Ecowool: shortcomings insulation composition, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages ecowool

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Ecowool - new in the Russian market heating material. Depending on the method of application can be attributed to the bulk material or sprayed. Ecowool was developed in Germany in 1928, in the 50s material conquered Europe and America. Make ecowool recycled pulp differs eco insulation excellent thermal insulation properties, low flammability. Ecowool does not attract rodents, it will not start mold and fungus. Handyman can insulate design their own hands.

Cellulose Fiber composition and its fundamental properties

The structure of high-quality ecowool includes all three components:

  • 80% cellulose fiber.
  • 12% boric acid, suppresses the development of micro-organisms, mold and fungus.
  • 8% borax, potassium tetraborate or. It deters insects and rodents and simultaneously a strong retardant.

For the manufacture of Cellulose Fiber uses several types of raw materials:

  • Waste paper and the production equipment of cardboard.
  • Residues from the production of corrugated cardboard products.
  • Printing marriage.
  • Waste paper is unsuitable for processing into high-quality paper, including pollution.

Not so long ago ecowool it appeared on the Russian market and is gaining popularity with the thermal insulation of buildings of different purposes: from the airports and concert halls to warehouses, industrial buildings and private homes.

What makes ecowool

Related article - insulation RockWool.

Key Features Cellulose Fiber offers the market the following:

  • Warm coefficient at mineral wool and expanded polystyrene - 0,036-0,043 W / mK. It should be borne in mind that, thanks to seamless application total capacity for thermal insulation is significantly higher than that of other materials.
  • Density depends on the method of stacking (or application) and may be from 25 to 90 kg / m3.
  • heat resistance group - T2 dymooobrazovaniya - D2.
  • Permeability laid ekovaty 0.3 mg / (mchPa).
  • Air permeability (80-120) * 10-6 m³ / msPa.
Fluff ecowool ready for application

The strength of the material as compared to other low. It is not suitable for thermal insulation of flat roofs, where in the course of operation of a heater has to withstand heavy loads.

Main positive characteristics ekovaty

Among the main advantages of Cellulose Fiber, stands out among its competitors include:

  • Excellent sound insulation. Repeatedly linked to each other perfectly elastic pulp fibers absorb sound waves. Eighteen centimeters ecowool weaken sound to 9 decibels. This property is appreciated by designers terminal buildings, concert halls and recording studios.
  • Low density ecowool causes its economical consumption. Cubic meter of finished insulation weighs 25 to 65 kg. For comparison, a cubic meter of mineral wool weighs 65 kg do210.
Ecowool in unopened packaging
  • Excellent penetrating ability. Ecowool can blow out the most inaccessible places, fibers uniformly fill the cavity and sinuses in building constructions. This makes the material an excellent choice for thermal insulation as already constructed buildings and buildings under construction.
  • No seams and joints significantly improves the total thermal protection - up to 10% mineral wool for insulation of heat pass through leaky joints, or arising remaining clearances.
  • Almost zero allergenicity and carcinogenicity. The substances included in the material harmless to human health both during application and during the operational phase.
  • The material repels insects and rodents. When disassembling repair homes, insulated ecowool were not found progryzennye mice passages in it. Components material hinder the development of micro-organisms, mold and fungus.
  • The combination of high quality and affordable prices.

disadvantages ecowool

As with any real-life material ecowool peculiar drawbacks. Unfortunately, some illiterate "experts" and malevolently minded competitors are still trying to build around a promising material negative background information. Try to understand the charges.

The most commonly cited disadvantages of insulation following.

Most volumetric shrinkage

When dry packing material, especially in the case of thermal insulation of vertical surfaces can indeed be up to 20% shrinkage. Bare portions thus ceases to effectively protect against frost build arise so-called "cold joints".

It should be noted that most manufacturers offer for insulating vertical walls using a wet-glue method, which reduces the vertical shrinkage to 1% for the entire service life. For those who still chose the dry method - it is recommended to increase the Share norm of 20-25%.

highly hygroscopic

The material is capable of absorbing moisture from 10 to 15% of its volume. In this case, the thermal conductivity increases slightly ecowool. However, compared with glass wool, thermal insulation properties which when wet is reduced by several times, insulation deterioration of a minor. Moreover, it is compensated ekovaty unique property: when the temperature rises or reducing humidity, i.e. at displacement of the dew point, the fibers begin to actively evaporate accumulated moisture and initial value of the thermal conductivity coefficient restored. This allows you to use the material as a kind of humidity stabilizer. After all, reduced humidity is less harmful to humans than increased. In addition, when properly performed steam and water proofing and ventilation clearances organization effect is minimized, and the fault does not look so bad.

