Landscaping appeared in ancient times. Of course if this trend in art did not have such a name. Decoration area surrounding the construction began with the temple complex. By the structures erected for the worship of the gods, they are treated with special honor, and tried to placate members of the pantheon, creating a unique landscape around the holy place. The temples were not only luxurious decoration inside, but the scenic views outside. Platform decorated flower beds, flower beds, statues, arches, terraces, ornamental ponds and neat paths connecting the secondary structure.
- Of landscape design history
- What it is in particular layout and
- Identifying with the stylistics
- It all starts with a wicket gate and fence
- Construction of the track and entry
- Lighting
landscaping Methods
- The choice of plants and planting principle
- Creating of flower beds and flower beds
- Figure clearance bushes
- Trees - how to choose and what is better to plant
- waterworks
- Original terraces and pergolas
- conclusion
Of landscape design history
An enormous contribution to the development of landscape architecture have made the ancient Egyptians, who for most of his life devoted to worship and praise of the deities. In the city of Thebes, the first time there was a tradition to decorate not only the temple complexes, but also houses adjoining the site ponds with fish and underwater flora. The inhabitants of Babylon and Assyria decorated their yards with lush vegetation. The seeds were brought from different parts of the world. One of the Seven Wonders of the World - the Hanging Gardens of Babylon was the beginning of this tradition. The Babylonian king, being involved in a bloody war with the Assyrians, made an alliance with the Median monarch. They defeated the Assyrians in the joint campaign, and to secure the agreement was concluded the marriage between Nebuchadnezzar and the daughter of the king of the Medes - Amanis. His wife longed for the green landscape of his home in the dusty capital of Babylon. Then the king ordered the creation of a magnificent garden on stone piers, equipped with a unique irrigation system. In the history of the error crept in, and the construction is not tied to the name Amanis and with Semiramidoy- Assyrian queen that lived earlier.

In India, we constructed floating gardens. Palaces of Indian nobles traditionally decorated spacious ponds, which lowered life rafts with bulk soil and planted flowers. In the Middle Ages there were unique garden "Labyrinth", which adorned the palaces of summer vacation crowned heads and their families. In history, numerous great examples of decorating areas around residential buildings. Landscaping front of the house has a special role in the decoration of the site, as this is the "face" of ownership that will be shown to each guest.
What it is in particular layout and
site before the house decor will include a number of elements:
- Green plants and flower beds.
- Water facility.
- Pergolas and terraces,
- Fences and gates, gates.
- System tracks.

All these components of the landscape should be linked to the overall composition. When planning the location of each element based on three aspects:
- Relief.
- Climatic features.
- Soil type.
If the port area houses mounds and hollows, do not need to hurry up and leveled land with the help of bulk ground. Relief features can transform into advantages that will help create a unique design composition. Zonal division of the territory into small areas involves placing the individual sites that are isolated from each other, but are linked system of decorative walkways. Near the house you can build a gazebo that summer was a place to hide from the scorching sun. Cool, complete with aesthetic pleasure will bring a decorative pond. Systems of flower beds and flower beds will be pleasing to the eye and to be useful, if some of them to plant spices. Green fences do not always perform only a decorative role, because you can decorate houses territory berry bushes.

When planning also takes into account features of the form of the yard and its dimensions. Two or three hundred is enough to accommodate the gazebo, green spaces, driveway, and even a small front garden. To further decorate the cottage patio or lawn, a spacious lawn, already need a little more space.
See also:site design country house on 10 acres - zoning examples

Identifying with the stylistics
The style of the court should be tied primarily to the main building - the house. If selected different directions, they must have a common ground, to get a dynamic mix, organic combination. Decoration can be as simple or pretentious, luxurious and in a big way. More concise options appropriate for typical cottages, the main purpose of which - the summer outdoor recreation, and caring for a vegetable garden. Gorgeous courtyards, usually decorated with townhouses and cottages. A wide range of styles are combined into two groups:
history | These include English, Spanish, French, Russian, Mediterranean, Scandinavian, Moorish. |
Popular today | In this group, there are areas, whose characteristics are similar to those styles in interior design. These include high-tech, eco, modern, minimalist, alpine (chalet). |

Dressing is carried out in accordance with the concept of destinations, which has been selected.

