Many owners of private houses occupied land on the site is only the beds. Not everyone thinks that you can give yourself and others present aesthetic pleasure the entire season in addition to useful vegetables. Luxury flowers in the garden and flower beds will be pleasing to the eye, fills the air with a pleasant scent. With a minimum of effort for planting perennials, after just one season, you can admire the stunning compositions.
- Features and benefits of perennial flowers in the area
How to choose a variety of flowering plants
- Flowers bloom early
- Flowers late flowering
- undersized flowers
- tall flowers
- The choice of seeds for planting
Terms and planting methods
- onion varieties
- lilies of the valley
- daisies
- Echinacea
- lily
- Delphinium
- Astilba
- forget-me-not
- Summer flowers
- Autumn flowers
- the Rose
- Clematis
- Hydrangea
- bush hosts
- Tips for a flower bed composition
- Perennials for the alpine slide
- conclusion
Features and benefits of perennial flowers in the area
There are many kinds of beautiful and hardy perennials. At the cottage is excellent take root herbaceous perennials. They are well adapted to any climate and can withstand frost, do not need a transplant in the cold season. Onion varieties will also feel good about themselves in the garden. Some types of flowers you need to get out of the ground after flowering and planted in the soil in the fall. Due to the displacement of each year can create new original fields.
A distinctive feature of perennial plants - a long growing season. Tall green blooms in midsummer. Sly mallow and sunflowers planted on yard perimeter, along the fence, will give any portion fairy appearance. Universal version for registration of tracks in several hundred - sredneroslye Flowering perennials. Of stunted plants often form the alpine hill. Almost all the plants of this group are in need of drained land.
Many growers choose perennials for your site for the following reasons:
- Bloom throughout the summer season;
- Good winter, frost resistance are different;
- Require little maintenance;
- Resistant to disease, pests;
- From a single plant for the transplant, you can create several new flower beds.
How to choose a variety of flowering plants
Perennial flowers - the most suitable option for questioning. They are divided into grades and types. Each plant flowering different intensity, size, color, shape and other factors. Choice of flower varieties depends on the personal preferences of the gardener, the free space under the beds, soil characteristics and other factors.
Before you can create a flower bed in the rustic style is necessary to carefully examine the kinds of popular hardy perennials, biennials. The plants must be the same method of irrigation, fertilizer and method of mixing. It should also be assorted colors on a sun-loving and shade-tolerant. You should also take into account the visual combination of flower colors.

Flowers bloom early
Watch spectacular color of plants on a meadow or in my garden is always nice. Especially pleasing to the eye spring bloom, when the snow melted, and only sound sonorous dripping. Early garden flowers enliven the entire site, alerted the offensive warm days. Planting perennial one, it can be a few years with the advent of spring to enjoy the beauty of the bud. The main task - to find suitable plant species for their beds.
Most fans of the early flowers prefer to plant onion varieties. This species is widespread, has a huge number of plants. Planting bulbs is happening in September. Around April there are the first shoots of snowdrops, irises, crocuses, muscari and others. The region is located to the south, the earlier tender spring bells to look out of the soil column.

Less popular early herbaceous plants among gardeners. Exquisite appearance deserve a place on any site. They can long remain fresh and green, well resist disease can overwinter in any soil. They can be planted by seeds or seedlings. Almost all kinds placed in the ground in spring, when it is well warmed up. In the warmer regions of the landing could take place in autumn. Most popular types: periwinkle, primrose, hellebore.
Flowers late flowering
Such plants begin to bloom in late July and continue to flaunt the first frost. Extend the holiday bloom on the site as possible, if you create a song from pozdnetsvetuschih copies and summer perennials with bright colored leaves. A major role in such beds often play asters, helenium, chrysanthemum.
Depending on the variety, herbaceous flowers late flowering can delight in bright colors land owners from several weeks to several months. They come in various shapes and sizes, single-color and multi-color. The flower can be placed on the stem or solitary grouped into the bush.

