During the construction of wooden houses in the first place the question on the insulation of walls and roofs. But it should be borne in mind that the main part of the house - the foundation, and its reliability, strength and stability will depend on the period of construction operation. That was in the house is always warm and cozy, it is necessary to increase the insulating qualities of the entire structure. Without insulating base layer - the constant damp and fungus in the basement and ground floor. To avoid this, we give advice on how to insulate the foundation of wooden houses pile type.

Immediately you should pay attention to what is necessary to insulate the foundation during the construction process and not after the premises and will begin syret mold on the walls. Thermal insulation of the base helps to solve two problems at once: to reduce heat loss and protect the structure from freezing and Break.
Features thermal insulation of foundations

Any residential building or structure needs quality insulating layer, which would not allow the fungus to live within the walls, or the materials used for the upgrading of facilities. Often basements are used for storage and preservation of perishable provisions. Others prefer to equip such facilities for garages or lounges. The presence of thermal insulation will prevent freezing of the walls in the winter and during the summer there will be condensation.
Insulate the foundation can be both on the outside and from the inside. The first embodiment is recommended by experts, because moisture, in most cases, wilts in outside premises. It is not necessary to save and spend better job of both types for maximum effect and protection against moisture.
A simple and not expensive way of heat insulation inside of the base - to fill it with soil to ground level. This procedure can be done yourself, without the involvement of specialists.
The foundation can be insulated on the outside of a wooden house? Building supermarkets are able to offer a huge range of different insulating materials. However, preference is given to hard insulation - polystyrene.
ways of warming

There are several effective ways to insulate the foundation:
- using expanded clay;
- by foam plates, Penoplex and polystyrene;
- polyurethane foam spraying.
The higher the efficiency, the more money should be spent on the purchase of materials and payment of works. Therefore, before proceeding to the thermal insulation base, you need to carefully weigh everything and stay at the only acceptable option.
Insulate the foundation of a wooden house using foam

Despite its newness, technology has rapidly gained popularity among builders. Despite the significant costs of work associated with the use of a special spray installation and professional workers is the most effective method of warming the foundation. Preliminary work is not carried out. You just need to release the base from the dust and seal the damaged area. These operations can be done as with the outside and from the inside.
Different types of foundations require certain features in their insulation. Wherein the type of base depends on the overall performance of soil freezing level height proleganiya groundwater, climatic conditions and other factors. Consider the different types of rules insulation base under the building.
Apply polystyrene or polystyrene

These materials are durable and bad become wet. Plates are produced with different rates, and they are easy to installation. The only drawback of this material - it's well lit, but to insulate underground parts of their home as possible. Best warm plinth using polystyrene containing flame retardant additives.
warming process is as follows:
- Cap insulated virtually the same way. Only to separate wood from used polystyrene nonflammable insulation, for example, basalt wool. Also used additional strengthening plates with dowels, nails.
- For sticking plates used special glue (on the perimeter and in the middle). One minute after applying the adhesive plate tightly pressed to the foundation. Glue dries completely after 48 hours. Then you can fill the underground part of the foundation.
- Foundations must be completely cleaned from dirt and dust. The surface to be coated with several layers of surface waterproofing.
insulate keramzit

