An interesting element of the decor, as the rock garden is a part of Buddhist art. That did not come across in any other culture. Unusual for Europeans philosophical gardens endowed with grace and attractive simplicity. Stone composition - Great for decoration suburban area. Modern designers offer a variety of ways to implement this idea. In the homeland of the stunning decor, Japan, installing it can only deal with the master. In our regions to establish an unusual decoration in the country and everyone can own hands.
- The history of rock gardens
- The style and purpose of the garden
- Basic rules for creating your own hands
- Rules of Feng Shui
- Preparation: the choice of location and construction of the site
- Materials and tools
- Selection of the main elements
- Rules of making the compositions and arrangement of stones
- Additional elements of garden arrangement
- Choosing plants for the stone garden
- Caring for a garden of stones
- Famous rock gardens
- conclusion
The history of rock gardens
In the Japanese garden stones of various sizes and shapes symbolize the mountains. For the first time they began to use in the 14th century. The monk and master of garden design Muso Soseki was the ancestor of the unique compositions. Stones scattered on the ground in a certain order symbolize opposition to adversity, long life, because for centuries remain unchanged. Previously, they were created only in the temples and monasteries, and their main purpose was just delivering aesthetic pleasure.

Literally rock garden with Japanese translates as "dry water and mountains."
According to legend, one sailor was rescued from the turtle's death. And it is a sign of gratitude showed him one of the five islands where the immortals live. Since then, people began to decorate their portions of rocky decoration according to certain rules. Elements themselves must be strictly odd number, but their number can only be a multiple of three or five.

The style and purpose of the garden
At first glance it may seem that the boulders, and various minerals in a street composition arranged randomly. In fact, the place for installing the components selected according to certain rules. Primarily denoted the basic point of contemplation. It will focus on her garden. In taking account of the probability of observing the clock so as not to spoil the pleasure of contemplation of the scorching sun and excessive shade.

Japanese rock gardens are always asymmetric, filled with elements of different sizes and shapes. The decor is never placed in parallel. All objects must be clearly visible from any angle and create a heptagonal geometrical network of lines. In the presence of a reservoir on the site, you should consider the effect of the reflection of stones in water.
Home garden stones task - to help tune in and relax. If you watch the whole song completely, you can see the enchanting island with the waste from these waves in a particular direction.
See also:Spirea: planting and care

Basic rules for creating your own hands
For many rock garden evokes a feeling of emptiness. But actually achieving infinity effect takes place according to certain rules. With self-creation of this landscape design should be chosen only stable boulders and tiny pebbles. They should not look just scattered. To do this, you must initially consider the idea of drawing. Compare with a ready photo or picture. Depth instillation is selected depending on the form of rocks and terrain features.

Rules of Feng Shui
Rock garden according to Feng Shui to create relaxation and recuperation. All the elements there are considered to be the source of life and symbolize the earth. They must be located as natural. An essential piece of decoration - any water element in the form of a stream or lake. Situated at the reservoir rocks will complement each other's energy.
The main way the organization of the garden according to Feng Shui - the designation of functional areas of the bagua grid. Running water in a career grid, playground - in the child's area, in a place of friendship and partnership set gazebo, benches, benches. Flat stones, paths with smooth contours and curves in the garden Feng Shui are not allowed.

As the filling elements are suitable only real unprocessed items as truly appreciate the natural beauty of the pristine material help only. Excluding any simulation and other garden decor.

Preparation: the choice of location and construction of the site
Any rockeries, regardless of size, should be located as natural blend with a relief portion and other decorative elements. Irregularities will be an ideal platform for the placement of the composition. Even the most nondescript hill depression or can be converted to the original design element. If the site is completely flat, differences are created artificially in various ways.
When choosing a place should be considered a feature of materials and the appointment of the composition. None of the elements of the garden of stones should not be placed in a corner or near the fence. It will look dull and tasteless, reminding just dumped a pile of waste after construction. If such an arrangement is necessary, the site must be well decorate. It may be climbing plants, beautiful flowers, shrubs stone theme layout.

