A plot of land around a country house - is not just a piece of property and the freedom of its neighbors in the site in the city apartment, it is an opportunity to express themselves, their dreams, fantasy tools of nature - trees, flowers, water, stones. Create a landscape design of a country house with their hands is not difficult, but to care for plants skills, artistic taste, diligence is still needed.
The main thing - do not take the time to come to the arrangement of the site deliberately, the result sure to please, maybe not immediately, but only after several years. But that's OK, because the process of landscape design fun. Having received an excellent result once, you simply will not be able to stop.
- Home - this is just the beginning
- Design project - the basis for the orderly operation
- functional areas
- The tracks and platforms
- fencing
- watering
- Choosing plants
- Garden furniture and accessories
Home - this is just the beginning
Getting landscaping the site of a country house, inspect it carefully evaluate the pros and cons, especially pay attention to:
- location area Orientation;
- form, shape - the presence of hills, depressions, gullies, ditches;
- growing plants - large trees, shrubs, perennials;
- composition, soil quality (wild grasses are well characterized soil composition);
- location of the house and outbuildings;
- ground water level.

Starting work on the improvement of the site, prepare for the fact that you've never done. Refinement of the site - a continuous process related, primarily, with the plants. Plants grow, require watering, pruning, weeding, transplanting, they are alive, but life can not stop and stand still in the obtained result.

From Orientation depends on the illumination area, protected from the north, north-westerly winds. On the north side of the site is reasonable to plan the protection of large cold-resistant plants, high fence. It can be arranged in this part of the outbuildings. On the south side will comfortably heat-loving fruit plants, vegetable garden beds, flower beds.

Complex terrain is not always necessary to align. This is the case of landscape design, when the cons are easily converted into advantages. Well decorate the slope of land, equipped with a staircase with stone steps, or retaining wall, gabion near the ravine. Natural elevation ideal for an alpine slide and nizinka marshy pond. section defines the shape of the line planting of trees and bushes, arrangement of paths, rest areas.

Powerful old trees - a real treasure of the landscape. Making a major center of the tree, you can create a unique composition. High large-sized plants give ambiance on the surrounding area. If the old trees on the site are not necessary, prevent the overall style, do not rush to remove them until such time as not grow suitable crops. Large plants perfectly retain moisture in the soil during dry periods during the rainy season it is well drained, to protect the heat from the sun, cover up from cold winds in bad weather. Cut down a large tree a short time, and will need to grow for several decades. Removing large old trees, you strip the land for a long time, for 20-30 years until they grow up, new planting, thereby deteriorating the overall climate area.

Successful landscape design suburban area - it's a great climate.

Decorativeness of putting portion is achieved by providing an optimum microclimate for growing plants. If this option is not respected, care of plants will require enormous effort.
Features of the soil is difficult to track at once, sometimes it takes several years to abandon the cultivation of a plant due to unsuitable soil. Laboratory soil analysis will clarify the situation, but the quality of the soil in one area may be different at a distance of several meters. Experience and observation will be here for a magic wand, and if there is no experience, just give up on growing plants that do not grow well in your area with proper care. So you save energy and nerves.
See also:Roses in landscape design: the types and variants of decoration

The big plus is the location of the apartment house in the depths of the site. This layout gives a cozy, protected, hiding from prying eyes, unusually decorates the house. Beautifully designed entrance driveway give the landscape of solidity, reliability. No luck with the layout, the house is right by the road, and the area behind it? The situation can be corrected by taking out from the area a beautiful outdoor terrace, a cozy patio. Outbuildings are better placed on the north side of the site to protect it from the cold and make the most of the sunshine south side.

Groundwater - the "reef", which destroys the already blossoming gardens several years after planting. Well settled down, giving the first fruits, apple trees begin to die for no apparent reason, the cherry is not growing at all, and accumulated water in the basement of the house. the level of groundwater study - the first thing, the most important study that should be spent in choosing the site. If the water table is closer to five feet from the surface of the soil, it requires additional drainage.
After evaluating the pros and cons of the territory, you can proceed to detailed planning.
Design project - the basis for the orderly operation
Perhaps you are a creative person and can create the landscape for inspiration today - a flower bed on the porch, and tomorrow - the arbor behind the house. The most experienced artist did not dare to paint a picture without preliminary sketches. While working on the site without a plan, you are risking to create a chaotic pile of small architectural forms and plant thickets. Then still have to redo everything, organize and organize.

