If you want to warm the house, be sure to stop at such a heater, as mineral wool. In this article we consider in detail the advantages and disadvantages of an effective inorganic fiber insulation. The most important positive point in the selection of the material - is that in order to keep warm, air is used as a thermal insulator. We will try to give a complete answer to the concern of almost every other professional builder and the ordinary man in the street, or not live mouse in mineral wool?
Mineral wool - a generic name, which is usually used for the group of inorganic insulation. This subtype is characterized by the fibrous structure, it is made from:
- rock;
- glass;
- slags.
Considering in more detail insulating panels, we can say that it consists of a large number of fibers. Fibers are intertwined with each other.

No matter what species belongs to the mineral wool manufacturing process is exactly the same.
Modern technological processes
The starting material is melted in a cupola furnace at a fairly high temperature of 1000-1500 degrees. After the obtained flame-liquid mixture, the moment pulling fibers.
Current process technology uses the following items:
- Blow;
- centrifugal roll;
- centrifugal wind box;
- modified methods and other methods.
Considering in detail the structure, we conclude that this chaotic fiber length which is absolutely different, the thickness varies within the normal range, extended from the waste glass.
The heat capacity are not very different among themselves. Due to the fact that the fibers are capable of creating an air cavity, which in turn captures the air in a stationary state, the material enjoys such great popularity. Although before the acquisition, the buyer interested in the question whether the mouse gnaw it or not?
Why choose a mineral wool?
When you purchase or that the insulation is always important, as well as the form in which it is issued. For example, cotton producers have taken care of the convenience. The building materials market can buy it in this format:
- roll;
- mat;
- cylinder;
- placer;
- plate.

The material in the roll form is convenient in that it can be obtained by applying a smooth insulating layer in which there will be no cold bridges. Option with plates ideal for vertical thermal insulation. Firstly, it does not slip, and second - while using it is difficult to deform.
Zaduvnuyu cotton producers are strongly recommended for the most hard-to-fill cavities. Today the choice is large enough, and if you need some specific parameters of density or thickness, you can find on the market products resembling option easily.
material benefits
Another of the positive aspects of mineral wool is its flammability. This material can withstand heat up to 1000 degrees above zero and it does not change their physical characteristics. In this case it is used, of course, as a fire protection element. In case of fire, keep the thickness of insulation will be difficult enough, but will not emit toxic components.
Interesting! Vata safe. Insulated with mineral wool inside the premises. Today, the production is quite modified, it allowed an order to reduce the content of phenolic components. Mineral wool - it is almost the only material that is recommended for the insulation of wooden buildings.
This is due to the fact that creates breathable layer which protects the wall from decay.

Material durable. If properly exploited, the over 65-70 years you will not raise the issue of replacement. The plates, cotton ability to hold shape perfectly. This is achieved thanks to the fact that it is unable to:
- deform;
- wrinkle
- wither.
In her installation issues it is also quite practical. It is reduced to the required size during transport and at the same time to restore its shape for ten minutes. Material cut standard knife. Now let's talk about what the materials appear in rodents and how to deal with them.
The list of shortcomings: how to overcome the rodents?
Today is known only one obvious negative aspect when choosing a mineral wool. This is what wool is hygroscopic.
When the material absorbs moisture, its insulation performance is significantly reduced. When 2-3% moisture immediately changes the thermal insulation characteristics of 10-11%. Therefore, such a great importance is given to the installation and the vapor barrier.
Dusting the same can not be considered a plus, but the wool is very rarely used for public facilities. So this is not a minus rather a simple feature.

A foregone conclusion, if the mouse eating a mineral wool, it is impossible. According to the last numerous tests and experiments, all kinds of mineral wool are not a barrier to rodents. Even so scratchy and irritating material as glass, it is not a hindrance. In addition, mice with the most comfortable in almost any insulation. They make the nest warm and currently live in comfort.
They primarily involve the following characteristics:
- does not rot;
- almost never go bad;
- high ventilation characteristics;
- always dry;
- heat;
- maintaining excellent form.
Although if we consider such an innovative material like ecowool, the rodents are not there. Everything is quite simple. As part ecowool orthoboric acid - it causes severe thirst and discomfort to the animals. When the rodent and decides to make a nest, it is a short time, he will have to move soon.
How to protect your home?
In order to maximally protect your home, always thinking about how to carefully plug the gap, and technological openings. Then all rodents will not be just the physical ability to live in the mineral wool.

Official manufacturers of this paragraph, as resistance to any rodents silent, just try to lower it. Although if you look at the numerous reports of construction, be masters complain and talk about such unpleasant moments.
So what to do to make a reliable barrier that does not like mice, most of all? In the first place, oddly enough is clay, which is treated in a specific pattern and formed into pellets. A place they do not like very much for your home, particularly if you use the fine fraction. The reason is quite simple and banal. When the rodents begin to move on unsteady surfaces. They simply fail. In addition, while, a long time in the dusty gap Leca they can not breathe because of the fact that clogged airways. Then pay attention to the foam glass. its manufacturing technology is as follows:
- Steamed glass.
- Next is a glass foam.
When the foam glass solidifies, it is possible and can not be harden the teeth of rodents. Still quite massively use foam. It is also considered a great obstacle.

Solid insulation certainly the best remedy against rodents. But at the same level of thermal efficiency is much lower. Therefore, use and match the material, not based on its resistance to rodents.
At the stage of construction works think over every detail and robust build protective barriers.