Heaters on electricity used for heating than a dozen years. Even the first samples of these devices, despite the primitive, and have been popular demand. Demand creates supply, and therefore the development of fundamentally new electric heaters are not stop since the beginning of production and types of units produced continuously improved.

When choosing a heating factor of compactness and ease of accommodation has always attached great importance, so the model heaters with wall mounting are very popular, especially among owners of small and medium area.
The degree of device is equipped with automation and security systems at the same time is also very important. One of the main controls that maintain the room temperature conditions, and cost-effectiveness operating the heater, the thermostat is - regular or install additional heaters such as, for example, flexible heater on the wall.
Let us consider the group of units falling within the definition of "wall electric heater domestic with thermostat "- popular equipment for the heating of apartments and private homes.
Features wall-mounted electric heaters
Of units of other locations wall heaters are different proportions of dimensions. Installation of the heater on the wall, though inferior to the ceiling arrangement, but it has advantages over the floor installation - still leaving the unit available for daily care, does not prevent residents walking in room.
To make the best use of the device placing the maximum, household wall heaters are manufactured in the form of flat panels or boxes of small depth, as flat or oblong without significantly extending from surface walls. On the back side of the heater wall mounting brackets are available for mounting the unit to the ground.
Many models have a rear wall heaters boxes inside a thermally insulated to reduce heat loss by reducing the heating of the surface of the wall. If the internal thermal insulation rear wall of the housing is not, then it is performed locally on a support base - of foil insulation materials, e.g., heat, etc. izodoma
elektrootopiteley Management System
Equipment of wall heaters automation, as well as units of another way location, depending on the class of equipment. In addition to the mandatory electric cable with plug and the power key on / off on the body, electric heaters equipped with various systems that enhance ease of operation and safety of operation of the heating unit. One such device is a temperature controller, a standard or optional.

Thermostat and its purpose
The temperature regulator is intended for automatic heater control - on it before turning on the heater is set a certain number or wrought as scratches value temperature. Thermostats are mechanical, electromechanical or electronic.
mechanical thermostat
Such thermostats are independent devices purchased separately and mounted on the walls in the rooms where heating is performed by infrared heaters.

Regulators are made external and internal performance, so that, if necessary, cause minimal damage to finish the installation. The instrument is operated by turning the knob to the desired value of the room temperature, there is also a stop button device from the network.
Electromechanical temperature controller
Thermostats of this type are set by the manufacturer in the electric heater, and control the temperature because objectively premises may not - the real picture distorts the hot heater surface and warmer than the distance, near the air unit.
Electromechanical thermostats respond to the temperature of the coolant in the radiator (the heater construction with liquid) and / or heating surface of the unit.
Structurally, these devices are available in two types:
- Relay special design - a narrow cylinder with a high coefficient of thermal expansion of the liquid-closing normally closed contact circuit by means of special drive;
- bimetallic strip - a combination of two-element halves of different metals having different coefficients of thermal expansion; when heated to a certain temperature halves increases in size so that the bend in the boarding place and the electrical circuit is opened, and when cooled back to the original size and again short contactors.

In any heater wall liquid filling, e.g., in parokapelnyh, installed simultaneously both thermostat:
- a cylindrical adjustment - controls the temperature of the fluid in the radiator, exposed previously manually by the consumer;
- Bimetallic unregulated - in case of failure of the adjustable thermostat disconnects the unit in order to avoid critical overheating and fire hazards.
Important! Depending on the model, the error of the mechanical thermostat may be from 1 to 3 degrees.
The advantage of electromechanical thermostats the device is simple causing dependability, durability, and low cost replacement if necessary.
The disadvantage It is that in order to maintain the required temperature in the room has to adjust the intensity of the water heater's pilot by selecting the values and then adjust the heating, depending on the time of day, weather, etc. In addition, an electromechanical thermostat with on-off emits clicks, which can be heard at night quite clearly.
electronic Temperature Controller
This type of control device is the most perfect temperature control in the room while heating.
The principle of operation is as follows. The living room area set remote electronic sensor to monitor the air temperature and the controller microprocessor, allowing exhibit a certain temperature in the room, and forming and sending a control signal to heater (On / off). A heater control system includes a contact-key in the thermostat circuit unit power switching control.

Important! The main advantage of electronic control devices with remote temperature sensors is high Accuracy of the room at the set temperature settings and the simplicity operation.
This thermostat is a mechanical action, mounted on a wall of water heating units are not designed for precise temperature control in the room, as it has only 2-3 fixed mode work.
Important! In use all thermostats called temperature controllers, is actually the same - the locking device (valve) driven by a cylinder filled with a controlling agent. Expansion agent upon heating moves the valve rod, regulating the flow of coolant in the radiator.

Kinds of electric heaters, wall mounting
If we consider the wall heaters, designed to accommodate the equipment staff is temperature controlled, such equipment is divided into 3 groups:
- Panel Heaters;
- type baseboard units;
- heaters parokapelnogo device.
panel electroconvector
Wall-mounted electric heater of convector type - it is compact, quiet and efficient tool for heating of apartments, private houses, villas and rooms in public buildings of different purposes.
The basis for the design is PETN (tubular heater), placed in a housing with slits decorative designs for intake of cold and hot air outlet.

The heater is equipped with thermostat and overheat protection device. Produced model, equipped with:
- an electric fan for accelerating convection currents;
- ionizer;
- apparatus for cleaning air from dust.
Wall Heaters made capacity from 0.5 to 3.0 kW. Regardless of the power, the front panel heater is protected inside the heat insulating layer, lowering the surface temperature to a safe value.
- environmental and safety;
- efficiency;
- ease of installation, operation and routine care;
- quiet operation;
- lightweight, compact and aesthetic performance.
- significant power consumption.

