Ecowool - new in the Russian market heating material. Depending on the method of application can be attributed to its bulk, or sprayed materials. Ecowool was developed in Germany in 1928, in the 50s material conquered Europe and America. Make ecowool recycled cellulose material different environmental friendliness, excellent thermal insulation properties, low flammability. Ecowool does not attract rodents, it will not start mold and fungus. Handyman can perform insulation ecowool home with their own hands.
Main characteristics and composition ekovaty
The structure of Cellulose Fiber for warming include all three components. At 80% of thermal insulator consists of cellulosic fibers. Physical and mechanical properties of the fibers cause the excellent thermal insulation properties and ability to form a uniform durable and elastic layer without joints and seams.
To reduce the flammability of the added 12% borax. Ecowool not only does not burn itself, it has the property to stop the spread of fire. This makes it an ideal material for thermal insulation of intermediate floors, walls, floors, any cavities and hard to reach places.

Added in ecowool and 8% boric acid. This additive repels rodents, and prevents the spread of mold and mildew.
Main characteristics of the material are as follows:
- Warm coefficient at mineral wool and penopolistirola- 0,036-0,043 W / mK. It should be borne in mind that, thanks to seamless application total capacity for thermal insulation is significantly higher than that of other materials.
- Density depends on the method of stacking (or application) and may be from 25 to 90 kg / m3.
- heat resistance group - T2 dymooobrazovaniya - D2.
- The water vapor permeability of 0.3 mg / (mchPa).
- Breathability (80-120) * 10-6 m³ / msPa

In general, the parameters are not much different from other popular insulating materials.
Advantages and disadvantages
Ecowool We have a number of advantages that allow it to become a leader in the field of thermal insulation frame designs and an excellent choice in the insulation of other buildings:
- Absorption and moisture evaporation. The material can absorb substantial amounts of water vapor. In this case, the insulating properties temporarily slightly reduced. However, unlike glass, ecowool able to vaporize accumulated cotton, fully restoring insulation. In a private house, she plays the role of a stabilizer of humidity - it is too dry air is less harmful to health than Waterlogging. In this case the material should be the conditions for evaporation of excess moisture - warm and dry air. Therefore, it is not recommended for basements and ground floors with a constantly wet and cold air. Under such conditions, the heater will absorb the maximum amount of moisture and will not be able to give it to.
- The absence of seams and joints. It creates a uniform layer of constant thickness, uniformly filling the frame or cell overlapping area. When applying the technology of possible occurrence of voids generating "cold joints".
- Excellent sound insulation. Resilient and elastic fine cellulose fibers quenched sound vibrations. The room is much less audible street noise than in the case of mineral wool or polystyrene foam
- Environment friendly and no harm to health. In the manufacture and application are not used phenols, formaldehydes, epoxy resins and other harmful allergens and carcinogens. Substance maximum safe both during application and during use.
Exist in a material and cons:
- Reducing properties of the seal during operation. Therefore, the material laying on 20-25% higher than the calculated. Shrinkage occurs at a dry coating method.
- High hygroscopicity requires a good vapor barrier and allowing for ventilation.
- The drying time of the wet coating method is 2-3 days. Insulation made of other materials can be used immediately after installation. When applying the dry method generates large amounts of dust.
- You need special equipment and enough highly qualified operator. Ecowool extremely sensitive to the quality of the coating. Although the equipment is many times cheaper than that required for the application of foam.
Where material is used?
Ecowool increasingly used for insulation of objects such as:
- frame houses;
- ceilings, floors and ceilings;
- flooring;
- walls;
- cavity, sinus attics and attics.

In the future, experts predict extension applicability promising material. As the number of successful applications and the popularity of the qualification of operators in the Russian market, environmentally friendly, high-quality and relatively affordable material necessarily will grow.
Overall process thermal insulation packing
Cellulose Fiber Installation - just enough to master the process. Most effectively carry out it in the process of building houses. Depending on the application method and technology of insulation to insulate homes ecowool somewhat different.
Roof, attic

Main article - ways of insulating walls ecowool.
The roof can insulate the dry method. When this compacted starting material should be crushed, loosen and mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mixture.
Mixture blown between the roof and the layer of vapor barrier, and which will maintain ecowool. To save a vapor barrier film can be replaced Pergamino, in the vapor barrier as such there is no need.
Thermal insulation of attics held on the same technology. After filling in all the sinuses and ecowool voids to hem frame. Theoretically, you can file the first frame, and then blow out the wool. However, in this case, it will be difficult to control the degree of filling voids with cotton wool. Experienced Master, the teeth on the arm, selecting a second embodiment.
Important! Work should be a respirator to protect the respiratory system from the dry dust. Gloves protect hands from possible irritation
Under a metal roof be sure to mount the waterproofing. The density of the blown out mixture should not exceed 35 kg / m3.
Wall insulation, facade

Walls and other vertical surfaces insulated by wet-glue. The cavity walls mixture is blown through a special sleeve with a diameter of 8 cm. For it is necessary to make technological openings or leave small nezashitye areas. Wall insulation coated inside or outside.

