Rodents can be a real problem for people living in a private home or at the cottage. Rats, mice, moles - all these animals are willing to settle near a person and start to enjoy its shelter, food and household items. Save your home from mice can be using for insulation, modern construction materials: they can not build nests or nibble them, arranging courses. This material can become ecowool and mouse will not spoil the thermal insulation of the house.

Mice in a private house
To get rid of rodents in a private home or at the cottage - a dream of many homeowners, mouse and rat spoil products, leaving all waste, overlap and arrange bite right into Mink Insulating layer.
The number of rodents in this growing exponentially - mice become sexually mature in 1.5-2 months, bringing to 10 pups, which are also able to multiply in a couple of months. On average, one mouse can have up to 5 litters per year.
Brownies rodents quickly adapt to changing conditions, so modern mouse become the scourge of wooden houses and cottages. The teeth of rodents grow all my life and for piecing they willingly use everything that they will fall "to the tooth" - walls, furniture, ceiling or floor. They gnaw passages in the walls of the house, furnished nest in the warmest and safest places - in the ceiling and the insulation. Gnawing walls and insulation, the mouse may be a few years to bring the wooden buildings in disrepair.

In addition, mice and rats can be a source of dangerous diseases, as carriers of infection or spreading it after death.
The composition and properties of Cellulose Fiber
Ecowool - a thermal insulation The material, which is made from the treated pulp. Particulate substance has a high thermal conductivity - 0.03-0.04 W / m2, sound insulation (4 times higher than that of mineral wool), non-flammable and non-toxic for animals and humans.

For its production using the remnants of printed materials, waste cardboard and print production, sawdust, cotton waste and scrap - up to 80%.
The additives used in the production of fire retardant ekovaty and orthoboric acid - antiseptic. These substances are safe for humans, but are not allowed to develop in the material of a fungal infection or live insects or rodents.
Orthoboric acid (10-12%) has antiseptic properties due to it at a heater not appear fungal infection and the insects infest and rodents.
Flame retardants composed ekovaty may be different - are considered the safest derivatives borax (borax, sodium tetraborate, etc.). They do not emit harmful substances and increase refractoriness composition. Also used as additives sulfates and ammonium phosphates, which have an unpleasant odor and may become a source of harmful substances into the atmosphere.
In secondary processing pulp retains a hollow structure, in which excess moisture accumulates. In this interfiber space is filled with air, which creates a thermal pillow for the room. Ecowool dries completely recovers its properties, and then - again can absorb moisture, moisture up to 20% of the volume does not affect the insulating properties of the material and its durability.
Ecowool used for thermal insulation of a wooden floor and walls. Insulation fully fills the gap, even the smallest, it is not the joints or availability, thereby reducing heat loss during the cold season.

Ecowool maintains its properties for 80 years or more.
This material was used for the thermal insulation of various premises, but it is particularly popular uses in the construction of wooden structures.
This is due to three additional (except for heat and sound insulation) properties of insulation material:
- Ecowool prevent high humidity in wooden structures, helping to prevent the development of mold and other biozarazheny.
- Ecowool not lit, it smolder without ignition source attenuates when exposed to open fire. insulation products of combustion are not toxic and do not cause poisoning in humans and domestic animals.
- Absence of rodents and insects in the heat-insulating layer.
Ecowool - one of the safest and most environmentally sound materials for insulation.
disadvantages ecowool
As with any other insulation, in Cellulose Fiber has its drawbacks.
- This is a relatively new building material whose properties are not fully understood.
- Price - Cellulose Fiber higher than other insulation materials. The approximate cost of insulation used:. Ecowool per 1m3 - 1800 rubles, glass - 1300 rub, foam - 1100 rub, mineral wool - 1500 rubles...
- The complexity of insulation - special equipment is required for installation of Cellulose Fiber. For this purpose, pneumatic inflatable devices that are "blown" into insulation filling the space.

When buying ecowool experts advise to always wonder where the material is produced and what is included in its composition.
Domestic seal is often made from recycled waste paper, on which residual ink are stored, and the material itself can be of very poor quality. Ecowool produced in European countries usually consists of hay residues, sawdust or cotton, which is safer and more environmentally friendly.
About the dangers of ammonium salts already mentioned, so if they are part of the heater, it is necessary to think about its acquisition.
Can the mouse gnaw ecowool
Builders and tenants of private homes know how difficult it is to get rid of rodents and ecowool can help in this.
Rodents can try ecowool there, although it is inedible material to rats and mice, and make her nest in, but loose and friable material is inedible and not suitable for living in it. Trying to do the moves in a heater to be used for arranging the nests, mice and rats will be forced to re-gnaw itself moves and will not be able to build a solid nest for posterity. But as these rodents are highly adaptive capacity, they could adapt and live, and this material.
Important! The main reason that rodents do not live in ecowool - are additives that affect their well-being. Ecowool eating and being inside her bed, they will feel bad.
Orthoboric acid in the composition of the material causes in mice and rats thirst, discomfort, resulting in impaired reproductive processes. Within hours, the rodents begin to leave the insulating layers and go to other, more comfortable for their habitat.
Thus orthoboric acid does not cause serious disease in rodents and does not lead to their death. This is one of the important conditions for the choice of insulation material, as cause of death of animals can only be strong poisons that can not be completely safe for humans. And the dead in ceilings or walls between the animals not only become a source of unpleasant smell, but also can lead to the spread of serious infectious diseases.
Using Cellulose Fiber eliminates such - mice and rats will try to get away from the insulation of walls, but do not die inside buildings and not get sick if eaten insulation.