Create a complete harmony holiday landscape is impossible without the ornamental shrubs. They make the picture complete natural, bright and attractive. With low plants can distinguish a certain zone, it is advantageous to emphasize the decorative elements. Will create a unique atmosphere of evergreen species. They can be placed anywhere - in the hedge along the tracks. A stunning backdrop for perennials shrubs create a wide variety of sizes and shapes.
- Types of ornamental shrubs
- Advantages and disadvantages in the design portion shrubs
- How to place shrubs in the country and in the garden - choose place
Ornamental flowering shrubs
- Jasmine or chubushnik
- Lilac
- Forsythia
- David Budleya
- Broom
- Outline of pion
- Rhododendron
Decorative and deciduous shrubs for the garden
- Red Japanese maple
- Fieldfare ryabinolistny
- euonymus
- physocarpus kalinolistny
Winter-hardy, Flowering shrubs
- Derain white
- Spirea
- Hydrangea
- shrubby cinquefoil
Ornamental shrubs to give the average winter hardiness
- sumac
- Kerry Japanese
- Chaenomeles (Japanese quince)
Undemanding shrubs for the garden: a photo and the name of beautiful plants
- Snowberry
- Viburnum
- briar
- shadberry
- Hawthorn
Shade shrubs
- Weigel
- wistaria
- Deutz
Fruit and berry bushes
- Currant
- Raspberry
- Almond
- Honeysuckle
- Sea buckthorn
Shrubs for hedges
- Barberry
- Dogwood
- boxwood
- blackthorn
- Privet
- thuja
coniferous shrubs
- microbiota
- Juniper
- Yew
- Balsam fir Nana
- Care and feeding of shrubs
- conclusion
Types of ornamental shrubs
Ornamental shrubs can be divided into three groups, each of which, in turn, is divided into sub-groups. Grouping plants occur in size, the ability to maintain, lose their leaves at certain times of the year, flowering duration, methods of planting and other factors. Plants for the garden design can be as follows:
- Flowering. The most numerous group. Members of the species to successfully grow in the middle lane due to frost. Perennials retain an attractive appearance throughout the season. Before planting, check the soil because the soil greatly affects the duration of flowering;
- Decorative and deciduous. The main beauty lies in the leaves. They may have an unusual shape, color, size. Stiff shoots form a number of similar branches from the soil itself. Most of the representatives are deciduous, but there are evergreen. Plant can be singly or create green composition;
- Conifers. Almost all representatives like acidic soil. The group includes both light-loving and shade-loving shrubs. Many conifers grow slowly, can not tolerate stagnant water and drought.

Advantages and disadvantages in the design portion shrubs
Decorative low-growing herbs widely used in building design section. If planting takes place for the first time, it must be carried out according to certain rules. Basic color - green. Yellow, white, red leaves may be present as spectacular accents. The main advantages of shrubs are as follows:
- Durability. Low-growing plants, reaching the highest decoration, will remain unchanged for a long time;
- Minimal maintenance. For most species quite periodic fertilization, mowing;
- Neat appearance. The presence of shrubs in the area makes the area the front, noble;
- Protection from prying eyes and drafts. Dense crown of large-growing perennials create a secluded environment;
- The garden does not lose charm, even in winter.

Shrubs at the site - a link between low-growing trees and grasses. Their main task is to create a smooth visual transition. But not always such a method is beneficial. The reluctance of landscaping predominantly of the plant affected by the following factors:
- The need for the selection of contrasts in the form of leaves, crowns, silhouettes;
- Required combination style with house and farm buildings;
- The need for composite compliance means - scale ratio, weight and others;
- Limited ability to use color accents.

How to place shrubs in the country and in the garden - choose place
Before planting seedlings in the ground is necessary to carefully plan their actions - to choose the right place, method of planting, to provide for the possible proliferation. At their summer cottage for decorative purposes, you can use the following methods:
- Soliternaya landing. Suitable for shrubs with attractive foliage, crown, who do not need the company to create an effect;
- Group planting. Simple combinations allow the presence of only one type of plant, mixed - two or more;
- Hedge. A perimeter portion of a separate zone.

