The history of friendly relations of man with a dog more than one millennium. This is proved by the findings of archeologists who conduct excavations sites of primitive people. Four-legged friend and to faithfully serve his master. Owner reciprocate it, he takes care of your pet, gives him a decent life. Some keep the wards in the house, others are building an enclosure for dogs, providing them with comfortable living conditions.
There are a lot of rocks, which is necessary for normal development of life on the street, they do not tolerate domestic content. These include Akita, Alaskan Malamute, Samoyed husky, collie, husky, Great Dane and others. For their street living is better to use a special fenced area fitted on a country or adjoining the site.
- General Requirements: what should be the Aviary
- Requirements for materials for building
- Classification by type of building enclosures
- Choosing the optimal location for the construction of
Dimensioning and design features
- For small breeds
- Adult Medium Breed
- For large breed dogs
- Especially for puppies
Building a cage with his hands
- Mistakes to Avoid
- Materials and tools
- project drawings with zoning
- Selection of base or foundation
- floorboarding
- installation of walls
- roof construction technology
- Booth and place the dog feeding
- About enclosures from the shop: advantages and disadvantages
- conclusion
General Requirements: what should be the Aviary
Having made the decision to purchase or build your own aviary, consider certain requirements for this type of facility. They determine the comfort and safety of your pet. Consider the general rules:
- Playground for permanent keeping dogs must consist of three main parts: booths, storage space, areas for eating.
- Positioning the enclosure preferably on dry, flat elevations, given the presence of shadows.
- On the north side of the object necessarily the boundary wall.
- built dimensions are selected in accordance with the size of the dog.
- The floor covering must not contain defects, cracks, gaps, which can cause for the emergence of injuries.
- To simplify cleaning the floor equipped with a slight bias towards the front wall.
- When choosing the number of open surfaces, from one to three, the preference is to give such option, which will allow the dog to survey the whole area, then he will not feel slighted locked.

In the manufacture of the walls is not necessary to use a chain-link fencing, which quickly expands and breaks, as well as powder, galvanized pipes. Metal, other possible models should not be placed in a horizontal position.
Requirements for materials for building
Equip the enclosure should be of proven materials. For this purpose, suitable wood and metal. On the grid is not necessary to place additional ornaments, on which the pet can hurt paw. Fasteners should be kept to a minimum. In the first place it is recommended to take care of the ground. It is selected depending on the age of the building. For seasonal buildings in the country is enough to fill a pillow of expanded clay or sand. For a stationary object, intended for use within a few years, will approach the tape or pier foundation.
The floor inside the enclosure can be sandy, earthy, no different from the surrounding soil. Open ground more suitable for dogs in terms spravleniya natural needs. Also wood coating applied. If a board put a heater, the design can be used in winter. When planning structure for the permanent residence of the animal can be combined open area with wooden flooring.

In the presence of the concrete base, the walls can be built of brick, cellular concrete, to use a metal frame, steering timber, usually conifers. The cage should be at least one open side enclosed by a welded, wrought-iron grille. The gate is made of a metal frame and iron rods.
For the construction of the roof is better to use a slate and metal roofing, they retain heat well. Some use corrugated board, but for roof equipment is not suitable, in the hot season it is too hot, the winter cold comes from him. If you choose any of the material should provide the presence of the visor.
Booth built in two ways: as a detached object as a shared object compartment enclosure from casual baffle zone. Optimal building material for the construction of the box will be the natural wood. It is used for a carcass rail, and the walls and roof can be made of various wood boards.

