How to choose a teapot: the more we boil water

Nowadays, people prefer electric kettles. They are more convenient and cope with their main task( heating water) much faster. If you are interested in an electric appliance, then read our article on how to choose an electric kettle.

In this article we will talk about how to choose a stove kettle. After all, not everyone likes to heat water with electric appliances, and this possibility is not everywhere. For example, if you go on a camping trip, the electric kettle here is not your helper, but a conventional one, you can easily put it on the coals and heat the water in it.

What are the kettles

Choosing a stove kettle, the first thing you need to determine - the material from which it is made. The most common materials that are used in the manufacture of pressure kettles are:

  • Aluminum
  • Stainless steel
  • Enamel
  • Cast iron
  • Glass

It is not recommended to buy aluminum products, since aluminum releases harmful elements for our body. What can affect negatively on health. If you still want to buy an aluminum kettle, then choose products in which water at boiling will not be saturated with heavy metal salts.

In other words, before buying such a product, you need to find out from the seller whether the steel from which the kettle is made is chemical safety. In this case, aluminum should be of high quality not only from the outside, but also inside.

The wise choice is the choice of a stainless steel kettle. This material corresponds to all hygienic and toxicological norms. Food stainless steel, does not emit harmful substances into the water and does not change its taste, which makes this kettle safe for health.

Stainless steel is resistant to high temperatures. A kettle made of stainless steel can be rightly called the most successful purchase.

Regarding the choice of enameled boiling kettles, this is far from the most reasonable solution. In view of the fact that the enamel is not very strong material, and it is very quickly crumbled. People who have ever used such a product know that on the enameled teapots the soot from the fire is very noticeable, and a rusty scum accumulates inside them.

If you still buy such a product, some recommendations should be taken into account when using it.

After the water boils in the kettle, do not pour it out right away, let the water cool down a little.
In order not to cause harm to your health, immediately refuse to use the kettle on which chipped enamels appeared. Since such a product begins to release harmful compounds into the water.

It is not recommended to put such a kettle on a cold surface if it has recently been heated. Because the bottom in such a product can easily deteriorate when the temperature changes abruptly. It is also not recommended to use such utensils for heating water, if you have a small stove, and the kettle is large. In view of the fact that only a small portion of the bottom of the teapot will heat up, the enamel may crumble.

Cast-iron kettles are already more rarity than pots for boiling water. Meet such products on sale is almost impossible. But at many grandmothers in a closet, for certain this this thing was overlooked.

Cast iron kettles are heated very slowly, because this material has a low thermal conductivity. Such a product does not scratch, it retains heat for a long time, does not deform, does not dim and lasts for a long time. The drawbacks of such a teapot, is the fact that cast iron quickly rusts from the water. Even such products have a decent weight and can easily be broken when dropped.

Teapots, for the cooker, made of glass, are environmentally friendly. They do not emit into the water, nor any substances and do not change the taste of water. Such products are very beautiful and will find their application in any kitchen. The drawback of the glass kettle for the stove is the increased fragility of the material.

What else you need to consider before buying

Having dealt with what kind of teapot you want to buy, depending on the material of which it is made, pay attention to the volume of the product. For a small family( up to 4 people), there will be enough volume in 1.5 - 2 liters.

Many teapots are equipped with a whistle. When the water boils, such an item will warn you about this with a sound signal. As a rule, such products have a heat-consuming capsule bottom, so that the kettle can be used without problems both on electric and gas stoves. Still such product, has the handle made of heat-resistant plastic that will save you from burns.

How to clean the kettles enameled and stainless steel

If you need to wash the kettle out of stainless steel, in this case do not use cleaning powders when washing, as they will eventually rub the polish. It will be reasonable to use special detergents. It is not recommended to use metal sponges and brushes when washing the stainless steel kettle, as they can cause harm.

In order to wash such a product, it is recommended to use soft sponges. In case of occurrence, any stains on a stainless steel, they can be removed with the help of citric acid or soy sauce.

When washing enameled kettles it is not recommended to use different alkalis and acids, because of this, enamel can deteriorate. It is also not recommended to use caustic soda when washing this product. If the enameled kettle turns black inside, then boil in it for an hour a mixture of water and ash. After this process, all the blackening will immediately disappear.