Dimensions of individual dwellings, whether it be an apartment or house, tied to the purpose of the room and focused on comfort, ensuring rational. Therefore, in apartments rarely see more than 30 premises and private homes - more than 50 m square, efficient heating which is difficult to provide household heaters -. appliances Limited power.
Dimensions of the premises of industrial buildings due process, are ten times greater than the size of the housing, and providing them the necessary temperature often mode heaters domestic purposes impossible - for these purposes are available, industrial heaters, ie industrial heating equipment destination.
Appointment of industrial heaters, and requirements to them
Heating equipment for industrial use is used to maintain production and production and household premises desired temperature.
By the degree of mobility of heating equipment can be divided into placing a stationary units and portable (mobile) heating device.

stationary heaters industrial use are arranged in the project areas, taking into account the maximum efficiency of use, and their location, by definition, always located. Depending on the task, stationary heating units make it possible to carry out its employees duties in the workplace and / or a certain temperature regime in the workshop, which is necessary for a particular process process.
Portable, industrial heating device are used for the same purpose, but, in particular, in areas where the need of maintaining the certain temperature - the time factor, such as the implementation of internal construction, installation and finishing works in the winter, or heating. Mobility of such equipment is an indisputable advantage of allowing use of heating units at different sites as needed.
Based on the operating conditions, heaters for industrial buildings must meet the following requirements:
- Efficiency - sufficient power to rapidly reach result and minimizing the loss of working time;
- efficiency - the acceptability of the costs for heating large areas;
- environmental and safety - no harmful to human factors, and compliance with safety requirements in specific operating conditions.
Aesthetic performance industrial heaters recedes into the background, but in a competitive environment design solutions of modern heating equipment for the production, as a rule, are on a high level.

Important! Analysis of the effectiveness of different methods of heating the production premises and cost calculations have shown that the use of infrared aggregates compared with the central system, air or convection heating has some indisputable advantages, which makes the IR-heaters most rational devices for temperature control in industrial buildings.
Types of infrared heaters for industrial use
Thus, the most effective and appropriate manufacturing conditions recognized IR heaters, since they do not use air as a transit medium (distributed in shops drafts) and therefore suitable for use in open areas have a high rate of heat transfer and effective for heating moving objects (conveyors, dryers, ovens firing).
But infrared light can get through the use of different energy, causing construction heaters. Consider the most common Types of infrared heatersManufactured for industrial purposes.
Electric IR heaters for industry
Installing these units is made on the ceiling or wall, is controlled mainly with the wired devices wall mounting, but for ease of use in some models provided wireless remote control and, in addition, can be connected to the thermostat.
Electrical power units is in the range 2-7.5 kW, which causes the input voltage - 220 V or 380 V.

Structurally infrared heaters industrial action consists of a metal housing, reflector, reflector and emitter of infrared waves.
The housing is covered with a heat-resistant protective coating composition formed usually by a sputtering method. Reflector in order to increase the reflecting area is made corrugated.
The quartz or halogen lamps are used as an emitter in industrial electric infrared heaters with Special deposition on the bulb (carboxylic due to low power are not used) or the heating elements (tubular electric heaters).

TANS, in turn, can be open or closed position.
When an open arrangement, the heater in the housing and visible, though the unit and is equipped with a protection grille, the heater is less secure because it after the heating temperature reaches 800 degrees. Heaters with open Taine arrangement mounted in inaccessible places for staff and used in the production facilities of large ceiling heights (10 m or more), in the absence of exterior insulation, the presence or need of regular drafts airing.

In the closed arrangement of heater located behind the corrugated metal plate is not in contact with it directly, and because only heated up to 200 degrees, which increases the safety of the electric heater, but reduces efficiency heating. Units with Taine private placement are used in non-blown areas with external wall insulation.
To calculate the efficiency of the heater in particular industrial use indoor quantity called the power density and measured in watts per square meter (W / m.) - the amount of power to provide the necessary temperature conditions in an area of 1 m. The calculated values are summarized in the table in view of the region, the extent of thermal protection walling and recommended temperature threshold for a given production. For example, to maintain room temperature at 19 degrees must be expended to 100 W per 1 sq. meter spare.
Installation wall and ceiling infrared heaters for industrial use is performed in accordance GOST standards and the manufacturer's recommendations, including the location, orientation and height installation.
Industrial gas infrared heaters
High power heaters industrial use causes an increased consumption of the energy carrier, therefore, gas heaters are mainly designed for the trunk, natural gas, but there are models that consume propane (butane).