Planting shrubs in the garden, you should take into account the permissible distance between the seedlings and fruit trees. High species during the growth will not be stunted obscure. The choice of varieties of plants depends on the intended style. This can be a regular, landscaped grounds, a variety of compositions.
Ornamental flowering shrubs
Gardeners often use these plants for the purpose of zoning, the creation of hedges. Varieties blooming all season, will be the original site decoration. In addition to aesthetic pleasure, from the stunning views you can enjoy the delicate aroma. Decorative bushes are used in mixed crop mixborders. Beautiful flowers and amazing smell will stand at the site continuously, if planted with plants of different species to successive flowering period.
Jasmine or chubushnik
Jasmine Garden - a beautiful, fragrant plant that can grow up to 30 years without special care and transplantation. Chubushnik has high frost resistance, it is rapidly increasing podmerzshie branches and self-healing. Deciduous culture can have different shapes, type of flowering and overall appearance. The most popular and beautiful varieties are as follows:
- Glacier. The height of 1.5 meters. The flowers are large and fragrant. Petals stay long after flowering;
- Paratroopers. Flexible long shoots covered with small flowers in the form of bells. It has an inclined shape because of the color of gravity;
- Pearls. Height up to 1.3 meters. Characterized largest pure white flowers (7 cm);
- Mont Blanc. The height of 1 meter. Dwarf bush strewn with large leaves, white blossoms in racemes.

Undemanding plant family olive magnificently in bloom, has a terrific flavor. Depending on the fat grade may form a single bush or remain as during landing. Each species has its own characteristics of lilac. The flowers in the inflorescences can be painted in white, purple, pink, magenta, purple color.
Deciduous multicore shrub can reach 8 meters in height. Foliage begins to blossom early and lasts until the first frost. By providing the most favorable conditions of life expectancy lilac up to 100 years.

The main feature and advantage - earlier flowering. Bush becomes plastered with small yellow flowers in early spring, well before the appearance of the leaves. It can reach 3 meters in height. The flowering period lasts three weeks. At the place where there was a flower, then there are the leaves that fall closer to become a purple hue. On-site flower clusters then form boxes filled with winged seeds.
Bright messengers of spring will be a decoration for any site. Some varieties can grow and blossom in the harsh conditions of the mid-latitudes, Siberia. Popular types of Forsythia: European, intermediate, ovoid. Before planting bright bush should be noted that the plant photophilous, prefers calcareous soil. It will look like the most impressive, if you place it on the background of coniferous plants.

David Budleya
Exotic ornamental shrub has more than 100 species. Most of them only grows in warm climates, but there are frost-resistant varieties. Gardeners attracted an unusual form of crown, stem, a great abundance of foliage. The most common plant is used to create a hedge or thrown like a tapeworm.
Speakers flower stalks are composed of small purple flowers resemble bunches of lilac. Their length to 40 cm. Flowering shrub begins in mid-summer and continues until October. Fast-growing plants capable of a few months to form a crown of 60 cm, to drive a plurality of long stems, makes a lot of honey flavor.

Bush has about 50 varieties. It may be evergreen or deciduous, with a spreading, bushy crown. It grows well in dry, light soil - sand, loamy sand. Adult plant can reach a height of 3 meters. Bright green smooth stems covered with small trifoliate leaves.
In late May, broom blooms and continues to delight others with their beauty before the end of July. Elongated flowers in racemes, can be white, pink, yellow. Some varieties have a terrific flavor. The fruits resemble beans, contain small seeds flattened.

Do not abuse the broom on the plot, to plant it in the garden, next to the windows. The bush is poisonous, it contains alkaloids may impede breathing. Any work with him should be gloved.
Outline of pion
Artificially bred kind prized for decorative qualities. Years of deciduous shrub has lignified, erect stems. Bush hemispherical shape gives an annual increase. Tree peonies in bloom throughout the season, depending on variety, mostly in May. This period is 2 weeks. The flowers are large (20 cm), can be terry, smooth petals. On one bush fits to 80 colors.
Place in the garden for the tree peony should be sunny and protected from drafts. It nevlagolyubivoe plant, so the nisin to the stagnation of water are not suitable. It tolerates no criticism frosts can survive the cold without shelter. The best soil - neutral, as an example, loamy.
See also:Landscape design section in front of house

"Rosewood" can be evergreen, deciduous. It belongs to the family of heather. This shrub selected area for decoration many gardeners because it has a luxurious long blooming. The plant does not exceed a height of 2 meters, can be branched, spherical, ellipsoidal crown. The leaves are dark green in the form of an oval or circle. In autumn they are covered with crimson. The flowers are collected in inflorescence of 5-10 pieces, can be red, pink and white.
To plant the plant is better on a raised area to exclude moisture stagnation. Members of the species do not tolerate scorching sun, the wind. Better pritenyat their tall trees. The soil for rhododendrons suitable acid, breathable. Well it gets near coniferous shrubs and larch. Neighbors with shallow root system (birch, willow, linden) should be deleted.