Fantastic, will look at any flowerbed flowering bulbous late. Thrown them in April and May. Many varieties were bred in warm countries, so do not tolerate cold and die in the open field. Save plants can be temporarily transplanted decoration in the flower garden tub.
undersized flowers
For the experienced gardener undersized dolgotsvetuschie perennials - a versatile tool. They perfectly side by side with all the crops in the garden, perfectly fit into any landscape composition. Of them can make a flowering borders and other dividing elements. Almost all varieties throughout the season gardeners delight their flowering. They are well maintained flowerbed border for several years. They are usually placed in the foreground of the flower beds. Ampelnye plants feel well in hanging pots.

Low perennials are divided into low-growing, dwarf and ground cover. Recent grow dense carpet, creep along the ground. Stems other subspecies can reach 60 centimeters. Plant low-growing plants rather densely groups. So they look more impressive. To extend the luxuriant blooms need in a timely manner to remove withered branches, fencing composition stones, only use drip irrigation. Sometimes there are poisonous varieties.
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tall flowers
The flowers of this group is very diverse. They differ in leaf shape, size flowers, splendor sprawl and other features. The only unifying factor - height. Stems of perennials may reach 1.5 m. Schedule flowering in all plants is different. Some retain value throughout the growing season, others are growing due to the appearance stems.

Some tall flowers are replaced by beautiful flowering at least attractive fruiting. They find a place in any composition. Tall perennials good look at the windows at home, in the garden, along the fence or the fence. They can be beautifully zonirovat portion. Flowers create a stunning backdrop for low-growing plants that look great in the pond.
The choice of seeds for planting
Many species of perennial plants grow from seeds. Unlike the annual beauty they can be planted throughout the season. Lack of time limits associated with a diverse planting flowering period (2 to 6 years). When choosing seeds should be taken into account peculiarities of the region and the type of plant. Some species produce shoots straight into the ground, while others accept only the first landing in a separate container.
Seedlings delphinium, catchment, carnations are thrown in March. bluebell seeds are not dipped deep into the soil, leaving the light. Armer necessarily be pre-soaked in water for 10 hours. In May, June, perennials can be sown directly in open ground. It should be remembered that the seeds of these plants quickly lose their moisture and require daily watering. When choosing seeds, be sure to know the way to their landing.

You can use the following tips:
- Visual inspection. The hard shell is said about the need to germinate in a warm place;
- The percentage of germination. Each package of seeds is of such information. For the gardener is very useful information;
- Sorting before sowing. Remove empty seeds can dunuv on the expansion of copies. Blank will fly from the air pressure;
- Hybrids or conventional varieties. If it is necessary to harvest the seeds, the first option is not appropriate. Hybrid varieties, though differ abundant flowering, it is absolutely not suitable for seed production.
Buying perennial flower seeds at the store, be sure to examine their sowing qualities. They must be clean and with a good degree of germination. Important parameters - the energy of germination, moisture, exposure to disease.
Terms and planting methods
you need to create some favorable conditions for the normal development of plants. Each type of flower has its own long-term features of cultivation. For example, outside the Alpine edelweiss grows well in clay, calcareous soil can not tolerate sandstone, which surprisingly blooming asters, gatsanii, cloves.

Perennials live long enough. Spring in the village, they were among the first allowed greens, autumn still give a great color and flavor. Some species are valued because of the unusual shape of the leaves. Plants have inconspicuous flowers, but they occupy one of the top places in the florist. Each variety has to disembark perennial considering many factors.
onion varieties
The optimum period for planting bulbous perennials - early autumn. Pre-prepared beds must be left fallow for a few days. During this time, we should destroy all located next to weeds. Before lowering the bulbs in the ground, it should be a good dig and make fertilizer.
The first autumn thrown melkolukovichnye. To improve germination before planting them stand for several hours in a solution of potassium permanganate. To the bottoms of the plants do not rot under the bulbs are paving the path of sand. Crocuses, Muscat, Scylla sit down to a depth of 8 centimeters. Snowdrops, daffodils and leucojum need a deeper hole - 15 centimeters.