Baseboard wall type device
Structure and working principle of wall electric heaters and baseboard identical but of panel heaters described above baseboard heater type different installation location, size ratio and lower power - baseboard heaters installed along the walls in the form of separate units certain length and used as an additional method of heating premises.
In fact, the wall units baseboard type is a kind of panel heaters, so they share the same advantages and disadvantages, with the exception of smaller energy consumption, but it should be remembered that the efficiency of their work and also below.
Examples of popular type of wall electric heaters baseboard

Given the less power baseboard heaters execution, the manufacturer offers Megador including model (MG - Megador Group) possible to unite in the total efficiency of the group which would be enough to ensure the necessary temperature conditions in room. Thus there is the need to install than regular protection device against overheating, optional remote temperature regulator, which is not in today's market difficulties.

Flexible heaters
Such equipment includes heating Membrane wall heaters - modern and effective devices for home heating, consuming electricity and home network through your device, characterized compactness.
Flexible heaters are layered tape produced in several different sizes in width. If we consider a flexible wall heater in the context, it is resistive heating elements plate-type, evenly distributed, enshrined and connected to aluminum conductors foil. On both sides of the foil over the formed thermally laminating a polymer film. When included in the network of resistors heat up and transfer heat to the foil, which provides even infrared radiation from across the heater surface.

The base of the installation of film heater should be pre-prepared - lined foil thermal protection to reduce heat loss for heating the walls. Flexible heater is mounted on the wall with a staple gun - hammering staples at free strips of the film, specifically designed for fastening. Grinding resistive membrane device must be carried out at a temperature of 20-25 degrees - or installed at a low temperature film forming creases when heated.
Flexible wall heater at a sufficient effective area of the planned equipment to the heating foil. At the same time in front of the wall film of the infrared heater should not be located in the window or door openings, reducing the irradiated area of the infra-red rays.
Important! It should be remembered that the flexible heater on the wall eliminates the possibility of future use of film base employed for something else (plant shelves, lighting and TV panels, etc.) - damage resistance heater or a wiring portion lead to failure of the entire device.

Wall infrared film heater structure by virtue of specificity may not be equipped with a temperature controller staff, but the installation of additional the control device is not very difficult - in the heater circuit includes an electronic temperature controller with a remote temperature sensor, installed in the actual zone premises.

Picture-electric heater
This flexible wall heater is a kind of film resistive devices of differing sizes and the presence of the finish and decoration.
Infrared heater pattern has a certain size, it can be placed on any open section of the wall and, if necessary, be moved to another location within reach wiring.

Due to the limited size and the radiation area, wall electroheater-picture may not be used as a main heating means, but is useful for topical application - heating workstation or specific object.
Over other infrared units kartina-electroheater, in addition to compactness, has another weighty advantage - its artistic performance does not harm the interior room supplement another technical device, but on the contrary - with the right choice of a supplement to the general style.
Important! Wall electric heater in the form of pictures, depending on the model, it can be fitted with a mechanical temperature control, protecting the device from overheating. Absence of the control device indicates that the capacity of the device is chosen according to the area of heat transfer, and the possibility of overheating is excluded.
A lot of the advantages of this device is the main cause of its lack - high enough price. For example, the cost of painting-heater may at times exceed the price Electroconvector outdoor performance, due to the difference in class decoration devices.

Parokapelny heating unit
The heater is a heater mounted in a sealed metal container situated in the inclined plane. The water in the tank upon heating evaporates and rises to the top of the container and condenses there, draining back down the heating. Heat transfer air through smooth or ribbed body-exchanger.

modern model parokapelnyh heaters are effective and safe to operate heaters with metallic or bimetallic body, equipped with an electronic control system. For precision adjustment of the temperature in the room must also equip a room outrigger temperature sensors, as established regulators heating body is performed monitoring and nearby layers air.

Advantages of electric heaters parokapelnyh:
- compactness;
- ease of installation and operation;
- environmental and safety;
- efficiency;
- aesthetics of execution units.
- increased consumption of electricity;
- sufficiently high temperature surface of the device - 90-120 degrees;
- the relatively high cost - of 9 thousand. rubles.
When choosing a heater is necessary to proceed from the fact that the equipment of the device control - in most cases of necessity, not whim and a control device suitable grade with a maximum seriously. That the choice was not a mistake, it is best to consult with professionals, which give preference to - Reliability with simple design or high performance with existing problems with the parameters of the electric current in the household networks.
The main essence of the article
- Thermostat - one of many, but the most important device in the heater, providing safety, operating economy and comfort temperature in the housing. Heating units wall mounting - is no exception.
- When selecting a heater in the domestic priority must be units with thermostats robust construction, so you need to know what type of control devices are used in a variety of wall heaters species. Thermostat - temperature variation of the mechanical regulator device for use in water heating radiators.
- Equipment of the heater thermostat staff with minimal functionality - a situation common and reparable. Most domestic heating devices for housing may additionally be equipped with electronic regulators devices that provide greater comfort temperature in a room without causing damage to the security operation.
- Flexible heaters - the most compact devices, the popularity and demand which is constantly growing in the Russian market. In addition to stationary of film heaters, manufacturers offer their variety - devices for heating in the form of pictures, imitating the artistic elements of the decor and the correct choice fits perfectly into the style premises.
- By purchasing a wall heater, it is better to ask for advice from a professional, what kind of unit, with reference to the equipping of a thermostat, preferred.