If you have a large family, the purchase of equipment for dishwashing can save you a lot of time and energy. However, you need to know exactly what should not be washed in the dishwasher, you do not accidentally damage the right thing, or any expensive item. Usually, the list of things that can be washed in the dishwasher is in the instructions to the machine. But to be sure, you need to identify what materials can not be put back.
List of cookware, forbidden for a dishwasher, is quite large. Some users may wonder why some objects can be washed in the dishwasher, and others - no. This is due to the fact that the tank unit are completely different conditions than when washing manually. They may have a negative impact on any kind of material and destroy it. These include:
From this we can conclude, that can be washed in the dishwasher only those items that can withstand extreme temperatures, is resistant to moisture and strong household chemicals. Utensils used for dishwashers, a part of the allowed list:
- glass;
- ceramic;
- porcelain;
- heat-resistant plastic;
- stainless steel and nickel silver.
Dishes made from these materials can be washed in the dish machine is absolutely fearless. However, there are some nuances treatment of certain items. Glass and porcelain items must be placed in the basket so that they do not hurt each other in the process of washing.
Glasses and other fragile items are fixed with special holders. If you need to wash delicate glass table accessories, it is best to use a special cleaning program - delicate cycle. It can also be applied to products made of fine china.
If you have plastic plates or glasses, then this dish can be washed only in the case when it is heat-resistant. Usual thin plastic can melt. Plastic is disposed in the upper basket, with circles, to protect it from exposure to high temperatures.
That can not be washed
The list of what the dishes must not be washed in the dishwasher, you can start with items from simple materials, which are in almost every home. Among them are:
- aluminum cookware;
- wood;
- cast iron;
- crystal;
- copper.
Utensils made of aluminum is generally not recommended to use in food preparation, as it is recognized as harmful to the human body. If you have an old aluminum pan, fork and spoon, better replace them with more modern. In an extreme case, wash and clean them you must manually. Aluminum at high temperatures may darken and become covered with a touch that will leave marks on the hands.
Not to be washed and utensils made of wood. The tree has a structure that swells by prolonged contact with water. Once in the dishwashing machine a long washing and drying, it rassohnetsya and the product will be ruined. Therefore it is impossible to put in the dishwasher of wood objects, as well as having wooden elements (pens, inserts and so on. P.).
It is forbidden to be loaded into the device for washing dishes glued objects. They are pasted by water and hot air to the chamber inside the malodor remains.
Do not wash in dishwasher machines cast iron and copper. Articles made from cast iron have a protective coating which may be destroyed at high temperatures and corrosion starts. Copper is also not tolerate a long stay in the water and aggressive chemicals. It can darken or change color.
Crystal is best washed by hand, as the products made of it quite fragile. The temperature difference may cause cracks on its surface. The same applies to the very fine china with manually-applied pattern on its surface. These things need to carefully wash under the tap.
In addition, it is impossible to lay in the dishwasher flasks and similar articles. They can also be damaged during the cleaning process. This should be done only when the manufacturer gives permission for washing in the machine.
On the question of whether you can wash pans in the dishwasher, the answer is yes, if they are included in the list of permitted materials. Exceptions are pans with wooden handles.

In addition to the usual dishes from the above list can not be loaded into the dishwasher the following things:
- expensive collector's dishes;
- antiques;
- appliances, inlaid with jewels.
Such things should be carefully washed by hand, using a mild detergent. You also need to use the dishwasher machine for its intended purpose. It is forbidden to wash things in it, to lay the objects other than dishes, in order to clean them.
Not to accidentally spoil any cutlery, carefully read the list of allowed for the treatment of subjects in the dishwasher. When buying cookware from unusual materials, read the instructions. In it you will find instructions for these care items.