Warming of the room - important stage during the repairs. It is considered the most common insulation sexes. There are a large number of heat-insulating materials. Most often, for such purposes builders use mineral wool.
Since mineral wool insulation of the floor is a time consuming process, it is necessary to study in detail his every step, examine the merits and demerits of the insulation, types and selection criteria of one of the them.
Many prior to the procedure, the floor insulation faced with the choice of insulation. Most often the question arises: what is better to use ceramic or mineral wool. In most cases, preference is given to the mineral coating, as the process of its installation is easy, you can cope on their own, without the help of outsiders.
Advantages and disadvantages of mineral wool insulation of the floor
Benefits include:
- This coating does not burn in the flames. It can withstand temperatures up to thousands of degrees Celsius and does not lose its properties at the same time.

- Mineral wool can serve as a sound insulator.
- Rockwool is relatively inexpensive product for thermal insulation.
- This material does not need to be replaced throughout the entire period of operation.
- A simple process of installation.
Mineral wool as any product for floor insulation has disadvantages. One of them is a good absorbency. For this reason, experts advise not to use mineral wool in a damp environment, such as in the bathroom. However, to avoid blistering of the coating can be.
Before application of the mineral wool layer on the surface of the floor must be laid vapor barrier coating. It does not miss the flow of water or evaporation from the bottom. Such a maneuver is carried out most frequently in the stack of mineral wool in the basement.
In order to avoid moisture in the mineral wool on top of it carpet the waterproofing coating. The water that will seep through the upper layers, delayed on polyethylene and evaporate over time.
The disadvantage of using mineral wool in suburban construction for warming a floor is the appearance of the mouse and rat. The apartment is wary of such pests is almost no need because the concrete walls to protect the inhabitants from the invasion of pests.

Refer to the topic - Thermal insulation of roofs with mineral wool inside.
Mineral wool for rodents is an excellent building material. Inside pieces of mineral wool mice and rats build dens and give birth to offspring, before this carefully remove unnecessary coverage.
As protection against rodents may be impregnated mineral wool boric acid or tobacco dust, ash layers to lay or dry mint. However, these methods for efficient use of small spaces. To protect suburban built using mineral wool as the insulation cap can enclose a metal grid structure with small cells. For example, rodents will be difficult to get into the room.
In the fight against pests such as ultrasound helps weapon. It is used in the event that the rodents have made an attack on the house. Scarer set in the street for construction of the perimeter.
The disadvantages of using mineral wool for insulating floor sufficient weight but can be easily removed if laying procedure to prepare in advance.
Warming of the floor with their hands mineral wool
Technology insulation concrete or wooden floor is quite simple, so warm yourself a small room can anyone.

For the meeting will need the following tools:
- Roulette for accurate measurement;
- Gloves (preferably rubber as mineral wool hairs tend to cling to clothes and body;
- staple gun for fixing;
- stationery knife large (this heat-insulating coating is sufficiently thick);
- protection on the face: glasses, dust mask (as already mentioned above, the mineral coating consists of hairs, which at the time installation crumble and cling to clothes so they do not fall into the eyes and the respiratory tract, these areas must be protected body);
- 6. screwdriver to install rails and extreme coating layer;
- 7. screws of varying lengths;
Stages of mineral wool insulation of the floor
The process consists of preparing the surface and directly conducting thermal insulation. For proper installation it is important to divide the procedure is not a few steps and start to run.

The first step - removing the old flooring. Almost every room is new or already habitable has any coating on the floor. To carry out insulation procedure, you must remove it. If the flooring is new and it is planned to use again, it should be done cautiously and dismantling mark of the linoleum or laminate flooring, such as chalk. This is necessary in order to subsequently put the items into place.
After removal of the floor covering must be removed with the rough base debris remaining dirt and dust. Before beginning installation, the floor should be clean and "naked."
The second phase - alignment surface. This process should be carried out to mineral coating tight to the floor surface. If between these layers will remain even small holes, there can accumulate water, deforming the cover and eventually it bulges.
Often the floor leveled using screed. Today there are many different ways of alignment. Choosing one of them depends on the budget and desires landlord.