Decorative and deciduous shrubs for the garden
Not only a beautiful flowering shrub attracts garden lovers, but also the original shape and color of the leaves. Such plants will create the right accents, if they are used in moderation. The main color should be green. Avoid contrasting combinations, because maroon, gold, red figures arranged in a recreation area, will just annoy. It is appropriate to plant the bushes with blue-gray, silver trim. Different shades help to successfully simulate space.
Red Japanese maple
Decorative deciduous shrub native to Japan. It can be like a mini-bush, as well as a full-fledged high tree, up to 10 meters high. It grows very slowly. Summer large lobed leaves have a green color, fall, he changed to a fiery red. Crohn's maple large, sprawling.

Grow red maple happens only in the southern latitudes, no problem. Seedlings require careful preparation. In cold regions, you can use a large capacity, which will be recorded in the winter warmth. The plant will feel well in partial shade and in the drained soil. Japanese maple is very moisture-loving, it is necessary to provide him with a large volume of water not less than once a week.
Fieldfare ryabinolistny
Successfully used to form hedges. Beautiful, unpretentious Fieldfare gets its name from the similarity of the leaves of the same tree. They are lanceolate. The bush is formed of a plurality of erect shoots in height and 3 meters. Leaves at blooming are of pink color in the summer become emerald green, at the end of the season - red.
The shrub grows well anywhere, shaded or sunny. The preferred soil for rapid development - a fertile loam. The only condition - the soil moisture. Fieldfare not tolerate drought. In winter, the bush is not insulated, because it brings great frosts.

It is widely used in ornamental horticulture. Group may be, single planting, hedge. Densely branched shoots with small leaves create a beautiful globular crown. In summer the foliage is dark green, in autumn becomes bright red. Small fruits are collected in racemose inflorescences, disclosed immediately after the deployment of leaves. Bright garlands on a background of green leaves still looks very original.
Location is selected depending on the type of plant. Euonymus can not stand water stagnation, demanding to the soil. It should be neutral or slightly alkaline with the addition of lime.

physocarpus kalinolistny
Excellent decoration for the garden. Some of its species to be protected in protected areas. Ornamental shrub grows in height is not more than 3 meters in width may grow up to 4 meters. The leaves are large, in texture reminiscent of mother-and-stepmother. Thanks to the magnificent crown of different shades of the plant does not lose its decorative effect, spectacular appearance throughout the growing season. Convex corymbose inflorescences appear in June and stay for 3 weeks.
Physocarpus absolutely not whimsical, has a high frost resistance. With the right care begins to bloom and bear fruit in the 4th year after planting. The plant was not feeling well in calcareous soils with stagnant water.

Winter-hardy, Flowering shrubs
They allow you to enjoy both beautiful flowers and original form of leaves. Beautiful flower garden for an unstable climate can be created from a variety of cold-resistant species. They are organically fit into any site design. To color the plant has always been bright and saturated, prior to purchase seedlings Select a suitable location for a particular grade.
Derain white
The plant is able to decorate any garden composition at any time of the year. The leaves are large and bulky multiple arcuate conductors are mounted on long stalks. The branches of shrubs flexible, brown, red, black. The wood is dense and strong. Plant height - up to 3 meters. Abundant flowering begins in the first month of summer. In the fall of white dogwood blooms again. Thick end plates are made up of small white flowers. Fruit - drupe.
All varieties of turf white have good winter hardiness, drought-resistant, undemanding to soil composition. They thrive in shade, partial shade. They can safely be planted along the walls, fences. Variegated types better to plant in the sun, so that the foliage has not lost the original coloring.

Depending on the species, spirea can be a variety of shapes and colors. Some varieties can change color several times a year. Large group can be divided as follows:
- In the spring,. In addition to early flowering, such spirea flowers are exclusively white and close shades. They bloom on old wood. For plants, characterized by a strong tillering. Popular varieties - spirea gray nipponskoy, Argut, Vangutta.
- Letnetsvetuschie. Old shoots dry out, so the buds are formed on new, young branches. Most varieties of pink spirea, but sometimes red, purple. Popular varieties - Japanese, Buvalda, Billlarda.

