What is a person with countryside "hacienda", does not dream of a luxurious garden, which will not only fruit, but also the most beautiful ornamental plants? Neatly trimmed shrubs, ornamental trees for the garden, arranged around a huge cottage or a small cottage home, will create the perfect atmosphere for relaxation after a stressful everyday life, will become the pride of the owners, the subject of the 'white' envy neighbors.
- Role of ornamental trees, shrubs, orchards
What trees to plant: determined the choice
- Selection of trees for garden settings
tree species
- coniferous
- deciduous
- decorative fruit
- exotic trees
- frost resistance of trees
- Variety of ornamental shrubs
- The basic rules of cultivation, care
- Principles tree arrangement in the garden, and their combination with other plants
- conclusion
Role of ornamental trees, shrubs, orchards
Ornamental plants - precisely the element that is often lacking in summer cottages, designed only to produce crops. Nevertheless, their role is quite large:
- a decorated portion, giving it an aesthetic appearance;
- saturation of ambient oxygen, carbon dioxide absorption;
- selection in air of various mineral substances;
- landing along the perimeter of the site - protection of people, fruit plants from dust, gas pollution;
- on a hot day dense treetops will hide in its shadow hosts garden from the summer heat;
- "Hedge" protects portion with low or mesh fence from prying eyes;
- thick decorative bushes along the fence does not give strong winds affect vegetables, berry crops.

Different breeds pleasing to the eye in different ways - some during flowering, the other - with the appearance of leaves before falling off, and coniferous - almost all year round.
What trees to plant: determined the choice
The selection of suitable ornamental trees depends on the climate in the region, the size of a garden plot, personal preferences hosts gardeners, their financial capacity. For the colder northern latitudes better to buy hardy species - southern species have extra insulated, and this extra trouble, especially when a lot of trees. In a warm area to choose the appropriate vegetation a little more, but some breeds very picky about soil composition, its acidity, the frequency of watering, which is especially important in arid regions.

On large, large portions arranged tall trees with large canopy, but this option requires limited space unacceptable - these species are able to obscure the space almost completely, making it impossible to develop normally more undersized.
Some vacationers purchased kadochnye low trees, mostly related to the exotic - spend the summer outdoors and indoors in winter.
Selection of trees for garden settings
Ornamental trees are divided into:
- . Undersized - height of less than 10 m These are: White birch, birch Young, hawthorn, ash, weeping, palmate maple, acacia yellow, japonica, juniper dauricus, bobovnik;
- sredneroslye - approximately 10-15 m tall. These include: Acer Tegmentosum, Tatarian maple, Thuja occidentalis, mountain ash, willow weeping, weeping birch;
- tall - at least 15 m in height. These include: oak, linden, spruce, chestnut, beech forest, maple platanovidny.

High woody plants provide vertical accents space, three-dimensional landscape, provide plenty of shade, creating a sense of security. For small areas will be high even three-four-meter trees for wider - 25-30-meter giants. The composition of various formulations used wood and dwarf varieties of conventional trees - height not exceeding 1.5 meters. Experts recommend to combine in his garden a few options, creating unique landscapes.
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tree species
All decorative woody plants are divided into:
- conifers - their seeds develop, ripen in the cones of different shapes. Most of these types of needle-shaped leaves are of different lengths, thicknesses with wax coating or without, some species foliage flat, scaly;
- deciduous - flowering plants with leaves on the stalks. Foliage has a diverse configuration, coloring of a light green to purplish red. Leaves bloom spring and autumn fade and discharged;
- Decorative fruit - conventional varieties of fruit trees, often have a small height, small fruits, beautiful leaves;
- Exotic - imported species, are often unsuitable to the climate of the middle latitudes. Typically require a protective cover during the cold weather.

