With the foundation begins building houses. Home insulation is also necessary to begin with it. Warming of foundation of the house extruded polystyrene - effective, time-tested way to keep warm in the room. The technology is easy to learn, although the method is not from the budget.

types of material
Expanded polystyrene, appeared in the early XX century, was patented in 1928. This is a rather interesting material, widely used in construction. Superior quality - the ability to retain heat.
Many believe polystyrene foam and the same material, which is not true. It differs from foam: more durable, resistant to external influences, homogeneous. Its cost is higher than that of conventional foam.
Expanded polystyrene is prepared by adding a gas into the polymer mass. When heated, there is an increase. Depending on the type of material used different gas. Simple forms of the material are made from naturally occurring gas. More complex - fills carbon dioxide.
Types of polystyrene:
- Bespressovy is the most common type. With the application of drying removes all moisture. Next, at 80-degree temperature foaming occurs, followed by drying and heating. The resulting mixture was poured into a mold where the foam board hardens. Obtained by this method is considered brittle. For its preparation requires less izopetany, which makes the final cost of the product available to the majority.
- Extruded - similar to bespressovym views. The difference in the use of equipment. In this case, an extruder is used, in whose honor the kind of material and got the name.
- The extrusion is created as a result of a treat finite mass. It is used to make disposable tableware and packaging.
- The press - the most expensive way of creating styrofoam. After foaming mass - provides processing press. This makes it more durable and strong.
- Autoclave less common. Production takes place in an autoclave.

Each type has its own advantages, which make it stand out among the rest. Another important aspect is the security for the person.
Harmful or harmless
There are supporters and opponents of this material. Those who are for it, talk about sustainability, security Styrofoam, citing as evidence the research.
Due to the stability of the structure of the molecules in normal use, it is completely safe for human health, as proven in experiments.
Application of the material in the temperature range from -40 ° C to + 40 ° C - also does not affect on the environment.
Opponents insist that the combustion of polystyrene releases styrene, which refers to the poisons, and can worsen state of health: the emergence of dizziness, pain in the eyes, and the probability of poisoning more.
Styrene can be released only at high temperatures. He's in small amounts found in coffee, strawberries, tea and other products.
Damage and its harmlessness depend largely on the application, rather than the quality of the material itself.

For example, it can not be used for insulation of the metal roof. The metal is heated by the sun's rays, and the material can start to melt, separating styrene. Mineral wool - a more suitable option for this.
Many insulated walls inside the house, which is also not recommended. This situation is fraught with the formation of mold and mildew on the walls, which will adversely affect the health of people living in this area. This is caused by the accumulation of moisture polystyrene.
Best of all it is suitable for insulating the house from the outside, including the foundations.
Benefits, costs, technical specifications
Expanded polystyrene has the following characteristics:
- Thermal insulation. This material is excellent at trapping heat. But in comparison with mineral wool below it. Level ranges from 0.028 to 0.034 W x m x Kelvin. The high density expanded polystyrene provides a good heat conductivity.
- Moisture resistance, vapor permeability. Depending on the type of material, it has a different degree of vapor permeability. For example, the extruded material parameter is zero. In the foam from 0.019 to 0.015 kg per meter-chas- Pascal. Regarding the resistance to moisture, immersion of the sheet of expanded polystyrene into a container of water - absorbed only 4% of the total fluid. In the case of a more dense texture of the material - ten times less.
- Strength. According to this feature it is the leader extruded material. Here he has no competitors: strong molecular bonds to create a strong, high-quality material.
- Resistance to impacts. Destructive act on it only the direct rays of the sun, it is necessary to take into account when using it.
- The service life is quite long. When the temperature drops retains its original properties are not subject to deformation.
- Environmentally friendly. The product is subject to oxidation. Even after an oxidation process material occurs. It is associated with the impossibility of polymerizable material in the manufacturing process, and so it passes later.

The main criterion for the insulation is the ability to protect the room from the cold. This is what you need to consider when deciding to insulate foundation.
Before you make a choice in favor of expanded polystyrene, should carefully review its advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages include:
- Ability to use a variety of forms. Upon melting - it is easy to give the necessary form.
- Expanded polystyrene has a wide range of colors
- Suitable as a material for insulating all buildings.
- Economical in use.
- Wide range of applications.
- It is recyclable.
The disadvantages of the material are:
- The ease of ignition.
- Outdated kinds of material contained in the composition of the harmful substances released during heating to high temperatures.
- The long period of expansion, in this connection, environmentalists oppose its use.
- High processing costs.
- Easily broken.

As with any material, the appropriateness of its use also depends on the financial burden. Cost is composed of several factors:
- Brand type of material.
- Brand manufacturer.
- Density.
- The value of the finished product.
Scheme determine the cost of insulation at the end will depend on the area of residence. In order to save many insulated foundation with his own hands. If you plan to cap additional insulation, it is necessary to increase the amount of material that carries additional expenses. The total cost can be calculated as follows: number of sheets multiplied by the price per square meter of insulation. Extruded will be more expensive than usual, but the quality of the thermal insulation at it's best.
The main stages of the process of warming the foundation polystyrene alone
For the independent foundation polystyrene insulation need the following tools:
- The material itself - expanded polystyrene.
For outdoor applications:
- Special adhesive for mounting.
- Primer for surfacing.
- Corners of perforated metal.
- Perforator with drill in diameter of 1 cm. The length is chosen based on the thickness of the insulation material, not more than 7 - 8 cm.
- Special mixer for construction.
- Construction level.
- Knife stationery.

Thermal insulation of expanded polystyrene foundation of the house consists of the following steps:
- Produced dumping trenches: the bottom is laid sand layer to 20 cm in thickness, as follows compacted.
- It is necessary to hold the base of the insulation from the water. For this purpose, a special bitumen or water impermeable sealant.
- Determine the level of horizontal, which is determined by the height of the sheets of polystyrene foam.
- Now you are ready to mount the plates. To this should be applied foam or adhesive for mounting.
- Slit foam processed for installation. Remains are cut with a knife.
- Reinforcement layer for insulation. When this grid is connected to the upper part of the plate and fixed with an adhesive. This protects the material from external mechanical damage.
- Necessarily processed upper edge of the heat-insulating material. Glue is applied a continuous layer.
- Backfill the trench ground. It takes place in layers. The size of each layer - 30 cm.
- In the case where the foundation is located entirely below ground - enough to fill the trench. If the foundation has ground part - when she finished with facing material: tiles, siding, granite, and others.

Thermal insulation of strip foundation polystyrene building will be a little different. Foam is not afraid of water, but it also fits under the waterproofing. The use of foam for insulation of strip foundation based on the fact that the load on the heater serious. If the soil is dry or clay, it can be safely mounted. He will cope with the load even after the house shrink.
For wet soils require greater thickness of expanded polystyrene, which is also chosen depending on the temperature conditions of winter.
foundation insulation technology for each type will differ slightly, but the basic principle is the same.
Thus, the insulation of expanded polystyrene foundation house - an important part of the entire construction of the house. The material is resistant to damage, has excellent insulating properties: does not transmit moisture and retains heat. It is almost safe for human health and the environment. In the market there is an assortment of different shades of material and quality. Everyone will be able to choose what they need and what corresponds to the financial possibilities.