. These materials consist of a foamed plastic, a little exposed to moisture, it is convenient to install.
- Fiber. Mats or rolls formed of compacted fibers. Inexpensive, have good thermal insulation. Sensitive to moisture when wet loses insulating properties.
- Bulk. Traditional bulk materials - sawdust, Concrete block, etc. The cheapest, have the weakest insulation. Separately allocated ecowool - not cheap, but extremely effective material.
- Evaporation. Modern coating of expanded plastics. Post sprayed without forming joints and seams. The best thermal insulation, very expensive equipment.
How to insulate the ceiling, everyone decides for himself, based on their needs and capabilities.
Mineral wool

The most popular type of fibrous materials. It is made of several kinds of raw materials:
- Stone wool from volcanic rocks. High strength and density, short tight fiber. High moisture resistance.
- Glass wool from recycled glass. Low strength, easy and firm, long, elastic fibers.
- Slag from blast furnace waste. Low thermal insulation properties, low cost. It does not apply to residential buildings.
For mineral wool insulation does not require special equipment, stacking process easy and fast enough. Available as rolls and insulation slabs with thickness up to 150 mm.
Mineral wool is a health hazard, during installation it is necessary to use a respirator, protective gloves and goggles.
Attention! After contact with the fibers on the mucous membranes in the respiratory system, digestive system should immediately consult a doctor.
After placing in service of mineral wool is harmless to living in the house.
An important feature of mineral wool, which must be considered when designing and styling, is the large number of joints and junctions. They need to perform so that the gap was minimal, the plate stack to the rails and to each other vraspor. Polusantimetrovye gap between the plates can reduce the effectiveness of the coating on the third.

Thermal insulation properties of mineral wool is reduced until their loss when wet material. Therefore it is necessary to ensure the release of vapors and condensate.
The most suitable and popular material for thermal insulation of ceilings is polystyrene. It is produced in the form of panels of 1200 * 600 mm, fitted with a tongue. This allows the installation to make high-quality joints. In addition, the gap and seal the gaps with foam. The material is resistant to humidity and temperature fluctuations. Perfectly manifests itself at the ceiling insulation, both outside and inside
Its drawback is the low resistance to fire. When burned, it releases harmful substances.

The foam or polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene essentially cheaper, but has a low strength and is prone to chipping. Suitable for thermal insulation of the ceiling inside.
Evaporation and bulk materials
Evaporation materials are very effective, do not have joints and seams, almost do not burn. They can be sprayed efficiently in tight spaces and cavities, providing thermal insulation where other materials can be placed only with the partial dismantling of building structures.
The main drawback - the extremely high cost of equipment and high qualification of the operator. This hinders widespread promising method.
Very promising as the bulk, and sprayed insulation for roofs and ceilings. It occupies an intermediate position between the bulk materials and sputtered. It is made of recycled paper, the thermal conductivity coincide with mineral wool. Fibers with addition of adhesive to the surface or are fed into the cavity at low pressure and there solidify. When wet partially lose their properties, but when dry they return.
Additives in the composition ecowool make it a little fuel, environmentally safe and unattractive to rodents and mold. The material does not cause allergy and is not conducive to the development of cancer.

Application of Cellulose Fiber does not require special skills, and the installation of a vacuum cleaner is slightly more complicated. One of the few disadvantages are the requirement for the application temperature: not lower than 23aboutFROM
Expanded clay aggregates and foamed glass (penokroshka)
When expanded clay backfill or penokroshkoy must take into account the fact that its thermal insulation properties are small in comparison with more modern materials. Therefore, the layer need considerably thicker.

Few advantages of the material - its cheapness, water resistance and fire resistance.
Expanded clay used in low cost solutions, as the outer layer, the inner insulation while performed mineral wool

These materials may be attracted by its cheap, sawdust and shavings in the woodworking industry in general can get their hands free. Chips has a high risk of fire, burn sawdust much worse.
Before stacking them recommended dry well, and during wet layering solutions of boric acid and borax.
Thermal insulation of ceiling
Consider yourself ceiling insulation process attic with mineral wool. The technology varies, depending on the specific constructs and selected circuits.
The easiest and fastest way insulation - mezhbalochny. If the ceiling is made of solid boards, a vapor barrier is necessary to trace around the beams or film making inversions on them. If the ceiling is dialed from a thin lining or strips, foil vapor barrier film is attached below the beams of the ceiling.

