Due to the numerous advantages on infrared heaters demand increases every year. With their help, you can quickly and efficiently warm up any residential and industrial premises. IR heaters emit considerably more heat than many other heating device. For example, fan heaters. Moreover, this kind of climate equipment not available indoors burns oxygen. According to the manufacturer, the harm of the infrared heater on human health is negligible. But the practice of using studies and not fully confirm this.
What is infrared radiation
Any heating appliance allocates a certain amount of infrared radiation. This applies even conventional steam radiators. However, when using IR radiators, their frequency and the wave length is much greater.
Infrared radiation - a type of electromagnetic fluxes. The most powerful natural source of such radiation is the sun. But in spite of this, to be in the sun, is not dangerous to humans.

Attention: Rays of heat when using infrared heater directed at the desired area of the room evenly and it is heated.
With these devices, you can warm up only certain areas in the room. The emitted waves are of the following varieties:
- Short. Their length is equal to 0.76 - 2.5 microns, and the element temperature of at least 800 degrees.
- Average. 50 m long and a temperature of about 600 degrees.
- Long. Their din 200 microns, and the temperature is 300 degrees.
Failure to comply with instructions infrared heaters are harmful to health, because their radiation is able to penetrate human skin. The depth of the effect on the skin depends on their intensity. Emerging with the IR heater wave is following three categories:
- IR-C - are characterized by negligible effects on the human body. Their length is equal to 3 microns. The influence exerted on the skin surface.
- IR-B - length of 1.5 to 3.0 microns. These waves only penetrate a superficial layer of skin.
- IR-A - wave data differ deepest penetration. Their length is from 0.76 to 1.5 microns. The penetration depth is approximately 4 centimeters.
In operation, the IR heater are formed of different wavelength values. The number of various beams may vary. But studies show that the greater will be the heating temperature, the more it will be shorter wavelengths.
Much depends on the material from which is made the surface of the heat radiating device. The biggest negative impact of different black heated surface. If the body is made of ceramic materials, the strength and frequency of the radiation is much lower.
Damage IR radiation
The question concerning the negative effects of IR radiation on humans, he held many leading scientific and medical workers. Numerous studies have been conducted, which showed that these heaters can in some cases have a negative impact on human health.
Attention: The greatest damage from the radiant heaters associated with skin dryness, which is very fast heated, after which occurs the evaporation of moisture, which the body can not quickly restore.
If a long time is in close proximity to such a heater may cause burns. After a short distance the heating device emits waves that are the most dangerous.

Infrared radiation is always available on any production. People staying in the workplace people are regularly exposed to its impact. If the skin is not protected by clothing, then at exposure changes occur within its structure. In particular, the cell membrane permeability decreases, the melting occurs protein which irreversibly changes form blood cells.
Suffer from the effect of radiation and the eyes. In particular, the retina and lens. Because of this vision may deteriorate. In addition, further possible occurrence of cataracts.
For heating of various objects on the street, often heaters are used, which emit short or long waves. They can be installed in the pavilions, cafe, summer terrace. If such a device is installed in the room, people are regularly being exposed to radiation can get enough of a bad burn. Quite often, there is redness and blisters.
Methods of protection against infrared radiation
In order to realize an infrared heater is harmful or not, you need to become familiar with ways to protect them from radiation. There are several effective methods of how to reduce the negative influence of infrared heaters on the human body. Here much depends on the correct choice of the heater and place of its installation:
- Do not install the IR heater in the children's room or bedroom. If it is for any reason can not be done, it must be sent to the area in which people are not constantly. In any case the radiation from it should not fall on the bed, because then people will be continuously exposed to radiation.
- It is best to install the IR heater in the far corner of the room or under the ceiling. Such an arrangement will allow qualitatively warm room and to protect people from direct radiation exposure.
- You should not buy for home heating infrared heaters with too much power. As practice shows their application, it will be sufficient to heat only he quality ceiling, floor and walls. They, in turn, will transfer heat to the room.
- at choosing the heater should give preference to high-quality models. When buying cheap products, you risk not only because it quickly breaks down and can not fulfill its function, but also your health. After all, when heated in the atmosphere of the room will get the harmful substances. The most safe, tubular, ceramic and carbon infrared heaters.
- Before buying an infrared heater should carefully review its performance. Find out all the details associated with its operation. This information can be obtained from consultants, or found on the Internet. It is useful to read reviews about it.
If you follow these rules, you can not only quickly and efficiently warm up the room, but also to protect themselves from the negative effects of infrared rays on the human body.
Advantages of IR heaters and recommendations for use
But figuring out whether harmful infrared heater for a person should understand that if used properly, it will not only not harm health, but also will be an excellent means of heating. After the infrared heater has many advantages:
- quiet operation;
- fast heating speed;
- long service life;
- uniform heating surface;
- the ability to heat only a desired area and not the entire room.
Attention: Choosing the infrared heater should carefully read the instructions thoroughly and find out what its benefits and harms, which waves are produced during operation of this device.
Much depends on the material from which the heating element is made. Should not acquire the device, in which a halogen lamp is used as a heating element. It emits waves that represent the greatest risk to human health. For domestic use, do not use such devices, as this will adversely affect your health.
As mentioned above, a lot depends on the installation location of the HVAC unit. Much depends on the size of the room and height walls. Especially if you intend to mount it on the ceiling. The area should be at a certain height.
Before installing the infrared heater should be remembered that the waves emitted by them should be distributed evenly throughout the room, and not be directed in only one part of it. On how to correct it will be installed this device depends not only on the quality of heating, but also your health.

Should pay attention to the fact that the published specifications, untrue. Modern IR heater often equipped with protection sensor from tipping over and overheating, have built-in thermostat, by means of which it is possible to establish and maintain the desired temperature in room. There should also be a remote control. All this additional equipment to make the process of its operation more comfortable.
Remember, the safest heaters are long-wave. They must be correctly positioned in the room and be made of quality materials. This is the key to their safe use and quality of premises heating. Furthermore, it should follow the recommendations specified in the instruction.
Infrared heating tools are first class type climate equipment. Are infrared heaters are harmful - not. After all, if you select and install them correctly, they will be safe, convenient and universal. With their help it is possible not only to efficiently heat the room even in extreme cold, but not bad to save.