Due to the presence of attic space in the building to the owner offer excellent opportunities. There are at least two reasons. The first - to give a stylish appearance of the house. Secondly, it helps to make the area of the living space much more. Attic can become a full-fledged residential premises. Pay special attention during the arrangement of the attic rooms on the floor. It must be different durability and reliability. To do this, you must follow certain rules and requirements when the floor arrangement.
For warming the floor on your attic you must first be sure to familiarize yourself with the features of this room. Thermal insulation of the floor inside the attic - one of the labor-intensive processes. In addition to insulation, vapor barrier and waterproofing are important under the roof. This detail below.

Features of attic space

See also - attic insulation mineral wool technology.
Consider the main features of which has a loft:
- Garret can have any geometry absolutely depending on the type of roofing. design types: polygonal, symmetrical, asymmetrical. The space under the roof can be located throughout the length and on one side of the longitudinal axis. More common roof slope.
- Attic can be located on the entire square the facilities or to a particular part. If the projection is limited, the floor falls on the cantilever roof.
- If you plan a project, you need to consider several factors. The main ones are the architectural design of the building, as well as the load-bearing capacity. According to the recommendations of professionals for arranging the attic floor is better to use light construction materials.
- Garret has a large area, so it is necessary to minimize heat loss. Although sex is not in contact with the external environment, however, it also needs the right insulation.
These features have roof space.
floor arrangement
It is necessary to take into account the structural features listed above. Do not forget to climb to the attic floor, it is necessary to arrange the hatch, which will have a connection to the staircase. It should identify its location. Consider a procedure that relates to the lower plane of the arrangement. Winterizing your attic floor consists of the following steps:
- First, cleaning is carried out to prepare a base. Eliminate waste, objects and so on.
- Check the ceiling on the level of durability and reliability. This must be done because the main burden falls on the ceiling. Beams should be whole, they should be no decay. Be sure to check it out.
- Prepare the wooden joists. Their styling is one of the main stages. You need to consider several factors. Factors: lag-section, the distance between them, the material thickness (board), the lag length. The latter factor depends on the size of the room under the roof, that is up to them. The distance between them is dependent on the step floors.
- Carrying out the installation of extreme slats for support. Mounting and fixing is conducted using nails. As a replacement you can use self-tapping screws nails. Securing straps conducted to the circular top of the building facade (gable) or lateral partitions. mount technology depends on the design of the roof arrangement.
- Along the edge of the hatch imaginary Suffer crossbar high strength. To ensure a high level of reliability of fixing, it is necessary to take advantage of the corners made of steel.
- When you pinpoint the location of the hatch, conducted the installation of the rest of the wooden log. This takes into account design features. Location beams should be in the same plane.
Lower plane in the attic is a ceiling for the storey that lies below. Therefore, the floor of the attic should be a comfort and safety grounds for all guests in the house. Preparation procedures discussed above. Consider how to conduct thermal insulation of the attic.
The choice of insulator
Warming of the floor of your attic cold involves the use of high quality materials. When choosing a thermal insulator to the lower plane, it is necessary to avoid unnecessary load on the building structure, namely, the beams of the ceiling and floor.
Today, a lot of thermal insulation products can be found in the construction market. They all have different characteristics. But you need to understand how this huge range, is the best material for the attic. According to the recommendations of professionals optimum thermal insulation materials are:

Its easier to use during the installation procedure. The main advantages:
- The low cost of the construction market in comparison to other similar materials.
- Low thermal conductivity.
- High level of resistance to moisture and the presence of biological stability.
- Simplicity when performing assembly work.
Still, there are drawbacks. The product has a low vapor permeability. Not very durable. Attractive to rodents.
extruded polystyrene

This current generation of thermal insulation means. Pros:
- High level of water resistance.
- Excellent thermal conductivity.
- Fastening system has a slot.
The disadvantages are a great price on the construction market and the poor performance of water vapor permeability.
Mineral wool

It is the most optimal one for the bottom plane of the thermal insulation of attic space. Advantages of application:
- Raids fire safety. Class - NG.
- The low level of thermal conductivity.
- The high rate of moisture resistance.
- It is an environmentally friendly material and does not bear any harm to human health.
Great price and availability of joints during installation - these are the main disadvantages of mineral wool. To eliminate any joints and gaps use specially designed postmark.
expanded clay aggregate

Also, the material is characterized by its thermal insulation performance. Benefits:
- The product has a small mass.
- Maximum fill the empty sites.
- The load is minimal.
- ease of mounting.
- It is an environmentally friendly means of insulation and does not bear any harm to human body.
When this material is necessary to take into account the shrinkage.
Glass wool and basalt wool
A classic insulation material is glass wool.

