Traditionally, the health outcome of bath procedures, the method of leisure activities - these are just a small list of arguments in favor of his bath. However, someone may ask, and whether it needs to be warm, because the sink has to regularly, once a week?
The answer is obvious, as in the regeneration of the structure, homeowners often encounter such a problem, as the slow heating and rapid cooling bath units. To understand how to insulate a brick inside the bath, it is necessary to know the parameters of the building material from which lined the walls. For insulation bath recommended warm brick walls, the ceiling and floors inside and outside buildings.

insulation Features
When compared with other brick materials, including wall mounted, for example, wood or foam concrete, there is definitely a brick wall more of thermal conductivity. Therefore it is necessary to know how to properly insulate the steam room in the brick bath. The base layer is made of insulating plates, and an additional - from web material having a coating of the foil layer. This thermal insulation perfectly reflects infrared radiation and protects the insulation from moist evaporation.
To insulate and seal the bath made of brick, it is necessary to start to do it already during the construction of wall structures. They are well absorb moisture, hence, the walls should not be in contact with the ground, for which socket is protected with roofing material.
The procedure of warming partitions separating the bath practically does not stand out from the insulation of the other rooms.
But some features while still available:
- Before insulated walls, insulated windows beginning. What is filled by sealant all voids between the window unit and the wall.
- Fastening the insulating material is made either with a special glue or through dowel umbrellas. Metal fixing material in these buildings may be used, provided that it will be impossible to contact with him.
- In the case of an uneven surface, it is necessary to pre-align them plastering or superimposed plasterboard. To verify that the wall defects, enough to pull the line and if the difference is greater than the thickness of insulation, the alignment of the structures necessary.
Brick - a special material, which without adequate insulation can not long keep the heat, so you need to properly, following all of the recommendations in the steam room to warm the brick bath. After installation of thermal insulation in the steam room office could quickly rise the temperature, and for a long time to keep warm.

Materials and tools
Now on the market a large selection of heaters, and we must remember that bath procedure will bring healing effect only in the case when natural products are used in a bath. In this case, a heat-insulating products put forward the following demands:
- Environmentally friendly insulation. At elevated temperature and high humidity insulation can release poisonous substances. Therefore, before the warm bath, to this figure should be taken very carefully;
- Hygroscopic. Insulation must not become wet during operation;
- Thermal conductivity. The less the coefficient of this material, the less heat it passes through a product for a specified period of time;
- Biological inertness. There must be no harmful impurities on human body;
- fire safety;
- The ability to retain its shape;
- Budgeted cost and easy installation.

To understand what a heater is best suited for a bath, you need to know their options. Consider the details.
organic insulation
For a long time this material was used to retain heat in the Russian bath. The undisputed advantage of this insulation is its naturalness and accessibility. But also many disadvantages:
- fire hazard;
- Highly hygroscopic;
- Difficulty in application;
- Exposure to rodents.
In this regard, the use of organic insulation goes into oblivion, and is used very rarely.
Thermal insulation materials from poluorganiki
In these natural products, synthetic or applied adhesives during manufacture.
These include:
- Plates of reeds;
- particleboard;
- Peat plates.
Such insulating materials may well be used for thermal insulation on the outside of the bath with additional protection against rain, but they MUST NOT be used on the inside wall of the sauna room units.

synthetic insulation
These products are manufactured in a production environment and are divided into two types:
- Polymers. Among them are polystyrene, expanded polystyrene.
- Polyurethane foam.
Warm bath inside, especially in the steam room, such material can not, as a foam at a high temperature allocates harmful substance - styrene. However, outside the insulation for the building - is ideal.
Penoizol. This foil insulation material used in the pair unit. It is an exception of a number of polymer materials thanks to its reflective properties.

Mineral. To this group belong to the basalt wool and glass wool. The advantage of them - fire safety and insulation resistance. The disadvantages include high hygroscopic, which leads to the use of films.
Stone wool is an environmentally friendly material which is recommended to use in cabins and saunas. By selecting a suitable insulation, you need to purchase and related materials, as well as to prepare the instrument.
Material | application | Characteristics |
Stone wool | Insulation inside the bath | 100 mm (solid) |
Paroizoliruyuschaya film (penoterm) | Protection from moisture insulating material | heat resistant |
timber | for framework | 50 × 50 mm |
planed board | paneling | 100 × 20 mm |
Reiki | for framework | 30 × 25 mm |
On a note! For facing desirable to use boards of alder or limes. Rocks such Wood impervious to water and is neutral to high temperatures.
If you plan to make a concrete screed floor, then the list of the material will increase to include the following items Products:
- Mesh reinforcement;
- Composition for a coupler bay (sand, water, cement);
- Damper tape;
- Lighthouses.
For external filling the ceiling will need expanded clay and polyurethane powder.
From the tool you need to prepare:
- A circular saw;
- puncher;
- Level;
- Hacksaw;
- Fasteners (nails, screws).

