In cold weather, one of the most effective for space heating devices is a gas gun. It is able to quickly warm up any room in the apartment, private house or cottage, office, etc. Gas gun with his hands is made simple enough. It is distinguished by high efficiency, solid power and low power consumption. In addition, the cost of its manufacture and its subsequent maintenance costs will be quite small.
How to make your own
Gas guns were actively used relatively recently in our country. As already mentioned, this device is perfect for the heating of various premises. Especially popular for heating buildings are not able gas. For example, country houses, country houses, garages, etc.

Gas gun has the following advantages:
- mobility;
- safety in use;
- small size;
- great efficiency;
- ease of assembly and disassembly;
- good power;
- possibility to regulate the temperature.
A significant impact on the popularity of gas gun and its objective, and reasonable cost. The more that make it their own, will be much cheaper than buying ready-made factory product.
The principle of operation and scope
Attention: Gas heat gun is versatile enough heating device.
After all, if it is connected to district heating, it is possible to achieve high-quality heating in all private homes. That is, it is effectively able to replace the heating system. Heating the building at the same time, it will be no worse.
The fuel gas gun often is butane or propane. Incidentally, virtually absent of any odor during the combustion process. This is another advantage of this heating device.
Thanks to this device tiered defense system can provide protection against gas leakage. gun housing is usually made of durable metal species that are resistant to a variety of mechanical damage.

Heat gun made with your own hands can be used not only for heating, but also to dry any surface. For example, it can be applied to the plaster wall, newly poured concrete, etc.
Due to the fact that its capacity is large enough it can be used effectively to heat the room is large. In particular, the shed or warehouse. She is able to be used in crowded places.
Since this device is equipped with a thermostat, which is responsible for control of the temperature in the room, and and for turning on and off, then human interference with the heat gun is practically not required. It almost does not emit carbon monoxide during operation. Its amount is not more than when using a conventional oven.
The composition gas gun includes the following elements:
- automatic device controller;
- a heat exchanger;
- fan.
The use of this device for heating allows good save. After all, the cost of electricity for its operation are insignificant. It is only required for the fan.
The principle of operation of the heat gun is as follows: when combustion gas heat exchanger is heated. Air that travels through the fan passes through the heat exchanger becomes warm and heats the room by extending it.
Types of gas guns
Attention: Gas guns are divided into two types: direct or direct heating.
In the first case, their design is fairly simple, and they often made their own. Although many prefer to buy factory products. After all, the cost is quite accessible.
Gas guns with direct-fired burner characterized by having open, which does not insulated. Because of this, when heating the room falls into it not only hot air but also the gas combustion products.
Gas gun with the direct heating is compact and high efficiency. But since when operating this device stand out the products of combustion, it is necessary to take care in advance of the availability of high-quality and sustainable ventilation for heating residential premises.

The second kind of gas gun works on the principle of indirect heating. The main difference from the type considered above, in the presence of insulated combustion chamber. With specific pipes connected to a common flue, the combustion products are displayed. This type of gas guns ideal for residential or public places.
Besides gas guns with direct or indirect heating, air conditioning equipment on the market you can find mobile and portable cannon for requiring gas cylinders. These kinds of heat guns are equipped with special handles and wheels. They allow you to make them more user-friendly operation and transportation. But when using portable or mobile gas guns should be exactly adhere to all safety regulations.
The duration of such heating devices, depends on the volume of the gas cylinder. Fuel consumption is on average from 0.6 to 7 liters per hour. In order to achieve longer battery life, these kinds of heat guns are equipped with special adapters. They make it possible to connect the heating unit to several cylinders.
Some models have a thermostat heat gun. Its presence allows to turn off when the desired temperature in the room. As practice shows, thanks to the use of certain types of gas guns, it is possible to achieve significant savings.
Tools and materials needed
In deciding to make a gas gun with his hands, should advance to prepare the necessary materials and tools. So, you will need:
- steel sheet;
- Steel pipe for supplying a fuel;
- Bulgarian;
- drill with a set of drill bits for metal;
- a fan, for example, a capacity of at least 12 volts;
- metallic strip thickness of at least 2 millimeters;
- fittings for the manufacture of supports for the gun;
- a metal pipe, necessary for manufacturing the heat exchanger a thickness of about 8 millimeters.
manufacturing phase
Despite the fact that the market of heating devices there are many models of gas guns, a lot of people prefer to make their own. After all, it can help to qualitatively warm your garage or home. Its manufacture involves several steps:
First, using grinders cut tube through which a gas system is fed. This is required so that when necessary, it was possible to make it longer, welded to a similar tube of the same diameter.

Then do the previously drilled hole in the tube of larger diameter. It should be about 5 millimeters. With their help, the fuel will be supplied. Jet should be made longer by 2 millimeters.
Further, to improve heat transfer to do more body length. This requires a metal disk, which must be secured on an extension. Then make holes 8 with a diameter of 10 millimeters each.
This done, we go to the manufacture of the clamp. It will be attached heat exchanger. To achieve a better heat exchange, it is necessary to weld two steel plates in the form of a cross.
Now we produce the heat exchanger. This will require a metal tube with not too thick walls. Welded to the end wall in which a hole is made. It is required to pass the torch extension cord. After that fasten the clamp with screws.
Attention: Thereafter, using a grinder do exchanger housing opening, to which is attached a pipe segment length 8 centimeters. It is required to exit the premises from the gas hot air gun.
The next phase - installation of this fan. In most cases, a conventional fan motor, whose power should be at least 12 watts. It must be mounted at the end of the heat exchanger housing. Due to fan the heat will be quite fast in the premises.
At the end you need to be using a drill to make holes for easy ignition of the gas. It should also be defined in advance with the construction, which will be gas gun. Usually it is made of rebar.
Housing and testing work
Quality heat gun with their hands must be reliable and robust housing. It is best to use its manufacturing pipe, which makes its own. This requires the steel plate of the desired size and thickness collapse the tube. For fixing, you can use the connection locks or conventional screws.

After the heat gun is ready, it is necessary to check its performance. Doing it this way:
- Trays lit match to the hole for the firing.
- Open the valve to the gas inlet.
- We light the gas.
- Turn on the fan.
When gas gun works, congratulations, you did everything right. But remember, at the time of its operation, should follow safety rules.
Having made gas gun with your hands, you can not only save a good idea, but also to effectively heat a room of any size in a relatively short period of time. Make this device is not difficult. This requires only the necessary materials, tools, and compliance with all the recommendations.