Shrub belongs to the class of bipartite, it has a very bright colors. Plant leaves are large, oval with a pointed tip, a light veining. He loved many cottagers due to the long and beautiful flowering. Its scale can be very diverse. There are hydrangea with pink, white and blue flowers. They are formed in globular inflorescence. Bushes wide, can grow to a height of 3 meters.
Hydrangea plant can be spring and fall. The plant prefers shady places. When there is sunlight instantly slows down growth, fading flowers. They need to be watered or rain water defended. Since the root system is very sensitive, the water temperature should not be below 15 degrees.

shrubby cinquefoil
Shrub is always elegant, nevychurny appearance. Bloodroot is resistant to low temperatures, aggressive media and many pests. Perennial plant can live up to 30 years. Quietly taking root in different kinds of soil - in the black earth, sandstone, on the pebbles, rocks. Branched bush can reach a height of 1.5 meters. Young branches covered short fuzz, and finely carved leaves, adult forms dense brown crust.
Potentilla Flowers begin to open in mid-summer and remain on the branches until late fall. Depending on the variety, they can be yellow, white, pink. Yellow cinquefoil more hardy. It looks great in the garden and yard as undersized curb hedge.

Ornamental shrubs to give the average winter hardiness
Plants of this group are not frost resistant, but do not require a special cover with cold weather. For most types of relatively simple seeding the snow. Shrubs are attractive throughout the season.
The shrub has a large broad crown, which forms a thick-set oval leaves. It can reach a height of 5 meters. Sumac refers to centenarians. In addition to decorative purposes, it is grown on an industrial scale for natural dye for silk, leather, wool. Young shoots are beginning to branch out from the ground. Over time, they are covered by a gray, red bark.
In May and June of last year's shoots yellow flowers strewn in a panicle. Special ornamental shrubs give fleecy pedicel which after flowering bush whitish cover the entire cloud. Sumac grows well in any soil, even rocky.

Kerry Japanese
Easy to grow shrub - the best in its adaptability. When making Japanese garden Kerry can become the most prominent representative, creating a background. With undemanding plant safely handle even a novice gardener. The average height of the culture - 2 meters, is regulated by cutting, molding.
Compact bush has thin green shoots which form a pyramidal crown, inclined with time. Kerry seems fuzzy at any time of the year. The main advantages of the plants - compact, early, double blooms.

Chaenomeles (Japanese quince)
Exotic bush has impressive dimensions. Its branches densely covered with emerald leaves and small spines on the ground shoots. Flexible branches of the spring are covered with numerous small flowers in white, red, pink. Replace their yellow-green fruit.
See also:Drovnitsa to give their own hands
The plant is totally fanciful, has a high regenerative capacity. Chaenomeles can safely manage for a long time without watering. It grows in one place and the fruits of more than 50 years.

Undemanding shrubs for the garden: a photo and the name of beautiful plants
When choosing decorative bushes to testify is necessary to pay attention not only to the pomp of the crown and the flowering period. Of great importance are especially complexity care. The less labor required for its cultivation, the more valuable plants for gardeners. Unpretentious and at the same time very spectacular myriad cultures.
The representative of the family of honeysuckle can grow in the most shaded areas and infertile soils. Interesting appearance bushes give white berries that persist for a long time, even after falling off all the leaves. Yellowish-green branches form a hemispherical crown, hanging to the ground. Popular varieties - Chinese snowberry, pink, Chenot, Doorenboza.

Floral woody shrub in the family adoxaceae. If the site has at least one bush viburnum, its beauty will not leave the year. Particularly interesting plant looks at the beginning of the summer during its flowering. Flowers may be white, pale yellow, pink. Leaves conventional large gabled, have ornamental varieties - oval.
Kalina plant can be on any dark areas. It is not whimsical to the soil. The plant will feel great at the fence, behind the barn. Main - proximity to the water source.

If the site up little space, and along the lush shrubbery want from it can easily form a slender tree.
Second name hips - wild rose. Perennial shrub boasts not only the beautiful flowers, but fruits and bright, full of vitamins. That plant grew rapidly and bear fruit, it must be properly watered, cut and feed. When choosing a variety for planting in the country, it is better to give preference to species with the highest content of vitamins:
- Rose wrinkled;
- In May rose hip;
- echinated;
- Rose Webb.