Materials and tools
To create a Japanese garden of stones do not need to buy new materials or order design elements of some form. All items of decorative compositions can be found in his yard. With self-planning, it is important to strictly follow the steps below to get a really attractive and a positive effect on the consciousness of the composition. The original landscape will be created from the following materials and tools:
- Small stones, bricks, pebbles;
- Wooden boards for fences;
- geotextiles;
- Boulders, part rock;
- Gravel, sand;
- Used base screed (wood, metal rakes).
See also:Landscape Design section on the side of 50 photos
Selection of the main elements
By the choice of stones, as well as all additional elements must be treated thoroughly. Pick them up at once necessary in the right quantity, that they did not differ in color and texture, ideally combined in a single composition. It is desirable that they were from the same area as each element has its own personality.
First we need to become familiar with every stone, to pick the most appropriate structure, grouped in one particular place several pieces of similar subjects. Then it is necessary to determine the direction, which he will turn to the light and make a sustainable basis.
When selecting stones should take into account that each element is responsible for a specific character. Fine sand, gravel, pebbles - symbolize water. Flat stones - means earth, high - the sky, the massive pile of decor - the mountains or islands.

Rules of making the compositions and arrangement of stones
Location of stones at the site must be carried out according to certain rules. Professional creators rockeries guided technique "Sute-ISI." Used to create a composition can only be an odd number of parts. They should not just lie on the surface. It is necessary to create the effect of the growth of the living soil deepened enough.
To create the composition of several elements using stones of varying sizes. All items are selected in the right proportion. In order to balance the energy of Yin-Yang, horizontal stones must be greater than the vertical. Horizontal rocky decor smoothes the impact of vertical objects such as trees, fences, brick buildings.

Site to create a rock garden is completely covered with sand or gravel. To determine the exact distance is used heptagonal geometrical network. The elements have exactly at the intersection of the network. For small areas use only part of it.

Additional elements of garden arrangement
Japanese composition is filled not only with bare rocks. Play an important role proper drawings in the sand, the exact location of the tracks, fences, fountains and waterfalls. Patterns made with special rakes, pre-think carefully about the subject of the picture. Lines, circles should be smooth, balanced, in harmony with the surrounding landscape.
For fencing using opaque materials. It is set on one or two sides of the garden and allocate the task to create an atmosphere of privacy. Most often used the low wall of stone, concrete, bamboo. Inject a dynamic element into the composition to help Tsukubai. The small stone drums piped water flows that brings movement without disturbing the tranquility of the garden of stones.

Illuminate the stone composition in the evening and night time to help flashlights. They are made only from natural materials (wood, stone, pumice). Dim lights, mysterious atmosphere allows you to look at familiar things in a new way.

Choosing plants for the stone garden
Landscape created in the first place is to simulate hilly terrain, but look most natural. All plants should be combined with each other by color, shape and size. Also, the flowers should have the same requirements for the soil and be picky to the neighborhood on a rocky site. At the planning stage, before planting, all agro-technical conditions should be taken into account. Vegetation choice for rock garden is held by the following rules:
- It is better to plant several kinds of flowers. they are large groups will look more distinct;
- Observe the rules of color. neutral color is necessary to mitigate smoothly transition from one group to another;
- Symmetrical planting in rocky garden is not used. Better would look chaotic spaced groups;
- For rockeries suitable plants with the greatest long-flowering.
See also:Disposition suburban area: Ingredients plan diagram

Caring for a garden of stones
Rocky garden does not need special care. Enough to maintain its appearance, adhering to some of the recommendations. The biggest problem is the rapidly growing weeds, so even at the stage of preparation should be to get rid of all the deep-growing roots. Then ground and treated with herbicides geotextile is laid. After a while undesirable vegetation may reappear. In order not to spoil the view of the garden, it should promptly be removed.

Spoil the appearance of the compositions may rocky debris and fallen leaves. To unhindered cleaning, consideration should be given access to any part of rockeries still in its planning stage. Remove dirt better wire rake. If the area is planted with plants, it is necessary to consider the irrigation system and the possibility of periodic fertilization. To refresh the appearance of the stone garden, the basis should be not less update than once every three years.

Famous rock gardens
One of the most famous rock gardens is considered to be a large composition in Kyoto. It is a 15-Th stones on white gravel, decorated with green moss. The uniqueness of the composition is a surprising visual effect. From whatever side it does not look at one element will always be hidden from view. According to legend, totally see the garden can only enlightened and spiritually cleansed person.
No less famous rock garden is located in Vietnam, Nha Trang. On the scenic promontory positioned natural stones of different forms of funny. That level of polishing and natural originality attracted to this garden many tourists. Boast a similar masterpiece of landscape art can and arboretum in the Krasnodar region.

To introduce yourself to your home area a new trend of landscape design can each independently. Depending on the size of the territory, it is possible to organize a large park or miniature composition at home. In addition to the interesting shape of stones, often use any available materials, such as baskets, old troughs table.