Gazebo with barbecue and barbecue 100 photo options

Beautiful and original gazebo with barbecue or barbecue is perfect for leisure activities. Pavilions can have any size and shape to be erected from the budget or expensive materials. Modern gazebos are a good addition to the country house or a small dacha. For comfortable use of the pavilion erected recommend that special attention be paid to his arrangement, lighting. On request can be installed inside an open roasting pan or a small stove chimney, designed exclusively for heating. You can also build your own gazebo with an excellent cost-effectively. Our guide will help you without too much trouble to build a robust and durable construction with the original design.


  • varieties arbors
  • Features and benefits of pavilions with barbecue
  • The choice of materials for the construction of the pavilion
    • wooden gazebo
    • Pavilions of brick / stone
    • metal
    • The combination of materials
  • How to choose the gazebo
  • It forms the foundation for gazebo
  • Types of stoves and barbecues for arbours
    • Precautions when using the brazier in the gazebo
  • Construction and zoning gazebo
  • The lighting and decor
  • Building a pergola their hands
    • The construction of the barbecue
    • floor device
    • The walls of the gazebo
    • roof installation
  • Arrangement zone around arbor
  • conclusion

varieties arbors

Classification arbors conducted on materials and shape of the created structure. There are the following forms of pavilions:

  • shed;

Often set in the center of the courtyard of a private house or in the garden. It represents 4-6 poles (e.g., poles) that support the roof. There are both stationary models, and mobile gazebos, sheds. The latter have a frame made of aluminum or steel and can be removed at any time.

  • rectangular and square;

The most popular variant of modern pavilions. Due to simple geometric shapes are easy to assemble. Unlike conventional awnings, from the floor to the roof (or the middle of the support column) closed walls.

  • Allen;

Are original models shaped hexagon. Very easy to zoning, but require a professional approach in the construction.

  • round.
Hexagonal gazebo with a barbecue on site

Round gazebos look perfectly on any site. However, such facilities require special attention to the selection of materials, thoughtful construction. Forged round gazebo also exist.

Hood grillBaskets under the hearthGazebo on polesGrapes on the wallsFlowers on the site

Features and benefits of pavilions with barbecue

The presence of a stationary or mobile barbecue in the gazebo allows owners to vacation with the maximum comfort. But to use the furnace was really safe and comfortable, they should carefully consider the project, according to which will be erected pavilion. Necessarily should be placed over the grill chimney, and if necessary, a full hood. Thus, the smoke from the barbecue will not delay the gazebo. The special advantage of choosing this type of construction are:

  • the use in any weather;

Prepare the vegetables, the meat on the grill, standing in the open air, in the rain is not possible. Roofed oven can be used even in rainy weather.

  • ease of communication with family and guests;

The owner does not have to constantly be distracted from the conversation to come to the brazier.

  • variety of options pavilions with barbecue.
Portion with an arbor with barbecue

The presence of the barbecue does not require owners to select only brick or iron pavilions. With proper planning, you can place the stove even in a wooden gazebo.

The path on the lawnA table under an umbrellaGazebo with stone columnsRoses on a bedFlower bed along the track

The choice of materials for the construction of the pavilion

Despite the variety of types of gazebos and their production, assembly of different materials, to find a suitable option is not so difficult. Pavilion selection criteria based on the following:

  • price category;

Cheaper wooden model attracted by its simplicity and accessibility. At the same time, the brick buildings will last as long as possible. But the metal makes the most unusual gazebo.

  • the construction period;

If necessary, immediately install and use the gazebo, it is better to choose ready-made models made of metal and wood. If the owners do not hurry to start the operation of the facility - it is perfect brick building.

  • design and purpose.
Garden furniture made of wood with a barbecue on site

If the gazebo will be used only in the summer, then do a thorough construction is not necessary, it is better to do ready-made solutions. If it is supposed to combine with summer kitchen and use even in winter - note the capital construction of brick and stone.

Trees along a fenceBenches at the tableTiles in the courtyardGazebo with a forged fenceWagon wheel against the wall

wooden gazebo

Wooden gazebos are very popular due to availability. Ready or under construction wooden pavilions are cheaper than metal and brick counterparts. But it is necessary to take into account that the fire resistance of wood is quite low and will need to handle the protective impregnations and varnishes. You will also need raw processing antiseptic. Specialized alert means wood failure on insects, rodents, will protect the wood from moisture. In style design wooden pergola can be divided into simple (with a minimum dedicated styling), modern (having unusual shapes and decorations), folk (with carved elements). Quite popular are Japanese pavilions, which belong to the modern mind. Their highlights the lack of walls, the presence of non-standard bunk roofs.