Saskatoon berry bush is not suitable for every garden. Caring for them is different. The plant has a broad crown, formed of thin branches. Young branches gray as they mature become brown. Buds bloom in small, up to 2 weeks. They are replaced by clusters of berries. Depending on the variety may be blue, red, pink. Fruiting occurs 4 years later. Not all fruits are suitable for human consumption.
Settle down in one place, Saskatoon able to grow for 15 years. It is hardy to drought, cold plant. It needs direct sunlight. Shrubs look great as a hedge.

Shrub belongs to the plants that combine incredible endurance to atmospheric precipitation, temperature changes and excellent decorative qualities. Hawthorn has a huge number of species, differing form of sheet, color, size.
This is mainly tall shrubs. Oval crown form shoots, densely spined coated. The plant has a spectacular appearance over the entire growing season. Provide this great fruit of different colors and graceful leaves.
To better take hawthorn most lit place on the site. They grow well in alkaline, moderately moist soil. It is undesirable to place the shrubs near the apple and pear trees, as plants have a common disease and pests.

Shade shrubs
Some garden plots do not get enough sunlight to the full. Creating such unpleasant moments can terrain, proximity to the pine forest, the small size, the presence of high fences and buildings. Create beautiful, original situation can be under any conditions, enough to plant shade-loving perennial, annuals.
It refers to a family of honeysuckle. It is known all about 15 kinds of Weigel. Ornamental flowering shrubs under favorable conditions, can bloom twice a year. The first bloom in late May, the second in August. Flowers are small funnel-shaped or bell hanging singly or collected in the inflorescence. They may be of different colors. During the bloom color can be changed gradually to become more saturated.

Weigel planted both under the sun and under the openwork canopy of tall trees. Negative impact on plants are wind, drafts, a low-lying area. Land for bush should be light, nutritious, ability to retain moisture. Planting pits can be laid turf, turf, leaf humus.
When selecting such a plant for decoration area during flowering gardener expects a stunner. Flowing lilac-purple brush spread the aroma of the whole district. Foliage bush possesses antibiotic properties, emits volatile air suppressing the development of certain viral diseases.
Wisteria - tree liana of the family of legumes. Rapidly growing shoots can climb up to 10 meters. The present value of the vines - domes, lush blossoms. Their maximum length of 80 cm. Flowers are blooming on the early spring, before the leaves appear. In all there are 10 varieties of plants.

Better to plant the vine next to the porch, in front of the terrace. Wisteria should be always in mind to constantly monitor its development and adjust the time. Powerful shoots grow quickly and can cause damage to neighboring plants.
Deciduous shrub can grow up to 4 meters in height. It belongs to the family hydrangeaceae. Deutz main feature - the ability to grow stem from injuries and otmerzaniya, bloom in the year of planting. Shrub with a hinged, slender crown spectacularly landscaped any site.
A plurality of colors long Deutz covers the spring and summer. It is perfect for decorating the recreation area. She planted by the pool, next to the summer kitchen, terrace. The life of the bush - 25 years. Every year it is the shoots grow to 25 cm, to grow from rhizomes. The plant will be comfortable in moist soil in a shaded area.

Fruit and berry bushes
Such plants will be presented not only aesthetically pleasing, but also give the opportunity to enjoy tasty, useful berries, if at least one of the representatives of the large group is present even on the smallest suburban site. Select suitable perennials can be from a variety of species. With proper care, they will become the source of a great harvest.
Shrub in the family of gooseberry. Depending on the species, its height may range 0.5 - 5 meters. Its root system is very powerful, goes deep into the ground, more than 1 meter. Shoots straight and long, lightly covered with fuzz.
currant leaves consist of several blades have a rounded, elongated shape. They can be smooth or with fibers. The foliage of ornamental shrubs has an unusual shade - purple, orange, red, yellow, can change during the season.

Flowering depends on the area. Generally it begins in May. Berry currant may be round or elongated. The color and taste qualities affect the grade. Popular black currant, red, white. Moisture-loving bushes is better to plant in an open area with maximum brightness.
Aesthetic pleasure from overgrown thorn bushes can get a little, but the taste quality berries compensate for this deficiency in full. To raspberries bear fruit, it is necessary to choose the right sort, a place to land, to exercise proper care.
Raspberry varieties are so many. Every year, breeders deduce more resistant to pests, disease types. They differ in terms of ripening, color, shape and size of berries. According distinctive abilities are divided into the following groups:
- The traditional variety. Grow in any environment, multiply rapidly root shoots. The total yield is not always rich, small berries. These include freemen, Meteor, Kirzhach;
- Remontant. Give two or more crop per season, fruit up to the frost. Among the representatives of Atlas variety, Apricot Raspberry, Bryansk miracle;
- Large fruited. Berries are very large, shrubs produce record yields with excellent taste. The best representatives of varieties with branching sprouts - Ruby giant abundant, Patricia.

