Modern construction industry offers the owners of private houses many options insulating walls, new materials have greater the number of positive characteristics, but often are too expensive and difficult to install, they require special operating conditions. During the construction of small private homes and lodges to the aid of time-tested materials that do not require large expenditures: clay and sawdust. This is perfect for the budget construction.

Advantages and disadvantages
In recent years, increasing the popularity of green building without the use of artificial materials and without harm to the environment. Clay - a material available, and the dust - it is a way to use non-waste timber. Sawdust have a very low thermal conductivity and can permanently retain heat. Clay is binding and gives sawdust opportunity to maintain their properties for a long time.
Main advantages:
- Wall insulation filings cost is very cheap or even free.
- Repair of fabricated insulation can be performed independently and quickly. Knead sufficiently small amount of mixture and to eliminate the problem.
- The resulting material is an excellent sound insulator on a par with the most advanced inventions of the construction industry.
- Walls with clay "breathe" on them, no condensation, they do not require installation of a vapor barrier.
Clay mixture can not always be used as a heater. Before starting work, should be familiar with the shortcomings of the material and how to resolve them:
- Sawdust - a flammable material and even incombustible clay layer only slightly reduces the risk of fire. Near the walls, insulated with clay and sawdust, should carefully monitor the condition of the wiring, put it in special boxes, are not subject to fire clay wall is necessary to protect from the oven with non-combustible material.
- Apply a clay heater can only be inside the house. When wet heat insulating characteristics of the material are greatly reduced (after drying it is fully recoverable).
- The material has a high density, to achieve good thermal insulation effect will cause on the walls of a thick layer of clay, before starting work, make sure that the supporting structure is a house stand.

It will be interesting - Clay stovesReview and preparation of material.
The process of insulating walls opilkobeton - it is difficult and time-consuming process that requires a lot of physical strength, endurance and patience. Perform all work can be one person, but with his assistants the process will take much less time.
Clay - a heaving the material, which means that during freezing in a water-saturated condition will greatly swell and disintegrate. Wall insulation advised to perform summer, whereas before the first cold mixture has time to dry and gain strength.
How to prepare a solution?
Clay with sawdust works well as a thermal insulation for walls only if the materials are selected, prepared and applied correctly. The process of warming the house begins with the preparation of the solution and the choice of materials. Both components of the mixture can be obtained free of charge. But you should pay attention to their quality.
Material is available, is inexpensive, and in some cases it is possible to get free. It is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the material: not allowed to have foreign objects in the material.
just been brought clay can be used, but to obtain an ideal mixture consistency and durability of insulation need to prepare clay. To this end, it is filled with water, mix and leave for the winter. During this time, the material is going through several cycles of freezing and thawing. Natural heaving forces the material several times to expand and contract again, the clay becomes smooth and plastic.
Clay is "thin" and "fat", the fat content parameter dependent plasticity. When using a "fat" (plastic) clay should be added to the composition of the insulation a little sand.

Main article: warming the floor with sawdust.
Clay before starting work you need to prepare: to leave for the winter in water saturated state.
Sawdust - a waste wood processing industry. They can be specially to buy at a low price in any enterprise. You can use different chips, has its useful properties for insulation of walls:
- Oak almost does not change its size and density under the influence of moisture, almost does not rot, resistant to bacteria.
- Pine sawdust is less than other types of wood are susceptible to mold because of its high content of essential oils.
When insulation walls can use a mixture of several kinds of sawdust.
Before starting the work necessary to prepare filings:
- First dust eliminate the impurities, screened and washed.
- After that sawdust thoroughly dried.
- Dry sawdust is necessary to impregnate compounds that protect wood from rotting, mold and fire.

You can use sawdust mixed to obtain the best properties of the insulation material.
Preparation of the solution
To properly prepare a mixture, you need a set of tools:
- Concrete mixer.
- 2 barrels.
- Buckets.
First, in one of the barrels soaked clay. It is left for a few hours, stirring occasionally, waiting, when it becomes homogeneous. Thereafter 1-2 clay is poured into the bucket and the mixer is gradually added to sawdust at a ratio of 3: 2 respectively.
To achieve the best thermal insulation properties added to the mixture technical salt, but in this case the proportion of clay and sawdust is changed to 1: 1.
After a short stay in the mixer the mixture is ready for use, it is poured into the second barrel or immediately proceed to the installation.
For applying insulation to the walls of the formwork can be used, but this method is very time-consuming, it is easier to prepare the boards of insulation:
- To produce plates, several forms to be manufactured in advance for them. Their size will depend on the parameters of the wall. The forms can be prepared independently, putting them out of plywood and sticks with nails and a hammer. The thickness of the insulation boards will depend on the average winter temperature and the presence of the technical salt mixture.
- Form fill in the prepared solution in small portions and periodically leveled. It is desirable to minimize the number of air bubbles and the mixture is thicker.
- Mounting plates is carried out after solidification of the material, it is possible to use a not completely dried plate is sufficient that they simply held form.
- Plates are set close to each other in, are fixed.
- joint space, chipped corners and gaps obscure remnants of a clay mixture.

Wood used for mounting the guide, the plate is placed and then triturated joints residues clay mixture therebetween.
This technology ensures clean the house insulation in the room during the installation. Crude clay - it is very dirty and poorly laundered material. It is not recommended to use it in areas where installation work has been completed. Plates can also be prepared in another place, maintaining a clean room.
It is important to dry the plate heater. In fast drying on the surface of the plates, a dense dry crust which prevents water contained go inside nauzhu, it will result in uneven drying of the damage and loss of thermal insulation properties. To dry the plates at regular intervals, you must leave the room with sufficient moisture and protect from direct sunlight.
Fine finishing

By themselves they clay plates with sawdust have an uneven surface, it is possible to align with a special plaster mixture of sawdust - arbolita.
The mixture is applied after drying the insulation plates. Plastering of the walls takes place in two layers: first a rough plaster roughing, then - grout without adding sawdust.
To prepare the solution must take fine sawdust, water and clay with lime. The materials are mixed by the previously described technology and immediately applied to the wall, further increasing the heat insulation. Solution was applied with a spatula and maximally aligned. The layer thickness is 2-3 mm.
The final layer is the same solution but without the addition of sawdust, he carefully applied to the wall, is aligned and soon solidifies. After that, the room can be painted or wallpapered. The material is durable, reliable and easy to repair, heater serve the owners for many years.