Full insulation scheme requires much more labor, materials and time, but she is much more effective. By mezhbalochnomu layer of rolls or mats added nadbalochny double layer plates. Stack layers need to overlap.
How to insulate cold inside ceiling
choosing the way of insulation of the ceiling from the inside, it should be understood that any of them will reduce the height of the room. Minimum loss of altitude will be in the case of mounting tension ceiling or ceiling of plasterboard. In this case, the insulation plates can be laid between the metal profile rail.

If the ceiling is not planned, the insulation boards can be mounted in various ways:
- Still, to make the guide of wooden slats or metal sheets.
- Secure the panel with special dowels poppet. One mat size of 1200 x 600 mm is necessary at least 4-5 dowels
- Sticking to overlap with mastic.
On the lower part of the reinforced heater grid is adhered, and has applied to it a leveling primer and paint layers.
without attic
While insulating buildings without proper attic besides solving the problem of heat preservation is necessary to ensure allocating excessive moisture is contained in the air as a vapor, and condensing on the cold surfaces.

Under a light ceiling vapor barrier is laid on it is placed the layer of thermal insulation material. It is necessary to provide two ventilated gap - between the insulation and waterproofing, and between the waterproofing and roofing material. Along the ridge is necessary to arrange the air holes or just lift the cover ridge so that air can escape freely.
special cases
Let us consider some special cases
The apartment building
Apartments on the upper floors of apartment buildings known as cold. Especially if the builders completed the insulation overlap with the violation of the technology. Any independent work in the attic of an apartment building is illegal, it is better to spend time on the complaints against construction or operating organization and get them to fulfill their obligations to ensure the normal temperature. But Complaint process - it's not fast, but cold in the room today.
However, insulate the ceiling can be quickly and inexpensively from the inside and to cope with it on their own. We have to "please" the neighbors drilling numerous holes in the ceiling for dowels, but the result is worth it.

Another disadvantage is reducing the height of the rooms on the 4-5 cm, and the perimeter of the ceiling - and up to 40 cm. But the heat is more expensive.
On warm ceiling mounted rail system of wooden laths or metal profile height of 4 cm. Between them, the foam sheets are laid 30 mm thick and secured to the ceiling on the poppet dowels.
After this, the lower edges of rails fastened foil vapor barrier. The perimeter performed slopes radius of 40-40 cm, providing blending planes false ceilings and walls lines. In the last step water-resistant drywall sheets it is attached. Curved slopes sleep crumb foam, starting with the short sides of the room. Suitable for this purpose and ecowool.
Residential attic should always be warm. Not prevent insulation and residential attic - it will be an additional barrier against the cold in the residential floors. How to securely insulate the ceiling in the attic? The most common pattern - insulation slabs of mineral wool or polyurethane foam between the rafters with stacking. For vertical walls will need to take special cotton with low shrinkage factor.

Particular attention should be paid to the vapor barrier. In an already built house podkonkovoe space is not always available. In this case, can help out ecowool - it will be possible to blow through temporary technological holes, which are then compacted with foam.
Garage and Bath
The roof of the garage often rests on the metal I-beam profile. When installing insulation guides to drill holes in the bottom-up steel girder is inconvenient, so apply the method shown in Fig. insulation slabs are laid in two layers with overlapping. Instead of fibrous materials can try ecowool. In this case, you can do without foil insulating, but instead of suspended ceilings lay kraft paper.

To bath circuit applies standard thermal insulation. High humidity requires the use of basalt wool - insulation glass wool ceiling construction is not recommended. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of ventilation gaps. Ecowool it is necessary to wet the adhesive. If the ceiling is insulated bath, working from the attic, often used and bulk materials, such as sawdust and shavings.
The skills of workers and tools
Popular methods of insulation does not require expensive equipment and highly qualified. For warming the house master will be enough civil skills and common tools:
- knife
- hammer
- Cordless
- hacksaw
- ladders
- roulette
When installing the rails is best to call the assistant. Get some help with the cutting and stacking of rolled materials.
Before starting work, and the purchase of materials necessary to make a preliminary drawing. It will not make a mistake with the size and correctly calculate the amount of purchased materials.