Shrub with stone fruits plum belongs to the genus. Almonds are often referred to as a nut, because it has edible seeds. The length of the plant can reach 10 meters. The root system is deepened by 5 meters into the ground. During flowering shrubs all covered with white, pink flowers surrounded pistils and stamens. Flowering ahead deflation leaves and falls in the middle of spring. Pericarp begin to crack in early autumn. Berries extract from the fruit, and dried.
The choice of almond varieties influenced by climatic conditions, the ability to self-pollination. The bushes grow well and bear fruit in the dark places in calcareous soils. If the climate is dry, irrigation is absolutely necessary.

Almonds are often planted in decorative areas, thanks to its beautiful early flowering. Plants used to create avenues and shaded, well-formed shape of the crown.
See also:chrysanthemum morifolium
The fruits of this shrub ripen in early summer, before the most favorite fruit. Honeysuckle safely tolerate frosts. Roots, branches, flower buds have not even got frozen at -50 degrees. At the height of the shrub grows up to 2 meters. Luxuriant crown providing a plurality of sprouts. The root system is growing by at least 1 meter in width and depth. When planting near other crops, this feature should be taken into consideration.
Honeysuckle can grow up to 20 years in one place, it tolerates transplant at any age. Sun-shrub, prefers fertile loams. He can not stand too wet soil. If the site is located near the marshes, honeysuckle will need good drainage.

Sea buckthorn
Low sheet shrub with spines of suckers family prefers pebble, sand soil. In suburban portion thereof can be planted in as a decor, and for obtaining berries. Fruits of sea buckthorn little stretched, are bright orange, yellow color. The plant does not require special care, except for mandatory crop, which is necessary for the formation of healthy, beautiful crown.
Cultures are characterized by high hardiness. When buying seedlings is better to give preference to local varieties breeding. The root system can not tolerate the proximity of groundwater. The shrub does not like transplants, so it is important to choose the right permanent place for him. It should be on the south side, the solar maximum, hidden from the wind.

Shrubs for hedges
Favorite method of landscape designers to create maximum comfort - using a hedge of shrubs. She will put the attention on overweight fence decorate the whole yard. Gustorastuschie plant will be an excellent substitute for any fence. Before buying seedlings for planting is necessary to determine the grade and views of greenery. It should be noted that each type of bush has its own characteristics, shape, degree of sprawl.
The design of the garden are several types of this shrub can be used. Their hallmark is apart height - 0.3 - 3 meters, leaf color - golden, green, magenta, spotted. All varieties of blooming yellow flowers, gathered in the brush.
Barberry does not like shade, so the bush is given in the hedges in the open or on the sunny side fences. Render the plant more aesthetic appearance can be achieved by formation of the crown. A plurality of trunks grow vertically upward, so they should be cut in the ring. Of barberry bush is easy to create different geometric shapes - columns, ball, pyramid.

In addition to the design gardening methods section, barberry is used to produce a crop of useful berries. Healing powers vested leaves, bark, roots.
The plant has a shrub form, reaches a height of 4 meters. Sprawling branches of dogwood are located almost horizontally, covered with very dark bark. The foliage is bright, shiny, has a regular shape. The fruits are large, pear-shaped with a juicy, delicious flesh. Red berries dogwood showered from the rhizomes.
Flowering shrub unusually spectacular - lush yellow umbrellas. The first flowers are produced very early, even before the appearance of the leaves. Thanks to the powerful immunity dogwood well take root in any unfavorable conditions. Term life - up to 250 years.

Evergreen is widespread in all continents. There its many types of garden, different shape of the sheet, the size of an adult tree. Also, there are variegated shrubs, but they do not take root in the middle band, do not stand the cold.
Boxwood - one of the most shade-tolerant shrubs. Different minimum requirements for light and moisture, but need sufficient heat. This is a classic plant for the construction of hedges, a single decoration and creating tracks. Boxwood remains properly mow, and it will be a truly unique decoration for the yard.