expensive equipment

Professional equipment for spraying really worth hundreds of thousands of rubles. However, consumer-class models, which can quite cope with the heat insulation of a house worth 20 thousand. If DIY is not confused screwdriver for 9 thousand. rub., and the entry-level unit is also fit into the construction budget. In addition, when installing a machine is significantly reduced consumption ekovaty per square meter of surface, increases the fill rate and uniformity of pumping cavities. This leads to minimize possible shrinkage.

High requirements for qualification

When you work on a professional unit really needs and special training and experience. Irregularly arranged fibers do not provide the calculated level of thermal insulation. domestic master-class device can be much faster. Before you take up the insulation of your home, it is wise to practice and get hand on auxiliary buildings - bath or garage.

Long drying in wet deposition

There is nothing to argue - is completely dry have to wait 2-3 days. Not always such a term is acceptable, especially when repairing. In the same building you can always use this pause for other work.

Low stiffness and strength

Compared with polystyrene foam and dense basalt wool ecowool really fragile. It is not possible to use it for thermal insulation of flat roofs, insulation which must withstand high loads, including snow.

insufficient heat resistance

Ecowool able to resist an open fire, but with prolonged exposure to high temperature fibers alter their structure and begin to crumble and even slow smolder. It does not allow the material to compete with basalt wool or vermiculite insulation in furnaces and chimneys.

Consequences and harm to health

It belongs to the category of outright fabrications. Ecowool - the most eco-friendly and less harmful to the health of the insulation, it does not cause any allergies nor provoke the development of cancer. Ecowool even can be swallowed in small amounts, can not be said about, say, glass wool. Of course, during installation, especially a dry process, it is necessary to protect the respiratory system from dust by wearing a respirator.

Summarizing, we can say with confidence: if you apply ecowool in accordance with the recommendations producers and accurately observing technology pros and cons of the balance will be summarized in favor of progressive material.

Features stacking

There are the following basic methods of thermal insulation of buildings ecowool:

  • wet;
  • wet-glue;
  • dry.

Spray wool special installation improves the quality and uniformity of coating and reduce the flow rate of the material.


The method used for walls and other vertical surfaces.

In this case, the adhesive compositions of the type used PVA lignin or natural origin. The wetted fibers are well adhered to the walls. This forms a solid insulated layer with a density of 50 to 65 kg / m3.

Cotton wool soaked with water without glue, as well applied and distributed over the wall, but there is a risk of its rainfall during continuous operation.

Application of wet-glue method

Excess wool can be cut with a knife construction, crushed and reused.

dry method

Fluff cotton poured into the sinus, until you start to spring at pressing hand. Cotton fluff better in bulk tank or building pelvis. To assess the required weight of material is sufficient to calculate the volume of cavity to be filled, and multiply it by filling a normative density.

Blowing dry method

For vertical surfaces recommended density is 65 kg / m3To the horizontal sufficiently to 45 kg / m3.

industrial process

The method requires the use of special fans, feeding fiber to the place of application through under slight pressure sleeve. It ensures even distribution of the fibers. It allows the adhesive composition to wet the fibers with water or using a wet or wet-glue application method.

Scheme of the industrial unit

For blown allowed to access ports or openings of width not less than 10 cm. After finishing the application they are buried.

their own hands

Domestic class installation cost from 20 thousand. rub. But you can do yourself, manually fill. You will need to comply strictly with the technology, first of all - the number and density of the coating.

On horizontal surfaces previously fluff fibers in a large capacity simply poured and leveled. To loosen, you can use the building mixer at minimum speed.

backfill by hand

To insulate vertical surfaces wool poured into the prepared cavity between two walls, as long as the material begins to yield at pressing arm.

The method is good for small amounts of insulation or repairs, insulation cabins or shed. For warming the whole house will be easier to buy or rent a unit.

Scope of use

Ecowool increasingly used for insulation of objects such as:

  • frame houses;
  • ceilings, floors and ceilings;
  • flooring;
  • walls;
  • cavity, sinus attics and attics.
The general scheme of use

In the future, experts predict extension applicability promising material. As the number of successful applications and the popularity of the qualification of operators in the Russian market, environmentally friendly, high-quality and relatively affordable material necessarily will grow.