When selecting plants for the decoration of the site, many gardeners prefer solid green perennials. Perennials, deciduous decor will serve a certain period, after which will be inconspicuous. On the plot you can often find a beautiful boxwood. With a variety of grades undemanding shrub fits perfectly into any composition, successfully completes the most sophisticated designs.
- Boxwood - the description and characteristics of plants
The main species and varieties
- Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens)
- Buxus microphylla (Buxus microphylla)
- Boxwood Colchic or Caucasian (Buxus colchica)
- Balearic Boxwood (Buxus balearica)
Planting in open ground
- At what time of planting
- How to plant: site selection and soil preparation
Terms of care for plants in the open field
- Mowing boxwood - the formation of crown
- Watering and fertilizing
- Care autumn
- Preparing for winter
- Transfer
breeding Methods
- seeds
- cuttings
- by layering
- Diseases and Pests
- Particularly care for plants in pots
- Examples and methods for use in landscaping
- conclusion
Boxwood - the description and characteristics of plants
Evergreen boxwood is called buksus sempervirens. Shrub or small tree in favorable growing conditions can live up to 600 years. The plant is characterized by slow development, so often it is grown indoors in addition to a dirt street planting. From it turns out an excellent bonsai in a pot.
Boxwood greenery has a pleasant smell unusual. Leaves are medium-sized dense in elliptical form, are arranged oppositely. In most species, the green crown, but there are variegated plants. Begin to bloom in March, April. First, in the axils of leaves appear yellow-green inflorescences with unisexual flowers. They merge with the ball leaves boxwood and exude a terrific flavor.
In late summer blossoms replace trehgnezdyh fruit in the form of boxes. During maturation, they burst, scattering around the small black seeds. Boxwood - a honey plant, but its honey in food are not used. All parts of the plant are poisonous, so it is carefully placed on the site, especially if there is a apiary.
Superior quality boxwood, for which he was highly valued landscape designers - the ability to generate spectacular crown and create unimaginable composition. It can be ball-shaped green sculpture, hedge. Shiny green leaves do not fade with a deficit of sunshine, Pruning takes place easily and without consequence.

The main species and varieties
A favorite of gardeners has many varieties. Each variety is adapted to life in certain circumstances, it has its own characteristics. Plant species chosen for a specific purpose. To create a green figure, a miniature decor terraces suitable dwarf box-trees stunted. Large, vigorous varieties are used for natural landscapes, hedges, borders. All kinds of decorative combines ruggedness, green beauty, ease of formation of any crown.

Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens)
The most common variety for the garden, brought from the Caucasus. The plant is more akin to a branched tree with thick lush foliage than on the bush. Large dark green leaves strewn direct branch plants. Their lower side is usually painted in a lighter shade. They rush up, do not incline towards the ground. Leaf length - up to 3 cm. Simple evergreen boxwood tolerates slight frost, if kept under snow.
The root system of the plant rod profusely branching. The roots penetrate deeply into the soil and spread wide by a few meters. Pure form boxwood breeders have created many varieties represented compact bushes with very different shape and texture of the sheet.

Buxus microphylla (Buxus microphylla)
Very resistant grade buksusa capable hibernate at fairly low temperatures (down to - 30 ° C). Homeland compact bush - Japan, China. At the height of the dwarf plant reaches a maximum of 1.5 meters. Slow growth allows the formation of its crown any figure used in planting with perennials with similar characteristics and features. Annual growth volume - 5 cm.
Leaved boxwood grows accurately even without pruning. This quality is especially appreciated by landscape designers. The length of the small leaves of adult plants - 2 cm width - 1.5 cm. Ornamental plant feels good in the open field and in containers. Often Chinese varieties are used to delimit areas, spectacular design beds and flower beds.

Boxwood Colchic or Caucasian (Buxus colchica)
Due to the very slow renewal of the plant listed as endangered. Of great interest to it show because of the special structure of the timber. Colchis boxwood is found in nature in Georgia, Turkey, and Asia. Even decades after planting the leaves remain in the same form, do not lose decorative. Inflorescences appear along the entire length of the stem.
Pruning is carried out with extreme caution. Herbs growing very slowly. To build up a pair of centimeters green mass can take several years. Boxwood Caucasian neatly trimmed in the spring or summer, being careful not to strip the upper branches.
The first flowering of the Caucasus boxwood occurs not earlier than 20 years after planting in the ground.