Preliminary draft landscape design saves time, effort and money, allow you to see land in the long term, slightly open up new opportunities. Highlight a couple of evenings and on thinking through the detailed design of the project.
At this stage it is necessary:
- Highlight functional zones;
- Select style direction corresponding to the decoration;
- Strategically located sites, paths;
- Choose the method of fencing;
- Decide on the irrigation system;
- Develop power supply circuit horticultural communications, technical and decorative lighting.

functional areas
This includes destinations - gazebos, terraces, patios, garden cozy corners, teahouses. Purely practical function performs the garden (although you can make decorative). It is necessary to define the place for fruit crops, berries. If planned greenhouses, greenhouses, to identify their location. A small pond - a pond with water plants, swimming pool in the hot weather is very decorate the site. For dry soil on the sunny side, you can schedule the alpine hill. Be sure to mark the lawn.

Lawn, even tiny, will decorate the garden at any time of the year. In late autumn it pleases the eye with fresh herbs to the snow, and in the spring enlivens the garden before blooming leaves on the trees. Summer - provides a perfect backdrop for flowering plants.

To cook the meat in the open air, consider the barbecue area, fireproof, protected from rain and wind. For children, plan equipment play area - sandpit, swings, children's lodge.

Stylistic direction. The choice of style depends on personal preferences and capabilities. Plot near the house should be happy every time, as soon as you approach it, returning from work, travel or just go out to admire the flowers early in the morning. Choose a style of landscape design, which responds to your soul, and the possibility of implementing certainly there.

- Regular style formal gardens requires good taste, permanent care of lawn, plants, significant investment - on paving, decorative vases, sculpture, plants, garden tools;
- Elegant light Mediterranean style involves a combination of stone - marble chips, sea pebbles, wood elements (arches, pergolas, terraces) and climbing plants.

Complementing any style of evergreen conifers, it is possible to achieve expression of the landscape at any time of the year.

- Japanese style is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Clear shapes are achieved by correct selection of plants, well thought-out, balanced layout, an additional decoration stones, wooden accessories.
- landscape design in the style of "wild nature" minimally expensive and easily adapts to the existing terrain. This is the best option if you arrive in a country house just for the weekend, do not have regular opportunities to care for plants.
- Rustic style is simple to implement, it is close in spirit to "wild" natural, but is complemented by original features such as wooden carts or wheels on it, clay pots, wattle willow, ornamental simple unpretentious plant - nasturtium, sunflowers, mallow.
See also:The decor for the garden with his own hands 75 photo

Landscaping the area around the farmhouse in style must be combined with the house and outbuildings.

The tracks and platforms
Walkway connects the house with the functional areas, let you move through the site in wet weather without any problems, form the internal geometry of the territory. Covering tracks depends on the style of garden.

Regular style requires a dense, smooth, uniform paving, Mediterranean - more liberal - are acceptable combinations of various materials - stone, wood, pebbles, mosaic finishes. The rustic, natural, landscape style can track, sprinkled with pine bark, lined with wooden circles or simply lawn path.
Paths and paved sites dot the landscape, make it easier to care for the garden, for his movement. Show imagination in the design of the tracks your hands get really spectacular coverage with minimum investment.

Very important, the most costly element of landscape design of a country house, depends primarily on the purpose - It meant whether the fence to protect against unauthorized access or shared surrounding areas clean symbolically.

After determining the destination must take into account the stylistic orientation of the house and, accordingly, the entire site. Brick and stone fence with wrought elements perfectly complement the country house in the English style with a regular garden. Wicker willow fence perfectly fit and protect the country house in a rustic style with a "wild" landscape and fence made of profiled sheet "kill" the most exquisite patio near the house.

There is no possibility to pick up fencing, stylistically appropriate to the chosen landscape design? Pattern the vertical greening fence, wooden structures (grids, screens), shrubs, trees.

70% of plant care - watering works. Of course, we can restrict ordinary garden watering, but we must be realistic about the amount of time and physical costs with this method.
The modern market of goods for the garden offers a huge amount of watering plants, from simple hoses with nozzles up powerful automated systems that allow you to completely avoid manual labor, control the humidity large area plantations.