Main article - ways insulation of concrete floor.
In some cases, the cause of the cold floor can be cracks in the concrete. To this end, prior to the leveling procedure should be carefully checked for the presence of surface cracks and splits, remove them and align the floor. Then you need to give a few days the surface to dry completely.
The third step in the process of mineral wool mounting - laying vapor barrier material. After the alignment procedure can proceed to the next step. It is a failure on the floor coating polyethylene coating. It protects against moisture and various fumes. Laying vapor barrier material happens to overlap the walls, taking into account the height guides and mineral wool.
Materials for the plurality of vapor barrier. Choosing one of them depends on the features of the room, size, preferences and home owner's budget. For this reason, before purchase of the material it is desirable to consult a specialist. He will pick up the individual requests vapor barrier material, which serve to the owner forever.
The fourth stage - the installation guide. After laying a layer vapor barrier must be installed guides. The distance between the beams depending on the room size reduction and mineral wool. The gaps should be uniform, so before starting the procedure you need to carefully calculate all. It is not recommended to take steps more than one meter.
Important! Much attention should be paid to securing the lag. They do not need to swing, move away from the floor. It is also necessary to avoid gaps between the rails and walls.
Installation of thermal insulation Flooring on logs facilitates the work. Since mineral wool can be laid more closely, smoothly and quickly.
Step Five - laying mineral wool. After installation and reliable fastening lags can proceed to laying of the mineral wool. First the coating must be cut into the size of the distances between the guides. It is important to ensure that a piece of glass wool between the joists, and there are no gaps. To do this, cut mineral coating centimeter wider than the distance between the beams.
Mineral wool can be laid in one or two layers, if the height of the room allows you to perform this action. The second layer of heat-insulating coating be put on top so that the first joints were approximately at the middle of one piece of glass wool. Such a method of laying the premises will help the owner to exclude the occurrence of leakage between the joints of beams and pieces of insulation.

Step Six - installation of waterproofing. Since one of the drawbacks of mineral wool is fast absorbency, after stacking of insulation need to protect it from moisture from above. For this purpose mineral wool is laid on the waterproofing layer. It is likeness vapor barrier layer consists of a dense polyethylene. The choice of waterproofing coating also depends on the owner's preferences, characteristics of the premises and a topcoat.
The seventh stage is concluded. The process of warming the floor in the house flooring finished floor finishes with mineral wool. This cover is attached to the joists. It must be strong enough to load on the heat-insulating layer is distributed evenly, and he did not hardly began in the place of installation of heavy furniture sets.
As such a material may be chipboard, dense gypsum board, chipboard, any dense board. Their fixation on the surface occurs by means of special fasteners or screws.
After conducting all phases of mineral wool installation process can be considered as completed. After that occurs flooring flooring: linoleum, laminate flooring, tiles.

How to choose a mineral wool for thermal insulation of a wooden or concrete floor
Today there are many varieties of mineral wool. They vary in composition, thickness and properties. All of them can be divided into three groups.
Glass wool waste consists of molten glass and silica particles. Particles of this material (hair) are the longest. Sometimes their value reaches three millimeters. Due to such a structure of this type of mineral wool has the following features:
- The fibers adhere firmly, giving special pieces of mineral wool density, for this reason, consumption of raw materials for its manufacture is minimal. Consequently, the price is low. It is used as a heater quite often.
- The second feature is a disadvantage of this type. Since glass mineral wool hairs are small pointed rods, there is a difficulty in working with this material. The particles cling to clothes and body fitter, as well as get into the eyes and the respiratory tract. To prevent such situations, it is necessary to work with this material in a respirator, goggles and protective clothing.

Next view - stone wool. The main raw material for its production is the basalt. Production technology such heaters easy because the structure includes the minimum number of substances. Particles of the insulation reaches up to one and a half millimeters.
Since it has a rigid grip, then it is better to use for insulation of vertical surfaces. Thanks to such features rock wool is used for temporary installation.
Stone wool fibers do not take a pointed shape, which greatly simplifies the installation procedure. The particles have a lower tenacity, however, to use protective equipment is necessary in-order to avoid unpleasant consequences.
The third kind - slag. It consists of blast furnace slag. Its particles are the smallest size compared with other species of mineral wools. With the technological point of view, the production of this material is complex, which is reflected in the price.

Slag wool has a minimum rigidity, is therefore used advantageously for warming a floor. It is complex in the cutting, so is used for insulation of large scales, where this process is carried out using special machinery. During installation it is recommended to use protective equipment.