Balearic Boxwood (Buxus balearica)
This variety differs large leaves. They can reach a length of 5 cm. Homeland bush - Spain, Balearic Islands. Naturally it grows in Portugal, Morocco, on the Crimean peninsula. Compared with other types of rapidly growing, but only in warm regions, where temperatures during the cold season does not fall below 18 ° C.
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Care of the Balearic variety is simple, as well as for all the boxwood. It is used to create high hedges and a miniature bonsai. At room conditions the bush more picky about soil and watering.

Planting in open ground
Boxwood is absolutely not picky about soil, tolerate shade and excellent summer heat. Behind him will be able to adequately take care of even novice gardeners. Plants freely transfer the impact of adverse factors of large cities (large gas pollution of air, smoke). Typically planting in the ground in the country is carried out in spring or autumn. Purchase the material should be well prepared. Ideal - transfer plants in root earth after humidification for 12 hours. If you bought a shrub in a container and is in the earth, before taking the soil must be well moisturize and leave for 24 hours. So it will minimize the likelihood of damage to the roots.

At what time of planting
Evergreen has a very early flowering. The first flowers begin to form as early as mid-March. To give the plant to grow strong, mostly practiced by the autumn planting of boxwood into the ground. Plant seedlings can be from September to the end of October. The main thing is to do it a month before the onset of frost. This time is enough for the full development of the root system in a new location. Thus the bush will become frost, peace will take the winter.
In areas with early cold snap produced a dirt landing boxwood spring. If planted in the ground in the fall, he just did not have time to take root and will perish. Possible summer landing, but under the condition of constant moisture and spraying, otherwise buksus suspend the already slow growth.

How to plant: site selection and soil preparation
Decorative boxwood and development are more dependent on the correct landing. Transferring the plant in the soil is necessary to consider the requirements for each type of soil, the options Neighborhood with other crops, the level of illumination. Shrub-survivor can grow without change for centuries, so it is very important to choose a permanent place, and the ground for him.
Thermophilic buksus not tolerate direct sunlight. Better to choose a site partially shaded, especially during the period when the sun is at its zenith. Bright light can injure the leaves, which have a negative impact on the ornamental shrubs.
Boxwood grows well in the shade of tall fences, walls of various buildings. The landing place must be chosen taking into account the need to maximize shade in winter. Bright sunlight at negative temperature poses a great danger to the health of the plant.
By soil bushy culture is not demanding. They suit the average saturation of nutrients. But in order to accelerate the development and growth of boxwood, some conditions still must be observed:
- Perennials not tolerate stagnant moisture, which is inevitable in heavy soils. This option should be excluded. It is necessary to give preference to loamy, loamy soil.
- The acidity should be weak or neutral. To minimize this figure, when the landing of the ground in each well was placed the mature compost, slaked lime.
- Young boxwood will be better and grow faster drained soil. Improve the performance of air permeability can be artificially by using perlite. Fine gravel, broken bricks.
- Land should not be too wet. It is necessary to rule out the possibility of landing on the property with the passage of the surface of groundwater.

Terms of care for plants in the open field
To obtain an excellent result in growing the boxwood on your site, you must comply with certain rules of care. None of the procedures will not cause problems gardener. In raising the plant needs only during the cold season - autumn and winter. Basic care involves standard manipulations that differ little from maintaining the growth of other perennials.

