Keep warm in a very hot bath is more complicated than in a conventional dwelling. Then there are extreme conditions and special specificity, so the choice of the insulation material and its method of installation is particularly important. Knowing what and how to insulate ceilings in the bath will help create comfort and durability steam. Especially if you plan to install insulation on its own.
Features ceiling insulation in bath
Insulate the ceiling is important in any room. According to various estimates, it goes through the upper floors 25 - 35% of the heat. But in the steam room of bath conditions are different from the usual:
- Heat.
- Strong humidity.
- Sudden temperature changes. For example, if irregularly bath winter use, the range of changes in temperature can exceed 100 ° C - from plus 85 to minus 25.

Under such conditions the probability of condensation. Therefore, when choosing the material for insulation and method of laying it is necessary to take into account this feature.
The basic principles to be followed in the bath ceiling insulation:
- Choosing insulating material necessary to give preference to not only its low thermal conductivity, but also low hygroscopicity.
- Temperature resistance should be calculated for the limits of about 100 ° C. Heat insulator must not lose their properties, but not to provide such heating when any harmful substances.
- Chimney must be reliably separated from the insulation layer frame from noncombustible materials
- Apart from the purely thermal insulation, special attention should be given to high-quality hydraulic and vapor barrier. In general, insulation of the ceiling in the bath is divided into two parts: the actual insulation and reflective films that are "cut off" the moisture and steam.

Depending on the structure itself bath ceiling insulation can be carried out both outside and inside. Exterior insulation is possible if there is an attic above the steam room or attic. In this case, the heat insulator is laid on top of the ceiling from the upper room. Then it is possible to use bulk of insulation materials. If there is no free space above the ceiling, it is necessary to insulate the inside only, using the sheet material.
The choice of material
Considering the various options of insulation, it should be understood that some definitely better in all aspects of the material does not exist. Modern heaters are good, but expensive. "Antiquated" methods are economical, but not always easy to install. In addition, we should not strive for unification. Choosing than warm bath inside, the walls and ceiling can be insulated with various materials. The same applies to paroizoliruyuschim films.
insulate materials
These are materials that are designed to carry the main burden of retaining heat within the structure of the bath. But apart from the insulation layer required to isolate them from moisture and steam, as will be discussed hereinafter.
- Insulate ceilings can be natural bulk material - sand or clay. They are used for thermal insulation of the upper floors have long been and are still used today. Their main advantage - low cost of the material itself. But they insulate the ceiling can only be outside, on the part of the attic space.
They fall asleep on top of the subfloor, the spaces between the joists. The sand is laid in its pure form, the clay is used in a mixture with sawdust or straw. Thickness of 10 - 15 cm.

- Expanded clay. Too bulk, but a more modern material made of baked clay. Gravels "cushion" provides good thermal insulation, and in addition it is easy and does not create a burden on the outside of the ceiling. Expanded clay environmentally friendly insulation, and almost perfect in terms of fire safety. It does not burn and when heated it does not emit any harmful substances.
The disadvantage of expanded clay is its property to absorb moisture. Thermal insulation of expanded clay requires a careful isolation from both the steam and moisture from the upper space. - Styrofoam. Lovely insulator - a light, not afraid of moisture. It can be installed both outside and inside. Installation is simple foam insulation - the foam can easily be cut exactly in size and inserted into the crate without fixing. The remaining small gaps are filled with foam.
Ceiling, insulated foam inserted in the crate The disadvantage of the foam is considered to be its low fire safety. At high temperature, it melts with the release of toxic elements.
- Ecowool - insulation based on cellulose. It recommended for use in environments with high humidity. But over time, reduced in volume, so initially it is desirable to lay it in abundance. Warming ecowool its own is difficult. Its installation requires specialized pneumatic equipment.
- Mineral wool. The heat insulating material manufactured using fibers of different materials. Insulated with mineral wool - the most modern way, as most of its performance is superior to other insulation materials. It is not combustible, does not absorb moisture and has a low thermal value. It is produced in the form of rigid plates of different sizes, and in the reel version.
proofing materials
The correct choice of what is best to insulate ceilings in the bath, it is only half the battle. In addition to the decision we need to choose wisely insulating layers that will protect the insulation from moisture. Different waterproofing and paroizoliruyuschie film.
Waterproofing materials for insulating layers are designed to protect from the moisture coming from the top - from the top or from the attic space. For this purpose, low cost options can be used:
- Polyethylene film.
- Roofing material.
- Aluminum foil.
- Waxed paper.
- Pieces of cardboard soaked in varnish.
But the market is presented as a great selection of waterproofing films of polymer materials. They are resistant to high temperatures, have a high strength.
But inexpensive to conduct reliable insulation ceiling insulation from the hot vapor - are unlikely to succeed. It is worth to invest in modern film, specially produced for this purpose. When a large amount of steam it is condensed on the film surface, which adversely affects the indoor humidity mode.

Modern paroizolyatory polypropylene produced with a special layer, consisting of viscose villi. It absorbs water without formation of water droplets on the film surface. After the termination of the steam moisture from the layer evaporates naturally. Membranes with such layers must be fixed so that these villi were sent into the bath room. There are also bilateral and membranes that are placed either side.
Installation of a heater with your hands
No general recommendations how to properly insulate the ceiling in any bath. Depending on the structure and insulation of the owner desires may be performed inside or outside the sauna.
The outdoor version is usually used for buildings with an upper floor above the steam room. Insulating layer fits generally between joists over subfloors:
- On rough flooring vapor barrier film is placed and fastened to the joists stapler.
- With paroizoliruyuschey film should be handled carefully. Even a small tear or cut on it will adversely affect the performance of the entire vapor barrier.
- All the ceiling space is filled with the selected heater. For mineral wool insulants and penopropilenovyh sufficient layer thickness of 10 - 15 cm. When bulk insulation material (expanded clay, sand or clay) backfill thickness should be not less than 25 cm.
- Above the insulation fits waterproofing film. If the device is not planned to finished floor, it is best to push the film to a heater boards with an interval of half a meter.

Thermal insulation of the ceiling inside the sauna bath - a more complex version. The use of any bulk materials is practically excluded.

- On the ceiling mounted crate of wooden bars. The thickness of the bars must be slightly greater insulation thickness alleged to provide a gap of 2 - 3 cm for ventilation.
- If you use ready-made insulation boards need to shape a step crates with their size. It should also be borne in mind that to the sheathing is secured finishing the ceiling.
- On the ceiling batten is fixed between cells waterproofing film intended to protect the insulation from moisture from the roof.
- Then, in the same selected cell stacked insulation. Its consolidation in the crate depends on the type of insulation material. The sheet material may be inserted into the strut with filling cavities with foam. The web material can be fixed by a stapler or special net stretched between the batten bars.
- In the next stage vapor barrier film is placed. When installing a one-sided vapor barrier it is important not to mix up its surface. Parootrazhayuschy layer of insulation should be directed into the room. The seams between the film can be closed foiled tape.

On completion of installation of elements of ceiling insulation whole structure is closed decorative cover. For thermal insulation inside a decorative ceiling is usually made of lining. If insulation is laid outside the floor finishing.
- When attaching the finishing floor or ceiling ventilation gap should be left between them and the insulation layer.
- For decorative ceiling can not be used chipboard or plywood sheets. At high temperature steam contained therein adhesives emit harmful substances.
- If the attic above the steam room is not supposed to use, you can never close the insulation, leaving her sheltered only moisture proof film.