How to plaster foam as priming and putty foam indoors

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Foam as an insulation is used very often. But he needs protection from the effects of external factors, or such insulation will last a long time. This task may well cope plaster of foam that will not only protect, but also significantly increase the service life.

Front "pie"

Is it possible to plaster the foam is and what it is doing?

The foam is popular not only because of its low cost, but also because he can long maintain its performance characteristics. He is not afraid to temperature changes and readily reacts with atmospheric precipitation.

But when the regular interaction with the environment begins the process of destruction of the structure, as the material dries. Therefore plastering foam will help solve a number of these problematic issues:

  • Protection. It creates an additional outer layer which is first to take all the mechanical damage. Also, the plaster becomes a barrier to the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Obstruction to moisture. Despite the fact that the foam is not afraid of water, it dries long. In addition, the dampness significantly lowers the threshold and the insulation making it more fragile.
  • Increases the level of fire safety. Modern plaster has such a composition that in the case of fire, do not become "food" for the fire, which means that the fire will not spread.
Creating the final figure

All of these issues are easily solved if the plaster foam. But you must first decide on the mix to get the proper result.

The choice of plaster

Once sorted order, whether putty foam, it is time to proceed directly to the selection of the mixture. Protective coating for the foam should have a density and a good mechanical resistance. The plaster mixture is required to have high adhesion because the foam itself has a sufficiently smooth surface. On the other hand, vapor permeability parameter here is not critical, since the heater itself has a low rate on this property.

There are several types of plaster - for fixing the insulation lining and universal. If all the work is done with his own hands, it is better to stop on the last version. Universal mix can be used at any stage of the finishing. If the acquired two individual mixtures is required to comply with such ratio: Adhesive - 4 kg per 1 sq plaster - 6 kg per 1 sq.m.

Putty and can be cement-sand mixture, but it is only partially provide protection foam. Therefore it is better not to save, and choose a more expensive formulations that in 2-3 years will not go cracks. Among special plasters there are those which contain certain additives. It is best to stop your choice on:

  • Mineral plaster. The base includes white cement, hydrated lime and mineral crumb. The sale is a dry powder which requires dilute with water. This type is characterized by good resistance to precipitation, temperature changes, as well as good adhesion to the surface. But in fairness it should be said that these plasters have a life span of 10 years, after which need to be updated.
  • Acrylic plaster. This plastic mix which is created based on acrylic resin. The composition also includes mineral cementing additives which significantly increase the performance properties of the coating. Such an embodiment, due to its plasticity, is not afraid of cracking, is not afraid of seasonal changes in temperature and moisture easily perceives. Depending on the manufacturer, acrylic plaster can last from 15 to 25 years, so it is recommended for exterior use. But among disadvantage is not only expensive, but also a tendency to burn.

Among professional builders are especially popular companies such as Ceresit, tables, bases, Knauf, Ecomix.

Mineral and acrylic plaster

Main article: how and what to paint foam?

Tip! To plaster foam is required to use two kinds of mixture - the glue which becomes the reinforcing layer, and alignment. It is recommended to use the products of one manufacturer. Thus, a uniform coating and the same lifetime.

When choosing colors and materials should take into account some special features:

  • plaster must be higher water vapor permeability than the foam;
  • Housing for processing sites, which accounts for the higher load (moldings, skirting, parapet height differences portions, etc.) require a mixture with enhanced water repellency;
  • the deeper the color, the higher the probability that it will burn out quickly when exposed to sunlight.

All these factors must be taken into account in the selection of plaster.

The process of plastering foam: Stages of work

There are several steps to be carried out. But first, you need to prepare tools: grater plaster, drill with a mixer, paint net, building level, sandpaper to grout, trowel and trowel. From consumables required plaster mix, primer, decorative plaster (mineral or acrylic). Now you can break to the works themselves.

Plastering foam: milestones

Leveling base

Before putty base of the foam, it is necessary to carry out some training. Initially, you need to align the level of all the joints between the panels, which typically is used, or a wide spatula. These differences should be addressed first, as can not be eliminated by means of mixtures of this defect.

Joints removed with foam. Such a material allows to achieve maximum tightness. Once the foam has dried, cut off the excess with a knife stationery. Thereafter, the surface is cleaned from dirt and repeatedly traversed spiked roller. Thus, the materials and increase the adhesion of the mixture would be better to lay down on the foam.