Fruit ornamental shrub often used as hedges. Dense crown with lots of thorns creates truly impenetrable barrier to overcome. Turn relates to a plum genus has high growth activity, capable of transferring pruning at any time.
Blackthorn leaves elliptical, reverse egg-shaped with serrated edges. Flowering occurs in late spring, it is heavily dependent on weather conditions. The warmer, the faster it appears white single flowers. Fruits are round, blue color with a waxy coating. Berry taste sour and astringent.

Ornamental shrub is indispensable in the design of the landscape. Privet - branched, gustooblistvennoe plant that safely transfers the topiary at any time of the year, has the minimum requirements to the soil.
Bush leaves are small, leathery, retain the natural color of the season. The height of the bush, depending on the type, ranges from 1.5 m to 3 m. Excessive proliferation easily controlled cutting.
Privet blooms in early summer with white and fragrant flowers, gathered in loose inflorescences. A month later, they are replaced by shiny black berries on the bushes and remain until late autumn. The leaves and berries are toxic to animals and humans because they contain terpene glycosides.

The race Tui merged huge group of plants, other than a special decorative effect. In landscape design a shrub plays a major role. Evergreen shrubs are hardy cypress family, do not require complex care. The most spectacular crown are the following:
- pyramidal;
- Belokonchikovye;
- Piramidalis compact;
- YELLOW Ribbon;
- Columna;
- Emerald;
- columnar;
- spherical;
- Golden.

coniferous shrubs
The compositions of these plants are one of the most winning and visually appealing. A variety of coniferous shrubs allows you to create interesting compositions with elements of different shapes and sizes. Evergreen beds purified air decorated portion. Hardy, fragrant needles thrive in garden conditions. Rich green color provides a year-round attraction. At the place of fallen needles quietly grows new.
Shrub long been grown in a culture that is in the Red Book of Russia. Microbiota belongs to the cypress family, has an elegant openwork ohvoenie. In summer, its rich coloring of green, autumn and winter - brown, reddish.
Creeping shrub grows in height by up to 0.5 meters. The branches are slightly raised, gradually subside downward. Thin, flat needles firmly take root in the ground. Groundcover character microbiota allows to use it at the foot of Bole tall plants in the foreground of compositions in the formation of landscaping.

Hardy, hardy plant is ideal for the modern landscape. Designers include three base juniper, along with spruces and pines. These shrubs can boast of much greater variability.
Powerful deep taproots juniper lie under the ground, which significantly complicates the transplantation of adult plants. The height of the bush, depending on the type can be 10-15 cm and 10 m. Juniper branches are thin and long, curly, may form various patterns.

Small durable yew shrub known for its ruggedness. Some specimens growing for 1,500 years. All parts of the plant, including the stem, the leaves contain toxic compounds. Dioecious yew should be planted in pairs to carry out pollination. After that, the bushes will appear ovary bright red berries.
The trunk of the plants covered by grayish-brown bark. The needles are flat and soft rich green color. The main advantage of yew - the ability to increase the density of shoots, to restore the affected branches after pruning.

Balsam fir Nana
Miniature pulvinate bush has thick spreading branches. Crohn Nana rounded conical, slightly rounded from the middle to the bottom. Diameter balsam fir rarely exceed 2.5 meters.
Shrub grows slowly, especially at the initial stages. Young shoots are green, covered with patent hairs, a few years later they become bare, reddish-brown. Fir does not tolerate compacted, sandy soils. Use plants to decorate the foreground mixborders, to the Alpine hills, rocky gardens.

Care and feeding of shrubs
Most shrubs are hardy enough for the garden. They are able to grow at a lack of attention, negligent care. But to get the most out of color, bright healthy leaves, good harvest, they need to provide the most favorable conditions for growth:
- Watering. Copious and frequent hydration is necessary only for neukorenivshihsya plant specimens in flower beds and containers;
- Fertilizing. Adding complex fertilizers on schedule even necessary in the most favorable soil;
- Weed control. Eliminate the proliferation of various herbs can, if correctly position the bushes when planting. When their root system somknetsya, weeds simply have nowhere to grow.
- Mulching. Humus from the leaves, bark, powdered herb is used as a fertilizer for all kinds of ornamental shrubs.
None of the modern garden is complete without a quality landscaping. Ornamental shrubs of different colors and sizes will make a vivid strokes in total natural composition. The presence of even a small flowering shrub will make a recreation area elegant and festive.