Classification by type of building enclosures
To determine the order, how to establish a platform for a pet in the country or on its own houses adjoining the site, should consider the possible design options. Their size depends on the dog's performance, appearance on the purpose, the personal preferences of the owner. According to the type of building all the buildings can be divided into three main groups:
- Temporary. Structures are characterized by the presence of four open walls. Represent the area, fenced on all sides with metal bars. For the convenience of the dog inside the booth is installed or equipped with flooring. Models are often not covered by roofing material.
- Closed. It is a full enclosure, designed for permanent residence four-legged friend. Inside the box is installed, insulation is provided. The design has two or three continuous walls, and a surface fenced metal lattice.
- Capital. The construction is divided into several zones. It has a separate room with the four sides of a walled, which is shed, a special area for walking and feeding, surrounded by bars. In cold weather, a place for feeding is transferred to a secure part.
See also:Registration of land in kindergarten with their own hands

Choosing the optimal location for the construction of
An important issue when planning the construction is to choose a suitable place for him. Depends on this mental state pet's behavior, a comfortable overview of what is happening, the owner of the rest, the occurrence of conflicts with its neighbors. When placing the design should consider the following in the area:
- The dog should fully view yard, including the entrance.
- You can not build a garage near the playground, latrines, compost pits, sewers, and other objects with unpleasant and pungent smell, which can lead to the loss of a pet smell.
- The structure is recommended not to set right next to the house, but also to remove it for a long distance is not worth it, otherwise the dog will feel abandoned.
- By design should provide a free passage.
- The optimal location for the enclosure will hill, located in the front part of the yard. In low-lying building will be permanently waterlogged after rain.
- It is desirable that the object near the tree grew, but not giving large fruit, it will protect the pet from the sun.
- The proximity to the fence near the street, roadway, lead to irritation four-legged companion, unwarranted barking.

Dimensioning and design features
The size of the construction is determined depending on the number of resident pupils, their withers height, sex. For the content of the two dogs or bitches with puppies enclosure will have to increase by 1.5 times. design width should be larger than a half times the length of the dog, but not less than 150 cm. The height can also be determined empirically. For this purpose it is necessary to raise a dog on his hind legs, measure the distance from the floor to the end of the elongated forelegs, add to the resulting dimensions of 20-50 cm. The length is determined depending on the size and construction of width.
The low ceiling will put pressure on the animal psyche, causing the dog to become more aggressive and will try to leave your home.
The following table shows the different standards space in magnitude pets.
type dogs | Height withers cm | Optimum cage area, m2 | The dimensions of the booth, see | The dimensions of the manhole, see | |||
width | depth | height | width | height | |||
small | < 50 | < 6 | 70 | 55 | 60 | 30 | 40 |
average | 50 – 60 | 6-10 | 115 | 75 | 80 | 35 | 50 |
big | > 60 | >10 | 135 | 100 | 95 | 40 | 60 |
For small breeds
Dogs of small breeds such as the pug, dachshund, dogs, cus-kai, others belong to the category of pets that live in the house. When long-term presence on the street, they can get sick, and even worse to die. Aviary for these pets exclusively used for preventive purposes, entertainment four-legged companion. Booth in the construction of the deck can be replaced, where dog would be able to relax. The regeneration of the site take into account the following points:
- Building area not exceeding 6 m2. If it is more, then the animal begins to feel discomfort and fear.
- Wall height is set empirically, but in most cases enough of 1.5 m.
- Optimal design size determined by professional cynologists is 2x3 m.
- Can be dispensed without a roof, to provide partial coverage. Small dogs can not be in the rain and bright sunshine.
- As the couches for a small mattress.
- The enclosure is made of wood and metal, has 2, 3 closed wall.
- Only wooden floor.

Adult Medium Breed
For medium breed are white Swiss Shepherd Dog, Bull Terrier, English Bulldog, Other. They are free to live outside. For their comfortable stay enough to equip the capital area. It should necessarily be shed, for ingestion zone, the useful space. Aviary is obliged to meet certain requirements:
- The total area is 6 to 10 m2. At lower rates the dog will be closely.
- The height of the baffles is in the range of 2-2.5 m.
- The optimum size of 3x3 m is the pen, other patterns, depending on the length of the dog.
- If the building is planned to be used all year round, the floor made of wood, provide an additional layer of insulation.
- The material used as a roofing slate.
- For walls use the brickwork, natural wood, one of them is left open.