In mid-October planting hardy tulips. Procedure can be carried out before, but only when the soil temperature is at around 10 degrees. Flowers should be well rooted before the onset of frosts. Healthy bulbs can be planted directly into the ground or into a special box. The method container approved many gardeners - plant is easier to transplant at the end of the growing season, bumpers effectively protect the roots from pests.
lilies of the valley
Forest plant survives perfectly in the garden. When planting is necessary to consider that the good-looking flowers do not accept neighbors in the form of other plants. Thrown bushes with pearls near the windows at the entrance to the porch, away from beds and other vegetation. Use two methods of planting - in late autumn and early spring. Experienced gardeners recommend planting primrose produce in the ground in September and October.
The main task - choosing the right place. It should be shaded with a small amount of light. Flowers can be determined by spreading the trees. Future area of white bells should be well hidden from the wind and drafts.

Lilies are planted in the prepared, fertilized soil. On the size of rhizomes do grooves. Then the plants are placed in holes in the vertical position at a distance from each other by at least 10 centimeters. After planting, the ground should always be watered. If shadow plants placed in the ground with the kidney, they will bloom next year.
Garden daisy decorate any terrain. Flower perennials is more common in white, but can be blue, pink, blue, yellow. Successful breeding depends on the proper selection of varieties. The most popular types are as follows:
- Princess. The variety is characterized by large flowers, up to 15 centimeters in diameter and a long stem. Used to create bouquets;
- Alaska. Grandiflora undemanding plant, resistant to drought. It begins to bloom in late August;
- Silver Princess. It has small white flowers. It is used for group plantings. It flowers from mid-summer until the first frost;
- Winner. White flowers are 8-10 centimeters. Bloom 2 years after transplanting into the ground. Excellent park option.
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Chamomile thrown several ways: seeds, seedlings, dividing the bush. For any option would require slightly acidic soil, and sunny place. Breeding light-demanding garden perennial need to start spring, with an air temperature of not less than 15 degrees.
Perennial plant very well take root in the new location, it is easily propagated by seed or by dividing the bush. Suitable open area or partial shade. Preferably thrust echinacea in light sandy soils. Land with high acidity need to pre-process the lime. the most popular of the many varieties - Echinacea purpurea. Are high dense stem (1 meter), the presence of green, purple basal leaves.
Planting process can be carried out in autumn or spring. Hybrid varieties only reproduce by dividing. For the rest is fine seed landing in open ground or prepared container. Placing the seeds in the ground in late autumn, the spring can be seen abundant fruit. Bloom winter-hardy plant a year later.

To the flowers appeared in the year of planting, the seedlings need to prepare. You can start as early as the end of winter. Seeds soaked in the water is transferred into a wooden box with the ground, covered with foil and ensure constant moisture content.
Graceful and mysterious, some of the most notable plants in a flower bed, require careful selection neighbors. They can be grown from bulbs or seeds. In the latter case the plants do not get sick, they are less exposed to pest attacks. Of the negative elements are the long period from sowing to flowering (5-6 years).
Most gardeners grow lilies from bulbs. Placed in the soil can be in the fall, spring. It is better to do it in October to get an early flowering and give the plants to take root before the onset of cold weather. The only reason spring landing is necessary portion shifts.

Multi-colored lily is necessary to plant only drained soil in view of finding in one place for more than 4 years. The greatest danger for the bulbs in the garden is stagnating moisture. Land before planting, and when the first shoots should be treated with fertilizers. Larger bulbs are placed in the ground by at least 15 centimeters, small enough 5-10 cm.
When planting is necessary to observe the rules of plant height. For low grades suitable soil along paths or in the center of the flower beds, very high place in the middle portion.
The plant is represented by a set of sorts. Various shades of flowers occupy a place of honor in the flowerbeds in parks and areas of gardeners. Culture is well accepted in the neutral, fertile soil. Acidic soil should be treated with lime or dolomite flour.