Mowing boxwood - the formation of crown
Pruned branches and leaves only in adult plants that have reached the age of two. This time is quite enough to scrub rooted and strengthened. Early pruning is allowed at the dwarf varieties. Border from a dwarf shrub can trim a couple of weeks after planting, but not more than 5 cm at a time.
The first trimming can begin with the onset of heat stability. It will be a fairly small correction of excessive growth, so that the plant does not lose its shape. Shapeless, badly neglected branches cut to the stiff base. A month later, the procedure was repeated.
Spring pruning is best done as early as possible before the beginning of active growth. Treatment is begun with the upper part of the boxwood gradually moving downward. Small twigs cut upland way, before the formation of large buds, so they were not able to grow into the bush shoots and spoil the look of the crown. For the formation of individual sections of the plant using different tools:
- Pruner. Used for thinning overgrown areas. The reference and working the blade bent arc. Special adaptation trimmed unnecessary twigs of hedges, borders.
- Cordless Shrub. Easy simple object used for linear cutting. Krone with its help you can give only a rectangle.
- Scissors for shoots. They removed soft, has not yet had time to stiffen branches. It is also used to trim contours figure.
- The battery unit for solid branches. The product consists of several pairs of shears, which drives the charge powerful battery.
- Bush saws on long handles. The elongated shape of the handles and short blades allow cutting inside the bush.
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Watering and fertilizing
Any grade boxwood loves water. Water the plants should be 1 time per week with occasional spraying green crown. Additional surface hydration is especially necessary for young bushes.
The first watering is carried out immediately after planting. The subsequent procedure was carried out after 7 days if during this time do not fall heavy precipitation in the form of rain. For seedling 1 meter would be sufficient 10 liters of water. So that the water does not spread, and fell exactly to the roots of the plant, its trunk shield ring earthen embankment.
In very dry conditions increase the volume of water, and do not increase the frequency approaches. Long boxwood roots can easily reach the lower layers of soil nutrients. Frequent watering will lead to soil diseases. Moisturize better figures from the bushes early in the morning or after sunset.
To ensure a healthy and rapid growth of the decorative buksusu, it is necessary to fertilize and feed. The first batch of nutrients put into the ground in a month after planting. Already well-rooted seedling will go to the growth and develop immunity to the disease. In the future, make fertilizer 2-3 times per season. To build up the green mass using nitrogen mixture before hibernation watered solution with the addition of phosphorus and potassium.
Hygrophilous boxwood does not suffer fluid retention. its water and spray is not necessary in the rainy weather. It will be enough natural moisture of the soil.

Care autumn
The main scope of work for a relatively undemanding shrub care falls on the autumn. From the quality of the measures will depend on the possibility to transfer the plant cold and quickly recover from hibernation.
Caring for spherical bushes need to wear protective clothing, avoiding the poisonous juice on your skin. The main autumn procedures to help calm winter buksusu:
- Watering. It is necessary to excessive moisture, which will nourish all the cells of the plants with moisture. Under unfavorable conditions (snow and the absence of strong winds), it will help the plant survive.
- Fertilizing. The final dressing occurs no later than mid-September. If you fertilize boxwood later, instead of immersing in a state of rest, he let the young shoots.
- Trimming. Autumn mowing stimulates the growth of young shoots in spring. Dry, damaged branches were removed completely, others do shorter than 2 cm.
- Mulching. It provides optimum heat transfer into the root system. Mulch will save bushes from freezing during the harsh winter and spring flooding.
- Protection against diseases, pests. Remove and burn infected branches and leaves. The trunk is tall buksusov bleach, insecticide-treated crown.

Preparing for winter
Boxwood easily tolerates slight frost, the temperature drop to - 10 ° C. Large amounts of snow will protect the root system from freezing. To prevent a sudden awakening of shoots, the plant carefully sheltering. For high bushes establish support and make the garter with a wire or rope. So long branches buksusa not broken off from the snow weight.
To covering material is not squeezed plant, make a special frame for it. Above the top of the bush is placed crosswise wire cover resulting material grate, fixed at the bottom by any load.
Matter winding boxwood is better to choose dark colors, because white light can pass. The fabric should be durable, but lightweight, so as not to put pressure on the plant. For shelter for the winter use the following options:
- Spruce branches. A few prickly branches connect around the plant in the form of a small house. Between the bushes and pine needles creates a layer of air, allowing to create the ideal conditions of wintering, keep the branches from sunburn.
- Sackcloth. Shrub wrapped loosely, leaving an air space. If you do not pay enough attention to the winding density, a crude basis quickly formed rot and mold.
- Agrovoloknom. The nonwoven fabric excellent air permeability. Suitable as a shelter for the mild winters. With the frost does not handle it, but good saves from the sun.

Almost all kinds of boxwood are transplanted in the fall, in addition to large-plants. For them, the best time of division - spring. Perennial tolerates transplant at any age. The bush dig around the outside edge of the compost, its associated upper portion and pulled out with minimal damage.
The first step is prepare well. Dug pit depth - 50cm, diameter - 40 cm. Fill them halfway with a mixture of fertile soil with the addition of phosphorus-potassium fertilizer, urea. Is left in this state for a few days.
The new well was a sapling surface. The root collar should rise above the ground at least 3 cm. The plant is covered with soil, tamped and watered abundantly. Boxwood to adapt quickly to the new location, conduct renewal pruning.

breeding Methods
Increase the number of shrubs in the area in several ways. Most use a vegetative procedure, but if desired, can grow seedlings from seed. Smooth hedges do hemming method branches to the ground. Each kind of reproduction has its own characteristics.
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Like all fine culture, buksus blossoms and bears fruit. Seeds ripen in boxes all summer, are suitable for planting in the autumn or early winter, when the air would be pretty cool.
In appearance, the seeds boxwood resemble apple seeds. The large size makes it easy to choose healthy specimens for breeding new plants. They have excellent germination. Even if you accidentally fall into the soil, they are easy to grow yourself. For seed breeding disadvantages include the long term development of the seedling. It will take at least 3 years for the full plant.