Wet-glue method allows to increase the uniformity and completeness of filling the vertical cavities and achieve minimum shrinkage wool during operation. Dry ecowool vertical axil precipitate gives one-year up to 5 cm. These cavities will hold cold in the house, reducing the quality of the entire insulation.
Proceed as follows:
- the starting material is crushed in the hopper;
- further it is injected into the sleeve;
- the output fibers flies irrigated adhesive composition
- Reaching the wall or have already deposited particles, they are glued to them, forming a three-dimensional fiber structure without seams and joints.
Typically, the walls insulated at the last stage before final finishing.
Warming of the floor, ceiling
In this case, material is laid on a horizontal surface. You can use any deposition method of saving frequently used dry. Extruded material is ground, mixed and poured in a plane insulated from the bucket or scoop grocery. Much more efficient, however, to use special equipment. Backfill layer should be 150-200 mm.

This method of application allows you to save money on the purchase, both the insulation and materials for hydro - and a vapor barrier. To wool does not wake up through gaps in the ceiling finish, sufficiently enclose glassine sheets.
Wool is filled between the beams (or lag), then loosen it with improvised tools, from brooms to the construction of the mixer at the very low speed. Further finishing flooring plank. When the insulation layer ecowool attic floor does not close (unless, of course, there is no strong drafts in the attic).
regulatory requirements
Warming ecowool must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of:
- SNIP II-3-79 «Building the heating engineer".
- GOST P ISO 9001-2015 (ISO 9001: 2015).
At the regional level are also issued regulations governing the composition, manufacture and use of Cellulose Fiber.
So in the northwest of the minimum thickness of the insulation layer in the roof must be:
- for rays 20-25 cm;
- 30-35 cm for attic floors.
Required Tools and Equipment
need for thermal insulation:
- capacity for crushing and mixing the fibers;
- installation for spraying;
- broom and dustpan for manual application and mixing;
- Construction knife;
- scales or steelyard;
- Roulette or laser rangefinder measurements for square insulated surfaces.
- Ladder or scaffold for applying wet the top of the wall.
With work by hand is quite manage one person. For large volumes or with insulation at an altitude of assistance partner will significantly speed up the work.
When using an industrial method will require two people.
The main ways of warming ecowool
There are the following basic methods of thermal insulation of buildings ecowool:
- wet;
- wet-glue;
- dry.
Spray wool special installation improves the quality and uniformity of coating and reduce the flow rate of the material.
The method used for walls and other vertical surfaces.
In this case, the adhesive compositions of the type used PVA lignin or natural origin. The wetted fibers are well adhered to the walls. This forms a solid insulated layer with a density of 50 to 65 kg / m3. The method is popular for masonry, foam blocks, etc. First the crate, the intervals between the guides filled ecowool then mounted finishing.
Cotton wool soaked with water without glue, as well applied and distributed over the wall, but there is a risk of its rainfall during continuous operation.
Excess wool can be cut with a knife construction, crushed and reused.
dry method
Fluff cotton poured into the sinus, until you start to spring at pressing hand. Cotton fluff better in bulk tank or building pelvis. To assess the required weight of material is sufficient to calculate the volume of cavity to be filled, and multiply it by filling a normative density.

For vertical surfaces recommended density is 65 kg / m3To the horizontal sufficiently to 45 kg / m3.
industrial process
The method requires the use of special fans, feeding fiber to the place of application through under slight pressure sleeve. It ensures even distribution of the fibers. It allows the adhesive composition to wet the fibers with water or using a wet or wet-glue application method.

For blowing leave technological holes or openings of a width not less than 10 cm. After finishing the application they are buried.
their own hands
Domestic class installation cost from 20 thousand. rub. But you can do yourself, manually fill. You will need to comply strictly with the technology before vsego number and density of the application.
On horizontal surfaces previously fluff fibers in a large capacity simply poured and leveled. To loosen, you can use the building mixer at minimum speed.
To insulate vertical surfaces wool poured into the prepared cavity between two walls, as long as the material begins to yield at pressing arm.
The advantages of a manual method:
- The simplicity, the ability to do everything alone.
- There is no need to purchase or lease specialized equipment.
It has a manual method and disadvantages:
- low productivity;
- a large amount of material;
- cotton have dragged to the place of application.
The middle lane is recommended layer thickness (in cm.):
- Floor 20;
- concrete slabs perekrytiya- 20-25;
- attic - 25-30;
- exterior walls - 20;
- internal partitions - 10.
The method is good for small amounts of insulation or repairs, insulation cabins or shed. For warming the whole house will be easier to buy or rent a unit.