Flowerbed with delphinium better place right under the scorching sun. The place should be windless, because perennial stems are very tall and thin. To propagate a culture of several ways:
- Division. Transplantation can be carried out when not blooming delphinium. It is better to do it after 8 years after the first landing, otherwise the plant will weaken and hurt. Cutting pieces do not touch the kidney, all the damage to the powder pulverized coal.
- Seeds. This method is used if there is no mature plants on the site. Ensure good seed germination and survival is possible, placing them before landing in the cold. Then the seed is sent in a container with peat. In the open ground sprouted shoots transferred in May. Less seed reproduction - a big chance of losing varietal differences.
- Cuttings. The most time-consuming, complicated way. Maternal bush practically does not suffer, and the cuttings take root very well retain varietal characteristics. Fit only shoots of young plants. They should be at least 5 centimeters. Hollow stems are cut at the fast-growing rhizomes, warning of infection.
Spreading luxuriant plant grows well in the shade, likes moist soil. It effectively looks throughout the garden season. For the rapid growth of the culture does not require a lot of light. The rate of development depends on sufficient heat and moisture. Grades are divided into high and low.
The most usual and easy way to landing - the division of the bush. Dug bush free from leaves and disassembled into individual elements. For seating of suitable young plants with buds. Nonfunctional rhizome is removed. Planted in March Astilbe blooms in August.

Faster way - kidneys resuming reproduction. Fused shoots are separated from the part of the rhizome, slices treated ash. Then the plant is placed in a drained peat, create a greenhouse effect. In the open ground Astilbe enters the fall or spring of next year. Seed method is rarely used.
Small plants bloom better in shade, partial shade. Bright sun negatively affects leaves and buds themselves. Avoid excess fertilizer, because the leaves and stem of all the nutrients begin to pull the juices, leaving the flower weakened. From ammonia mixtures should be completely abandoned.

Seed planting involves determining nezabudok shade-only level ground, or they germinate unevenly. dense healthy segments previously stand in the water and let the roots suitable for propagation. Razlog perennial root system also allows the use of the method of dividing the pot.
Summer flowers
Hot summer is hard to imagine without a lot of colorful flowers. They grow in the meadows, parks, private yards. All varieties need direct sunlight and moisture carefully. The cultures are divided into tall and dwarf. The final composition of summer flowers on a bed, you must consider the height of the plants.

It begins to bloom in June, clematis, daylily, lily, peony, lupine. In July, spreading their buds tuberous begonias, gerberas, hydrangeas, gold ball, lavender, grouse. August is impregnated with aromas of gladioli, echinacea, cornflower, stonecrops and others.
Autumn flowers
Short-day plants or pozdnetsvetuschie show their beauty in autumn. This group is not as diverse as summer perennials, but include enough species and varieties. A variety of bright color the culture of any land on the background of seasonal decay. They differ in terms of flowering. Most pleasing to the eye September, October, but there are persistent and handsome, the color of which continues until the first frost.
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By the fall of September flowers are chrysanthemums, dahlias, asters, Majors. Cheer up in October, pansies, nasturtiums, kolhikum, helenium, stevia. In the last month of autumn bloom marigold, rhododendron, petunia, rose, phlox.
growing conditions are different for each culture. The stems of herbaceous plants die off in the winter. Stored underground and aerial shoots of the rhizome. Create a harmonious picture of herbaceous perennials in the area as possible, if you follow these rules and the choice of planting varieties:
- Carry out the selection of crops to climate in the region;
- Before planting analyze the composition, humidity, soil acidity, the amount of light;
- Determine the depth of groundwater;
- Provide proper neighborhood with other flowers and other plants;
- Observe the allowable distance between perennials;
- Before planting, dig and fertilize the soil.

the Rose
The best time to plant roses in open ground - mid-spring. Land should warm up to 10 degrees. Prepared seedlings should be inspected, cut dried roots for better absorption of nutrients. Before planting, the roots of rose must be lowered into the container with water or fluid growth stimulant. Whimsical plants take root only on the illuminated and a sheltered area. Before lowering into the well a plant dipped in clay mixture.

