Warming of the wooden house with mineral wool (for siding, stucco), insulation or bar-shaped log cabin with mineral wool

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Almost 40% of the accounts of public utilities are for heating. Only the use of drastic measures aimed at insulation of a wooden house with mineral wool, will help to keep a huge part of the family budget in times of economic crisis. Owners of apartments in high-rise buildings are very limited in the choice of the necessary building materials, and very different things from the owners of private homes, made of timber or log. It invited to consider in more detail ways of carrying out activities aimed at warming own wooden house.

Warming of the wooden house

Construction of a material such as timber, valued at all times, because in addition to high environmental, natural wood is characterized as long-lasting, beautiful and durable material. Modern owners of suburban areas prefer to use wood for the construction of small buildings, which would allow escape from the city at least for a while. But many prefer to live in these homes all year round, which makes residential insulation of a wooden house from the outside by siding with mineral wool is extremely necessary. Heating in such facilities is expensive, so the question concerning the insulation of the building is more than relevant.

What is mineral wool and how to make the right choice

Mineral wool

Mineral wool belongs to the category of insulating material, which are obtained by blow-molding of the solid material in the form of fibers. This heater has three varieties:

  • rock wool;
  • glass wool;
  • slag wool.

stone wool

stone wool

For its production it is common to use basalt. According to experts, this kind of heater combines the best characteristics:

  1. Basalt as a basic raw material in the manufacture of insulation.
  2. Substance contained therein does not allow the material to make a pointed shape.
  3. At compression plate remains tight.

Easy manufacturing process due to the use of additives in the manufacture only and dolomite (basalt). It is a residual product of the production, which significantly affects its cost.



For the production of material used waste glass and some rocks that are rich in content of the silicates (silicon). The characteristic features of the insulation type may include an elongated particles which make up 0.04-0.3 cm.


  1. If you use a microscope, it shows that the shape of the particles slightly pointed, which leads to the appearance of minor scratches and irritation of the respiratory tract when working with the material.
  2. The excellent adhesion between the component a of the individual fibers.

The parameters of this material are on the optimum level, and when it is used to protect not need the money.

slag wool

slag wool

Blast furnace slag is customary to use as the main raw material. The particle size of this material small in relation to the use of its production technology. rigidity index (by compression) of 0.015 MPa, which is the smallest among the similar plates and mats. Thermal conductivity slag is not inferior to other heaters. stacking technology is relatively simple, and in this regard, the popularity of this product among developers is extremely high. Often used in the industry in the regeneration of plants on the melting of steel, mines, refineries and pipelines. It can be used to hold insulation plane slightly inclined or horizontal surface.

How is the warming of the wooden house

Warming of the wooden house with mineral wool

The surface of the walls of houses of timber can be clad using the siding. This technology is very popular both on the territory of our state, and the CIS countries. Climatic conditions are such that without quality insulation of a wooden house simply can not do. It is recommended to sheathe the exterior walls of the house with the help of mineral wool and cover it with a siding. So will properly protect the insulation material from external influence factors.

To carry out the necessary manipulations need such tools and materials:

  • butyl (ribbon can be replaced);
  • screwdriver;
  • punch;
  • several sets of screws;
  • plugs;
  • metal profile;
  • universal hanger;
  • Clamps for construction;
  • mineral wool.

To begin need the necessary preparatory work, which will be directed on the work surface and the cleaning unit it first layer consisting of a vapor barrier. Screwdriver or dowel will be needed to secure the direct universal hanging on the wall. Vertical profiles established step be 0.5 m. Minvata strung on projections in the form of suspensions. The gap between the plates should not be.

For fixing square meter of the material will take at least 4 dowels. Above the membrane insulation material is placed. All her joints are glued tape (butyl). For better fixation of the film need to use dowels. Installation of metal structures made on the suspensions. Be screwed on both sides dowels of smaller diameter. Vata is slightly pressed by the profile.