Sealing of joints and seams

Preparation of the solution

For novice builders is better to pay attention to universal mixture (adhesive plaster). This solution is used to secure the foam on the wall and for plastering. Excellent proven company Ecomix and Ceresit.

For the treatment of 1 sq.m. surface requires approximately 4kg mixture. Each package contains the instructions from the manufacturer. This stage used any plastic or metal container, but the very best to carry out mixing with a drilling machine beater "mixer". This will create not only a uniform consistency of the solution, but also greatly save time and energy on mixing.

Tip! Professional masters recommend to procure a solution of a liquid consistency for bonding reinforcing mesh than the one specified in the instructions. This will allow to process all of the pores in the foam, and therefore increase the adhesion of materials.

Installation of stucco mesh

In order to securely hold the plaster in the foam, it pre-assembled reinforcing mesh. Such a layer provides protection against cracking, provides an additional strengthening of the surface.

It is best to acquire dense grid, as they blend it keeps Bole reliably. The best option is considered to mesh with a density of 130-160 g / sq.m., Moreover, it must be resistant to the alkali which is present in the mixtures.

However, such material is necessary to know how to impose on the corners. Work has the sequence:

  • mesh ribbons are cut to 1 m, with a width of 30 cm;
  • exactly in the middle of the segment is bend, which strip and will be put into a corner;
  • using a wide spatula solution was applied at an angle in accordance with the length of the tape, but the width mixture additionally treated by 5 cm on each side, to get overlap;
  • the segment is superimposed on the treated surface and smoothed with a spatula (direction - top to bottom and from the center towards the edges).
Processing outside corners

Processing the remaining portions of the walls takes place in a similar manner. As the mixture dries quickly, it is recommended to apply it in small portions - 90h100sm. Above mixture superimposed grid spatula and processed so that it is buried in the solution. If this does not happen, it is allowed to put on top of another filler. Installation of mesh produce overlap.

stage grouting

Each filler its drying time, which is indicated by the manufacturer on the package - in the summer for 3-4 hours in winter - 20-24 hours. By means of emery paper or plastic treated with graters all surfaces.

Grout is carried out in a circular motion - counterclockwise. If nazhdachka falls on land with the wet mixture, you will need to change the paper immediately.

Sanding surface

Priming and leveling

Further required to prepare the surface finish. You can use two different mixtures or single universal. But in the first case before the primed surface of the foam, it is necessary to carry out the alignment.

The process requires the following steps:

  • spatula (width 35cm) was applied to the wall - if quality grout walls, a layer of 2mm would be sufficient;
  • once the layer is completely dry, the surface is polished - this recommended to proceed step by 3-4 hours after spackling;
  • further using the foam or nappy (short nap) roller is applied a primer, which will increase adhesion material - preferably a mixture with antifungal properties, in order to increase protection walls.

Tip! It is recommended to ensure that the junction point of the alignment layer does not overlap with joints of reinforcement mesh. If this condition is to observe, on the surface will not be visible seams.

Recommended primers applied in two layers, but each subsequent coating is applied only after the previous layer has dried. As soon as a priming is finished, proceed to finishing.

decorative trim

For outdoor applications there are special plaster facade, which are designed taking into account the fact that they will regularly experience temperature fluctuations and the impact of climate change. Each manufacturer adds in the binders and optional components, and depending on which further operational properties of plasters. Therefore, before putty foam should be familiar with the content of the selected mix and relate it to the climatic characteristics of the region.

The application of the final layer

Decorative plaster is applied as follows:

  • harvested solution - if will work with a large portion, it is best to prepare portionwise to the mixture did not have time to solidify (re-breed the plaster is not recommended);
  • plaster is applied in two layers, each of which must be no thicker than 4 cm - new layer is applied only after the previous dry;
  • as soon as the mixture dries to half, proceed to grout - at this stage, to begin the formation of a pattern on the surface.
Paint finish plaster

Important! Selection of the tool depends on the proposed structure. For this purpose the roller special shapes. But the texture can be created and improvised means, for example, notched trowel.

To qualitatively final step was necessary to perform the work under certain weather conditions: temperature in the range of 5 to 25 degrees, with a humidity of no more than 65-70%. In this case, it is desirable that the street was not a strong wind.

Plaster foam - the task is not so complicated that it is the strength to perform with his own hands. The main thing is to choose the right materials and to observe all stages of the process.