Autumn planting is best done in September, because the root system should have time to get stronger before cooling. Healthy plant in a special shelter or a flowerpot will feel great to the spring warmth. Some varieties may require additional care.
Plant clematis can throughout the season. Beautiful flowering plant capable of constantly trail up decorate any item of garden compositions. It can grow in one place up to 25 years, so before planting should take care of the fertilized soil.
Seedlings with closed root system first allowed to grow, placing in water. The best time to transfer into the ground - early summer. Climbing perennials well acclimatized in neutral, alkaline, slightly acidic soils. Clematis does not react in the watery soil.

Before planting hole should fertilize friable oily clay. The extent of penetration depends on the characteristics of the earth. The heavier the soil, the less the plant is pushed into the ground. If there is the proximity of ground water, the bottom of the pit is covered with broken bricks, rubble.
Lush deciduous shrub is very popular among gardeners, can be found in the botanical garden. Plants have an amazing ability - can change the shade of color, depending on the composition of the soil. Hydrangea panicle and soil-covering - slight frost resistant variety, a tree is able to withstand a temperature of - 40 degrees.

Seated in the courtyard hydrangea bush by grafting. Dimensions wells prepared based on the volume of the roots, which in these cultures rather branched. The average size - 0.5 meters in depth and diameter. After placing the plant in the hole, the soil near the wellbore are well tamped. Watering is carried out in 30-inches from the base of the flower.
bush hosts
The main advantages of perennial - voluminous textured leaves and racemose inflorescence. Some varieties have an unattractive color, so they cut off and enjoy the stunning beauty of the foliage.

To host the soil undemanding, but grows best on loam, likes shade. In sandy soil the plant is better not to plant, there is poorly developed and little blossoms. Before you put the flower on the selected location, it is necessary to dig the ground, add humus. Suitable fertilizers: ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium sulfate.
Tips for a flower bed composition
Flowers delivered to people not only aesthetically pleasing, they are filled with pleasant aroma of land, give a sense of peace and satisfaction. It is rare to meet a personal plot without such beauty. Much better not look chaotic annuals and collected on certain rules for clubs.
When preparing formulations of the important role played by the selection of height, color, plant varieties. No need to be a professional designer to make their own hands a magnificent flower garden. Suffice it to competently carry out gardening work slowly and in stages:
- Select the appropriate style beds;
- Assess the environmental condition;
- Filter plant height;
- Selected plants with stable decorativeness;
- Determine the timing of flowering and names;
- Learn the principles of combining perennials in the list;
- Planted in the ground, strictly observing the planting rules.

Perennials for the alpine slide
Rock garden is better to fill the plants that do not require annual renewal. A variety of crops should be adapted to changes in temperature, the weather in the region. For the background alpine garden is better to choose low-growing, carpet plants. It should take into account their intensity growths, branching. All stands must be in harmony in color, irrigation methods, size, flowering time.

Select plants for the alpine slide is necessary in view of the decorative elements of the object. It is necessary to take into account the coloring, the size of boulders. To bed did not look overloaded, the stones must be placed asymmetrically. The gaps between the decor can be filled by low plants, bindweed, godetsiey. Plants should be tiered plant. Lush, spherical plantations occupy the top of the flower beds, low-growing middle and bottom. To alpine garden pleasing to the eye all year round, it can be decorated with conifers.
Gardeners prefer perennials for many reasons. Most varieties safely overwinter in the soil, they do not need to dig up and replant. In the spring they are the first to bloom, because they have already formed roots. To create original beds of perennials will not need to spend a lot of time and money.