Turk, is a conical vessel( the bottom is wide, the neck narrow), designed for cooking coffee. This product is also called dzhezva. Although now quite popular are various coffee makers, however, the coffee cooked in them is much inferior to the drink prepared in the Turkish.
Coffee, brewed in different Turks, has different taste characteristics. In many ways, the taste of coffee made in a Turk depends on the material of the vessel, its size and shape. In this article we will tell you how to choose a Turk.
What to choose a Turk for coffee
When choosing a Turk for coffee, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the material from which it is made. Jezva for coffee can be:
- Metal
- Ceramic
- Clay
Metal turks for coffee, made of copper, bronze, silver, aluminum, stainless steel. Such a product is considered to be the strongest. In addition, the metal dzhezva is sufficiently durable and easy to clean. If you decide to buy a metal Turk, then know that it must necessarily have an inner coating of food tin, which will prevent the entry of harmful particles released by the metal into the coffee.
Among the metal dzhezv, the most popular products from copper. The Turk of copper, which has a thick bottom, very well warms up and does not allow the drink to cool, retaining its temperature for a long time.
With the help of ceramic turkey, you can brew any sort of coffee, as it is universal. Coffee, cooked in such a product, is very tasty and flavorful. Due to the thick walls, which has such a vessel, a sufficiently long boiling process is ensured. It continues even after the Turk was removed from the fire.
The drawback of the ceramic jezva is the fact that it can burst with a sudden change in temperature. Ceramics are quite fragile and can easily break up with one awkward movement.
Some true connoisseurs of coffee, confidently claim that it is in the clay turk that the drink acquires a unique taste. To a greater degree this is due to the fact that the clay has a porous structure. In clay turk, coffee is saturated with air, and clay absorbs its fragrance.
It is not recommended to use such a Turk to make coffee of different varieties, because their flavor will be mixed and the taste of the drink will probably disappoint you.
What are the shapes and sizes of the
jezvies? True coffee connoisseurs recommend choosing a Turk, which has a narrow neck and a wide bottom. This recommendation has its justification. Turks with a wide bottom are good because the coffee in them heats up faster and forms more foam. A large amount of foam can easily clog the narrow neck, so that the essential oils will evaporate less and the drink will acquire a unique flavor.
If you are just starting to make coffee in a Turkish, then you should pay attention to the products having a neck in the shape of a funnel. Penka from such dzhezva boils out not so quickly, thanks to which the process of brewing coffee, will be somewhat simplified, but also on the taste qualities such a drink will be a little worse.
The size of the Turks is also very important. After all, in many ways, and on this depends, the quality of cooked coffee. The best are considered to be the Turks in volume of 100 ml. They are designed for one serving of coffee( 75 ml of water and 1 teaspoon of ground coffee).It is believed that coffee, cooked in a Turk with a large volume, has a less rich and fragrant taste.