A distinctive feature of the mineral insulation is composed of fiber structure, which is to ensure the insulation should be homogenous. In this regard, special attention should be paid to the process of cutting out. Can not be used for cutting the material for cardboard or fabric scissors, or ordinary table knives. These tools are not intended for such material, because they are able to spoil its appearance and impair the useful properties. Beginners repairers and builders are very useful to know what the tools are suitable for this case.
The characteristics and properties of the material

See also - how to cut the foam on the wall and a knife.
Before the start of construction or repair work premises owner thinks about, what are the criteria you need to choose materials. At present, the range is full of a variety of sales of paintings, different from one another for raw materials, cost, scope, characteristics of the operation.
The term "mineral wool" includes three kinds of materials, namely:
- basalt (rock);
- slag;
- glass wool.
Glass wool (glass fiber) characterized by low density and high hygroscopicity. The material does not have properties of water resistance, heat resistance and should not expect from him while achieving high heating temperature (about 300 degrees) cotton fibers melt and the material is not performed function isolation. Glass wool is sold in rolls.
Glass wool produced by blow method: Industrial centrifuge creates air currents that go directly to the feed. Due to the air flow appearing from the fiber strands, and, they may have different lengths, orientation and thickness.
Mineral wool has a low thermal conductivity due to the vapor passes into the cell structure and hardly absorbs water. In addition to the basics as part of a little connecting elements, which allows it to withstand high temperature performance. A material widely used as soundproofing and thermal insulation for a variety of bases and surfaces. Produced paintings that vary in degree of strength.

Slag wool is the cheapest option for insulation. The material consists of fibers which are waste blast furnace operation, it is not dense and has good heat resistance performance. If you overheat the mineral wool, it has sintered. Therefore it is not suitable material for thermal insulation of buildings adjacent to the heat source, and is not recommended for the construction of houses.
The structure of the horizontal layer of any type of mineral wool is created in the direction of the fiber. Formation of the vertical sections is due to the elements which are arranged randomly. Each type of material has its own characteristics and external differences.
Are there any nuances in the transport and storage?
Manufacturers recommend storing the mineral wool in an integrated package, and it is better if the pack will be located on a flat surface. Each pile of packages shall not be higher than 2 meters. Optimum storage conditions are enclosed spaces that are resistant to the ingress of moisture. should not be stored outside the insulation, but if it happened, then you have to cover it with a tarp or foil.

In the carriage should comply with the same rules: transport wool horizontally and in dry back of a truck. You also need to ensure material protection against mechanical impact and from rain. When loading and unloading the material can not be greatly compress.
Unpacking mineral insulation also requires certain nuances. Material to get out of the package should be just before the start of the work that will minimize the various risks associated with damage insulation. Expanding the material to be cut, use it as bedding package. Thus, the product does not get dirty. Also, the packaging can also be used to collect other debris at a construction site.
The better the cut mineral wool?
For the separation of webs and rolls professionals use a special machine. But many are asking: "What is the best cut mineral wool slabs in the home to save money?"
Important! For cutting mineral wool used hacksaw on metal or wood.
In everyday life, to cut a blade assembly is operated knife. This tool has one drawback, due to the small blade, they are hard to cut thick slabs. Therefore, apply stationery knife is recommended only for thin sheets. If you do not comply with this condition, the blade can come into disrepair.

Tools, best suited for cutting mineral insulation:
- The knife, the blade of which is made of carbon steel. Thus the product is very easy to cut, in addition, the blade is good and fast tochitsya. This knife requires special care to avoid the appearance of rust. The basic rule of care - wipe the blade after cleaning.
- The knife blade is made of stainless steel. On each side of the teeth of different lengths are provided, so it is very easy to do cutting mineral insulation of different size and thickness. The blade is quickly immersed in the stove and quality of its cuts. Sharp tip can make even indirect cuts.
- FROMpecial machines. Such tools can cut fabric on a flat line and bending. Such a function is highly valued in the industry. If you need to cut the wool once, it makes no sense to buy expensive equipment - suitable tool that is in the house.

Note! Shears wool can not be used.
To be cut wool is advisable to use a special hacksaw for insulation or metal. It is used for cutting the material, whose thickness does not exceed 5 cm.
a tool blade, which you use to cut the wool should always be well sharpened. In this case, fibers from cotton will stretch minimal. Manufacturers are advised to cut the wool before the roll out roll.
How to cut the mineral wool?
The material has a fibrous structure, so during cutting in the space flying fine particles of glass wool. Therefore, you should prevent dangerous elements on the skin and the respiratory tract.
Before you cut the insulation, the following conditions must be met:
- The room should be well ventilated.
- In the process, it is obligatory to use protective equipment and special clothing. We are talking about the gloves, a respirator, mask, overalls and safety glasses.
- When the material is cut, it is advisable to wash hands and face by cold water.
That was formed in the air as little as possible of the particles of glass wool, use high quality sharpened tool.

Tip! It is best to cut the material across.
To get the cotton strip identical in width, the material should be cut straight into a roll. If the wool in the form of plates, then cut them need one.
To wool strips cut yourself at home, get a smooth and uniform, it is necessary to divide them clearly by marks. Also, you can use a ruler as a cutting line.
When cutting, leave the edges of allowances. If this roll, the rate should be 0.5 cm, and if the plate - the 2 cm. This feature is necessary for cutting out to the mineral wool element completely fills the space requirements.
Recall that the mineral wool slabs are cut one by one, and the material is cut in rolls are not turning.
What remains of useful mineral wool
Remnants of the insulation does not need to throw away: they are also useful for the pantry or utility room. Many aspire to budgetary insulation, so use scraps and remnants of material.
Waste mineral wool can be recycled for future use. In this case, special machines are used.
To room insulation process was properly, you should know what you need to cut the mineral wool and how to do it. If you follow the simple rules for working with the heater, it is possible to achieve a good result.