The order of actions at warming of the wooden house from the outside under the siding

Warming of the wooden house from the outside


  1. The surface of the walls of a log home, it is necessary to process a few times using antiseptics. End of the house is treated with special care, because that's where the fungus begins to multiply. Such manipulations are carried out in a warm and clear day, as you will need a few days at the end of the manipulation surface to dry completely. Particular attention is paid to the corners and the lower crowns of construction.
  2. The vapor-permeable material is attached to the wall surface with the help of construction stapler. It is worth noting that the glossy side of the material used should be directed to the heater. All joints are made overlapped and glued shut. On it is mounted crate timber diameter equal to the thickness of the insulation used. If laid vraspor material, the auxiliary fixing elements are not needed.
  3. Between the bars should be laid heat insulation mats, compressing them. If there is a need, then they can be a little trim using a knife stationery. Fixing rails will need to if the heating material has insufficient rigidity index and poorly kept inside the frame. When made final fixing with anchor nails.
  4. If you plan to put multiple layers of insulation material, then this should be overlapping so that the first stitches were not visible. All work is aimed at warming the house from the outside of the timber with using mineral wool and no condensation should be carried out in protective clothing with the use of a respirator.
  5. The membrane film is fixed over the insulation (the outer side). Lap joints are made and glued shut.
  6. After the installation should begin compulsory frame of the ventilation system. This will require bars to help create the necessary gap between the insulation and the facade of the house (about 5 cm). For mounting bars using self-tapping screws. Suspensions for the profile will be needed only in the case if the wall is not smooth, which will independently regulate the gap to the frame.
  7. The connection is performed based on the present technology manufacturer. As a facing material used timber, block house, metal profile, vinyl siding.

Insulation of the house from a bar with mineral wool

House warming mineral wool

As an insulation material wooden beams and the house in general, would be used mineral wool. The forthcoming process of laying should not be difficult, however, for its implementation should be prepared in advance.

  1. Dimensions of crates. The cross-section will be used by the boards 50-50. But the thickness will depend on the number of stacking layers of heat insulating material. If only one layer is mounted, the section in the 50x50 will be more than enough. This arrangement of two layers, the timber-section will be 50x100. It needs antifungal solution, as well as sets of screws, anchor screws and waterproofing film.
  2. Primary treatment of the working surface. Before you begin building your own hands warming, should be several times to treat the surface of the walls with the help of an antifungal solution. This will avoid an early manifestation of the consequences of the defeat of damp material. Do not be amiss to treat the surface and fire impregnation.
  3. Vapor control layer and waterproofing. The rough side of the material should be directed to the wall, as it is vlagoprovodimaya. The glossy will not allow moisture to pass through the barrier is installed. If done correctly, you can achieve a surface with no dew condensation in general. Fastening film produced using staple gun, as laid overlapping material (10-12 cm) after glued tape.
  4. Install furring. For breaching subsequent manipulations required the creation of crates. To begin with beads attached to the corner of the house butt screws. The distance between the other elements should be identical, and the material to be strictly in the vertical plane.
  5. Laying mineral wool basis. The material is cut into pieces. To make a follow-up will need a set of anchor fasteners to help secure the material on the wall. To begin, you will need to create some of the through holes, which will be posted and anchors. After driving them to be jammed for more stringent retention wool.
  6. The outer layer of waterproofing. This stage involves carrying out re-fixing of the waterproofing material glossy side out. Thus, the condensate will be discharged from the heater, that will significantly extend the service life of the materials used. To fix the film used a stapler.

How warm the outer part of a log home

Warming of a log house from the outside

To start warming the walls of a log home is only in the event that have already been performed all remaining manipulations aimed at thermal insulation of a wooden house, including interstorey overlap. If the previous works have not brought the desired result, you should immediately start to take action in order to avoid damage to the building facade. It should insulate the outer wall, since it is connected with the natural characteristics of the material used (wood), which is able to accumulate moisture and breathe. If warm facade, the dampness will not accumulate inside the premises, and will gradually go out. Such manipulation can be carried out only after the shrinkage of the building.

We do ventilated facade

Ventilated facade

Once inside the walls of wooden houses were insulated using mineral wool, you can begin to work outside. From warm house can be logs, equipped with a ventilated façade according to available technology. Thus, the tree will not only retain its ability to "breathe", but also to give the available moisture. First of all the surface treated with a solution of fungal and fire. Above the settling crate, inside which the heating material will be placed. Employed insulation boards fit tightly between the crate and are filled in the openings. Should go from top to bottom.

Often the surface is pre-aligned, and on the basis of the characteristics applicable technology, gaps should not be between the surface and material. In this case, all the gaps can be filled by means of a heater of the type "bazaltina" or jute.

