The name of this type of heater is derived from the similarity of its place of installation with the location of a plinth - finishing element space, mounted on the floor perimeter of the joint with the walls. Baseboard heaters - device, patented in the early twentieth century, but the improvement of the structure of according to the modern requirements of the recently started, which led to an increase in the popularity of warm skirting caused many advantages.

That in selecting the method of home heating to better navigate the existing types of heaters, look at this device in detail.
Operating principle
Baseboard heating device - a system for heating the housing is mounted above the junction with the floor at a low height walls. In addition to the method location of the heater in the room, it can be also a resemblance to a conventional skirting as an external fulfillment of baseboard heaters different.

But even if the artistic decision on registration of the device far from what looks like a true plinth, cover the floor with the help of interface defects with stenami- quite appropriate decision.

Baseboard heater is a heater lengthy small cross section - infrared heat radiator, placed in a protective casing decorative performance. The system is attached to the wall brackets and located on the floor level, or slightly above, as a primary or additional housing heating means - depending on the height of the room unit length and power.
Baseboard heater heats the room due to two factors - the infrared radiation and heat exchanger heated air convection movement device creates a screen between the screen and the walls of the main space premises. This warm screen, as opposed to the heat convector radiators, heat the walls around the perimeter of the room, and they also begin to radiate heat towards the center of the room.

Varieties baseboard heaters
Baseboard heaters are classified by the method of heating and are divided into the following types:
- water;
- electric.
The water units of the heating system, transferring heat to the surrounding air, circulates coolant - hot water, pure or with additives against freezing (with periodic on accommodation tenants).

In electrical devices teplobmennika heating is heating elements (thermal electric heaters) converting electrical current to thermal energy as it traverses the spiral of a material with a high specific resistance.

Apparatus baseboard heaters type
Both types of warm skirting transfer heat to the surrounding air by means of heat exchangers - two of its copper pipes, which due to the small area of their side surface transverse ribs added with a small step placement. The copper pipes, depending on the species of warm plinth has heating elements or hot water is circulated. Outside the heater structure is placed in a metal casing with slits system for natural air circulation.
And a schematic sectional view and an electric device of warm water baseboards

Baseboard Water heater transfers heat from the hot water from a central heating system or auxiliary boiler. Water cooled down after the heat while passing through the warm moldings, returns to the loop of the central or auxiliary heating heating. Thus, the warm water is optional plinth coolant energy consumer.

If the unit is electric, then in the lower copper pipe is a system of heaters, connected in parallel between a heat resistant silicone cable outputted together with the ground conductor through the upper tube.
Depending on the length, the heating elements are made the following capacities:
- 0.7 m - 140 W;
- 1.0 m - 200 W;
- 1.5 m - 300 W;
- 2.5 m - 500 watts.
An advantage of electrical skirting warm water before it is equipment of a thermostat providing economical heating mode manually established.

Produced also baseboard model using electric heaters instead of heaters design high temperature heating cable operating temperature which reaches the surface 240 hail. Celsius.
Rules of installation and operation
Depending on whether, in what will be used as a skirting system warm - base or an additional heating means is mounted on the perimeter of the room or separate areas. Design baseboard heaters - individual modules, including the angle, allow to build and install a warm plinth required length depending on the heating status, power modules, room size and the degree of outer insulation building.
Mounting the electric baseboard heater
Installation of electric baseboards warm start with the application of markings on the wall.
Important! a heating system at least 1 cm above the floor surface, but not more than 20 cm from the level of the floor covering.
Along the perimeter of the room or on the selected separately for installation of warm plinth sections to the wall mounted self-adhesive tape for thermal insulation to reduce heat loss.

On it above the floor surface of 1 cm using a bubble level is applied to a horizontal line - the lower boundary of the heater location. Then it is applied to the plate - a rear wall and skirting warm mark hole drilling location for mounting plates.
In the wall of drilled hole layout and inserted to plastic hollows, after which the plate is fixed with screws, collecting the strip the required length.
Mounted on bracket plates attached - holders for the installation of pipes, whereupon therein using Alu insertion pipe mounted heating elements, gathering the modules into a single circuit.

To work baseboard heating system it is necessary to arrange a separate electrical line to which it is connected. Since electric power is embedded in the baseboard heaters varies from 140 to 500 W, the load connecting line of more than 15 units should not.

In warm skirting heating system also includes thermoregulator - an electronic or electromechanical device maintaining indoor target temperature (encased in warm plinth using a single module or installed separately during the operation of the system of several elements) with a thermal sensor, a temperature monitoring and carrying data to be sent thermostat.

This element is set after the end of the plinth installation, choosing a location accessible to visual survey with the objective value of the air temperature in the room - not for standing furniture.
Last step is to install the heaters facial overlays - applied for a place to put on top of the bracket and fixed by pressure to a slight click. Then, the bracket locations in cover plates drilled holes, and the front cover is attached to the process screw slot. The head of the screw is made of decorative lining.

Important! Wheel warm lining moldings should have the inner side of the shielded cover to reduce heat loss.
Mounting warm water plinth
Installing water baseboard heater has much in common with the installation of electrical apparatus. Partitioning and installing the back panel is made of the same technology - with a self-adhesive insulating tape, after which the plates are attached to brackets fastened to pipes.
Important! For effective working length of one circuit of warm water skirting should not exceed 15 m.
Modules are installed in a single circuit with special threaded joints with rubber gaskets.

If the point of connection to the existing water heating system module must be shortened, the threaded connection design provides for the operation - element is cut to size, and then removed from the tubes 2-3 ribs (blades), and wear on the fittings connecting nut flaring cones and rubber gaskets.

When you connect the warm water to the heating system skirting nuts baits by hand, then keys are tightened, after which the module is installed in the bracket groove and threaded connection is pinched finally.
After mounting the closure is checked for leaks and performance -podayut water system, smoothly opening the valve to avoid water hammer. In places where leak detection is necessary to tighten the nut or replace the gasket.
After the elimination of defects in the assembly set front lining warm plinth.
Important! Unauthorized connection to the baseboard of the water heater central heating system of an apartment building, not designed for additional consumers coolant is prohibited.
Advantages and disadvantages
As with each of the heating system, in baseboard heater has positive and negative characteristics as common to both species and characteristics of each type separately.
General advantages of warm plinth
- Compactness.
- The possibility of self-installation.
- Safety (no shortwave radiation, the temperature of the outer shell safe, environmentally friendly).
- Functionality (heating, drying of walls).
- Aesthetics.
- Durability.
Disadvantages base board heater
Common shortcomings for water and electrical devices are:
- high cost modules (depending on the quality and performance of products, the cost per meter of warm plinth varies from 5 to 7 thousand. rubles, which can not be called democratic price);
- inability to use as the primary heating in large rooms;
- slow to achieve the heating effect of the room.
In addition, the need to align the device to connect water to the central heating system, calling into question the fact of the possibility of its use.
Economical electric base board heater can be called a very arbitrary, since power consumption for such a process space heating medium (20 m.) And a large area increases significantly.
For those who want to buy a home energy-saving heating devices, aggregates base board performance can not be the main focus of attention. But when choosing an alternative method of home heating baseboard heater type, despite the relatively high cost, it can be used as a compromise option - for heating small areas, particularly children's rooms, in the offseason, when the main unit is not involved, and the diurnal temperature swings already significant. During such periods, the system, especially the electric performance is guaranteed to provide a comfort temperature in a room without significant expense.