When mounting a facing material head nails and screws necessary to deepen within boards to prevent burns from accidental touching during bath procedures.
External and internal insulation
Before you start to warm inside the brick bath with your hands, you need to prepare the surface: to close up cracks, wood products covered with antiseptic.
Then, step by step should follow the steps:
- Step number 1. To saw boards and manufacture lathing a pitch slightly smaller than the width of a heater, and then attach it to the brick wall previously drilled hole puncher (timber along the cross section must correspond to the thickness insulation).
- Step number 2. Put the plate into the prepared cells.
- Step number 3. Top overlay insulation film. It should be laid with the launch of 5 cm on each side. Usually coating foil used in steam bath room. Waterproofing fabric in the joints should be sealed with aluminum tape for better tightness. And also seal the joints between the beam and the insulator, wherein the capture of at least 5 cm from the heater.
- Step number 4. To better preserve the vapor barrier and impart ventilation gap, it is mounted on top of the frame rails 20 mm thick under the battens. It is recommended to do with vertical slats to further condensate can flow freely between the facing and steam insulating material.
- Step number 5. Oblitsevat lining or simple planed boards (thus they are fixed to the batten in a horizontal position). Attaching sheathing material must be such as not to damage the vapor barrier.

Attention! The procedure for embedding vapor barrier joints between insulation layers and connections with the bar is very important - it affects the penetration of moisture into the insulation.
Thermal insulation of the floor
The floors in the bath make a wooden or concrete. Technology Application of insulation big differences depending on the sex of manufacturing the material is not.
The only thing that the device need to pour concrete structure layer of expanded clay increased. Moreover, its thickness is usually compared to the width of the walls, and pour approximately twice as thick.
If the floor insulation is being on the ground (in the case of strip foundations), then do the following:
- Handle wall preparation for waterproofing;
- Pour 10 cm thick sand shed with water and compacted;
- Wrapping the roofing felt layer with an overlap of 15 cm on the wall.
And then fill expanded clay.

Thermal insulation of ceiling
Imposition of thermal insulation layer on the ceiling, in fact, is the same as on the walls. Only to bear in mind some of the features at the same time. Since the hot air tends upwards insulation layer is thicker than the walls. This is usually achieved podsypku top ceiling covering, and laid inside the foil web and the facing material.
Warming bath outside
The bath of bricks to insulate it is necessary, as the wall material has high thermal conductivity. In connection with this warm room with no exterior insulation needed for a long time, the fuel consumption is increased.
Scheme overlay the insulating layer standard:
- crate;
- insulation;
- Facing.
Of the materials for the outer insulation can be applied moss reed mats, glass wool, foam plastic, polystyrene foam, glass foam, and other organic and synthetic insulation.
Attention! It is not recommended outside baths make a vapor barrier to the inside leaked heat can freely go outside. This is due to the fact that prevents condensation inside the wall.
different finishing materials are used for the siding or trim. A bath can also cover the outside plaster, if foam slabs have been applied as an insulating layer. Here the material is applied on top of the grid, and then primed the wall plaster.

basic errors
The paired compartment temperature reaches 95 degrees, and it must be kept a long time - this purpose Russian bath. But sometimes in the construction and improvement of the structure make mistakes, which can dramatically affect the proper functioning of the baths.
Here are the most common ones:
Error number 1. With the construction of the walls of the brick is not completely sealed seam joints and as a result of all unfilled joints walls creates a powerful cold bridges. Sometimes it is almost completely negates the wall insulation.
Error number 2. Facing directly on the board are filled crate insulation. This is, firstly, violates the integrity of the vapor barrier. Secondly, there is a guaranteed clearance between the lining and reflective cloth. In both cases, it threatens the penetration of moisture wetting insulation and mold on the crate.
Mistake number 3. The facing material is attached with nails or screws neuglublennymi caps, as a result of contact with them can be burned.
If the insulation of the brick bath to comply with all the technology of the process and to prevent the listed errors, the procedures performed in the bath, wellness and will really strengthen your body.