See also:BBQ from bricks with their hands

Wooden gazebo with a barbecue on sitePitchers on the lawnLights under the roofGarden furniture made of logsBench at the trackSwing under the roof

Pavilions of brick / stone

Brick or stone structures have a special appeal. They are reliable and durable. Unlike other plants, do not require constant care and without it for years to keep pristine condition. On request they can be carried out from different cladding materials. However, the construction of the gazebo made of brick or stone takes time. Due to secure the bottom of the walls in a hall it can be glazed for easy use in both summer and winter. Owners can do as an ordinary glazing and install a few of windows (turning it thus into a full kitchen) and spend a stylish panoramic windows. In such structures can be set and the oven and grill and barbecues. After all, they are the safest.

Garden furniture made of bricks with a barbecue on siteHe chairs the hearthPots of flowers on the floorGazebo with a roof profileFence profile on the siteSeats on the windows


Despite its high cost, metal gazebos are gaining more and more popularity. Finished forged products are easy to install, require little maintenance and look stylish and original. In these pavilions not install any barbecues and stoves. The only requirement is a remote location from the fire source and supports the walls themselves. Such elements may be heated too much from the effects of heat. Thus blazing gazebo can not be called completely safe. Unlike wooden arbors iron will last a lot longer. And, in addition, they need to be repainted every 5-7 years (when using a hammer paint). In contrast to the brick counterparts they look quite unusual even in its simplest version.

Metal gazebo with a barbecue on siteForged patterns under the roofTable and benches in front of the barbecueBowler under the roofFence around the gazeboConifer by house

The combination of materials

Apart from the types of pavilions there and combined structures, constructed from different types of materials. The most common options for the manufacture of non-standard pavilions include:

  • Polycarbonate + metalwork.

Typically in the form of metallic canopy roof with a polycarbonate.

  • Polycarbonate + brick + metal supports.

The walls of the buildings are laid bricks and polycarbonate roof fastened to the metal piles or forged metal supports.

  • Penoblok + artificial stone (or facing bricks).
Garden furniture made of stone and wood with a barbecue on site

Construction of objects of foam blocks takes a minimum of time. Construction can be carried out without the involvement of builders. Lining the walls were built with bricks or artificial stone to protect the foam block and ready to give the original look of the pavilion.

Shrub in trackFlower garden in the gazeboBench among conifersFences made of stone on the siteCyclists at the fence

How to choose the gazebo

Before choosing the location of the arbor is recommended that a detailed section of the scheme in view of its landscape, the location of other buildings (houses, hozbloka). All this will help you to choose the place where the pavilion will be easy to use. The main criteria for determining the admissibility of placing pavilions, are:

  • land area: if on a spacious summer cottage arbor can be placed in the middle of the hall, for small sites will be appropriate to the angular disposition;
  • distance from home: the selected location should be quiet and comfortable, so it is very interesting version of the gazebo location as far away from the road and the house itself;
  • the need to create a summer kitchen, arbor: in this case, you need to attach to the new facility to lodge;
  • distance from the neighbor's house: unlikely neighbors will be glad that your grill is actively smokes and the smoke gets into their house; but without the usual barbecue gazebo can be located anywhere on the site.
Gazebo with barbecue on the fence portionTable and benches among the treesShelf on the mantelpieceCeiling fanStack of the wallThe siding on the house

It forms the foundation for gazebo

Building a robust and durable gazebo must necessarily begin with the selection of the optimal type of foundation. The most common embodiments, the base unit includes:

  • monolithic;

Designed for high weight of a facility, eliminates any bias walls (e.g., if the surfaces are close to the groundwater or the soil itself loose). In more suitable for brick and stone structures.

Solid foundation for gazebo
  • belt;

It relates to low-cost embodiment and optimal for wood, small brick arbors. Filling this type of foundation is under construction and crosswise walls in the center. It needs prior preparation of accurate drawing and recording the exact dimensions of the future structure.

  • columnar.

The best solution for small pavilions made of wood, metal. Easy to install, good resistance to minor load.


In areas with strong overshoot levels it may be mounted pile foundation. Metal piles will prevent the destruction of buildings.

Types of stoves and barbecues for arbours

Features cooking pavilion depends on the type of roaster. Most often used in the pavilions:

  • BBQ;

It has the form of a compact furnace. Cooking on it is carried out using arrays and skewers.