It all starts with a wicket gate and fence
Outer fence should be high and monumental. Its main function is to protect the area from unauthorized entry intruders. Beauty fence goes by the wayside. The material execution fences are classified into the following types:
- Stone. Durable material, which is used for permanent fencing. Stone is versatile and suitable for almost any style. If it is performed only from foundation portion and spacer bars between sections, the material can be combined with a brick, metal or wood.
- Wooden. Organically looks in combination with Provence, country and Russian style. To a fence made of wood served for a long time, the material must be protected special impregnation, prevents the ingress of moisture into the micropores of the wood.
- Metal. Forged items can create an elegant, refined composition, but an excellent job with the protective function of the fence.
- Brick. This fence will last a long time, but has a slightly rustic feel. Suited to modern styles.
- Concrete. The material is poured into special shapes, and the result obtained for the same fence section. Concrete different democratic value, but allows you to pick up the original decoration.
- Slate. Unsightly fence of this material is suitable as a temporary embodiment.
The gate and gate selected by rail, since these elements are part of a single composition.

Construction of the track and entry
The yard is decorated with the main road to the entrance leading to the house, and decorative branches, which are walking distance. For the central "line" land selected durable concrete, stone, brick, or asphalt coating. Original look options when between smooth boulders leave a gap filled with grass.

Fine track made of less robust materials that adorn the landscape. These include:
- Gravel, pebbles. To pebbles is not spread over the site, track shield greenery and flower beds.
- Sand. Budget option, which turns into a mess when it rains.
- Wood. Floorings look presentable and be combined with a rustic style, but will last for long.
- Ceramic tile. From tile pieces laid out in a mosaic technique can create diverse and creative track.
- Plastic. The stores sell special modules, but this version looks cheap and unpresentable.
- Wood saw cut. Track will last a long time, but it will be followed by the installation of large-scale earthworks, because decks have a decent height. This is necessary in order to track withstand heavy loads. Flat "pancakes" SPIL will quickly crack.
- Traffic jams. The original version, which will require hard work from the designer.
Decorative tracks too can be made of concrete or brick, but the combination of materials will create a complex landscape painting.

Highlighting the patio at their summer cottage is divided into two types:
- Functional or basic.
- Decorative.
See also:Pergolas Wood: projects and design ideas
The first is necessary for comfortable movement in the yard at night, and the second one just emphasizes the dignity of the decor. For street lighting is not recommended to use fluorescent lamps that do not work at low temperatures. Paving the wiring underground to avoid the risk of mechanical damage. The best option when choosing bulbs are considered halogen and LED devices. They have a long service life and low energy consumption.

If the owners are not among the "owls" and do not spend the night on the street, you can use lamps powered by solar batteries. From the point of view of economy, they are among the leading lighting. Working light bulbs only 4-5 hours a night, as the greater the accumulated energy per day is not enough.
landscaping Methods
Green areas are divided into three types:
- Trees. Due to a decent height can not be planted close to the fence, as the shadow can prevent neighbors.
- Shrubs. Of these create original composition animals and geometric figures.
- Flowers and other low plants.
Of trees create slender ranks along the tracks or small front gardens with fruit varieties. Flowers collected in a colorful composition for beds. Different types of plants can be combined with each other.

The choice of plants and planting principle
Plants should be chosen with the following criteria:
- Features of soil.
- The level of groundwater and the location area (nisin or hill).
- Climatic conditions.

In the lowlands it picks up moisture after heavy rains. For this reason, these sites swamp and become unsuitable for most plants. With the rise of a lot easier, because once again pour lighter than artificially drained land. From the composition of the soil, too, it depends on the viability of certain plant species. Poor rocky ground will be a test for the delicate flowers. Sand in arid areas not retain moisture, so you need high-quality irrigation system. The black earth is considered the most nutritious, but heavy rain turns into a muddy "mess." Solution for poor soil becomes a bulk layer which is brought especially for plants. Plant will be sufficient 0.5 m of soil, and for shrubs and trees, which have a powerful, developed root system, it is necessary to order several trucks.

