The question is how to insulate the attic of a private house, in any case, appears before a zealous owner, whether it is building a new house, or decided to minimize heat loss in his old home. Learn basic techniques of these works will serve as a confirmation that insulate the attic room is quite feasible with their hands. This will not only save the family budget, but also, if desired, turn the attic of a warehouse in the non-residential habitable space.
A few reasons to insulate your own attic of a private house
Attic space is not only to create a slope from the ridge pole for the purpose of draining water from the roof, but this space has other important functions, the main ones are:
- creating an air layer between the living room and the roof, acting as thermal insulation;
- natural ventilation.
Warming of the attic of his house is of great importance and has the following objectives:
- Significant savings of thermal resources and, consequently, reduce the cost of heating. For example, when heating a gas, fuel consumption can be reduced by 20%.
- Prevent condensation on the ceiling of the living quarters of the difference of cold air temperatures in the attic and in a warm room.
- Protection from moisture and decay elements inside roof system.
In addition to these useful benefits, heat retention in the attic can greatly enhance the functionality of the non-residential premises. For example, the opportunity to use it as a residential attic.

Used for heat insulation materials
The roof and walls of the attic of a private house more susceptible to freezing, so insulation is that the premises should be carried out very efficiently.
Modern construction market offers the owner of a private house a sufficient choice of material, depending on the objectives to be achieved warming.
Mineral wool
Mineral wool, roll or sheet, is one of the most popular to date materials for thermal insulation. Depending on the production technology and raw materials used, there are several types of mineral wool.
slag wool
The basis for the production of this heater is manufactured from blast furnace slag. Slag has the following characteristics:
Parameter | value |
The length of the fibers | Up to 16 mm |
The thickness of the fibers | 3-12 mm |
Thermal conductivity | from 0.46 to 0.48 W / m × ° K |
The maximum heating temperature (without signs material fracture) | 250 ° C |
Density | 30-220 kg / m3 |
But the use of slag wool insulation for attics is limited to the following disadvantages:
- increased residual acidity, which makes it unsuitable for insulating attics with metal structures;
- property to absorb moisture;
- exposure to temperature effects, which reduces the service life.
The advantages of slag wool can be attributed its good acoustic insulation quality and affordability. The average value of the material is from 700 to 950 rubles per m3.
The starting raw material for the production of glass wool are sand, soda, lime and other components. By pulling molten silicon, with the addition of said raw material, a heater was prepared having the following characteristics:
Parameter | value |
The length of the fibers | 15-50 mm |
The thickness of the fibers | 5-15 microns |
Thermal conductivity | 0,03-0,052 W / m × ° K |
Maximum temperature | 500 ° C |
Density | 10-130 kg / m3 |
This material has sufficient strength and good sound insulation properties, but to work with him, as well as choose the field of application is necessary with some caution.

Related Articles - how and what to cut mineral wool.
In addition, fine dust generated during operation, having a negative effect on the eyes and respiratory system. In this regard, glass wool to insulate the loft or attic, planned to be used as a dwelling, it is not recommended.
A small density glass restricts its use in places where the insulation is possible load, including when device screed.
The rest of this stuff is quite suitable for the application and is widely used for thermal insulation of residential premises on the upper floor of the house, including because of its relatively low price. Average cost of fiberglass insulation from trusted manufacturers ranges from 850 rubles. packing whose area is 7-8 m2, With a material thickness of 10 mm.
Basalt (stone) wool
This type of insulation is considered one of the most popular. Basalt wool fibers are less fragile, so work with it does not cause human allergic reactions. This heater is preferable to other materials on the parameters of the environment and moisture resistance. Other features are as follows:
Options | value |
Thermal conductivity | 0,077-0,12 W / m × ° K |
Maximum temperature | 700-1000 ° C |
Density | 30-225 kg / m3 |
Often the question arises whether to perform additional thermal insulation at the interface with the hot insulation is necessary constructions in the attic, for example, a chimney stone wool - totally non-combustible material, so the need to perform these works there.

The cost of the wool more expensive than other mineral insulation. On average, the packaging of the plates 8 of 1200 × 600 × 50 mm have to pay 600-650 rubles.
bulk wool
A relatively new insulation material in the construction market is a non-flammable bulk (zaduvnaya) wool. The basis of this material is basalt wool, made in the form of a hydrophobized fibers.