See also:Barberry: planting and care

BBQ for gazebo
  • furnace (Russian);

It has a large size, but allows you to prepare meals in specially equipped, heated from fire or coal stoves themselves.

  • B-B-Q;

It refers to the compact ovens, installed in the middle of the pavilion. Suitable for cooking on a fire meat, fish and vegetables.

  • tandoor;

Roaster having the form of a large capacity in the form of a jug or drum. Cooking it occurs outside the box - under the lid closed.

  • fireplace.

It is not used for cooking. A decorative and heating element.


Acceptable combination of several types of equipment. For example, a conventional oven can be supplemented with a compact smokehouse.

Precautions when using the brazier in the gazebo

will follow these rules to create a safe zone around the brazier and prevent injury during use:

  1. Saving space in 70-100 cm around the brazier for the safe movement of people.
  2. On the floor in front of the oven, barbecue pavilions wooden floors to be stacked steel sheet. He must act on a brazier for a distance of not less than 50 cm.
  3. During the firing process should follow the classical raspalivaniya: the use of special fluids is hazardous.
  4. Flame height must be small (especially for outdoor cookers) and be not more than 20 cm.
  5. Cleaning the ash should be done after each use braziers.
  6. Rack focus and mangalnye accessories must be high quality fixed and does not interfere with the movement of people.
  7. The fuel is better to use wood or coal, do not emit sparks.
Brazier in the gazeboHood hearthA table with a sink along the wallWooden furniture in the gazeboLights from the ceilingSkins on the benches

Construction and zoning gazebo

pavilion layout for its convenient and safe use must be carried out after the preparation of the project. When positioned in the central portion of the frypot, the bench should be positioned on the perimeter of the pavilion or at some distance from the source (if the arbor has an elongated rectangular shape). If possible, the brazier should be placed in the far corner. cooking area must remain free: moving on it should not be unrestricted. For ease of use the furnace can be positioned close to the woodpile. It will be useful and small working countertop, sink (if the area of ​​the pavilion). Opposite the cooking zone is set dining group, which includes a small table and chairs or stools neat. The spacious halls seating area can consist of a large table and a few stools, sofas.

Construction of the gazebo with barbecueCeiling fanTile under a stone on the wallsBeams on the ceilingArbor with Russian ovenFloor of stone tiles

The lighting and decor

To stay in the pavilion was comfortable and in the evening, and at night, you should take care of its quality lighting. Summing wires recommended to air way - in corrugated tubes. Fixtures can be positioned on the perimeter, and it is possible to limit the big 1-2 shades. Original solution would be the use as a light source of LED street cords or strings. They are not afraid of moisture, sun, temperature changes. They can not be removed for the winter. They can decorate and gazebo, and crown of the tree, which is located nearby. As for the decor, it is appropriate to do this are hanging pots. Also outside the walls can be placed under the barrel with stylized flower beds, garden figures and other garden decor. Blinds in the gazebo with barbecue is better not to hang up. The spacious halls of their placement is allowed only at the entrance - in a remote location from the brazier.

Lighting gazebo with barbecueKitchen furniture along the wallThe chairs around the stone tableArbor with kitchenChandelier on the ceilingLamps on the walls

Building a pergola their hands

Construction of pavilions begins with the drafting of specifying the size of the pavilion sides, thickness of walls. Referring to the drawing portion is performed counting. Playground, prepared for construction, is cleared. As the most reliable are the brick pavilions, then consider we will be the construction of a rectangular gazebo made of brick with wooden flooring. Under the brick structure is necessary to prepare a solid foundation. In the markup portion dug pit with a depth of 1 m. In a cushion 20 cm of gravel is filled in it, is held tamping ballast laid waterproofing. Above the waterproofing fit fittings. Preparing a solution with proportions of 5: 3: 1 crushed stone, sand, and concrete, respectively. Adding some water to obtain a solution, which will be easily kneaded. Then the pit is filled. Hardening of the foundation will take 2-3 weeks.

The construction of the gazebo with a barbecue with his own hands

The construction of the barbecue

The construction of the furnace is carried out in the first place. the following steps are carried out in stages for the construction of the barbecue:

  1. The pavilion chosen for the barbecue area is marked with a place under the grill. Held piling walls 3, which are the pillars - "mangalnye feet." They just laid out from a brick to a height of 80-100 cm.
  2. Above the prepared support (for ease of erection mangala) laid concrete slab, projecting beyond the supports on each side, except the front, 8-12 cm.
  3. Continuing construction barbecue bowl formation of brick consisting of three walls. It fits similar supports. The height of the sidewalls should not exceed 20-30 cm. This height will be optimal for cooking on the fire and the heat.

