Among the many types of heaters, the heat transfer by radiation, ultraviolet devices occupy a special position. These devices, named a heaters, perform two functions, with one of them - heating, habitually perceived in heaters as the main, it is not.

To have an idea about these products and applications, consider UV heaters more.
Ultraviolet light spectrum as part of
The simplest example of electromagnetic radiation may be sunlight. The spectrum of solar radiation is complicated in composition, but it can be decomposed into three components - Group 3 electromagnetic waves are in a certain range of lengths:
- Visible light is the eye;
- ultraviolet radiation;
- infrared electromagnetic waves.
Questions to determine visible light It does not occur - it is what makes the human eye sees the objects around in the daytime. If you skip the daylight through a crystal prism, it is clear that white sunlight consists of seven major color components - red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple, the boundaries between them Fuzzy.

Rainbow of seven colors in the sky in a sunny day after rain - not simply the visible solar spectrum light decomposed into components by refraction as it passes through tiny water droplets in the air. The table shows the location of the color components of wavelength ranges, and shows that the minimum length of the waves - from violet radiation.
Ultraviolet radiation by definition it includes More shorter wavelengths, which is in the range of 10-400 nanometers in length, because conventionally it can be positioned below the violet segment. Electromagnetic waves such length is not visible to the human eye, but much of it (with a wavelength of 300-400 nm) penetrate through the protective ozone layer, and their effect on the environment significantly, even though the extent and time-dependent of the year.
Ultraviolet fatal to the pathogens, but it is necessary for photosynthesis plants and production in the human vitamin D, deficiency of which causes the development of severe disease - rickets. Small doses of ultraviolet radiation received by a person on the beach, beneficial to the body, but an overdose of natural factors cause redness or even burn the skin, and the regular duration of its effects provoking cancer development diseases.
These characteristics of ultraviolet radiation cause its use primarily as a disinfectant and attending (in small doses) factor, and heat - only the inevitable concomitant factor the impact of these electromagnetic waves.
The infrared (long wavelength) radiation Scheme conventionally located above the region of the spectrum is red and is also not visible to the human eye. But the result of the impact of this wavelength range occurs much faster than that of ultraviolet light, so this effect - heat. The long-wavelength radiation has no effect on transit environment and acts directly on the objects which reach the surface - molecules object to a certain depth from the surface begin to vibrate, and the object temperature is increased, in turn causing radiation they heat.
Apparatus ultraviolet heaters
It is currently used a variety of devices that emit ultraviolet light, and the close proximity of the heating surface of the objects. trace heating factor has led to simplified the names of these heaters devices, although their primary function is not heating. The design of the majority of ultraviolet heater is a body with or without a reflector him, which placed an ultraviolet emitter - a special lamp.
These devices are most often used in medical institutions, solarium, swimming pool, SPA-salons and other institutions, practicing self-tanning, or in need of regular disinfection of premises and inventory.
Lamp of blue light
Ultraviolet heater, using as emitter a special so-called blue lamp, made of different performance. It can be powerful stationary wall and ceiling unit or portable devices execution tripod with adjustable height and angle of radiation, products wall location or manual use (reflector Minin).
In all these devices, the emitter is an ultraviolet lamp of different capacity, the principle of which is identical to its luminescent species.

Device "blue light bulb" and its variations
The tubular flask made of quartz or glass uviol coated inside with phosphor and filled with mercury vapor, two electrodes are placed. When applying voltage to the mercury vapor discharge electrodes under the influence of light up between them, and a phosphor transmits only ultraviolet rays.
UV radiation promotes the formation of ozone in the air, which in large quantities is harmful to humans.
Important! Lamps with flasks of glass at the uviol generate less ozone in the air, are therefore considered to be safer.
Types and scope of UV devices
UV lamps functionality divided into three groups:
- open - considerable power lamps for disinfection of premises, which previously was removed from humans, animals and plants;
- Gated - powerful lamps arranged in a special insulated chamber through which air is passed for disinfection of rooms with people;
- Special - Low-power UV lamps for physical therapy, including in the home.
For the implementation of UV-heaters are classified into the following types:
- stationary;
- portable tripod execution;
- portable compact.
Stationary ultraviolet heaters
By UV-devices of this type include devices located in separate chambers for disinfection Air flowing through them, as well as wall and ceiling device included periodically in lack of people.