Unpretentious, mostly higher, though there are also smaller varieties, perfectly able to grow on almost any soil.
Description of the most common types with the names:
- Juniper - is growing in bright locations or srednezatenennyh prefer vaccum, light, friable soil. Waterlogging brings strong bad, because it is often planted on slopes, rockeries, tall flower beds. Species: Chinese - a bronze-yellowish coloring, height up to two meters, horizontal - bluish needles, grows up to 50 cm, scaly - actively expands in width, the height of about 30 cm;
- Pine - grows well on sunny, sandy areas, can not tolerate excessive waterlogging. Is a common and toy breeds. Popular species - Mountain pine with yellowish-green needles, ten years grows no more than half a meter, well overwinter under the snow;
- fir - good specimens grow on moist, but not over-dried, wetlands. Species: Common - with dark green needles, in 10 years grows up to 2 m, weeping - beautiful long branches cascade down on the ground, adult plant no more than eight meters, barbed - silver-bluish coloring, mature plant reaches 3 m;
- fir - requires fertile soil, very shade-growing very slowly, but is capable of reaching 20-50 m Painting -. from dark green to silver. Popular varieties - Arizona, balsamic, Korean;
- Thuja - grows well in loose, moist, calcareous lands, almost no damage by pests, has a pyramidal shape. The most common Canadian, comb, elegantissima.

Hardwood highly decorative, having various shapes, size leaves. Brightest representatives:
- maple Manchurian - high - up to 20 m, slender, good honey plant initially imported from the Far East. Trifoliate leaves are green in summer, autumn red-oranzhaevye. He loves the sun, fertile soil, but the drought-resistant, cold-resistant;
- silver maple - grows up to 35-40 meters in height, holodoustoychiv, love of light, grows rapidly, it requires a lot of moisture. Leaves with five lobes, green in summer, autumn - yellow, red and orange, maroon. Maple blossom starts before the leaves;
- downy birch - unpretentious, freezeproof, windage, likes moist soil. Her crown elongated, almost the entire trunk white. light seeds, spread rapidly over large distances, new shoots - with a gun;
- silver birch, or warty, - has a height of 35 m, is drought resistant, grows well in sunny, humid places. Crohn's weeping shape, delicate, green foliage in summer, autumn yellow.
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decorative fruit
A large variety of hybrids, is well adapted to the harsh conditions of temperate climate allows beautifully arrange a cottage garden, even a small damage yield, nutritional value of the fruit.
The most common:
- small-fruited apple - low: grows to a maximum of 6-10 meters, has good winter hardiness, prefer a neutral soil. Crohn's spreading, the leaves are oval, green in summer, autumn - a reddish-orange. Flowers white and pink, the fruits are small, usually red;
- Cherry Kiku-Shidare or cherry - prefers sunny, windless places moderately moist nutritious ground. Three to six meters tall, the branches hanging, shiny green leaves in summer, orange and yellow - the autumn. Blooms profusely large pink flowers, small fruits;
- weeping pear purple loosestrife - undemanding to the soil, height - up to three meters, silver leaves, which are often stored for the winter, the flowers are white, inedible fruit, fine. Leaves, fruits are stored on the tree in winter.

exotic trees
These types of imported mainly from tropical countries, many have adapted well to the local climate, the rest of the required "warming", if it is expected cold winter.
Often cultivated species:
- Magnolia Ash - freezeproof, loves well moistened, drained soil, sunny, windless place. It grows up to 6-7 meters high. Color leaves - from light green to silvery blue-gray, large flowers - up to 30 cm in diameter, white;
- Japanese Judas-tree and gingerbread tree - grows well on well-lit areas, but from the direct rays of the sun can cause burns. He loves moist, slightly acidic ground. Leaves heart-shaped, spring color pink and satin, in the autumn - golden-crimson;
- Tecoma-Campsis radicans - frost, it requires abundant watering, woody perennial vine that has aerial roots, which is attached to any support. The height of 5-15 meters, the flowers - bell-shaped, yellow or red-orange;
- Brugmansia fragrant - prefers "fat" stage, a lot of light, no different frost - require a reliable shelter for the winter, or growing in pots, height up to four or five meters. Colors - up to 30 cm long, their color - greenish-white.