Average price zaduvnoy wool for 1 m3 It is 950-1000 rubles.
Summarizing Mineral insulation, it should be noted that the insulation of the attic of a private house of any type of mineral wool is the cheapest option. In view of entering into the calculation of the cost of materials for the thermal insulation of the cake, the final price of mineral wool insulation will be in the range of 200 -300 rubles per 1 m2.
polyurethane insulation
For insulation of complex geometry areas and hard to reach places in the attic it is recommended to use the universal sprayed polyurethane foam insulation. It comes in bottles. Useful properties of the insulation:
- the absence of seams and thermal bridges, reducing the additional heat loss;
- creating a hermetic layer, which prevents the formation of mold and mildew;
- good adhesion with all building materials;
- selection of desired thickness on the insulation layer;
- absolute lack of response to temperature changes.

bottle price of insulation foam according to the manufacturer ranges from 500 rubles.
Polystyrene (EPS)
Warming of the attic space slabs of foam is a common way. This material is characterized by good qualities such as:
- light weight;
- moisture resistance;
- good insulation and vapor barrier properties;
- resistance to the external environment and a long service life;
- good sound insulation.
On the weak side of the foam can be attributed to exposure to mechanical stress.
In terms of prices, expanded polystyrene sheet is a cost-effective material. On an example of a popular brand PSB-C, value of 1 m3 foam slabs size meter on, is 1500 rubles.
expanded clay aggregate
Thermal insulation of attic bulk material is a well tested, and uncomplicated in terms of installation method. The advantages of this material may also include:
- resistance to fire;
- good durability and long service life;
- excellent sound and heat insulation;
- environmental Safety.

The cost of expanded clay bag averages 1,500 rubles per m3. It's not the cheapest heating material.
A mixture of clay, moss
The most inexpensive thermal insulators are undeniably clay mixture with sawdust or straw. filings are often unused waste products, so you can find them free.
This category of free insulation refers marsh or forest moss. Despite the fact that the warming of these materials is considered "old-fashioned" way, the thermal protection factor they higher than that of many modern insulation and environmental friendliness, and even benefit, if we are talking about clay, indisputable.
Technology insulation of the attic with his own hands
Before starting work on warming the attic, no matter how you plan to insulate the attic - mineral wool or other materials, you need to prepare for this work is not only structural elements of space, but also armed with the right tools and materials at hand materials. These include:
- hammer;
- screwdriver;
- screwdriver;
- roulette;
- Construction knife;
- longest line or flat rack;
- stapler;
- wide spatula;
- hydraulic gun;
- square;
- level;
- boards or veneer sheets for cutting insulation on them.

Attic insulation technology used are selected according to the intended purpose of this room - heated accommodation in the attic or just warmed the attic.
unheated rooms
On the unheated attic insulation is made, both the ceiling and the roof.
Warming of the attic floor in a private house
Technology laying insulation on the attic floor, basically boils down to this:
- Laying vapor barrier material on the rough floor and overlap with the walls of the institution;
- Bonding all connections and seams special sealing adhesive double-sided tape;
- Laying insulation directly starting from the distal edge of the roof slope;
- Shelter steam insulating insulation layer, a sealing tape all seams.
During work on trimming the material under it is enclosed wooden board or plywood.

Thermal insulation of roofs
After warming overlap performed operation for protection against cold gables and roof of skates, according to the following techniques:
- Fastening waterproofing material to the rafters ranging from a ridge portion by rolling rolls across the inner surface of the roof.
- Laying insulation between the rafters, with a mandatory fixing.
- Shelter steam insulating layer from below the roofing work, in order to avoid condensate flowing in a heater.
- Fixing film to the rafters using battens.

heated room
In considering the question of how, and how to insulate the heated attic, you must make a reservation that in this case, need to loft insulation covering from the premises, as well as a device for vapor barrier it not. Weatherization is subject only to the roof. The technique of this work looks similar to the insulation of the roof cold attic.
As a final advice, it should be noted that single-handedly master of the house will be somewhat difficult to work with certain types of insulation and make the finish of the attic.

If you follow all recommendations described and uncomplicated advice on how to properly and how to insulate material loft in a private house, then by doing this work, it will be clear, how comfortable was living in a house.