Mounted on top of the waterproofing membrane. The following set crate, which could house siding, block house, or any other material. Thus, between the facade and the membrane remains small gap (5 cm), which will serve as ventilation. For the free circulation of air flow necessary to take care of the air holes.

Konopatka walls of a log type

Wall insulation of a wooden house

Before proceeding with the insulation of the building, should caulk all external walls of the house. The first step is to find all the cracks (plain candle and windless weather will help to detect sources of drafts in a residential area). In winter, should be given time to search for "bunnies" - places where frost is formed in connection with the escape of heat. Caulk be in the absence of rain. You will need:

  • rolled insulation (hemp);
  • jute;
  • tow.

The material is pushed into the slit and is pushed as deep as possible inside using caulking.

Warming of a wooden house under the siding

Warming of a wooden house under the siding


  1. Placement of the base material. To align the previously treated against parasites walls need galvanized metal profile or pieces of wood to size. So will achieve the most snug used insulation material, avoiding the possibility of the formation of gaps. Also attach siding on such construction will be much easier.
  2. Preparatory work. All hanging or protruding elements should be removed. Previously, as a decorative finish log homes used painted boards. Regardless of whether you plan to insulation or bar-shaped log building, the surface should be treated with protective compounds.
  3. Install furring. You will need a profile or galvanized timber. It is to them and will be fixed heating material. Between the guide should remain a distance of a few centimeters. A step must be 0.5 m. Thus, you can significantly accelerate the process of warming of the wooden house facade and avoid many mistakes. Siding can be installed only horizontally, so should be designed crate vertically relative to the ground surface.
  4. Laying insulation material. Before starting the forthcoming work should take care of personal protection (goggles, mask, gloves, protective clothing). Mineral wool is recognized as completely safe material, but when it gets to wet skin may appear very unpleasant irritation. Plates may be 5-10 cm thickness. The choice will be based on the estimated number of layers used.
  5. Fixing the siding. To carry out such manipulations screws need to be placed in special slots placed on the panel used. We should not forget about the temperature compensation using metal metal siding. When he engages should be guided by the scheme proposed by the manufacturer.

Warming plaster

Warming of a wooden house under plaster

If you plan to put insulation under the plaster, all coming manipulation should be divided into several stages.

They emit only three:

  1. Laying a heat-insulating material.
  2. Carrying reinforcement.
  3. Applying decorative finishes.

It first mounting strips or ground profile, which will act as a guide for the first mineral wool roll. It can be used to regulate the necessary clearance between the wall and the stacking pictures. Also, the bar does not allow rodents access to the base material. The profiles also will produce the deformation of the plaster in the future, and dock it at the seams. Further attached reinforcing mesh width of 20-30 cm. Its lower edge podvorachivaetsja immediately after the gluing fixture on the mineral wool. Such actions make the monolithic structure. To lock the need kleearmiruyuschy composition plaster.

several varieties of plaster can be used for decorating glass wool:

  • silicone-based;
  • acrylic;
  • mineral;
  • silicate.

After complete drying of the layer consisting of a plaster, it is possible to make its surface staining.

Inner wall insulation and dew point determination

Internal wall insulation

Conduct similar manipulations in a wooden house is not desirable, because due to the physical properties of wood, having a moisture dew point will move into the premises. This will inevitably lead to stagnation of moisture and condensation on the cold wood surfaces. However, if there is no alternative, or all other options have already tried, it is necessary to arrange proper ventilation in the form of a few gaps and vapor barrier.

Created cake will look like this:

  • finish indoors;
  • ventilation gap is not more than 3 cm;
  • vapor barrier layer;
  • heating material;
  • waterproofing;
  • another ventilation gap;
  • wall of the house.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the greater the insulation layer is used, the smaller the difference will need to re-condensation on a wooden surface. In order to form the necessary conditions ventilation vents will need to drill a few (no more than a centimeter) at a distance from each other.


Completion of the works on warming homes

After completion of the work aimed at warming of the wooden house with the help of mineral wool, you can decorate the facade of the building with one of the many decorative materials. Often used block house, a brick or siding. It is also possible to opt for the creation of the facade attachment type based on one of the finishing materials. From the correct execution of each stage of the upcoming work will depend on comfort and microclimate inside the premises. In winter, the house should be warm and dry, and cool in summer. Only by controlling the progress of the work aimed at insulation of a wooden house, you can be confident in the quality and durability of the result. Good luck in your endeavors.