For large breed dogs
For major concern Dog, Caucasian Shepherd, English Mastiff, Bully Kutta, other breeds. Large dogs simply can not live at home, they do not like confined space, they need freedom. In the cramped room at the pet develops anger and aggression, which can lead to tragic consequences for both the host and guest or family. Equipping an aviary, it is worth remembering:
- Paddock area should exceed 10 m2. Large dogs like to play.
- Wall height ranges from 2.5 to 3.5 meters.
- The size is calculated individually, can be 3x4 m, 4x4 m, and more. For stays 2 individuals area is increased 1.5 times.
- The other parameters are similar to those described above. Enclosure must have a large booth warm, insulated wooden floor, laid on the concrete base.
- Iron bars should be strengthened to a large pet could not damage them.
- At least one north side shall be closed.
See also:Landscape Design section on the side of 50 photos

Especially for puppies
Usually puppies brings bitch. For these purposes, provide for an increase in capital aviary divided into several functional areas. It equipped with a separate room, fenced from all sides. In fact, using a simple pen made of standard materials. It kids adapt to future life.
For small breeds of dogs specially acquired, made with his own hands a small temporary structures that allow the curious to protect pets from moving around the apartment or house. They are needed for the initial education of dogs. For a comfortable accommodation of their puppy tools:
- a place to sleep;
- area for meals;
- Tray spravleniya natural needs;
- different toys that contribute to the development of the baby.

Building a cage with his hands
To build a quality and comfortable facility for your pet, you need to choose the right place to make a pet's measurements to determine the optimum size of the pen for him. Then the project is compiled, indicating the functional areas. After moving to the preparation of tools, purchase of the missing material.
After completing these steps, proceed to the construction of buildings on its own plot. The construction is simple enough does not stand out complex design. Its the power of any person to erect their own hands, even to those who do not have construction skills. The process takes place in several stages:
- Preparation of the base.
- Pouring the foundation.
- metal frame equipment.
- Laying of floor covering.
- Walling.
- Installing the roof.

Mistakes to Avoid
With self-construction of the aviary often make mistakes that affect on the pet. To pre-empt them, consider the common errors and deficiencies:
- Incorrectly defined the place for the construction. On the open unprotected foliage construction area will be blown, it is under direct sunlight. The deepening will accumulate water.
- The structure is fenced on all sides by other functional buildings, closing review. The dog likes to observe everything and be visible.
- Low ceiling. The dog will become aggressive, can not get used to such housing.
- Small or too large, the wrong aspect ratio.
- The use of composite materials in the construction of walls, such as metal, plastic, wood.
- Fastening of wooden elements nails frame.
- Using mesh netting, which can damage the dog, and maimed himself on the sharp wire.

Materials and tools
Before the construction should be prepared for the required tools, such as:
- spades, shovels, buckets;
- cement mixers, an old cast iron tub for mixing the solution;
- hammer, screwdriver, saw, jigsaw;
- welding machine;
- measuring instruments, string level.
From the materials you will need:
- cement, gravel, sand, water;
- metal angle, profile, pipe;
- wooden board, board;
- slate or tile;
- insulation (polystyrene, mineral wool);
- paint, varnish, antiseptics for the treatment of wood;
- bolts, screws, nails.

project drawings with zoning
Be the construction plan can be their own hands, use the ready drawings found in the literature, to download from the network. With self-planning scheme to be displayed in the following points:
- Winter road, if applicable. Is a room, fenced on all sides by solid walls.
- A place to sleep. The area in which is located booth.
- Walkup. Planning permission for permanent pet.
- Place for a meal.
- the opening area of the front door.

Basic dimensions:
- the total area of the building;
- height partitions;
- length and width of the structure.
- type foundation (belt columnar);
- type roof (pent, gable);
- frame structure;
- construction of walls, floor batten device canopy.
Selection of base or foundation
For temporary, seasonal construction sufficient to prepare the site and fill it with gravel or sand. In the construction of a massive, long-lasting pen need a good base. The design is not characterized by a large weight, so its erection sufficient columnar or strip foundation, concrete screed, made at a slight slant. Consider a phased process of filling the most common base in the form of a tape:
- The selected site is cleaned of debris and dirt.
- Digs a trench depth of 45 -50 cm width - 30 - 40 cm.
- Compacted soil, at the bottom is filled cushion (15 cm layer of sand) and also compacted.
- Fits shuttering, this may be any available material, put together from its planks, wooden sheets, trays.
- Inside the casing fit metal frame.
- Solution is mixed in a concrete mixer or the old tub.
- Poured the foundation, top polyethylene hiding for a few days.
See also:Landscape Design Project site: drafting stages, rules and regulations