This is the most common and cheapest way to where the created pad that absorbs moisture and allows air to circulate easily on its surface. Expanded clay is poured into a specially prepared formwork. This method is applicable if the foundation type weakly deepened. The buried layer is expanded clay may be at least 300 - 400 mm. Formwork made of old or previously used slate boards which remain in large quantities in the process of construction of wooden houses. If you use the stacking method, based on mineral wool is placed between the floor and the pillow of the expanded clay.
- Belt. It is the most common type of foundation during the construction of houses made of wood. It involves laying insulation extruded polystyrene boards to the full depth. Plate fastened by means of adhesive and mastic further reinforced plastic dowels. Mounting holes on the edges are sealed.
- Pile-screw. Represents a buried reinforced concrete piles and iron grillage. This is desirable to insulate the foundation slabs of expanded polystyrene foam or of extruded type. Such a material sufficiently durable to high thermal protection. If a screw pile-foundation rises above ground, the plate heater with insulation placed beneath the raft. Do not be amiss to insulate the building perimeter and create a ventilation system and a water taking.
- Columnar. His Zabirko - a basement of the building, it is necessary to insulate them. This occurs by means of reinforced plastering strictly type grid.
More detail want to dwell on the question of how to properly insulate the pile foundation of a residential wooden house. This is not just desirable, but necessary, so that the house did not remain with the cold floor.
To keep the heat inside the building, it is necessary to build a high-quality thermal insulation of the pile foundation, on the one hand to the floor does not freeze, and with another - all the free space can be used for a variety of economic needs.
To achieve the maximum effect from the insulation, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the volume of the structure, the height of the pile, high-quality material used in the manufacture of the base. Preference is given to external insulation, which suggests a framework to build the foundation for the perimeter plinth building with its subsequent lining. If you decide to insulate on both sides, it is necessary to take the following actions:
- laying insulation material adjacent piles and grillage;
- We produce base (carcass part);
- warming of the lower part of the building;
- facing work with a material such as decorative panels;
- expanded clay and laying Penoplex;
- insulation base for floor covering.
The choice of material

Insulation is placed only at the end of the work aimed at the production base. The effectiveness of insulation depends on the accuracy and consistency of certain milestones. The thickness of insulation can be different, so a definite gain material after careful calculation, taking into account the intensity of freezing structural elements of a base. The most common insulation mineral wool is considered.
Can be purchased in rolls of roofing felt. Penoplex should pay attention to, it is not afraid of rodents, and moisture. It is very convenient for laying. Its cost is significant, but the service life long enough. There is a heater in the form of foam. He is cheap, but also the strength of it is small, so do not avoid the fixed costs for repairs.
Process description

To spend quality thermal insulation process, you must have these materials and tools:
- bituminous mastics;
- foam;
- gravel;
- sand;
- shovel;
- roofing material.
Getting to the execution of works:
- We determine what is produced insulation. This affects the thickness of the insulation.
- Choosing material for insulation work and the adhesive composition under it.
- We expect insulation thickness.
- We produce material volume calculation for the purpose of acquisition.
- Draw up a cost estimate.
- We dig out the foundation to the base, provided that it is necessary to insulate wooden house already built. The best option - to carry out the thermal insulation in the construction phase until the erection of walls.
- We make dumping the excavated trench. To this end, the bottom of the base is filled with sand up to 300mm, thoroughly compacted, not forgetting about the slope for water drainage.
- We give foundation to dry thoroughly. It is desirable to carry out heat insulation work at a positive temperature. After preparing its base coated with a waterproof bituminous mastic or to protect from moisture.
- Selected fastened to the foundation insulation adhesive solution or adhesive-foam.
- Mount reinforcing mesh to avoid mechanical damage to the insulation.
- Making finishing using siding or other decorative material.
Final work

The plinth of the building - a very important component of any building. He needs to pay particular attention in connection with the regular influence of the environment on its structure. Facing material shall be of such quality indicators:
- low rate of thermal conductivity;
- reliability;
- thorough clutch;
- sufficient wear resistance and strength at the same time;
- low water absorption.
Materials which are suitable best of all:
- Plate stoneware or clinker;
- artificial or natural stone;
- profiled sheets;
- brick;
- decorative mosaic or plaster;
- siding or PVC panels.
To protect the stucco layer, it is further coated with acrylic, latex, silicone, alkyd, or oil-based paint. To finishing cap cost inexpensive costs opt for stucco. But it must be borne in mind that such a finish is short-lived and it can easily be damaged by any object.
Experts do not recommend to apply enamel paint. It is not harmless, and besides suffereth not air.

During the construction of wooden houses it is mandatory to carry out the thermal insulation of the foundation. If this is not done, then the internal insulation of the structure specific positive results do not give because of cold bridges in the base. This is especially true of the pile and columnar foundations. If you invest a relatively small amount of funds to such manipulation, aimed at improving the base house made of wood, then later it will give the opportunity to save on utility bills, and enjoy the comfort and comfort.