What better to build a house? Think about it, without exception, all those who dare to change the city apartment close to the spacious Country ownership. And this question is not idle, because it includes not only the economic aspect, but also securityAs well as the durability of the home. Editorial HouseChief gathered for you information about the most popular types of wall construction materials. Let's try to make the right choice.

Read article
- 1 By what criteria to select materials
- 2 Houses of brick: reliable and durable
- 2.1 Advantages of the brick building
- 2.2 Why do so many refuse to brick
- 3 Blocks from aerated concrete shell to
- 3.1 Light and gas concrete blocks, "for" and "against"
- 3.2 Expanded clay and slag in a block building
- 3.3 Wood-concrete wall blocks
- 3.4 Coquina for the construction of the house
- 4 Houses made of wood: Eco-Friendly
- 4.1 Beam: simple and glued
- 4.2 Log: a tribute to traditions
- 5 Frame-panel
- 6 Summing up
By what criteria to select materials
With the choice of materials preparation of the project begins. Only with ready data on technical characteristics can make a competent plan and cost estimates for construction work. What do I need to pay attention, considering the possible options:
- the strength characteristics of the material;
- its service life;
- heat and sound insulation properties;
- requirements to foundation and solutions;
- difficulty in installation;
- cost.

Traditional choices are: brick, concrete blocks, wood and panel. To date, these types of wall materials most in demand.
Houses of brick: reliable and durable
This is the most massive building material, which puts a lot of requirements to the process of erecting the structure. For bricks need a strong and deep foundation, Skills in packing and competent design calculations.

Advantages of the brick building
The greatest advantage brick - its high strength. Load-bearing capacity of brick walls are not inferior to monolithic concrete. Of bricks can build multi-storey structures with complex geometry, without worrying for their reliability.

One should not forget about aesthetics. brick facades, and even with a facing materialCoated with glaze and having a variety of colors - just a feast for the eyes. And for such a facade is practically maintenance is required.
Why do so many refuse to brick
It would seem that with such advantages brick must remain in the lead, but why is it so confidently jostle other materials? The first reason - in poor heat retention. Yes, the energy efficiency is inferior bricks to many building materials. For a complete thermal insulation in the middle zone requires a minimum wall 2,5 bricks. It is for this reason ceramic silicate material and arranged as facing, and the inner part of the walls is made of other materials better retain heat.

Going further into the study of the downsides of the building material, we find that the brick homes have low moisture resistance, which, in particular, affect the indoor climate at home. If your area is often rains, waterlogged land - something in the house will always damp and cool.
Finally, the brick buildings require a special approach to the construction of the foundation.

Output: if you have a solid budget, not too humid climate and a desire to build for the ages - choose a brick.
Blocks from aerated concrete shell to
On the brick building market confidence jostle blocks. Their production costs less, which means they will cost you let a little bit, but cheaper.

Average block It replaces 4 to 14 bricks, which means that the pace of construction accelerated and simplified installation requirements.
Now the blocks are made of gas and foam concrete, slag, limestone, shell and sawdust.
Light and gas concrete blocks, "for" and "against"
This building material for the construction of houses up to 3-4 floors. AND gas and Foam concrete material It contains in its thicker air bubbles, due to which a great energy savings is achieved. The presence of air makes such walls of water-resistant enough.

Plus, the blocks have clear geometric shapes, which facilitates their packing and reduces the consumption of the solution. To trim enough to use plaster.
If you remove the rose-colored glasses, it is easy to find the shortcomings of this material. Most unpleasant two: blocks rather fragile and contain in their composition the chemical components that could adversely affect the health of residents of the building.
Output:concrete blocks perfectly suited for the construction of homes for temporary accommodation.

Expanded clay and slag in a block building
The main advantage such blocks is their low price. And, perhaps, is their only advantage. Then there are some drawbacks: low energy efficiency, a lot of weight, instability to moisture.

But in fairness it should be noted that the house of these blocks not afraid of fire and retain heat well.
Output: a modest budget such blocks - suitable material, but do not expect that you will save much because it will have to spend on finishing, and a solid foundation.
Wood-concrete wall blocks
Arbolit in essence - is wood chips, cemented grout. He is light and warm, strong enough even to survive slabs.

But there is this building material and its negative nuances: any geometry, the ability to absorb moisture, and the danger of running into a home-made elements that are configured with impaired technologies.
Output: arbolit - excellent material characteristic, if purchased from a trusted manufacturer. But it should be combined with a protective finish.
Coquina for the construction of the house
Blocks with shell - it is quite expensive. Why do so many choose this variant? The fact that these walls hold great heat and absorbs sound. In such houses warm in winter and cool in summer. Home "breathe", providing an excellent microclimate and high content of iodine in the shell make the house actually healing.

Output. If your local shell - available for construction material - feel free to use these blocks.
Houses made of wood: Eco-Friendly
Houses made of wood again become part of our life, becoming a relic of the past into a modern eco-friendly and comfortable accommodation. These designs are relatively light, which greatly reduces the load and, accordingly, the requirements for foundation.

Beam: simple and glued
timberThanks to its strict forms, simple installation and a neat building material, which allows to show imagination in the decoration and design. glued laminated timber, Moreover, it prevents shrinkage and deformation, and not afraid of insects and moisture.
Among the few drawbacks is worth noting the need for additional processing of timber and combustible material.

Output.Timber houses - a real alternative to the block and brick construction and, subject to technology and high quality treatment will last for a long time.
Log: a tribute to traditions
Built of logs - a tribute to the age-old Russian traditions and taking care of the household health.

They are very warm and wonderfully beautiful, especially if you are lucky enough to find a good master.
A disadvantage in these, as in the homes of the timber is continuous shrinkage and the need for careful machining of wood preservatives, flame retardants and insect repellents.
Output. If you prefer the traditional way and style, it is better not to look for log house, but for construction need to find a high quality masters.
frame technology, So popular abroad, in our way of life came relatively recently. Frame residential building may be metal or wood, and for filling it uses sandwich panels or OSB with thermal insulation.

And most importantly - they are the cheapest of all the above.
And all would be good, but to live in such a house - it's like that in a cardboard box. I hear every sound, and burn them, too, as the same box.
Output. Frame construction is the cheap and energy-efficient, but to live in such a house is not easy.
Summing up
Before finally sum up, let's look at the technical data of wall building materials:
Indicator | Brick | Air blocks | cinder blocks | Wood |
Thermal conductivity, W | 0,30-0,80 | 0,10-0,40 | 0,15-0,45 | 0,09-0,18 |
Frost resistance, the number of cycles | 50-200 | 25-50 | 50-200 | 35-100 |
Shrinkage,% | 0 | 0,6-1,2 | 0 | 1,5-3 |
Strength, kg / cm² | 50-150 | 10-50 | 35-150 | 15-60 |
Moisture absorption,% | 40 | 95 | 50 | 70-90 |

Really a lot of options. It is impossible to give a definite recommendation. In each individual case has its own nuances and conditions, which will help make the best choice. What matters is the terrain, climatic conditions, soil type, your preferences and financial capabilities. We can only advise: before than to give preference to any particular material, listen to the views of those who live in such houses. Here is an example of such an opinion:
Can you recommend any of these options? Maybe your house is built out of a special material? Write about it in the comments!