More successful method of propagation of boxwood. Guaranteed to all involved rooted cuttings are subject to certain rules. For reproduction use planting material harvested in summer, autumn, young or already stiff shoots. Annuals suitable, well-matured cuttings 10-15 cm.
To use the side grafting, apical shoots. Or pinch off portion is cut twigs, lower leaves are removed and transferred into the ground. This can be a special container or open ground. It is important that the place was darkened and windproof winds.
The selected plants are deepened into the ground at 3 cm, and abundantly watered. Water should be held in the soil in the process of considering the length of the roots formed. To move to a permanent place boxwood can be at least one year.

by layering
Breeding scheme layering has no differences from other crops. Long branch tips and added dropwise. They are then fertilized and watered abundantly. When they form new roots, it is possible to dig out and is deposited. Most often this method is used to create borders and green hedges.
If you put in a special trench young cuttings in the spring, in the fall, they will already have their own roots. To accelerate the process by using chemicals to stimulate growth and facilitation of rooting.

Diseases and Pests
Unpretentious boxwood often subjected to attacks of pests. Despite the poison content in its trunk and leaves, many insects do not mind to regale his juice, leading to disease and death of the bushes. Any change in the appearance of the shrub should be concerned site owners. Most of the time noticed lesions can be easily remedied. Buksus may suffer from the following diseases and pests:
- Boxwood midge. The main feature of the appearance of such insect - bulging yellow stains on the sheets. Small larvae spread quickly throughout the crown. Stop the proliferation of pests can be treated plants with special preparations. For the prevention of shrub should be cut more frequently.
- Boxwood flea. Insects lay their larvae on the leaves and are covered with their sticky secretions. Startled green arches and dim. Methods of struggle - the removal of the diseased crown, processing mineral oils.
- Spider mite. Envelops the kidney pubescent oblong formations, especially in dry weather. Damaged parts are cut, the whole crown is sprayed with a special tool.
- Boxwood moth. Small butterfly Similar to moles, often lay larvae on boxwood. Their caterpillars cover the entire leaf, which leads to a rapid drying of the bushes. The process of withering plants accompanied by a characteristic odor. To combat the threat of biological insecticide treated trunk, crown and the ground around the bush.
- Fungal diseases. The appearance of the disease shows rust, sporangia on the leaves. The only way to deal with spots - complete removal of the diseased shoots.

Particularly care for plants in pots
In the summer the plants in pots require daily watering, as the land dries up very quickly. Since the middle of the spring is necessary to organize regular feeding liquid formulations, combined with moist soil. If the leaves are beginning to blush, it is necessary to add a nitrogen-containing fertilizer in the tub.
With the onset of cold storage capacity with boxwood can be recorded in a cool room or leave as much natural environment. If the bush will spend the winter on the street, it should be placed in larger containers, the empty space is filled with shredded bark. This will help insulate the roots retain moisture.

Examples and methods for use in landscaping
Boxwood comprises more than 100 species. Each variety has its decorative features and various characteristics. Plants require certain growing conditions, can be used to create various elements of landscape design.
The life expectancy of the bush - 500 years, the annual growth of the crown - 15 cm. This allows branches and leaves for a long time to keep the desired shape without breaking the edge pieces. Large crown density allows to obtain perfectly smooth edges after mowing. Use plants to decorate the area in several ways:
- Hedge. Form a simple decor elements by linear landing and simultaneous trimming of the bushes with the same brush.
- Geometric figures. Clippers apply special frames. With iron grid formed green sphere, cube, trapezoid, ellipse.
- Complex shapes. Required shape boxwood or group of plants attached by metal rods. In this way, create amazing human figures, animals, and various objects.

Evergreen shrub to grow on your site the power of even a novice gardener. The corresponding home mowing the foliage will help to give it the desired shape, which will be stored for a long time. To boxwood bushes steel decoration area, you must make very little effort.