See also:Styles of landscape design and their characteristics

The first series we put on dryto construct drovnitsuPut the fireboxMake a base for barbecueTo use a refractory masonry mixtureGetting the masonry chimneyForming it under the stoveEach row armiruem wireWe keep levelFinishing the furnace archPulling back wallleft to dryerect barbecueWe do groutingWe reserve fastenPut the stainless steel meshSumming tube to washFasten the door under the sinkThree-channel tube doThe clutch cover impregnated with water-repellent effect

Considered BBQ can be supplemented at the bottom of a shelf for mangalnye accessories. To it possible to attach a small stand for products or skewers proved.

floor device

Before the device floor pavilion preform must be made of walls and pillars, roof pillars (for which no stacking is performed 1 and 4 the bricks). On the perimeter, except for the entrance to the arbor, fit the first row. For this purpose, suitable Ordinary building bricks. The rest of the walls are allowed to stack out of bricks. Budget solution will be to use the basement as a floor. But it is possible to make a wooden flooring to give more comfort. Under it on the foundation laid waterproofing. According to the obtained floor size (including the used space under the wall) is made lower floor piping. It is made from a bar of 5x5 cm. Going around the perimeter and comprises transverse beams with a pitch of 40-60 cm. It should be framed carefully BBQ made earlier. Held attachment sill to the first row of brick walls and towers. To the floor was warmer (in the closed pavilion), it is advisable to sleep between the individual lags expanded clay binding. Carried padding boards sill. It is recommended to choose terraced boards: they are more reliable and highly resistant to damage, the negative external influences.

Fill the foundation and floor

The walls of the gazebo

Walling brick pergola takes a minimum of time and does not present any particular difficulties. Stacking may be any (offset, Phillips, Flemish). You can use several types of bricks. Effectively will look chaotic masonry. This arrangement will allow the bricks to create a truly exclusive gazebo. Particular attention should be paid to the allocation of inputs: for this on the sides of it can be laid out neat columns. Together with stacking walls made of brick and increased supports under the roof. If desired, the height of the wall may be about 1 meter or slightly more, less. Post-supports may have a height of 2 meters or more. Term of brick left standing after the completion of the masonry will be 3-5 hours.

Perform masonry

roof installation

Making the roof should start to develop a detailed sketch. For pentroof drawing includes the following elements:

  • mauerlat (timber 2 with the base section of 15x15 cm) is located on the right and left pillars fixed to the brick-supports;
  • "Tightening": a bar, which runs between mauerlat are fastening elements rafters;
  • rafters: forming themselves rays;
  • Run: connects the rafters at the top.
We manufacture truss system

Additionally carried nailing battens on rafters for subsequent fixing of metal or slate. Under shingles need to instal plywood sheets. After laying of roofing materials to carry out their skate closing.

mount roof

Arrangement zone around arbor

To create a harmonious design of landscape design is recommended to pre-view the most interesting options for resettlement. Furthermore, it should think in advance what area is left free around the gazebo. Practical solution for the hosts, who have children, or who will be traveling with children, will be the location of the gazebo near the children's recreation area. It may partly adjoin one hall wall (naturally, most distant from the stove or barbecue) or merely be near. Thus, during the rest of adults will always be able to watch your child. The easiest option arrangement becomes simple Mounting the lawn. Against the backdrop of a beautiful green lawn will look good any arbor. In this case, the house it is possible to lay out the path of the plates or stone. For lovers of the relaxation of planting is well suited gazebos different shrubs and climbing plants with bright colors (yellow, white, red). Also near the gazebo can be set to make a compact fountain or artificial pond.

Arrangement zone around arbor with barbecue


Comfortable garden furniture with a barbecue at the cottage - the best place to relax. For its construction allowed to use a variety of materials, from inexpensive logs and lumber to expensive forged canopies of metal. Structures can be built of composite materials, which ensures the availability of solutions and the originality of a facility. To make a qualitative pavilion you can own hands. You will need to follow the step by step instructions for the production of foundation, masonry barbecue, construction of walls and roofs. Worth special attention to be focused on information about the kinds of modern cookers, especially their application. Also consider the rules for using the barbecue in the gazebo: following them will ensure the comfort and safety of your holiday with friends and family.