frost resistance of trees
For frost-resistant ornamental species are:
- Birch Doorenbos - is the white birch multi-lateral light-requiring, it will approach the average soil fertility. The leaves are large, numerous flowers, inconspicuous, height - 15 meters;
- Norway maple Royal Red - solntselyubiv, the composition of the soil has low, but does not accept the marshlands. Height - 20 m, leaves - pyatilopastnye or semilopastnye, red spring, autumn - red and black;
- mountain ash - semi-shade, it grows on almost any loose soil. It grows to 5-10 meters, pinnate leaves, small flowers, white and yellow, berry-like fruit.

Variety of ornamental shrubs
Shrubs trees differ from their size, from the herbs - the presence of woody stems.
Popular types:
- japonica - light-requiring, drought-resistant, prefers light soils, moderate moisture. When severe frosts require shelter. Fruits yellow, in cold regions are not mature;
- Forsythia - grows well in full sun, fertile light soils, bloom before the leaves, yellow flowers, small;
- sumac - grows on fertile land, the height of about three meters, green foliage in summer to autumn - yellow-orange or purple-crimson. Flowers - white and pink or yellowish-white;
- Fieldfare - grows on light soils, temperate love of light, flowers and leaves reminiscent of a mountain ash, the autumn foliage from green to golden.
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The basic rules of cultivation, care
Different breeds of woody plants require different conditions for normal growth, maintenance decoration. Key recommendations:
- formation of a crown with the first year of life;
- annual sanitary pruning;
- spring - whitewash to protect against the sun's rays;
- pest by spraying diseases;
- setting traps to rabbits, mice;
- correct fertilizing for normal growth, fruiting;
- regular watering during a drought, heat;
- autumn - cleaning windfalls, rotting leaves;
- winter - snow otryahivaniya from the branches, cover non-frost resistant species.

Principles tree arrangement in the garden, and their combination with other plants
The following categories are used in the planning of the garden:
- stam - usually medium or low, with a crown in the shape close to a sphere;
- weeping variety of deciduous species;
- dwarf fruit, deciduous trees;
- columnar hybrids.

Trees have one or two rows, one at a time, on a particular drawing, groups of an odd number of representatives of one of different breeds. We can generate a so-called bosquets - mini-grove, which by means of haircuts decorate the dense "living fences", used as coniferous and deciduous species.
In the presence of large voids, some trees are used as tapeworms - light-loving plants, planted in an open area. Often they cleave the trunk of the tree to get the maximum branching, sprawling, had a low landing. In some cases, gardeners, using special tricks, form spherical, conical, umbrella, pyramidal, weeping crown. At least - more of the same plants are planted close to each other, gradually they are almost fused, from a distance looks like one.

It is also important to properly combine with each other elements of green spaces - not all plants are friends. For example, jasmine, lilac, silver fir, horse chestnut detrimental effect on the development of pear, apple, and next to the mulberry, sea buckthorn is better not to plant anything. Most fruit crops do not tolerate the neighborhood with birch, maple, many conifers. Pine, spruce, fir strongly acidifying the soil, that for stone fruit, pome rocks unacceptable. If there is a garden of oak, willow, poplar, and their fallen leaves should be cleaned before they began to decompose. Certain tree species contain phytotoxins that stand out in the air - being harmless to humans, other vegetation are seriously hurt.
Even the trees of one species can interfere with each other to grow at an excessive thickening of landings, because taken up the shape of the crown, the root system of a particular type.
Coniferous and deciduous, dwarf and a huge garden trees, shrubs decorate, ennoble any adjoining space, allowing you to use suburban area, not only for digging potatoes, carrots weeding, spraying tomatoes, but also for recreation, create the most original home photo shoots on the background of "scenery" grown own hands.