Industrial gas infrared radiators are classified temperature heat transfer plane - for "light" device (800-1000 ° C) and "dark» (300-600 ° C) types.
Gas infrared heaters light type designed for space heating a large area with high ceilings - production halls, warehouses, premises of agricultural and zootechnical purposes, equipped with canopies and outdoor areas etc.
Important! IR heaters "light" refer to the type of gas equipment group A1 - combustion products are discharged and nowhere remain in the heated room, which must be equipped with a forced exhaust system ventilation.

Gas heaters IR "dark" type are structurally tube diameter of 75 to 120 mm, one end of which is mounted burner, and in the other - the fan.

The tube is made of special alloy or coated with the heat radiating heat-resistant coating with identical properties and placed on a steel sheet with a mirror surface.
Is supplied to the burner gas (natural gas or liquefied) which, burning, it heats the tube from the inside and it initiates the infrared radiation.
Most - 50-75% of the heat transferred surface of the pipe in the form of infrared radiation is directed downward - in the direction floor, middle and lower zones of the walls premises and equipment, which contributes to a mirror placed behind the tube reflector.
25-40% of the thermal energy of the combustion gas leaves room for compensation of heat losses through the roof, an upper zone of the walls, and only 5-10% of the heat goes into the atmosphere together with the products of combustion of gas withdrawn out.

Industrial gas heaters "dark" type are divided into the following types:
- Modular - for local heating of limited areas or workplaces;
- band (block) - used for assembly of heating systems of complex configuration, repeating the geometry of the room.

Gas infrared heaters attract cheap energy source used, but it should be remembered that the fuel gas is high-risk use, and maintenance of such equipment requires more attention than the use of heaters on electricity.
Fuel oil industrial infrared heaters
Source of energy consumed by these units, is diesel fuel or jet fuel.
The operating principle of the device is based on the heating radiator burning fuel in the nozzle with subsequent emission them infrared waves. Therefore, unlike the liquid-fuel heat gun, these units do not generate the air flow direction, raising dust.
Oil fired infrared heaters are made stationary (modular) and portable use. Apparatus stationary diesel IR heaters industrial applications resembles infrared gas units, but only at first sight - for energy difference causes a different design components.
The similarity system can consider the example of the well-proven on the heater INFRA Russian market.

Modular diesel infrared radiators are used to heat the medium and large production area, Closed objects of agricultural purpose (poultry farms, farms, greenhouses), warehouse space and sports structures. When selecting a heater necessary power is convenient to use the following table model range of these units:
portable diesel-powered infrared heatersIs not characterized by its compact, not less effective than modular. Their design, thanks to the gun carriage with wheels, with the size of the unit more than one meter in length, allows forces an employee to move the equipment to the right place. The heat transfer capacity of such devices may be up to 40 kW and more fuel at a flow rate of 2-3 kg / h, allowing to warm to room 300-400 sq m. But the effectiveness determines the price - the cost of high-end models can exceed a hundred thousand rubles.
Important! The use of liquid-fueled infrared heaters energy, not mentioned in the manual, is prohibited.
Water thermopanel
This infrared emitting device for industrial applications is a system assembled from individual sections, representing a profiled steel sheet or an aluminum reflector, wherein the tube is mounted for movement coolant system - hot water. Compound sections made via fittings.

Such devices with simple construction differ reliability, durability, high efficiency and application efficiency. Equally important is the absence of the factor in the system energy source of fuel, making the device completely harmless and highly safe.
Infrared heaters with water heated units are mounted on the ceiling or walls and are ideal for both industrial and agricultural, warehouse and other premises. The base scheduled for the placement of the heating system, previously equipped with thermal insulation - in order to reduce heat loss through the supporting structure. Low weight sections in most cases does not impose additional requirements on the load-bearing characteristics base, and compliance with the installation rules, recommended by the manufacturer, provides a reliable installation device.
Model number of each type of radiant heaters for industrial applications are constantly expanding and improving existing models, which leads to lower prices for a long time known products. Therefore, there are all conditions, only need to take into account all the nuances of a rational choice of infrared industrial radiator conditions of use and correctly evaluate an indicator unit as matching the price of its equipment efficiency.
The main essence of the article
- Costs for heating industrial premises, given the significance of their size, have never been lower, so one of the main criteria when choosing a heating method is economical.
- The use of most heating systems used for home heating in the production is not effective or too expensive. Only infrared heaters possess all the necessary characteristics to provide in large areas required temperature.
- Impact on the premises of industrial infrared heaters identical, but they consume at the same time different energy, which leads to varying degrees of appropriateness of a particular type IR equipment. Therefore it is necessary to know the existing types of industrial IR heaters to objectively evaluate their ability to provide the energy source (fuel).
- The range offered by manufacturers of heating equipment for industrial needs today is wide enough to satisfy any production line. We just need to have a clear idea of the conditions and the basic characteristics of the products offered.