It is also necessary to consider the compatibility of certain plants to each other. Some "selfish" can pull all the juice out of the ground and to provoke their neighbors to slow decay. Such aggressive specimens are planted at a distance.
Creating of flower beds and flower beds
Flower garden - a broad concept that brings together under a variation of plants planting. It is classified into types:
- Free. Flower garden has no fence, and a riot of flora reasoned systematic treatment.
- Mixborders. Ribbon flower on one side limited by a fence and is often planted along the tracks. Name of the decorative element has turned out as a result of merging of two words mix (mixing) and the curb.
- Flowerbed. This type of flower garden fence there. It is given a variety of shapes from round to rectangular.
- A border of flowers. Typically, it is precipitated from dwarf flower bushes, which limit entry of the lawn or garden paths.
beds may also be modular, mixed and multidimensional. If you choose the right types of plants, you can get the original gradation of color in the flower bed.

Figure clearance bushes
Mowing plants is not as easy task as it might seem at first glance. For curly plants suitable only certain types of shrubs boxwood, cotoneaster, privet, yew and holly. They are easily haircut. Boxwood is poisonous, so it should be to protect from pets and children. Privet is ideal for the "lazy" gardeners, as it requires mowing only once a year. Until then, until a desired result, the plant limit homemade wire frame. If you get hand in this case did not happen, then it acquires special patterns within which the bushes moving in the right direction and are adjusted to shape. Considered the most simple geometric shapes, but the animals or humans have to create for years.
See also:Cottage toilet with his hands

Trees - how to choose and what is better to plant
The landscaping trees are classified into four types:
- Conifers. They are good because they retain the green color even in winter. Conifers prefer shade and different endurance.
- Deciduous. A favorite option among designers. They are divided into two subspecies: decorative-deciduous and flowering.
- Fruit. These include apples, pears, cherries, apricots, cherries, plums.
- Evergreen deciduous. In the winter time they do not bare the crown, but they require special care.
Plant trees on four principles: - Group. They are combined, as a rule, fruit trees.
- Tapeworms. Single pine arborvitae or at the site will certainly attract attention.
- Alley. Trees are planted on both sides of the track.
- Hedge. Although it is usually made of bushes, "decoration" of trees reliably protect the portion of the prying eyes of the street.

Do not forget that other trees also selected on the basis of compatibility, as well as flowers.

The collection of water features in the landscape design includes:
- Sources. This is the beginning of an artificial pond or natural stream bed.
- Fountains. Artificial structures, which under the pressure of the water jet ejected.
- Streams. They have a curved, irregular shape and the narrow channel.
- Waterfalls. They represent a stream of water which flows on obstacles (stones more often).
- Cascades. The system of several waterfalls.
- Ponds of stagnant water.
Not necessarily artificially build complex structures, if the section of natural water flows, "artery", its shores are decorated with stones and obstructions to complicate the formation stages. Pools also belong to this type of decoration, but decorated courtyards in areas rarely, since such an arrangement is considered to be impractical.

Original terraces and pergolas
Separate sitting area becomes functional addition to the patio. For these purposes, constructing pergolas and terraces. The first of the type divided into several types:
- Open. These lightweight pergolas consist of supports and roof. Used for recreation during the summer.
- Ins. As a rule, they are decorative wall of the forged elements or wooden slats.
- Closed. The design of the gazebo is present and glazed walls. Used for winter recreation. Monumental buildings even supplied with the oven.

Separately, it is worth noting pergolas. These structures are similar to the gazebo, but instead have a roof "overhang" of twine plants (grapes, ivy), which wrap around the frame. By forms of construction can be round, square and octagonal. Terrace is an artificially created hill, which has a table, chairs and sofas. They are classified into three types:
- Closed. The construction consists of walls and roofs. It can stand alone from home or adjacent to it. The rain and wind are not afraid to rest on these terraces.
- Ins. They have a roof, and the walls are used instead of the light curtains.
- Glazed. In their design there is a roof and panoramic windows. The main advantage of the terrace - plenty of sunlight and protection from the weather.
Another special type of structures is only the walls, but the building is placed on the back patio. Characterized by such a design element for the Spanish style.

With the help of a competent landscaping can transform your site beyond recognition. The delicate and graceful art of design study for years. Just out of the hand of the master can get a real paradise that does not want to leave. Yourself hard to create the perfect design, since the need to consider a lot of rules and small nuances and decorative elements are different from interior decoration and difficult movement.