When designing a landing near the house, will appreciate the possibilities of irrigation, if you do not advance, then it will be very sad watch as exotic items dorogushchie flowers, shrubs or trees wither under the scorching sun.

Power supply and illumination. Maintenance, decorating territory requires electrical equipment - pumping station, a system for pond pumps, pool, creek. Perhaps the use of electric lawnmowers and, of course, the lighting area. The entire electrical system is mounted in view of operation in wet weather conditions. Well, if the technical connection is separate from the decorative lighting.
Early resolution of technical problems of electricity and water will save you from heavy manual labor when landscaping the site with his own hands, it will free up time for a pleasant stay and a real creativity.

Choosing plants
- This is the most important stage in the landscape design suburban area of any stylistic direction.
Plants must comply with the climate zone in which there is a house. No matter how wrapped up for winter date palm, in the suburbs it is not perezimuet. Most novice gardeners make this mistake, trying to "harden" the Southerners winters middle band. The result is obvious, but the attempts to subject the inhabitants of subtropical winter mutation does not stop. - The corresponding humidity. Marsh, coastal plants can not grow on dry, rocky soil and succulents will "suffer" to rot near the pond. Requirements of plants to a certain humidity is vitally important to them.
- Lighting. Full sun plants will be pulled into the shade and will cease to bloom profusely. Shade-tolerant species of "burn" in the hot sun, do not develop into full force, "skukozhatsya" from the heat. Planting seedlings, flower seedlings, depending on the lighting space will allow each plant to show itself in all its glory.
See also:Swimming pool in a country house: the design of the interior and exterior

Take your time. You planted a sapling, and he "froze", does not grow? Do not touch it, do not break, do not re-pot. Any plant need to "settle" in a new place, to strengthen, to take root properly. Herbaceous plants need a few days, deciduous tree seedlings - year, and coniferous - 2-3 years.

Base floral landscaping large portion laid tall trees. Bushes filled "matrix" of the big trees, flowers, decorate, decorate it. Land without krupnomerov looks flat, unfinished. If the trees have not yet grown up, there's an easy way to give an additional amount of the garden Vertical gardening - near-wall, on the arches and pergolas, with the help of climbing plants (girlish grapes, hops, different types of Clematis).

For the best microclimate in the area, in order to defeat a smaller plant pests, disease, should avoid planting monocultures and mixed practice landing. Tall, hardy species preferably planted on the north, north-west side of the site, and the gentle sun-heat - with the eastern and southern sides.

To reduce the amount of work on planting, transplanting plants in the flower beds and ridges is better to plant hardy perennials, the intervals between them is filled with colorful annual flowers. The principle of the landing on the flower-bed - a tall plant in the remote part lower in the center, very small fillets on the edge of the flower bed.

Color combinations of timing of flowering, colors are infinitely varied. A couple of years of experimentation on landscape design their own hands to help you find your favorite options. Do not be afraid to experiment, the main thing - do it with a love of plants, and they will thank necessary.

When landscaping cottage area there is one golden rule. Do not grasp the direction of all the work at once, do not try to cover the entire area at one time in one season, if you can not hire a team of gardeners. Even if the area is small, the amount of work to be huge. Work progressively, sequentially in accordance with the design.

Apply for a small first klumbochku near the entrance, keep it in perfect condition. It turns out? Then continue further lays alpine hill with his own hands, bring it to perfection. Stick to the master plan, step by step, develop the entire site.

Garden furniture and accessories
Wicker armchairs on a paved comfortable site in the shade of trees, wooden bench between the rose bushes, convenient lounger near a pond with an alpine slide, complement the overall landscape design area, will delight them more comfortable.

Figures of small animals - hedgehogs, mice, snails - fairy-tale characters - dwarfs, fairies, - give the garden veil of mystery, romance, inner fullness. It is important that they are naturally, unobtrusively fits into the overall atmosphere, and even better, so that each figure had a personal history of visiting your garden.
Stories attract attention. It fills the garden with the special spirit of life, hidden from prying eyes. Turn the landscape design of a large country house with their hands in a continuous creative process... is that possible? Yes. Just do not take the time ...