The wooden floor is laid on the joists. To use the design throughout the year, there should be a layer of insulation. Wood treated with special water-repellent composition, and antiseptics. Step by step installation is as follows:
- It is determined by the height of the floor covering.
- Along the perimeter of the future construction is stretched string, which serves as a beacon.
- Of timber and planks mounted wooden crate, fixed to the ground.
- The voids between logs stacked layer of insulation from expanded polystyrene or mineral wool.
- With the help of self-tapping screws to fasten lath boards.
- At the final stage floor is painted, lacquered.

installation of walls
To protect the dog from blowing structure equipped with three continuous walls, and one made of metal lattice bars which are arranged exclusively vertically. Some owners make only two closed walls to increase the light, the review for a pet, so they do not feel constrained.
On strip foundations can build brick walls. It's good stuff, it keeps in the cold season warm. To do this, lay out on the basis of the first set of three blank walls. Enough thickness in a half-brick, for large dogs can be done in one. The second and subsequent layers are placed in a checkerboard pattern. At the site of the open wall mounted metal partition with a door.
If the base material is selected tree built for the beginning frame of metal or wood. Then it becomes a slot drilled bolt holes. It is better to do without the nails that pet may vomit, loosening nailed board. After the erection of the wall wood varnished, special structures.

roof construction technology
For enclosure equipped with uni-directional or gable roof. In the first embodiment, one of the walls do little above the other to meet the required bias. The process of installing the canopy on the one inclined plane is as follows:
- With two parallel sides, where there will be the inclination angle is set mauerlat or wooden tubing.
- On top of them throughout the length of the rafters stacked with cut-mauerlat, are fixed to the beam by means of metal parts. Side can be strengthened tightening bar. The distance between the rafters must be 0.7-1 m with tiles, slate -for 1.5-3 m.
- On top of roof system installed crate.
- At the final stage of the roofing material is attached.

Booth and place the dog feeding
For the construction of the booth should be approached with great responsibility. It is a small house for a pet, in which it is resting, hiding. With self-construction in the first place should pay attention to the following points:
- size of the object is required to conform to the parameters of the dog, the interior space should be enough for a comfortable dog's location, but too much of the booth will be cold.
- During the construction of using pine wood.
- For cold winters should provide winterized design.
- The roof should be made flat, as it is a kind of pedestal for a pet, with whom he is watching what is happening. It is recommended to make it removable in the event of an animal disease, it can be easy to examine, if necessary, to get.
In the construction of the feeder, it is preferable to place near the front door, providing a special window for her. This option is good that sometimes you have to leave your home and to entrust care of animal friends. In this case, an outsider will not put yourself in danger by trying to feed someone else's dog.

About enclosures from the shop: advantages and disadvantages
Looking in the ad network, go shopping, you can find a lot of offers from different firms and companies for the sale of ready-made designs. It is also proposed to make any structure on the order of the drawings provided, the required specification, of any material. The advantages of such objects include:
- Manufacturing facilities made by experts, which avoids many of the mistakes made in self-fulfillment.
- The manufacturer gives a lifetime warranty on their product.
- A wide range of. You can choose a nice product for every taste.
- Mobility. Prefabricated structures can be easily assembled and disassembled, storing it in a storage room.
The disadvantage is identified:
- The high cost. The construction, built with his own hands, will be much cheaper.
- Uniqueness. Products are made in large quantities.
- The quality of materials. At work, the owner chooses building materials.

Aviary is necessary for the content of street dogs, for the education of young puppies, accustom them to the toilet. It helps to keep the property, to fend a disobedient dog. There are many types of structures that perform different functions. After reading the highlights, you can build your own object, knowing all the details, to choose the finished product.