But if we compare with modern thermal insulation products, glass in characteristics is lost. A similar material with glass wool - is basalt wool.

They have virtually identical characteristics. The advantages of stone wool are:
- The high level of fire safety.
- The low level of thermal conductivity.
- Resistance to moisture.
Disadvantages of the insulation means:
- In the construction market has a big price tag.
- When mounting basalt wool joints and cracks occur.
As of today, you can choose absolutely any material which is necessary. Of course, you need to take into account the financial possibilities, but it is important to be aware of the service life of the material. Otherwise, you will have to pay more in the future. Do not skimp on the insulation of the attic.
Process floor insulation

During the procedure, you need to avoid mistakes, and may be followed detrimental. If the mounting process is executed incorrectly, it may affect the ceiling below the floor.
Consider each step of mounting a heat insulating material alone. Stages insulation of the attic floor:
- First it is necessary to create a vapor barrier. A surface that has been prepared in advance, should be covered with a specially designed membrane. The membrane will be protected from condensation, which rises from the lower floor. When laying special film must pouch 20 cm. The film is fixed with a stapler.
- Mounting the heat insulator. In the intervals between the lags carried laying thermal insulators. Pay particular attention to the gaps that are formed between the plates. So do overlap of 2 cm.
- On top of the insulator is made on laying the next layer vapor barrier membrane. Mounting is carried out on a level surface, fixing on joists heater is performed using staples or nails.
- It creates a coating of battens to be laid flooring boards.
- Then he laid wood flooring. Stacking is carried on top of the crossbar. For this we use veneers or edged boards. Staples, screws or nails are used to fasten the joints between the slats. This deck is called the draft floor.
- Carrying out the final finishing lower plane.
Since the work is carried out with the use of wood, such material needs to fire and antiseptic treatment. Because of this you will protect the surface from decay due to moisture. A level of security against fire will be increased.
Attention! Between the steam insulating and waterproofing layers to be created in a layer 50 mm. Through this period of the lower plane of life will be increased.
Factors to consider when choosing a product: weight, water vapor permeability, the level of noise isolation.
There are a few recommendations, which it is desirable to stick with a floor arrangement:
- The important role played by sealing. It is therefore necessary to carry out the processing of all joints, corners and between cushions. As the processing materials used grease-sealing or insulating tape.
- If your plan is to mount self-leveling floor, then held a preliminary primer surface. To create the perfect evenness of the floor, use self-leveling mixture. The substance is diluted with water in the proper proportions. On the floor lay the tiles, carpet, laminate and so on.

- The space, which is located between the joists must not be empty. If you do not fill in this space, it will be issued a loud hollow sound. To fill the empty space you can use the bulk insulator, polystyrene foam in expanded clay pellets or chips. This procedure combines the thermal insulation and soundproofing.
- At warming the floor, use the two-layer method. Also to be performed ligation joints and beams. The thickness must be 150 mm or more.
Use rolls of specially designed products to conduct proper vapor barrier. Rolls must be firmly laid over the entire surface. Seams are glued together with a specially designed tape for waterproofing. To ensure a high level of reliability is better to create a vapor barrier consisting of two layers.
Mounting the insulation material should not cause any difficulties. Mineral wool or foam plastic is placed in the cavity between the beams. If the thermal insulation material used concrete block, then just carried on top of the product filling the vapor barrier. Further warming layer covered by another layer of a vapor barrier.
In general, the most difficult step in the whole process is a thermal insulation screed. Mandatory or mesh reinforced structure is to be used for this procedure. The grid is laid over the beams. Perform regular checks evenness ties. The roughness of the screed may have negative consequences in the future.
The process arrangement of the lower plane of the attic is dependent on the products of which are made overlapping. Overlap between rooms may be wooden beams. They can be made of reinforced concrete.
An important role is played not only insulation materials selected, but also safety. Studied in detail the procedure for the thermal insulation in the attic floor, you can do all the work themselves with their own hands. But the result will not be as high quality, it is better to use the services of specialists. Insulated attic - a pledge of comfort and coziness.