Some models (recyclers) and can be operated in the presence of a person. Decontamination air therein is made by forced circulation through it from the housing located inside the UV lamps.

The power of these devices is selected in accordance with the dimensions of a room or chamber throughput capacity.
By stationary devices include UV water disinfection agent also in pools produced due to work under water in a sealed enclosure. Irradiation with ultraviolet light water is used in addition to her treatment chemicals to achieve better cleaning results.
Water is passed through a long passage of small cross-sectional area, exposed to prolonged UV exposure. This design provides a high degree of disinfection of water and avoids the formation on the walls of the appliance of saline deposits hindering the process of disinfection. Includes mounting brackets are provided on the pool walls.
One such device is the pool volume up to 100 cubic meters.

Transportable UV execution device tripod
UV devices tripod structure used for regular disinfection of premises in the medical and care institutions, as well as physiotherapy units for general and local UV irradiation in the treatment and prevention purposes. Their weight is negligible, and allows you to transfer the equipment at the place of the need to apply.
Furthermore disinfecting this type UV devices are used to achieve a vitamin-, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and pain relief for patients and medical prophylactic establishments.

Portable compact ultraviolet heaters
An example of a compact UV-heater can serve as a blue lamp with reflector placed for ease of use in a dielectric housing with a handle - Reflector of Minin. This device has been used successfully for many years in medicine for local heating at the treatment of inflammation of hearing and breathing. The radiation power of the reflector is small - limited quantity necessary for procedures session duration strictly regulated, so negative effects on the human body, this device does not have, and a combination of exposure to body heat and ultraviolet reduces speed recovery significantly.

Other devices use ultraviolet
Apparatus for sterilization and storage of medical instruments, cosmetic tools can also be performed using an ultraviolet disinfecting properties. In this manufacturing tools material does not matter, the same quality of the disinfected metal, plastic or composite. Low processing time - 15-20 minutes, compactness, efficiency and effectiveness - this is not the whole list of advantages of these devices over conventional termosterilizatorami.

In modern dentistry widely used fillings light-curing, which occurs after the exposure to the material of a narrow beam of UV radiation.
Important! During exposure to UV-ray is necessary eye protection to avoid corneal burns.

Ultraviolet heaters are indispensable in SPA-salons for safe and comfortable use of wet towels, tampons, which are simultaneously heated and disinfected in special heaters that use UV radiation.

In everyday life, UV-heaters are often used in the form of Device for drying shoes inside. Thus there is not only the removal of moisture, but antibacterial treatment inaccessible interior of the shoe with the destruction of bacteria - a source of fungal disease and malodor.

Machines detectors determining the authenticity of banknotes are also used in the UV-rays in the light of modern elements which manifest protection against counterfeit banknotes.

The car - a daily companion of most people, and diagnostics are now also manufactured using ultraviolet radiation. This is done by ultraviolet flashlights detectors, with the help of which it is easy to detect leaks Coolant from the engine cooling system of the automobile or freon piping conditioner.

Such a detector may be set and location of oil leakage if the lubricating liquid to add a special UV-dye, without changing its specification.
Advantages and disadvantages of UV devices
Positive characteristics of heaters and other devices that use UV radiation, numerous, and causes their wide application in medicine, industry, home, forensics and many others sectors.
As for the negative factors, the main - a negative impact on living organisms. However, it should mention that to avoid this effect is simple - just follow the rules of operation of devices using ultra-violet radiation, and to observe safety precautions. Recommendations of use of each individual UV device, but there are also common to all - to avoid prolonged exposure to UV light, regardless of the radiation source, and, most importantly, do not expose eye rays.
Despite the negative factors of exposure to UV radiation, UV heaters role in today's life can not be overestimated, and their use continues to expand at the same time improving the security measures operation. Using household devices intended for domestic use, and in compliance with the manufacturer's instructions, we make it easy on yourself. A commercial purpose equipment must be operated by professionals. Changeling applications inadmissible.